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Thai Girls 'Forced Into Sex Slavery' In Australia


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I'm sorry but I have never been in a situation like this so I will have to surmise.. A man goes to a brothel, pays his money and enters a locked room. In the room he finds a girl who is either distressed or drugged, either way I'm sure she would not be willing, but as he has paid his money he goes ahead anyway. During his moments of lust and hers of loathing would the little word of 'no' ever be heard?


Soi Cowboy and the like are very different.

That fictional scenario you thought up is exactly what many people who've never been there think goes on in Soi Cowboy. Half of those in Soi Cowboy would eagerly go Australia to work as prostitute if given the opportunity, but can't because of immigration. Why trick a student when you can get any number of eager volunteers in any gogo bar? Perhaps they got screwed out of their profits by this guy and narced on him to cops, but I think it's unlikely they were tricked or that any customers were involved in a scenario like you describe

Edited by DP25
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This is from Wikipedia, so while not necessarily authoritative, it might help inform some of the discussion.

New South Wales has the most liberal legislation on prostitution in Australia, with almost complete decriminalisation, and has has acted as a model for other jurisdictions such as New Zealand.

Brothels are legal in New South Wales, under the Summary Offences Act 1988. [nsw 1] The only activities that are illegal are:

  • living on the earnings of a prostitute, although persons who own or manage a brothel are exempt
  • causing or inducing prostitution (procuring: Crimes Act s.91A,B)[nsw 2]
  • using premises, or allowing premises to be used, for prostitution that are held out as being available for massage, sauna baths, steam baths, facilities for exercise or photographic studios
  • advertising that a premises is used for prostitution, or advertising for prostitutes
  • soliciting for prostitution near or within view of a dwelling, school, church or hospital
  • advertising that anal penetration will take place
  • engaging in child prostitution (Crimes Act s.91C-F)

According to a 2009 report in the Daily Telegraph illegal brothels in Sydney outnumbered licensed operations by four to one.

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I'm sorry but I have never been in a situation like this so I will have to surmise.. A man goes to a brothel, pays his money and enters a locked room. In the room he finds a girl who is either distressed or drugged, either way I'm sure she would not be willing, but as he has paid his money he goes ahead anyway. During his moments of lust and hers of loathing would the little word of 'no' ever be heard?


Soi Cowboy and the like are very different.

That fictional scenario you thought up is exactly what many people who've never been there think goes on in Soi Cowboy. Half of those in Soi Cowboy would eagerly go Australia to work as prostitute if given the opportunity, but can't because of immigration. Why trick a student when you can get any number of eager volunteers in any gogo bar? Perhaps they got screwed out of their profits by this guy and narced on him to cops, but I think it's unlikely they were tricked or that any customers were involved in a scenario like you describe

I have been to Cowboy.. I have never been to a brothel like the one described in the OP...

Perhaps your fictional scenario is right and mine is wrong..

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They use a very loose definition of slavery with these cases. The coercive influence of having your passport taken must be very small. If one of those girls simply walked into a police station and outlined the matter they would find themselves very quickly 'liberated from slavery'. There weren't in Cambodia they were in first world Australia.

I'd like someone to explain why having a paper document in the hands of another requires you to consent to intercourse with some stranger. Just say no. Assault and threats of assault are further crimes, as is detainment against their will. Holding of another's property against their will is theft.

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I have been to Cowboy.. I have never been to a brothel like the one described in the OP...

Perhaps your fictional scenario is right and mine is wrong..

There are certainly cases of girls being detained and forced....I would certainly assume instances of force on behalf of customers in such illegal instances do happen from time to time...but it is not the norm. I would also expect the girls that are in this situation are simply to scared to say no.

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They use a very loose definition of slavery with these cases. The coercive influence of having your passport taken must be very small. If one of those girls simply walked into a police station and outlined the matter they would find themselves very quickly 'liberated from slavery'. There weren't in Cambodia they were in first world Australia.

I'd like someone to explain why having a paper document in the hands of another requires you to consent to intercourse with some stranger. Just say no. Assault and threats of assault are further crimes, as is detainment against their will. Holding of another's property against their will is theft.

When this extreme form of trafficking and detainment happens...much is also psychological and girls are threatened with harm to family etc back home. Usually the traffickers involved in such extreme cases, they do get as many way as possible to keep the girl scared and obliging as much as possible. It is not as simple as being able to run off to the police and tell. This usually does happen after some time though, once they realise that the threats may not be as real as they believe and once they have suffered enough abuse and had enough of it all to build up courage to escape...even if it just talking to a kinder customer and he helps, which does happen many times.

However, this extreme trafficking is not as common as lead to believe. Many girls travel here under arrangement to work and go to school willingly. Some of their situations change and become bad, many do not and they continue to operate as arranged. Many also realise the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if they tell a few white lies and get the governments help....it is a twisted world.

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Alternatively, Chinese-Cambodian arrested in Australia for forcing Thai girls into sex slavery

That was stated in the original story was there another story or link I missed

Exactly. For some, the headline is often ALL the story, and creates a lasting erroneous impression. It depends hugely on how it is written. "Thai girls 'forced into sex slavery' in Australia" reads like a blanket condemnation of Australian Society, rather than a report of a specific case in which the Australian authorities acted correctly againt some sleazebag. As is often the case with newspapers, the headline is attention-grabbing, but does not reflect the content of the following story. I am delighted the Australians arrested this dog.

I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

Australia has been a substantial source of sex tourists to Thailand for years and years. This jerk is just providing a kind of 'room service' .. saving the users a trip to Thailand.

What sounds .. almost good .. is the 20 years he could possibly get, .. hopefully get. Frankly I'd string the f***** up and let him rot.

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However, this extreme trafficking is not as common as lead to believe. Many girls travel here under arrangement to work and go to school willingly. Some of their situations change and become bad, many do not and they continue to operate as arranged. Many also realise the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if they tell a few white lies and get the governments help....it is a twisted world.

That's what's never elaborated on, that the girls are part 'willing slaves' (contradiction) because they desire to live in Australia and/or milk the opportunity to make money. A lot of them would be thinking that by grassing the pimps they'd be sent back home to Thailand or maybe even wind up on charges of their own. If it comes down to them exercising a prerogative then they aren't slaves.

"I'm a willing prostitute, I voluntarily flout your laws".


"I was enslaved, they made me do it".

Edited by harrycallahan
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Mijan24, How the f@(# do you know... one of the farang gentlemen are you ?¿?¿?. I would like to hear you say that to my Thai girlfriend (Chief Engineer) and her best friends (Also Engineer's) who managed to complete their university degrees (like most Thai girls) without being "sponsored" by some dirty, cheezy, scabby, flacid Thai or Farang gentlemen (What load of $h!t a true "gentlemen" would not sponsor a girl like this anyway).

I think you all need your @$$3$ kicked out of those ho3-go bars, then meet some of the more genuine Thai citizens in Thailand and stop refering to the "common" street ho@rs of Pattaya and Phuket who obviously would do anything to be able to fund such endevours. What about the "common" street ho@rs in your home town... what are they doing right now ?. Have you considered what they rest of the worlds UNI-girls get up to in their spare "drinking time" ? Not good !

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Thai girls don't have to go to Australia, or any other country, to be exploited, and in many cases, by members of their own families. A couple of yeas ago, at one of the larger, busy intersections near where I live, there was a Thai woman who sold garlands. About once a week I would buy 2 for my wife, who likes to have fresh ones to hang up around our house.

One day I noticed a younger girl with her, and when I stopped to buy, I asked, in Thai, if the girl was her daughter. She said "yes". I commented that the girl was "na rak, mak" (very cute), which she was. Looked like a little angel. Mother immediately jumped on that and said, in English: "You like? She 12. Virgin. 5,000 baht you can have all night". I dropped the garlands on the ground and just drove away in disgust.

Also, not that long ago, there was an ariticle in the "other paper" about a grandmother who was pimping out her 2 granddaughters, both under 12 if I remember correctly.

Buddha said that having a son was good, as a son was helpful for the family, but having a daughter was a blessing, as she could bring wealth. I believe that originally this was in regards to "sin sod" or marriage dowry, but over the years the Thai have interpreted it to include prostitution, and will happily sell their daughters, or encourage them to get into the sex trade, to "take care of the family", and they see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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What's this "Aussie" business ? This thread is relating to a filthy rotton chinese-cambodian cheezebag using Australia as his little <deleted> nest. how do we know it's Aussies who are hanging around in his nest all day/night. For all we know its a nest of foreigners making Australia look bad. Come to thailand and see for yourself, theres more sick f@ckers from around the world here doing their "business" than there are Aussies. I see more Japanese, German, Arabs, Irish, Swedish, english, french etc etc scumbags hanging around here more than the poor old Aussie.

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I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

The brothel is in Sydney? Correct me if I'm wrong, but brothels can operate legal in NSW right?

I'm not a brothel visitor, but if it was a legal premise then are they still 'perverted' if it's goverment approved?

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Why would anyone have to trick the girls into going to Australia.

There are plenty of volunteers queing up to go and sell themselves abroad simply because the money is better than they get here for selling themselves. They are even prepared to pay fees in order to go and work abroad as prostitutes. The tricking part is just to get a visa out of the embassy.

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Alternatively, Chinese-Cambodian arrested in Australia for forcing Thai girls into sex slavery

That was stated in the original story was there another story or link I missed

Exactly. For some, the headline is often ALL the story, and creates a lasting erroneous impression. It depends hugely on how it is written. "Thai girls 'forced into sex slavery' in Australia" reads like a blanket condemnation of Australian Society, rather than a report of a specific case in which the Australian authorities acted correctly againt some sleazebag. As is often the case with newspapers, the headline is attention-grabbing, but does not reflect the content of the following story. I am delighted the Australians arrested this dog.

I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

What a daft comment... by parallel should all farang and Thai alike be arrested here for having activities with girls who are due to socio-economical reasons adopt a certain lifestyle here in Thailand..

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They use a very loose definition of slavery with these cases. The coercive influence of having your passport taken must be very small. If one of those girls simply walked into a police station and outlined the matter they would find themselves very quickly 'liberated from slavery'.

They would also get deported, which is probably why they don't do it. After all, it's pretty likely that they did come to Australia with the intention of working as prostitutes - the issue is that their employer started stealing their wages. Regardless, it's probably still a better deal for them than going back to Isaan.

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I hope they arrested those perverted Aussies who were the customers as well.

The brothel is in Sydney? Correct me if I'm wrong, but brothels can operate legal in NSW right?

I'm not a brothel visitor, but if it was a legal premise then are they still 'perverted' if it's goverment approved?

Premises have to be permitted, they apply for this through government and have to meet certain requirements.

Many do not do this and operate in the shadows, these are classed as illegal.

Which this property was in the article I do not know.

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Interesting to see how so many posters have ignored the Australian customers responsibility in this and laid all the blame on the girls.

The law of supply and demand applies here. No demand...no supply.

I certainly don't blame the girls for this, but what is the customer's responsibility?

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Of all the years I have heard these cases of "Forced Slavery" yes their passports are taken off them when they arrive into Australia but they go to Australia being promised big bucks for sex working and hopes that a farang will pay off their debts and live the rest of their life in bliss in the Land of Oz.

I'm sorry they knew what was possibly going to happen.

Lots of Australian girls go to Japan and get the same problems. Lets just hope the Thai, Cambodian, Laos girls get home safely and don't get into another cycle.

Just put it into the too hard basket.

That's like saying you knew there was a chance that you'd get murdered if you come visit Thailand so if you do.. som nom na.

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In another report here in OZ, they have also been assured of assistance; another report said:

"The coordinator of the Australian Federal Police's human trafficking operations, Superintendent Glyn Lewis, says the women were rescued after they sought help from a charity.

"These three victims chose to come to the police, and they did that through the Salvation Army," he said.

"This man operates a brothel. It's our belief that these women were trafficked from Thailand to work under sexual exploitation conditions by this brothel owner."

The women may be may be offered special witness protection visas and the opportunity to stay in Australia


They have also been referred to an Australian Red Cross support program for victims of people trafficking."

What this means is that the Red Cross will get them housing and direct route to Centrelink benefits or Red Cross will pay them a weekly amount to stay in Australia. This is all funded by the Australian Government. These women are more than likely in a 3-4 star hotel while accomodation is sorted out for them.

How did this assistance come from the Salvation Army? And were these women advised of their rights by the Sally' before they went to the police.

Some people are more cunning then credit is given. How and who instigated the Salvation Army contact? How old are they?

Will these women also be prosecuted for Tax evasion? Or was this the catalyst to go the other way, saying that they were dopes and were forced into this work.

If they get the visa and the dole, then their dreams have come true. They are also able to return to the profession as they have a visa?

The report has some holes in it. The Cambodian man can also be prosecuted in Thailand if convicted in OZ I believe. Trafficing laws are very far reaching.

Trafficking is abhorrent. However reading a report like this, many holes spring up that need answers. It also introduces a system that advantage can be taken.

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On what charges?


They've gone to a brothel and paid for sex with a supposedly willing partner.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I'm sorry but I have never been in a situation like this so I will have to surmise.. A man goes to a brothel, pays his money and enters a locked room. In the room he finds a girl who is either distressed or drugged, either way I'm sure she would not be willing, but as he has paid his money he goes ahead anyway. During his moments of lust and hers of loathing would the little word of 'no' ever be heard?


Soi Cowboy and the like are very different.

Are we to believe that every Thai girl has the potential to be a whore and that these girls in question knew what they were going to Oz for?

Some of the guys on here have spent too long in red-light districts and go-go bars. They need to get back some of the decency needed to live in the real world.

what are you doing later? what are you wearing right now?

Edited by z12
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Why Australia as well as U.S. will not legalize such a job like providing a sex services? I would add about legalizing of some drugs like pot. NO-oh, they prefer to have mafia in own countries that gets a lot of money from nonlegal businesses and to provide with dirty money those police and officers who are in charge. Corruption, this is the name. And after all anybody dare to bark at the corruption in Thailand? At least, prostitution is legal in the country. Sure, I believe there can be a ground for this story that a girl was forced, and not paid. Instead, she got on drugs and every day clients of the brothel were raping her.

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