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el jefe

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Every time WETV dropped an English language station (CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Universal) there were plenty of complaints here. They've just revised their programing again, as they seem to do every month. They've added BBC and another English language movie channel. We also get to keep all the other English language channels like the Asia Food Channel, Aljazeera, and Fox.

How come there are only complaints when channels are dropped and no props when they're added?

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I'm very happy to have BBC. I still miss the crime and justice channel, whatever it was called.

Does anyone know the new line-up of channels and where they moved them around to? I see nothing on their website about the new channel line-up. Went to their office to pay my bill the other day and asked them but NOBODY there knew!

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How do you get to their website ?, for weeks it has been unattainable ,all I

get is Could not locate remote server.

I have only had their service for a couple of months, some days the picture

is very good,other days very bad,How can that happen on cable where

signal should be stable?

Yes they seem to have removed at least one movie channel,and does anyone

know if its possible to organize the channels so I can put all the good ones together

and not have to wade through the crap every time ?

Thank you, regards Worgeordie

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WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

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Yes but they had 3 movie channels, Channel 18, 19 and another unspecified movie channel so I am not sure if they kept 1 of the 3 or dropped them and added a new one. Results, we are down 2 movie channels. Having BBC is a nice improvement.

Removing the movie channels ruined my day. However, as a feable attempt at compensation they have added two girly channels.

Would prefer to have the movie channels back though.

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Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

Because I for one like to catch the news and know what's happening in the world.

They don't have news channels with other providers?

If that's all you require then watch it on-line!

Edited by pgthompson
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WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

Maybe you need a new TV? We don't get bad picture or sound where we live, maybe you have a cable problem in your area? I'm very happy with the service for the price and thrilled to see the BBC is back. Movie channels won't be missed that much because most of what was on them has been seen multiple times ! Mrs likes all the Thai crap as well so it keeps her quiet.

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Yes they seem to have removed at least one movie channel,and does anyone

know if its possible to organize the channels so I can put all the good ones together

and not have to wade through the crap every time ?

Thank you, regards Worgeordie

Can do it through the menu settings of my TV.

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WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

Maybe you need a new TV? We don't get bad picture or sound where we live, maybe you have a cable problem in your area? I'm very happy with the service for the price and thrilled to see the BBC is back. Movie channels won't be missed that much because most of what was on them has been seen multiple times ! Mrs likes all the Thai crap as well so it keeps her quiet.

WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

Maybe you need a new TV? We don't get bad picture or sound where we live, maybe you have a cable problem in your area? I'm very happy with the service for the price and thrilled to see the BBC is back. Movie channels won't be missed that much because most of what was on them has been seen multiple times ! Mrs likes all the Thai crap as well so it keeps her quiet.

Yes, my missus likes the Thai ones so it keeps her quiet as well!!

I don't think it's a TV or cable problem as some films are shown without audio but change the channel and the audio is there, also what annoys me is while watching a film I have to increase the sound but then when the film is finished and they show the trailer for film channels the volume wakes my neighbour!

Had to laugh the other day, watching a film it showed full nudity then the next scene there's a guy pointing a gun at another person's head, the gun was pixelated, then the next scene there a full blown gun battle with machine guns and the only thing that was pixelated was a guy smoking a cigarette!

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WETV is an appalling service, yes they've changed the channels without any notification, the web site today is still showing January's schedule and no information of the changes.

The picture and audio can be bloody awful, many times films are shown without any audio at all, or films are cut short.

Why does anyone subscribe to such a service, I'm cancelling mine.

PG, I'm sure they will miss you.

My picture and audio quality is consistently fine.

I'm very happy to have English language news channels from 6 or 7 countries.

I also like the Food Channel. Occasionally I watch 20 year old episodes of Law and Order and other crime shows.

WETV used to have 3 channels with a bunch of old movies. Now they have one.

If I want to watch movies, I buy what I want to watch.

For 350 baht a month, WETV is still a bargain.

PG, now that you have canceled, what service are you going to buy?

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Nice to have BBC, but I do miss the English language movie channels. More options in Thai, which is good. You get what you pay for, and for an extra thousand baht or two, one can have quite a bit more. I'm afraid I'd spend even more time watching television if I invested in it, however, so mai bpen rai. Someone told me recently there are vendors who will set you up with a satellite dish and receiver for a one-time charge. That opens up a lot of possibilities, I suppose, but I don't know if it's actual, or just a rumor.

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Nice to have BBC, but I do miss the English language movie channels. More options in Thai, which is good. You get what you pay for, and for an extra thousand baht or two, one can have quite a bit more. I'm afraid I'd spend even more time watching television if I invested in it, however, so mai bpen rai. Someone told me recently there are vendors who will set you up with a satellite dish and receiver for a one-time charge. That opens up a lot of possibilities, I suppose, but I don't know if it's actual, or just a rumor.

The one time charge satellite job is fine but every channel is Thai. Wifeys cousin has it up the road and if you are happy with all Thai it's a real bargain. Shame we can't get the same deal all in English !

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I'm very happy to have BBC. I still miss the crime and justice channel, whatever it was called.

Does anyone know the new line-up of channels and where they moved them around to? I see nothing on their website about the new channel line-up. Went to their office to pay my bill the other day and asked them but NOBODY there knew!

Just had a bill today and the new schedule is with it so you should all be getting one with your next bill.

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Someone told me recently there are vendors who will set you up with a satellite dish and receiver for a one-time charge. That opens up a lot of possibilities, I suppose, but I don't know if it's actual, or just a rumor.

The g/f's mother has a set-up for her tenants that she paid a one time charge of 1400 or 1700 I forget now, but under 2000 for a good sized satellite dish and receiver. I forget the name of the company, 3 letters that much I recall. But I have browsed through all 100 channels and I wouldn't want it for free. There are probably 25 Thai news channels that I have never heard of in Bangkok, dozens of adverts, dozens of soap channels, 3 or 4 Indian channels and maybe 15 Thai music video channels. Only one channel in English; RT news (broadcast from Moscow), no French, German, etc. channels.

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I'm very happy to have BBC. I still miss the crime and justice channel, whatever it was called.

Does anyone know the new line-up of channels and where they moved them around to? I see nothing on their website about the new channel line-up. Went to their office to pay my bill the other day and asked them but NOBODY there knew!

Just had a bill today and the new schedule is with it so you should all be getting one with your next bill.


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Each to their own, but for me the Premier League football coverage on True is brilliant and for 50 Baht a day (the price of a Chang), I think the True Gold Package is excellent value and now they've added BBC Entertainment again, which is good. I've seen We TV and personally, I'd never consider it, even if it were Free TV.

However, all you guys that like to keep your missus quiet might suffer grief with True, because you'd probably want to be watching it (in English). I suppose that's why a lot of guys say they don't see the value in True (when they really do)........because dear wifey will get upset if she can't be on the sofa glued to all the Thai channels all day. biggrin.png

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I, too, like having BBC back, although it has little to offer over al jazeera. the loss of the movie channels is disturbing. is there a reasonable alternative to WETV? I dont mind paying even a lot more of I can get something, anything, to watch.

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I, too, like having BBC back, although it has little to offer over al jazeera.

You are joking, right? I know it's only World - not a patch on domestic - but AJ is barely one-up from Focks.

You do get what you pay for but the service is noticeably backward from a few years ago, when one cancelled UBC in its favour. It then had all the sports (not just football) and better, newer, non-censored movies than UBC. However, today, if it weren't for the cartoons for the nipper, it'd be toast. But, yes, thanks for the heads-up, I'll go and dig out now that they've scrambled all channels again.

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Haven't had much chance to watch the telly lately but switched on WeTV last night and it seems 17,18,19 movies have gone. There's now a movie channel somewhere down near 7 0r 8 approx. I think that's it for movies. Universal (the law & order thingy) is on 25 and the syfy one on 26. Choice of watching seems to get more desperate but at least it still has the Aussie soap operas!

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Yeah, my take is that we're down two movie channels. Used to have 17,18, and 19, plus Universal and SYFY. That seemed like a perfect setup for me anyway. Now channel 9 only, plus Universal and SYFY. Probably gonna have to pay to upgrade when I can figure it out.

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People on this forum are always talking about cheap charlies and tossing away loose change, but they won't pay a measly 50 Baht a day for True Visions Gold Package, which has more than enough to satisfy everyone.

I have both, because True doesn't have Aussie soap operas - which make good 1-2am viewing (That;s about the only time I can get to watch the TV!)

Believe me, True is not satisfying without the Aussie soaps.

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Yep, I'm with Uptheos. I had to go to True because I am just out of the cable area (actually ends at the end of our road apparantly) - so went with True. A few years back I had had the Platinum (just Basic, Gold and Platinum then I think), but decided it was way overpriced for the mostly Thai and Chinese stuff on it at the time (they also lost BBC back then - but has since come back).

So called my local rep and signed up with a deal - Knowledge Package with post pay True mobile phone (518 Baht/mo) and got Silver free for 4 months and Disney channels free for 2 months. Kept the Silver + Knowledge Packages - kids love Nickalodian (spelling?) and Fox- get English movie channels too - TAN is the only English language news channel, but I use the internet for that anyway. Probably upgrade to Gold at some point for the extra sports channels (for customers mostly). Silver seems the best package price wise as there is not much difference between it and Gold - and the jump to Platinum is just nuts IMO.

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