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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

Wonder how many foreigner who married a Thais actually got what they apply for. Well we all now how the systems works dont we.

However, this Brit man is also a coward, please end the relationship if you doesn't want her anymore. SHameless oldman !!

Umm he did and filed for divorce, isn't that ending the relationship?

Yes, it is the final step but FILING for divorce doesn't mean that you don't have a spouse.... yet. When he first filed, he dragged up infidelity but his legal counsel (?) has probably told him that won't fly without evidence... that doesn't exist anyway. So now it's just desertion and by all accounts, he deserted her.

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... It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

I don't think the British Embassy will be placing her on 'ignore' either. They don't have a dog in this fight but are the very public face of the United Kingdom here so I imagine that things will be 'mentioned in dispatches'.

Then she will get her visa and her day in court in Selkirk.

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This came up some time ago and it is just a continuation on the same theme.

She is just smart enough to cause trouble,

but not smart enough, or too smarting from loss of face to just drop it

and walk away with a modest settlement.

She just can't understand that she has to call it a day,

and clearly has some advisor / lawyer hoping for a cut of the profits,

telling her to fight it to the last dregs of common sense.

The same attitude that makes her fight UK right into the EU courts

is likely the same reason he wants nothing more to do with her;

a right total pain in the arse, who is showing her true colors;

give me, and my lawyer, more money, and we go away,

if not....

Sure this is reading between the lines, but the lines kinda jump out at you.

She's 'going to kill herself on Valentines Day in front of the British Embassy'

over a divorce she can do right here? <deleted>. This is a publicity stunt,

because yet again she isn't being allowed back into UK to raise a ruckus there.

Every post of yours looks like a poem

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... It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

I don't think the British Embassy will be placing her on 'ignore' either. They don't have a dog in this fight but are the very public face of the United Kingdom here so I imagine that things will be 'mentioned in dispatches'.

Then she will get her visa and her day in court in Selkirk.

I'm guessing Ahmed is hoping that Scottish independence comes next week.

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Why don't they just call her bluff and wait until February 15th.

If she values her life so little and kills herself, problem solved.

If she doesn't, UK decision to not let her in is justified because she would have proven she doesn't stick to her word, making her stated intentions for entry meaningless. Entry denied, problem solved.

I think that if she does go through with it on the 14th, they'll probably be a letter in a mailbox a week later from UKBA saying they have dropped their objection to her visa application violin.gif

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This entire saga makes no sense to me!

The woman has sold 100k (sterling) of her assets to get to the UK? Presumably (the only logical reason), thinking that she will get far more from the UK courts than she would under Thai law where she is only entitled to 50% of Thailand assets?

It would be interesting to know whether the 100k of assets were bought by herself or her husband.

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... It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

I don't think the British Embassy will be placing her on 'ignore' either. They don't have a dog in this fight but are the very public face of the United Kingdom here so I imagine that things will be 'mentioned in dispatches'.

Then she will get her visa and her day in court in Selkirk.

Um... could be embarrassing in another way for them - grant of a visa by the embassy does not guarantee entry into the UK - immigration may stop and detain anyway. Of course normally they try to avoid issuing the visa in the first place to avoid all the drama, but the rule is written that way in case other evidence comes to light after issuing the visa.

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... It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

I don't think the British Embassy will be placing her on 'ignore' either. They don't have a dog in this fight but are the very public face of the United Kingdom here so I imagine that things will be 'mentioned in dispatches'.

Then she will get her visa and her day in court in Selkirk.

Um... could be embarrassing in another way for them - grant of a visa by the embassy does not guarantee entry into the UK - immigration may stop and detain anyway. Of course normally they try to avoid issuing the visa in the first place to avoid all the drama, but the rule is written that way in case other evidence comes to light after issuing the visa.

That is exactly what happened at Glasgow airport in 2010. She had a valid visa but UKBA (on advisement from her husband) stopped her, detained her for a couple of nights and sent her back. My contention is if they are still married (which they are) then the visa category is still valid and saying she can't come in because one of the parties claims that the marriage is over is all a bit dubious. The courts agreed but UKBA pompously agreed to disagree.

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This entire saga makes no sense to me!

The woman has sold 100k (sterling) of her assets to get to the UK? Presumably (the only logical reason), thinking that she will get far more from the UK courts than she would under Thai law where she is only entitled to 50% of Thailand assets?

It would be interesting to know whether the 100k of assets were bought by herself or her husband.

You are a woman so maybe you can identify with the logic that does a mans head in. Like maybe she was genuinely in love (and still is?) so really wants to hear what her husband has to say if not to her face, in a court of law about why they can no longer be together. Can you imagine that one day they were (hypothetically) at an airport in (say) Athens after a nice vacation and he is headed back to Scotland for work and she is headed for Thailand to see the kids. All this by mutual consent, without anger or rancour. Daresay with a moist eye and the entreatment, "Take care... I will miss you." Then, he goes into silent mode, leaving her pondering <deleted>? Then the divorce is mentioned and the air ticket to Glasgow that ends up in a dead-end.

Yup... that would do a blokes head in.

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... It is not a situation where the UK Embassy is going to get embarrassed or allow themselves to be pushed into a decision.

I don't think the British Embassy will be placing her on 'ignore' either. They don't have a dog in this fight but are the very public face of the United Kingdom here so I imagine that things will be 'mentioned in dispatches'.

Then she will get her visa and her day in court in Selkirk.

Um... could be embarrassing in another way for them - grant of a visa by the embassy does not guarantee entry into the UK - immigration may stop and detain anyway. Of course normally they try to avoid issuing the visa in the first place to avoid all the drama, but the rule is written that way in case other evidence comes to light after issuing the visa.

That is exactly what happened at Glasgow airport in 2010. She had a valid visa but UKBA (on advisement from her husband) stopped her, detained her for a couple of nights and sent her back. My contention is if they are still married (which they are) then the visa category is still valid and saying she can't come in because one of the parties claims that the marriage is over is all a bit dubious. The courts agreed but UKBA pompously agreed to disagree.

Agree - but this is now a new visa she is requesting - under the rules in which UKBA operate they need evidence that the relationship is "genuine and lasting".

I think they got as far as that on the checklist and just stopped - wrong type of visa.

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This case has been going on for some time.

The woman just wants to gain entry into the UK so she can take the Scotsman to the cleaners via the Scottish legal system.

I hope she doesn`t succeed and judging by the video, this guy done well to get rid of her.

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Agree - but this is now a new visa she is requesting - under the rules in which UKBA operate they need evidence that the relationship is "genuine and lasting".

I think they got as far as that on the checklist and just stopped - wrong type of visa.

The UKBA have flaunted their disregard for TWO tribunals that said their 2010 decision was wrong. The have taken her husbands word that the relationship was no longer 'genuine and lasting' but is it the UKBA's remit to decide if a pending divorce is grounds to prevent someone from entering. Especially if the woman's stated reason for visiting is to OFFICIALLY end the relationship in a divorce court?

I hope she does get some proper advice on the proper visa since the UKBA have the hots for any claims she may have to being married. However, if she obtained a UK Visit visa with the stated aim of obtaining a divorce from a UK citizen in a UK court which is her right since she is legally married at a Registrar in Scotland; would the UKBA find any other reason to bar her entry that wouldn't look like conniving with the husband to prevent her getting her legal entitlements?

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Once again, I'm surprised by the huge outpouring of hatred of many posters against Thais. Once again, it begs the question, if you hate Thailand / Thais so much, what are you doing on this forum?

I'm not sure that this is so much against Thais - but once one has seen either first hand or second hand how some women are and how they react, mysogeny is an easy path to take.

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Once again, I'm surprised by the huge outpouring of hatred of many posters against Thais. Once again, it begs the question, if you hate Thailand / Thais so much, what are you doing on this forum?

I'm not sure that this is so much against Thais - but once one has seen either first hand or second hand how some women are and how they react, mysogeny is an easy path to take.

I'll wager that most posters on this forum have once previously been married to a farang woman. I'm sure some have been taken to the cleaners as well. So why not criticise their own as well?

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Oh, St. Valentine’s Day Masecure... Well more like a St. Valentine’s Day suicide but intreaging just the same.. Looks like I know where I will be on the 14th... Did you know Thailand ranks 56th in suicieds? Firearms are also the top method of suicide while knives don't enven rank in the top 10 and often the sucide is mistaken for a desire for self-mutalation. THANKS WIKIPEDIA!!!

And is she really going to stab herself to death, I think NOT. She will turn up on Valentines day and threaten to kill herself at the gates of the U.k embassy and will all the followers just be there to support her in her death? again I think not. In Australia (Melb) the police have the power to under sect 10 of the mental health act to take anyone into custody who threatens self harm and take them for a psych assesment. If Thai police had the same power then this woman would have been taken into custody. I think she has just blown her own case clear out of the water. Doe's anyone really think that the U.K will now grant a person who is a suicidal risk a visa to enter the country? A person with no place to stay or means of support in England. What happens if this person with psych issues does not get her way in a British court, is she going to harm herself or other inocents on the streets outside the British court? The British authorities now have a duty of care for it's citizens and this woman is now a risk.

She is legally married to a UK citizen,then I would assume she has the right to visit the UK,and the embassy should issue her a visa,if her husband is not happy with that,so be it,who cares?We all don't know what happened in their marriage,maybe she had a lover,so what?And sure she want a Uk divorce,why should she get a Thai divorce,I think not only thai girls think that way,if that guy married her 3 times,she maybe not that bad,if her father is a military guy and she married a Thai police man before,and if she really work for a newspaper,then I don't think its great to compare her with pattaya bar girls,another poster said UK embassy must not give u reason if they refuse to issue a visa,how arogant is that kind of behavior? Makes people sure upset,
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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.

nonsense Thai immigration rules are perfectly fair provided you can support yourself. Its time UK and other places concentrated on real issues which are basically if she or her husband have enough money and income to support themselves then the Uk should allow them to live in UK rather than allowing all those from eastern europe fee entry and immediate access to all social services.

I am sickened by the way western countries treat Thai visitors. Ive been married to a Thai for over 16 years and even after all that time we still have to go through ridiculous hoops to get her visas for some countries. This is even though she has in her own name 12 properties here a flat in UK (we never tell UK visa people this in case they see it as a reason she might stay in UK. She has in her own name over 10 million baht in Hong Kong and about same in Singapore as well as a property in USA. Yet in a recent application to a western country for a visa they treated her assets in Hong Kong Singapore and property, shares here were not relevant and they only considered money she had in a Thai savings account. As it happens she uses a checking account for most things here and one of those accounts had over 1 million baht in it. They said they only wanted to see savings accounts here and stated visa might be refused. So we went to bank transferred 1 million baht to a savings account she had and went back and got the visa. It makes me very angry especially since over last 16+ years she me and our 2 children go twice yearly to Europe, Australia, Japan or other countries and here last 3 passports are full of visas.

Id like the Thai immigration to treat forangs as badly as western countries treat Thai wives. In fact id be happy if they charged say 30,000 baht + for a 1 year visa and also happy if places we visited did the same. Ive also over years known quite wealthy forangs have visas refused for their Thai wives and although they always got them in the end they were amazed at how their wives were treated. It is not the point weather their wives are gold diggers or not it should simply be done (which it is not) on ability to support the wife without need of government funds.

One solution would be to insist on say a deposit of 2 million baht (only 40k GBP) which will be held with interest paid for say 5 years against any claims on government money and then returned after 5 years with interest. If someone has not got the money then which is not so much then it is unlikely they can truly support their wives. It could also be secured for example on a property without having to give actual cash or secured by a friend or family member on their property.

And how many people in the UK do you think can lay their hands on 40k GBP cash? If they can't, then they shouldn't be married because it would be unlikely that they coould support their wife, is that what you are saying?

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Seems like this woman is really only interested in a "Pay Out" from the UKBA for infringing her Human Rights.

I think the UKBA was correct to deny her entry to the UK,we have enough Gold Diggers already,maybe she should try a human rights application in Thailand.

Ridiculous women,trying to play the system!

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My Thai wife divorced me in UK after four years of marriage. Despite my assets such as a house, pensions,cars, capital etc. she insisted to her lawyer ( totally against his advice) that she did not wish to claim one single penny from me, and that is how it turned out

It just goes to prove that not all Thai women are purely mercenary.

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