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Advice. My Thai Gf Needs To Make Friends And Find Something Other Than Listening To Music.


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Hoping for a few ideas as I am at a bit of a loss.

She is university educated. Holds a good job but one that is unfortunately socially isolating. She is super kind and fun.

But apart from music her only interest is me. lol.

Her life up to this point has been study and work. All her female friends have married and starting families. She is 32 and literally has no idea how to go about making new friends.

Anybody any suggestions how she can open her life up a bit?

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if your still in los let her carry on as she is otherwise you might come to regret her mixing with other thais,same if you are in your country mix with farangs but get her to stay clear of her own kind.there was a topic on this in this forum a while back check it out.

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Are you guys together, as in same country.

Is she asking to make friends?

Is this just something you want so you have some breathing room

Are you looking for couple Thai/Thai Thai/Fralang ?

Do you speak Thai?

Do you have friends? (does she like them?)

Is she Buddhist ?

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Oops, I should say, we are in Thailand, Bangkok.

I am farang and want breathing space, but really this is not about me. It is about her. The fact she has a bf is not the point.

If she were single she would still be in the situation.

Nominal Buddhist.

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Oops, I should say, we are in Thailand, Bangkok.

I am farang and want breathing space, but really this is not about me. It is about her. The fact she has a bf is not the point.

If she were single she would still be in the situation.

Nominal Buddhist.

dump her and meet someone with social skills. the mere fact that you bring it up marks her for discard.

then of course there is the possibility that like many thai's her social life revolves around the workplace and family and you are inventing a problem.

She may have had her fill of her work friends by the time she gets home.

Edited by nocturn
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Oops, I should say, we are in Thailand, Bangkok.

I am farang and want breathing space, but really this is not about me. It is about her. The fact she has a bf is not the point.

If she were single she would still be in the situation.

Nominal Buddhist.


Join a couple of clubs together, trekking or ???

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Sid, what exactly is wrong with being dedicated to your work, music, and your man? Would you prefer that she have a lot of friends and constantly out socializing? Did she actually tell you that she was lonely and wanted you to help her find friends?

Honestly, it seems like you have a good thing but are intent on ruining it.

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Did she actually tell you that she was lonely and wanted you to help her find friends?

@ Berkshire.

No. It's the OP who wants a break from her.

Well, Sid, is this the case? If so, I'll have some new advice for you.

See post # 11

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Did she actually tell you that she was lonely and wanted you to help her find friends?

@ Berkshire.

No. It's the OP who wants a break from her.

Well, Sid, is this the case? If so, I'll have some new advice for you.

See post # 11

Ah, I missed that. In that case, I'd recommend she start hanging out in high-end pubs and the like. She will surely meet some new upstanding "friends" of some repute. If he's lucky, she might lose interest in him altogether.

But seriously, why doesn't he just start telling her that he's busy, not available, so forth? Unless they're living together...which is a big mistake. Thais don't just make friends with random strangers in the street. If it's not through work, it'll mostly be friends whom they grew up with, went to school with, etc. And then there's family. Don't tell me--her family is in the northeast?

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She is Thai, lives in Bangkok and has no idea how to make friends?

Does she have family in Thailand? What about her work colleges?

What sorts of friends and relationships if she seeking?

Can`t place my finger on it, but something seems odd here.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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coffee1.gif To begin with there is a women's discussion topic on this ThaiVisa forum which I believe is moderated by a woman also.

So to start, have her go on there and introduce herself and ask the question, "What can we do here in Thailand?" or maybe, "What can we do here in Thailand, ladies?".


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I had a similar issue with my ex wife; but in Hong Kong. I really pressed her into making friends with the Thai ladies in our community. They however were all ex prossies / bar girls married to old men (unlike her) and really it was the worst thing I ever did. The corrupting influence of a gaggle of older ladies (even just a few years older) that were from a much different back ground caused horrendous problems which was not really noticeable for the first year. Then the rot set in. Be very careful about pressing this point; if she is not taking an interest in the wives / friends of your mates, then there might be a very good reason for this. If she feels obliged to befriend them, she will be missing with a very dangerous creature indeed. "Ropey old ex hooker turned madam farang" is the latin term I believe for the genre. In part, it was this simple act by me to get her friends which meant 3 years later I was showing her the door.

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You'll need to provide more info, like where are you, and a bit more background info on her. Is she far from her family?

In addtion how many Phd's does she have ? and it goes without saying she is hi-so Thai-Chinese..... and what family connections does she have in goverment, military, police or immigration...(tick the appropriate box)

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Oops, I should say, we are in Thailand, Bangkok.

I am farang and want breathing space, but really this is not about me. It is about her. The fact she has a bf is not the point.

If she were single she would still be in the situation.

Nominal Buddhist.

Perhaps she has a low disregard for people in general.

Don't push her.

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