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PM Yingluck Forced To Speak To Virtually Empty Seminar Room


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The terms Koolaid Drinking barking moonbat seem to apply.

Koolaid Drinker:

People who believe anything they are told. people who refuse to change there minds when confronted with facts.

a koolaid drinker is the liberal democrat who is liberal because they are told they should be. they have made no attempt to decide why the are liberal.

often a koolaid "drinker" simply wants to hate anything a republican does good or bad.

koolaid people are the vocal howard dean wing of the democrat party.

koolaid drinkers are the ones that went first when jim jones said drink.

barking moonbat:

An unthinking or insane leftist -- in other words, most modern leftists.

Moonbat can also be used as an adjective, e.g. a moonbat professor. According to the Wikipedia entry for moonbat, the word was coined in 2002 by the Editor of Samizdata, Perry de Havilland, and was a variation on the name of radical British activist and columnist George Monbiot.

Originally, the term "moonbat" was intended to be more politically neutral, and described wackos on the left and the right, but it quickly acquired its current usage of being applied almost exclusively to those on the left.

The term also references the moon much in the same way that "lunatic" refers to the insanity-causing powers of the full moon (luna = moon). Bloggers occasionally analyze the behavior patterns of various moonbat "species" as if they were actual animals, and even give them satirical Linnaean taxonomical names, such as "moonbattus berkeleyensis".

The entry in the Samizdata glossary indicates that Perry originally coined the full phrase "barking moonbat"; apparently "moonbat" is just a subsequent shortened version of "barking moonbat," rather than being a pre-existing term that was lengthened to barking moonbat.

So, basically right wing is right, right? No other thought patterns acceptable?

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So now the apologists claim that the event was under-attended due to no-one being informed of it in advance. Ri-ight...

I do not personally know tombkk, but he looks to be less an apologist and more an informed person on this particular subject living in bkk.

But his response makes more sense than the TAN information - a source known for simply making up their "facts".

You are tiresome.

Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

Here's a starter:


Want me to find more (there are plenty, as you surely know)?

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So now the apologists claim that the event was under-attended due to no-one being informed of it in advance. Ri-ight...

I do not personally know tombkk, but he looks to be less an apologist and more an informed person on this particular subject living in bkk.

But his response makes more sense than the TAN information - a source known for simply making up their "facts".

You are tiresome.

Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

Here's a starter:


Want me to find more (there are plenty, as you surely know)?

For those who want the UNESCAP - TAN story check in this topic:


or see one of my posts there


Those interested in the current topic "PM Yingluck forced ..." should stay here for more fun

Edited by rubl
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So tell me, why should I waste more time on "constructive criticism" of this article?

Well for what it is worth, i found that response much more interesting to read than your usual one-line "more propaganda crap" response, so hopefully not a total waste of your time.

I appreciate that. Seriously, not meaning to offend, but it seems like you could have already figured out these things since you know as much or more than I do about Sondi and his media outlets.

Take care - Tom

I think you misunderstand. You didn't figure anything out for me. It was just good to hear you supply a bit of reasoning to your argument for once, even if i didn't agree with it.

The truth is, regarding this story, it is something and nothing. So the PM was to give a speech, and few attended. Probably as much to do with bad organising as anything, but, at the end of the day, it does look very bad and if the same thing were to happen in my country, the political satirists would absolutely have a field day - not only with the one man and his dog audience, but with things like the video clip of Yingluck at the debate in which she gave just about one of the most jumbled nonsensical speeches you are ever likely to hear from a politician, and nobody would be crying "that's not fair" or "that's just propoganda", people would have a chuckle and call it a normal bit of media piss taking out of people who tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.

For someone who claims to not support Yingluck or Thaksin or the red movement, don't you ever wonder to yourself why your reflex reaction to any negative story concerning them, is to whinge about the PAD? I do.

So, Rixalex, do *you* think that TANN is a quality news source?

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So now the apologists claim that the event was under-attended due to no-one being informed of it in advance. Ri-ight...

I do not personally know tombkk, but he looks to be less an apologist and more an informed person on this particular subject living in bkk.

But his response makes more sense than the TAN information - a source known for simply making up their "facts".

You are tiresome.

Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

Here's a starter:


Want me to find more (there are plenty, as you surely know)?

Thank you.

One of the techniques used by TANN is to never provide a direct quotation. This is not a problem of translation as other news sources translate direct quotes from Thai to English. In the example you provide, translation is not an issue at all.

IMO, TANN has an overall poor level of quality in reporting. But since TANN will often use this technique of paraphrasing people rather than quoting them in order to change the intent of the speaker (ie: lie), it makes it difficult to believe any articles they publish. There is always the question, "what was really said" after reading one of their reports.

In comparison, The Nation is often extremely biased, but often this is limited to their editorials where they have that liberty. It is easy to spot, but that said, they misrepresent the facts only on occasion.

Given the state of the media today, it is essential to have multiple sources from different parts of the political spectrum. Unfortunately, Sondi's group is so far out there, that they make the extremists from the opposing side look like respectable, upstanding news sources.

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So, Rixalex, do *you* think that TANN is a quality news source?

I think Tom, a better policy than going through a list of media sources ticking boxes, deciding which are good, which are bad, which are quality, which are rubbish, is to read each article paying no mind to where it has come from, and decide on its merits based on its content.

For me, regarding this article, it is to a degree a storm in a teacup, it is poorly written, and it does draw on some suspect sources, but that said, i don't think they have lied about the PM giving a speech to a poorly attended event and that in itself would be cause for embarrassment, and yes, the PM being embarrassed is a story that has a right to be told and one that people will naturally be interested to hear - well all but those who blindly support her.

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What would be the point in listening to her try to read content that she did not write nor understands? She wouldn't be able to properly answer any questions either. It would be a waste of time.

If I were invited, the main reason for attending would probably be the free food and if I had nothing better to do. Otherwise I'd simply request a copy of the informational content via email.

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What would be the point in listening to her try to read content that she did not write nor understands? She wouldn't be able to properly answer any questions either. It would be a waste of time.

If I were invited, the main reason for attending would probably be the free food and if I had nothing better to do. Otherwise I'd simply request a copy of the informational content via email.

Well there is always the photo op face time with a historical footnote.

Runs about par with the rubber chicken dinner.

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For those who want the UNESCAP - TAN story check in this topic:


or see one of my posts there


Those interested in the current topic "PM Yingluck forced ..." should stay here for more fun

Thanks for the link to the relevant thread, uncle.. You obviously missed the fact that I was responding (politely) to an impolite request for information on this thread.

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So tell me, why should I waste more time on "constructive criticism" of this article?

Well for what it is worth, i found that response much more interesting to read than your usual one-line "more propaganda crap" response, so hopefully not a total waste of your time.

I appreciate that. Seriously, not meaning to offend, but it seems like you could have already figured out these things since you know as much or more than I do about Sondi and his media outlets.

Take care - Tom

I think you misunderstand. You didn't figure anything out for me. It was just good to hear you supply a bit of reasoning to your argument for once, even if i didn't agree with it.

The truth is, regarding this story, it is something and nothing. So the PM was to give a speech, and few attended. Probably as much to do with bad organising as anything, but, at the end of the day, it does look very bad and if the same thing were to happen in my country, the political satirists would absolutely have a field day - not only with the one man and his dog audience, but with things like the video clip of Yingluck at the debate in which she gave just about one of the most jumbled nonsensical speeches you are ever likely to hear from a politician, and nobody would be crying "that's not fair" or "that's just propoganda", people would have a chuckle and call it a normal bit of media piss taking out of people who tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.

For someone who claims to not support Yingluck or Thaksin or the red movement, don't you ever wonder to yourself why your reflex reaction to any negative story concerning them, is to whinge about the PAD? I do.

That's mostly a fair post, apart from the opening insinuation that tlansford isn't often a reasoning poster being way off the mark, and the pot calling the kettle black last paragraph..

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So, Rixalex, do *you* think that TANN is a quality news source?

I think Tom, a better policy than going through a list of media sources ticking boxes, deciding which are good, which are bad, which are quality, which are rubbish, is to read each article paying no mind to where it has come from, and decide on its merits based on its content.

For me, regarding this article, it is to a degree a storm in a teacup, it is poorly written, and it does draw on some suspect sources, but that said, i don't think they have lied about the PM giving a speech to a poorly attended event and that in itself would be cause for embarrassment, and yes, the PM being embarrassed is a story that has a right to be told and one that people will naturally be interested to hear - well all but those who blindly support her.

This is another good post. Any major politician in the west ending up in this situation for whatever reason would have been ridiculed in the media. Whilst TAN always plays about with the truth and it's sources, there's no disputing that it got the mood right on this one.

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I think you misunderstand. You didn't figure anything out for me. It was just good to hear you supply a bit of reasoning to your argument for once, even if i didn't agree with it.

The truth is, regarding this story, it is something and nothing. So the PM was to give a speech, and few attended. Probably as much to do with bad organising as anything, but, at the end of the day, it does look very bad and if the same thing were to happen in my country, the political satirists would absolutely have a field day - not only with the one man and his dog audience, but with things like the video clip of Yingluck at the debate in which she gave just about one of the most jumbled nonsensical speeches you are ever likely to hear from a politician, and nobody would be crying "that's not fair" or "that's just propoganda", people would have a chuckle and call it a normal bit of media piss taking out of people who tend to take themselves a bit too seriously.

For someone who claims to not support Yingluck or Thaksin or the red movement, don't you ever wonder to yourself why your reflex reaction to any negative story concerning them, is to whinge about the PAD? I do.

That's mostly a fair post, apart from the opening insinuation that tlansford isn't often a reasoning poster being way off the mark, and the pot calling the kettle black last paragraph..

Tom has my respect (for what that might be worth) for arguing/discussing in a civil respectful manner, and for showing the ability to take on board new information and adjust his opinion accordingly, but with regards to providing reasoning, all too often, in response to any story that emanates from a certain source, he simply posts a one liner along the lines of "more trash from ....". For me, this doesn't demonstrate great reasoning.

As for pot calling kettle black, i think my posts on this thread alone show that i'm not interested in simply attacking Yingluck for the sake of it. I do think this story is a fuss about not an awful lot. Unlike Tom though, i have no objection to it being told, because the main thrust of it is indeed pretty accurate. Yingluck did give a speech to an almost empty hall. This is an embarrassing situation for a PM to be in.

Furthermore, i am not claiming to not be anti-Shinawatra. I am. If i claimed that i wasn't anti-Shinawatra, but then came on here every day to have a pop at them, you would have every right to question how honest i was being about my position.

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So, Rixalex, do *you* think that TANN is a quality news source?

I think Tom, a better policy than going through a list of media sources ticking boxes, deciding which are good, which are bad, which are quality, which are rubbish, is to read each article paying no mind to where it has come from, and decide on its merits based on its content.

For me, regarding this article, it is to a degree a storm in a teacup, it is poorly written, and it does draw on some suspect sources, but that said, i don't think they have lied about the PM giving a speech to a poorly attended event and that in itself would be cause for embarrassment, and yes, the PM being embarrassed is a story that has a right to be told and one that people will naturally be interested to hear - well all but those who blindly support her.

This is another good post. Any major politician in the west ending up in this situation for whatever reason would have been ridiculed in the media. Whilst TAN always plays about with the truth and it's sources, there's no disputing that it got the mood right on this one.


(and yes, the moons must be weirdly aligned for me to follow one of your posts with that smile.png )

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Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

you must be joking, ... or trolling.

So you cannot. Ok.

I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

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I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

Read all, trust no-one.

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I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

Read all, trust no-one.

So cute...........

Guess you are not up to a statement or opinion.

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I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

Read all, trust no-one.

So cute...........

Guess you are not up to a statement or opinion.

That clearly was one.

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I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

Read all, trust no-one.

So cute...........

Guess you are not up to a statement or opinion.

That clearly was one.

Even more cute.................

have you got the ability or courage to answer the question???

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philw: in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

TAWP: Read all, trust no-one.

philw: So cute........... Guess you are not up to a statement or opinion.

TAWP: That clearly was one.

philw: Even more cute.................have you got the ability or courage to answer the question???

English is a difficult language, I continue struggling with it. In this case I thought the answer to the question to have been 'read all, trust no-one'.

If only all would start to appreciate the Dutch language, double Dutch should be no problem for some

(NOTE: quotes removed as the system complained about quotes/end-quotes).

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The reporters voted with their feet, maybe there was some factual reporting to be done elsewhere ... maybe?

Reporters don't give a hoot about factual reporting. They care about "making news" which involves figuring out which story will bring in the most viewers. An entirely different thing. I guess excitement about Yingluck is at an all time low. Has nothing to do with her either - if there were a flood or bombs, maybe a terrorist threat - the place would be filled to the brim.

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I would be interested to hear your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???

Read all, trust no-one.

you answered a different question which could have been : "what do you do when you read the news... "

The question posed is :

"your views about TAN, Manager and Sondhi's other outlets, your opinion of their content and inspiration, your opinion of their journalistic credibility, your opinion about the veracity of what they write, in short, what is you stated opinion about these publications ???"

Really, what do you think about TAN/Manager/ASTV as news sources?

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Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

you must be joking, ... or trolling.

So you cannot. Ok.

I did. In post #213. But you chose to try a bit of personal points scoring over tlansford instead of addressing the truth about TANNetwork's lying which is shown in the press release from the relevant UN Department that I linked. Time for a semantics debate about the meaning of the word 'the' in the third paragraph of said UN press release, I fear.

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Please substantiate your allegations that TAN is a PAD mouth-piece and is known for making up their facts - or go away.

you must be joking, ... or trolling.

So you cannot. Ok.

I did. In post #213. But you chose to try a bit of personal points scoring over tlansford instead of addressing the truth about TANNetwork's lying which is shown in the press release from the relevant UN Department that I linked. Time for a semantics debate about the meaning of the word 'the' in the third paragraph of said UN press release, I fear.

I'm sorry, I was not aware that you and tlansford was married.

I specifically asked him to substantiate his claim that TAN was a PAD mouth-piece and was known for making up facts.

You posting about one mis-quote (since the words seemingly was said, but by another person) proves neither.

Otherwise you have also proven that VoiceTV is a PAD mouth-piece, if those are the credentials...

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- sniper -

you must be joking, ... or trolling.

So you cannot. Ok.

I did. In post #213. But you chose to try a bit of personal points scoring over tlansford instead of addressing the truth about TANNetwork's lying which is shown in the press release from the relevant UN Department that I linked. Time for a semantics debate about the meaning of the word 'the' in the third paragraph of said UN press release, I fear.

I'm sorry, I was not aware that you and tlansford was married.

I specifically asked him to substantiate his claim that TAN was a PAD mouth-piece and was known for making up facts.

You posting about one mis-quote (since the words seemingly was said, but by another person) proves neither.

Otherwise you have also proven that VoiceTV is a PAD mouth-piece, if those are the credentials...

"I specifically asked him to substantiate his claim that TAN was a PAD mouth-piece and was known for making up facts."

And I responded that you were trolling, which you were.

Siam Simon was kind enough to feed you.

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"I specifically asked him to substantiate his claim that TAN was a PAD mouth-piece and was known for making up facts."

And I responded that you were trolling, which you were.

Siam Simon was kind enough to feed you.

I was not aware that asking for proof of an open allegation was deemed trolling.

You might want to talk to the mods and clarify that.

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I'm sorry, I was not aware that you and tlansford was married.

I specifically asked him to substantiate his claim that TAN was a PAD mouth-piece and was known for making up facts.

You posting about one mis-quote (since the words seemingly was said, but by another person) proves neither.

Otherwise you have also proven that VoiceTV is a PAD mouth-piece, if those are the credentials...

I'll give you credit for one thing, TAWP: You're a trier. Not a very good one, mind, but you certainly are a trier.

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