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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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I would love to hear the other side of the story but I think I pretty much know it already.

Yes... all these blethering away about this lady in such uncharitable terms.

This besotted Scot fell in love and married her THREE times with the clincher being the third one at the local Registrar in his homeland. They apparently traveled the world together for a few years but somewhere, the guild fell off the lily as far as he was concerned so he 'withdrew' to Scotland. Note that he didn't initiate any divorce proceedings as that would cost MONEY. They were separated but still legally married when the border <deleted> at Glasgow airport denied her entry to the UK. Our canny Scot did have a few connections apparently which served him well in this instance. I mean how did they specifically know they were separated if he hadn't tipped them off? He had booked and paid for her flight to Glasgow with the sole intent of letting UK Immigration 'enforce' his wish for her to just go away. He knew that the asset-stripping of a Scottish divorce would reduce his net worth but not significantly so which means he is just your atypical mean, tight-arsed Scot... with the emphasis on mean. He also knows that a similar rape of his assets would ensue if he pursued the divorce in Thailand so he isn't going there either is he? He wants it all just to go away as if it is a bad dream but eventually he will have to pay her for buggering up her dreams as well.

But I will admit that she hasn't done herself any favours with this stunt claiming to top herself at the British Embassy on Valentine's Day. That's all a bit Thai television soap-opera to me but then again, so does the whole story.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Thai Immigration treat me very well. They have always been polite and business-like when I have seen them. Never had a problem with any of my forms. I can't speak for others though, so what problems have you had. Just wondering why I get such good service and others don't. Different offices maybe?

Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Thai Immigration treat me very well. They have always been polite and business-like when I have seen them. Never had a problem with any of my forms. I can't speak for others though, so what problems have you had. Just wondering why I get such good service and others don't. Different offices maybe?

or more likely hes just another low life forang In 16+ years ive never had a problem but plenty of problems getting my wife a vis for western countries

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Stay in Thailand, the UK does not need any more crazy immigrants. happy Valentines day.

Hey UK dumps its crazies in the Land of Smiles, why is it so unreasonable for Thai to do the same?


you got it wrong....UK dumped all its rejects in Australia and they became a great country! The ones who came here on a holiday was mesmerised by the smiles till the realised it was really a odd way of starring! Do you mean to imply that Thailand dumps its crasies into the UK ..... that would be a clever move. The crazies are here!!!

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Would it be a serious loss of face if she does not commit public suicide on Valentines day after she has publically announced it? What will all the spectators who will be turning up do when she simply just goes home in a huff. The only ones who are going to gain out of this are all the food carts and "T" shirt sellers who have already reserved thier spot on the footpath.

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Obviously she is after a divorce settlement and juging by what I read the Scot is probably wealthy, so she wants her slice of the poor old suckers cake.

He should have got evidence of her extra marital affair so he can defend him self in court.

Assuming she did actually have an extra marital affair - there's no proof of it. This could be just the ramblings of the husband... Innocent until proven guilty

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I would love to hear the other side of the story but I think I pretty much know it already.

Yes... all these blethering away about this lady in such uncharitable terms.

This besotted Scot fell in love and married her THREE times with the clincher being the third one at the local Registrar in his homeland. They apparently traveled the world together for a few years but somewhere, the guild fell off the lily as far as he was concerned so he 'withdrew' to Scotland. Note that he didn't initiate any divorce proceedings as that would cost MONEY. They were separated but still legally married when the border <deleted> at Glasgow airport denied her entry to the UK. Our canny Scot did have a few connections apparently which served him well in this instance. I mean how did they specifically know they were separated if he hadn't tipped them off? He had booked and paid for her flight to Glasgow with the sole intent of letting UK Immigration 'enforce' his wish for her to just go away. He knew that the asset-stripping of a Scottish divorce would reduce his net worth but not significantly so which means he is just your atypical mean, tight-arsed Scot... with the emphasis on mean. He also knows that a similar rape of his assets would ensue if he pursued the divorce in Thailand so he isn't going there either is he? He wants it all just to go away as if it is a bad dream but eventually he will have to pay her for buggering up her dreams as well.

But I will admit that she hasn't done herself any favours with this stunt claiming to top herself at the British Embassy on Valentine's Day. That's all a bit Thai television soap-opera to me but then again, so does the whole story.

As far as i understand, they have to cohabit pretty much full time until her citizenship is granted. She was in Thailand, who knows why. If he was blissfully happy, why kick her out? Seems likely to me she got duped into going out of the country without knowing the rules. Had divorce proceedings been started before her return to the UK? Nope. Just about every thai woman I know married to a farang in the UK know that during the first couple of years of their marriage, the immigration like to see that she has stayed permenantly in the UK.

There are two sides to every story.

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IF anyone checked out the video - 1:26 "I have a good life in thailand"

BUT - i want to go to UK to fight a case (even if it takes selling my house and car)

BUT - I want to showup and cause traffic at sathorn road to come at a standstill

BUT - I want to kill myself with a knife

Wanting to kill herself certainly shows that the woman has some serious psych issues. We have all heard the stories of farangs who have come to grief after having relationships with such thai women. This unstable woman definately has a grieviance with the ex/husband in the U.K and I believe she has shot herself in the foot. The U.K now has a duty of care to the ex and who knows what this woman could do if allowed into the country where she will have contact with the ex.

The majority of people who state they are going to commit suicide don't! She is playing the stage with this. I don't understand why she would even threaten to do this (unless she is mental!) if she has already won an appeal in the European courts. The issue here is that British immigration are taking it upon themselves to go against the European ruling. That should be their choice as the issue of a visa is never a given, ie, not an entitlement.

Thats the way I am reading it anyway.

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

Why doesn't she apply for a tourist visa??????

Why would you apply for a spousal visa when your spouse has already dropped you in the poop once. Of course no absolute guarantee that she would get it, but presuming she has an ok job and some cash she should be able to get the visa no problem.

Also to petition the court for divorce, she probably doesn't need to be personally in the country. If she places the divorce petition in the court through a lawyer, and shows the embassy she has to attend the court, I presume the embassy has very little right to refuse the visa application.

Sorry a lot of presumptions, but having been removed from the country whilst apparently in possession of a spousal visa, why would anyone go down the route of re-asking? One wonders if she has got advice from Somchais visa service???

100% correct, she was always going to be refused spousal visa for the reasons in the article because her current situation doesn't qualify for it, pretty basic stuff, if she applys for the correct visa applicable to her situation then I don't see why she would be refused

As for being a money grabber - none of us here know enough to make judgment on that one, that is for the divorce court to decide, this guy married her and if he did not make any pre marraige conditions then som nom na for being an idiot - was he married before ? didn't he realise like so many others that marraige isn't for him and learn to live with himself lol

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.


I don't understand why you guys are all unhappy with Thai immigration. Are you in Thailand? If so what is the problem? you got a visa.

I have no issues with Thai immigration they are always helpful and easy to get along with, been here 13 years no problems, why are so many of you having a problem?

probably most of them are low life degenerates who I wish Thai immigration would kick out They really make me ashamed to be a forang

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IF anyone checked out the video - 1:26 "I have a good life in thailand"

BUT - i want to go to UK to fight a case (even if it takes selling my house and car)

BUT - I want to showup and cause traffic at sathorn road to come at a standstill

BUT - I want to kill myself with a knife

Wanting to kill herself certainly shows that the woman has some serious psych issues. We have all heard the stories of farangs who have come to grief after having relationships with such thai women. This unstable woman definately has a grieviance with the ex/husband in the U.K and I believe she has shot herself in the foot. The U.K now has a duty of care to the ex and who knows what this woman could do if allowed into the country where she will have contact with the ex.

The majority of people who state they are going to commit suicide don't! She is playing the stage with this. I don't understand why she would even threaten to do this (unless she is mental!) if she has already won an appeal in the European courts. The issue here is that British immigration are taking it upon themselves to go against the European ruling. That should be their choice as the issue of a visa is never a given, ie, not an entitlement.

Thats the way I am reading it anyway.

From what I have read from other posters, many Thai ladies threaten to commit suicide when they don't get their way.

IMO, she should not use a knife, too messy, use the left over 'red shirt' petro bottles, makes a much better picture for the news media.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Thai immigration is a picnic compared to the pompous, narcissistic 'UK Border Agency', acushla. Last time I returned they tried to stop me re-entering (I'm a British citizen) because they didn't like some of the places I'd been to, or my reasons for going to them. I just walked past them. They can't stop me entering my own country.

British Immigration laws are among the toughest in the world, and the borders are staffed by clueless, jumped-up little pen-pushers who think they've got a bit of power.

How well put!

Exactly my experience after returning twice to the UK last year after 17 years away. I was treated very rudely by these Civil Servants who seem to be power crazy. They are neither "Civil" nor "Servants" of the British People who pay their salaries. At Christmas I arrived at Heathrow with my Thai Wife and Children and asked to go through the British Citizen's entry point (correctlly, as I was their sponsor) and the officer (She) snapped "Only if you are married". Seeing as my son is 17 and 6' 3" and my daughter 15 this was obviously a very rude and prejudiced comment.

Far too sensitive by a long shot, she was just doing her job, how was she to know whether you were married or not.

Because I politely asked her if my Wife and Children can go through with me as I was her sponsor. She shouted at me "only if you are married" implying that we were not legally married. The point is that she was rude which is not acceptable.

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It's all too messy for me to understand, perhaps she was no saint, perhaps he wanted an easy out and had lots to loose froma UK divorce, it does seem however that the BA ought to let her in in order to fight the matter in the divorce courts.

I don't know all the facts as well.. Perhaps if she applied for a tourist visa on the grounds to participate in a legal case instead of a marriage visa which is obviously the wrong visa if she has no intention of staying with the spouse.

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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

I suppose you also believe that every woman on this planet, especially those from poor, developing countries, really, truly and genuinely love their British/European husbands, right? Isn't that sweet... Sure, lets all marry parasites... eh, sorry I mean loving, genuine, hard-working women and take them back to Europe with us... brilliant idea! Let's see how long the "love/marriage" lasts then.

These rules and red tape regulations are there for a reason - to weed out the good from the bad.

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My ex-wife divorced me without a notice to marry another man but the marriage failed. I continued to send her money for a year and afterwards got problems with a German Tax Office that I did not inform them in proper time about my divorce. However, she was not Thai. It was a Russian girl. From my experience and opinion of friends who are married to Thai girls, a Thai wife is in average far better than a Russian one. I guess that a Scottish men was not eager to give any money to his wife. So, the girl just tried to earn something to support her family in Thailand. This is not cheating. This is business, in a sort. :-)

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"stop to judge Thai people as outsiders"

Hahahahaa .. <deleted>? Suddenly some Thai people starting to feel like global citizens with rights to belong everywhere? At the same time they treat foreigners not only as outsiders but ALIENS in their own country! Som nam naaaa!

As to the specific story, nobody has pointed out what did it take for the Scotsman to pick up that phone and denounce his lovely, younger wife? How does he feel about his love/relationship/marriage going sour? And why? Why would he not want here in the country if she was what she supposed to be as wife? Why is he not suing her in Thailand for divorce settlement?

As for me I would let her in UK, make her pay big $$$ for English lawyers and accommodation, make here waste 2 years in courts and give her nothing in the end. As an Alien from Thailand she should have only one right: to leave her money behind and piss off. Treat her the same as Thailand treats us. Anyway .. since this is her free choice, I'm looking forward to see this Valentine killing herself .. Hahahahahaaa

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It is a good example of why western men should never get married to Thai's expecially isan .

Thai's marry 45-75 y/old semi retired or retired farangs for their money /oseas residency and work rights and the prized possession of a farang passport.

Thais never marry farang for love or companionship. The reason they work bar or go on the net is to get away from their dreadful Thai men.

Find a retired farang with 2 income streams and jump on the money train.

Its that simple.

If it were up to me i would ban all Thai -farang marriages.

Its always one -way with thais. What we can give them not what they can give us.

In my opinion the British are the most gullible when it comes to marriages in the tropics.

I CONGRATULATE the British government for taking a tough stance. She is a parasite...dump her.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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I am ashamed to be from the UK sometimes. Our immigration rules are a f*****g disgrace, if a UK born citizen chooses to marry a female from any other country his new wife should have automatic rights to live with her new husband in the UK without all this bull s**t red tape and this should be the same world wide. WE DON'T OWN THE WORLD and it's about time those people in government positions change their bloody attitudes!!!

I suppose you also believe that every woman on this planet, especially those from poor, developing countries, really, truly and genuinely love their British/European husbands, right? Isn't that sweet... Sure, lets all marry parasites... eh, sorry I mean loving, genuine, hard-working women and take them back to Europe with us... brilliant idea! Let's see how long the "love/marriage" lasts then.

These rules and red tape regulations are there for a reason - to weed out the good from the bad.

The Scotsman obviously found out he was her water buffalo and decided he would rather be a Scotsman.

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Her method is not going to work. She thinks that this is the way to get things done, that is, act in histeria admist a group of protesters, because that is what she sees as working in her country of Thailand. I can say almost definitively that this will actually hurt her cause with the UK government. It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

I think this is a perfect analysis of the situation. PS. Never marry a drama queen.

....A drama queen who can look forreward to spending the rest of her life alone. Enjoy the loot!

She won't spend her life alone it's only a question of time until she finds the next idiot - eh, sorry, lonely old man.

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Interesting. The couple is married in Thailand and then (from what I understand) Mr. Booth divorced her in England without Mrs. Booth present? We obviously don't have the whole story here.

***First question I'd have: If your marriage is registered in Thailand, can you process a divorce in your home country. If so, is that divorce than recognized in Thailand? Does anybody know?

Now for some comment -- It sounds like Mr and Mrs Booth lived in Scotland and took individual vacations. He returns to England, claims she deserted him during that time, process a divorce without her present, gets her visa rejected so she can't return -- I'd say there is the potential in that scenario to use the system for one's own unethical gain. But, if she did split to Thailand and chose not to return for the original divorce proceeding, and Mr Booth got a judgment in absentia against Mrs. Booth, that would be her problem. I understand the dilemma in the sense that if he tried to process a divorce in Thailand, her would of have to proved to the Thai court that his wife was having sex with another man, which unless he had a PI with a camera who caught her in the act, he wouldn't legally have a leg to stand on. Also a Thai court, without a doubt, would be biased in favor Mrs. Booth. This really sounds messy.

However, tit for tat -- Mrs Booth isn't going to get any sympathy from me for her attempt to file Human Rights charges. The Thai system treats foreigners who are married to Thai women as though we are little more than walking ATMs -- no money, get out; wife dies -- get out. We have no real rights. Consider this. If a Thai marries a Westerner and obtains a visa to live in his home country, she is afforded rights that we simply do not have here in Thailand, including a road to citizenship if she wishes to pursue it. If a Thai women's husband dies, she can remain in the country and eventually apply for citizenship. Western countries do believe in human rights and act compassionately enough to understand the bond of married is not total severed with the death of the Western spouse. The spouse usually forms bonds with the Western family and has become part of that Western society. And being a spouse of a Westerner gives that spouse a path to citizenship. That's compassion.

But here in Thailand!!! I'm here on a marriage visa. If my wife dies, I don't even get time to grieve; I don't get the time to make funeral arrangements. My first act needs to be to get my bereaved butt down to immigration because my visa is immediately null and void at the time of my wife's death -- otherwise I risk being fined and/or thrown in jail -- really compassionate of the Thai government. "You wife dead. Either put 800K baht in bank for retirement visa, find a job, or get hell out of our country farang. Thai wife dead - you go." The Thai government could give a rip about human rights or compassion.

So when Mrs Booth pulls the "Human Rights" card out of the deck, and that mob in front of the British embassy are crying about Mrs Booth's "rights being violated", all I want to do is laugh. These people need to petition there own government to clean the s**t out of their own backyard before they start slamming the British judicial and immigration system or that of any other Western country. Any Western country's immigration system puts the Thai immigration system to shame, especially when it come to "compassion" for foreign national spouses.

It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, especially considering Mrs Booth has just shown the British authorities that she is suicidal, and hence, also mentally unstable. Now it's that much more difficult to get a visa.

Edited by connda
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Interesting. The couple is married in Thailand and then (from what I understand) Mr. Booth divorced her in England without Mrs. Booth present? We obviously don't have the whole story here.

***First question I'd have: If your marriage is registered in Thailand, can you process a divorce in your home country. If so, is that divorce than recognized in Thailand? Does anybody know?

Now for some comment -- It sounds like Mr and Mrs Booth lived in Scotland and took individual vacations. He returns to England, claims she deserted him during that time, process a divorce without her present, gets her visa rejected so she can't return -- I'd say there is the potential in that scenario to use the system for one's own unethical gain. But, if she did split to Thailand and chose not to return for the original divorce proceeding, and Mr Booth got a judgment in absentia against Mrs. Booth, that would be her problem. I understand the dilemma in the sense that if he tried to process a divorce in Thailand, her would of have to proved to the Thai court that his wife was having sex with another man, which unless he had a PI with a camera who caught her in the act, he wouldn't legally have a leg to stand on. Also a Thai court, without a doubt, would be biased in favor Mrs. Booth. This really sounds messy.

However, tit for tat -- Mrs Booth isn't going to get any sympathy from me for her attempt to file Human Rights charges. The Thai system treats foreigners who are married to Thai women as though we are little more than walking ATMs -- no money, get out; wife dies -- get out. We have no real rights. Consider this. If a Thai marries a Westerner and obtains a visa to live in his home country, she is afforded rights that we simply do not have here in Thailand, including a road to citizenship if she wishes to pursue it. If a Thai women's husband dies, she can remain in the country and eventually apply for citizenship. Western countries do believe in human rights and act compassionately enough to understand the bond of married is not total severed with the death of the Western spouse. The spouse usually forms bonds with the Western family and has become part of that Western society. And being a spouse of a Westerner gives that spouse a path to citizenship. That's compassion.

But here in Thailand!!! I'm here on a marriage visa. If my wife dies, I don't even get time to grieve; I don't get the time to make funeral arrangements. My first act needs to be to get my bereaved butt down to immigration because my visa is immediately null and void at the time of my wife's death -- otherwise I risk being fined and/or thrown in jail -- really compassionate of the Thai government. "You wife dead. Either put 800K baht in bank for retirement visa, find a job, or get hell out of our country farang. Thai wife dead - you go." The Thai government could give a rip about human rights or compassion.

So when Mrs Booth pulls the "Human Rights" card out of the deck, and that mob in front of the British embassy are crying about Mrs Booth's "rights being violated", all I want to do is laugh. These people need to petition there own government to clean the s**t out of their own backyard before they start slamming the British judicial and immigration system or that of any other Western country. Any Western country's immigration system puts the Thai immigration system to shame, especially when it come to "compassion" for foreign national spouses.

It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, especially considering Mrs Booth has just shown the British authorities that she is suicidal, and hence, also mentally unstable. Now it's that much more difficult to get a visa.

I agree with all you have said but it has no bearing on this case, certaintly the Thai system is appalling but that doesn't mean the UK should be doing likewise, this issue is in the UK not Thailand.

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Stop trying to tell Western embassies and soverign states what they should do regarding immigration.

Clean up the Thai immigration situation first.

You can have a UK lawyer fight your UK divorce WITHOUT you being in the UK. Also, I am sure you could get a visa for Strasbourg (France) to attend your European human rights case in the future. Thus your requirement is for a UK visa and the excuse is BS, especially as you do not want to live with the husband!

Instead of protesting outside the British embassy, she could start by protesting outside the ministry of foreign affairs in Thailand regarding the draconian Thai immigration for Western spouses of Thais.

Case closed!

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I do know that Thais often laugh at how easily exploited western immigration laws are. Especially the more cunning women and upper middle class types who have babies in western countries to get their babies citizenships. The more hardcore women are just out and out prostitutes bouncing from one dumb farang sponsor to the next milking each dry. They know that western laws geared towards flawed feminist rhetoric heavily favors all women so they can play any kind of sob story off as legit.

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I have been treated well by Thai Imigration. No complaints at all. I think they are the most effeciant department in Thailand. I have to jump through all the hoops, and play by the rules, but that is to be expected. Nothing new here. I wish my Thai wife had it as easy getting into my country, or staying as long as we like, as I do in Thailand.

I can understand the womans frustration. She paid for a flight, and then was truned around with out any warning. If the shoe were on the other foot, we could come back to Thailand to take care of business for at least 30 days, more with out to much effort, and a fraction of the cost.

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

I think this is a perfect analysis of the situation. PS. Never marry a drama queen.

....A drama queen who can look forreward to spending the rest of her life alone. Enjoy the loot!

She won't spend her life alone it's only a question of time until she finds the next idiot - eh, sorry, lonely old man.

Well it won't be anyone who is commenting on here, that is of course someone on here is incredibly stupid

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