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Thailand Internet Dating Sites


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Any other info would be appreciated.

Meet them in person, not on a dating site.

Yep. Not difficult.

Just mingle and go where people are.....everyday social.

The ideals of dating sites and social networking match-ups are so artificial.

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It has been my experience that there are plenty of internet dating/social sites with Thai people that are perfectly normal, but they are in the Thai language. If you're using an English-language site of this kind, you're probably already in trouble. Of course, there will be exceptions, surely not YOUR partner, etc., etc.

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Dating sites are a means of finding people to ascertain like minded people like yourself. So to get what you want out of dating sites "Define what you want" before you start and stick to that.

If you are after fun then it does not matter if they are working girls or whatever - surely you control your needs and finances and what you do and do not extend your controls to bargirls/prostitues?

If you are after a long term relationship then take the time to talk to them (don't limit yourself to just one as they are only internet curiosities at this stage) for several months to learn who they are. At that point you may have defined some that are worthy of meeting in person which is where the everyday dating part starts. Once there refer to the same values as you would in your home country for dating. The very simpliest rule to follow anywhere in the world and in any culture or whatever is take your time. The beauty of time is you get to know that person - which in its wider terminology also includes their wider environments - their family, friends, work mates etc. If you are not in Thailand then plan a trip where you can meet those you have been communicating with constanly for a longer period of time.

And a word of advice. Trying to catch them out at their so called place of work is a stupid idea and if you are needing to do that then you have either not taken the time to get to know who they are, failed to observe and evaluate during the time you have spent or been communicating with the person you desire or you are emotionally damaged and need some repair (ie - jealousy, ownership and trust issues etc).

Edited by Roadman
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If it looks to good to be true it usually is to good to be true, have your wits about you, if anything does not stck up, funny picture, wild claims for interests etc dont be afriad to to give it the elbow, on the other hand you might just be lucky. like I was.

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Never trust Any Thai lady who tells you they don't like Thai men- its what they think farang men want to hear. Sure they will tell u about their ex Thai bf who was a drunk/lazy / violent - all bs to make u feel special. Funnily enough it tends to be farang men age 50 plus who fall for this most. And they ought t be wiser ! Anyway one born every minute I guess. ....

I dont think the drunk/lazy route is too far-fetched. Many of those back in the west. I can only imagine some thai people that have nothing better to do. Dont pay any rent, or care to have any "real" sense of responsibility. And then layer the "saving face" mindset on top of that.

Gf's brother is one of those. He blames some of his laziness on fear that police may arrest him for avoiding his military conscription....so he prefers to lay low and take advantage of his fathers kindness/weakness.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

Sure there are bad thai guys, but the whole 'i dont like thai men' is what thai ladies tell their gullbile farang bfs when they (the thai lady) is shagging a thai man on the side- its hilarious the amount of times some farang guy in a bar tells me solemnly how his thai gf doesnt like thai men.

Think about it, even if one person in a race/nationality of people does you wrong, do you condmen the whole race/nationality? Only an idiot would, and thai ladies are not idiots- al least they are smart enough to know that some farang men are so desparate to believe that they will fall for this old line.

Edited by ExpatJ
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Never trust Any Thai lady who tells you they don't like Thai men- its what they think farang men want to hear. Sure they will tell u about their ex Thai bf who was a drunk/lazy / violent - all bs to make u feel special. Funnily enough it tends to be farang men age 50 plus who fall for this most. And they ought t be wiser ! Anyway one born every minute I guess. ....

I dont think the drunk/lazy route is too far-fetched. Many of those back in the west. I can only imagine some thai people that have nothing better to do. Dont pay any rent, or care to have any "real" sense of responsibility. And then layer the "saving face" mindset on top of that.

Gf's brother is one of those. He blames some of his laziness on fear that police may arrest him for avoiding his military conscription....so he prefers to lay low and take advantage of his fathers kindness/weakness.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

Sure there are bad thai guys, but the whole 'i dont like thai men' is what thai ladies tell their gullbile farang bfs when they (the thai lady) is shagging a thai man on the side- its hilarious the amount of times some farang guy in a bar tells me solemnly how his thai gf doesnt like thai men.

Think about it, even if one person in a race/nationality of people does you wrong, do you condmen the whole race/nationality? Only an idiot would, and thai ladies are not idiots- al least they are smart enough to know that some farang men are so desparate to believe that they will fall for this old line.

The life line I get from Thais goes like this. Man meets girl, gets her pregnant, that was fun and I liked that bit, now man has to work to feed 3 intsead of 2 working to feed 2 ( just like everywhere else). Thai man now gets bored with this, lets the wife work while he sits around drinking and doing nothing much, wants be fed and then go to the chicken boxing at night. If this happened to you you would not like or trust thai men, I get this line a lot, the wife tells me in one way, the husband wants to take me to the thai chicken boxing so I know its happening. Another one is man wants "lady new" after a year still looking! Great move!

Whilst its easy to generalise I think that most thai women dont like the way their onetime prince of dreams has decided to treat them and they naturally look for something better, farangs look a better bet in almost everyway. Farangs have to make sure that this is reciprical and that the lady of your dreams is the real deal, take off the rose coloured glasses and have a good look at the scene, what the offer was and is today. Thai men seem to want it always, they want the money, the feeding, sex on demand and then the freedom to go out drinking with the men and go to the entertainment that men like whilst the lady sits at home and does as she is told, hardly surprising Thai men stir up resentment.

A bar girl comes along with a different story and a different reason are you clever in enough to spot the difference?

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Never trust Any Thai lady who tells you they don't like Thai men- its what they think farang men want to hear. Sure they will tell u about their ex Thai bf who was a drunk/lazy / violent - all bs to make u feel special. Funnily enough it tends to be farang men age 50 plus who fall for this most. And they ought t be wiser ! Anyway one born every minute I guess. ....

I dont think the drunk/lazy route is too far-fetched. Many of those back in the west. I can only imagine some thai people that have nothing better to do. Dont pay any rent, or care to have any "real" sense of responsibility. And then layer the "saving face" mindset on top of that.

Gf's brother is one of those. He blames some of his laziness on fear that police may arrest him for avoiding his military conscription....so he prefers to lay low and take advantage of his fathers kindness/weakness.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

Sure there are bad thai guys, but the whole 'i dont like thai men' is what thai ladies tell their gullbile farang bfs when they (the thai lady) is shagging a thai man on the side- its hilarious the amount of times some farang guy in a bar tells me solemnly how his thai gf doesnt like thai men.

Think about it, even if one person in a race/nationality of people does you wrong, do you condmen the whole race/nationality? Only an idiot would, and thai ladies are not idiots- al least they are smart enough to know that some farang men are so desparate to believe that they will fall for this old line.

The life line I get from Thais goes like this. Man meets girl, gets her pregnant, that was fun and I liked that bit, now man has to work to feed 3 intsead of 2 working to feed 2 ( just like everywhere else). Thai man now gets bored with this, lets the wife work while he sits around drinking and doing nothing much, wants be fed and then go to the chicken boxing at night. If this happened to you you would not like or trust thai men, I get this line a lot, the wife tells me in one way, the husband wants to take me to the thai chicken boxing so I know its happening. Another one is man wants "lady new" after a year still looking! Great move!

Whilst its easy to generalise I think that most thai women dont like the way their onetime prince of dreams has decided to treat them and they naturally look for something better, farangs look a better bet in almost everyway. Farangs have to make sure that this is reciprical and that the lady of your dreams is the real deal, take off the rose coloured glasses and have a good look at the scene, what the offer was and is today. Thai men seem to want it always, they want the money, the feeding, sex on demand and then the freedom to go out drinking with the men and go to the entertainment that men like whilst the lady sits at home and does as she is told, hardly surprising Thai men stir up resentment.

A bar girl comes along with a different story and a different reason are you clever in enough to spot the difference?

I see you have bought into this- all i know is that i have heard from so many thai women (i have lived here 10 yrs or so over the last 20 yrs and speak thai) about them having thai bfs on the side but they tell their (often much older) farang bf/husband that they dont like thai men. Think about it, if an english/aussie/ US woman is treated badly by a caucasian UK/US/aussie guy, how many do you know then give up on all caucasians and only start going with blacks/asians/arabs etc because of this? Essentially zero because they realise that not all UK/US/aussie guys are the same. Same with Thai ladies , yet so many farangs believe what they want to hear. But i do know that large number of older farang men have convbinced themselves that all thai men are lazy no good guys (see all those super hot uni and model type thai girls walking around paragon/siam square? About 99% are dating/shagging thai men, not farangs- which is odd given how apparently thai men are apparently so terrible compared to farangs dont you think ?:-)

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If you are after a long term relationship then take the time to talk to them (don't limit yourself to just one as they are only internet curiosities at this stage) for several months to learn who they are.

OMG, another "expert" who is chatting and courting the internet girlfriends for months.

In the meanwhile she is happily shagging the guys who know their game :)

Dating sites can be used to get new contacts quickly. But then you have to meet in person, and proceed fast. Because she has another 100 guys on her list and some will not let her wait so long as you.

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I was on Thai Love Links for a while when I first stayed in Thailand. I thought it would help me meet Thai women who spoke English. 90 percent bar girls has got to be a huge exaggeration. I only got to know a few girls personally, none of which were bar girls. Most were University students or had Bachelors degrees.

On the other hand, I told women I lived in Thailand, and I was looking locally. If your listed abroad maybe bar/working girls try to contact you to send money or something.

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Thailand ladies are nt known to have lots of spare cash, nless they work the bars. I live in a non tourist area in the centre of the country. Any of the ladies here who are looking for a better life would look towards putting theselves on a site and seeing what happens. But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

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Never trust Any Thai lady who tells you they don't like Thai men- its what they think farang men want to hear. Sure they will tell u about their ex Thai bf who was a drunk/lazy / violent - all bs to make u feel special. Funnily enough it tends to be farang men age 50 plus who fall for this most. And they ought t be wiser ! Anyway one born every minute I guess. ....

I'd have to agree. I think it's something they teach in Bargirl 101, under the section "What to say to gullible farangs to make them fall in love with you." Other popular suggestions: "I no want your money," "You different from other men," "I only work here since last week," "I no like work bar, but have to send money home to mother," "I no have boyfriend"....etc.

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I think it's something they teach in Bargirl 101, under the section "What to say to gullible farangs to make them fall in love with you." Other popular suggestions: "I no want your money," "You different from other men," "I only work here since last week," "I no like work bar, but have to send money home to mother," "I no have boyfriend"....etc.

I'm impressed about your in-depth knowledge on bargirls and gullible farangs.

Only one thing I wonder.....

When will you leave the bar stool and get a life?

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If you are after a long term relationship then take the time to talk to them (don't limit yourself to just one as they are only internet curiosities at this stage) for several months to learn who they are.

OMG, another "expert" who is chatting and courting the internet girlfriends for months.

In the meanwhile she is happily shagging the guys who know their game smile.png

Dating sites can be used to get new contacts quickly. But then you have to meet in person, and proceed fast. Because she has another 100 guys on her list and some will not let her wait so long as you.

Good advice.

The standard mistake (which I made) is to chat for too long before meeting.


I chatted to the first girl I met for about two months. Then we chatted on Facebook for about a month. And there were lots of phone calls, too.

But when I finally met her ............ it was obvious in an instant why she was 32, single and childless. She was a real bummer.


After this, I got the girls to become "friends" on Facebook asap. This is a good way to find out who they are.

I met a girl on Thaifriendly. She was great. But on Facebook, I saw she had a photo album showing her trip to Australia with her then fiancee. And apparently she had had an English boyfriend before this. She was a farang hunter.

Block. Delete. Finish. Gone.


Obviously, really. If these girls are so beautiful, why are they single? The answer is simple. It's because they are crap.


You are English or American or Australian or European. You are a SOMEBODY. You have assets. Compared to you, she is nothing. Don't take any shit from her. Don't tolerate greed, selfishness, vanity, or sulkiness.

Any nonsense ......... block, delete, finish, gone.


Sin sod is for losers. No sex before marriage is for nuns. Wai-ing is for Thais.

An adult relationship is based on sex. Adults have sex.

If she doesn't want sex ......... block, delete, finish, gone.


It took me six months to find the girl I've now been living with for the last four months. I don't find Thai girls particularly attractive. I prefer women with strong Arabic or Indian features. So I searched for girls here in the south. And my new girlfriend is exactly what I want.

If you're not interested in flat-nosed Isaan girls with short legs, do NOT chat to flat-nosed Isaan girls with short legs.

Use the dating site as a tool. Don't use it as a social networking site. Use it purely as a means of obtaining what you want.

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I think it's something they teach in Bargirl 101, under the section "What to say to gullible farangs to make them fall in love with you." Other popular suggestions: "I no want your money," "You different from other men," "I only work here since last week," "I no like work bar, but have to send money home to mother," "I no have boyfriend"....etc.

I'm impressed about your in-depth knowledge on bargirls and gullible farangs.

Only one thing I wonder.....

When will you leave the bar stool and get a life?

I'm just tickled pink that you're "impressed." Was there something I said that you disagreed with? Or perhaps offended by?

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OK, I’ve been waffling on…But things to look out for IMHO…….. If they are being pushy, (trying to move things along to fast) trying to get you to use email/MSN and not the dating site, (they may be priming you for money, as they will be kicked of the dating site for this) find out what do they do for a living.

Just remember getting ripped of takes two…….and who is the fool in that relationship?

yeah, many were quick to want to switch to email/MSN - many also wanted to "see me" on cam straight away.

and the number who wanted to chat with me using a pop up chat box which they instigated, without me even seeing their profile - well, let me just say it got tiring, no sooner had I logged on, there was some woman wanting to chat.

but yes, there were a couple of 30 y o women that looked the part, seemed to have an education, holding down decent jobs.

lots of young ones though, far younger than I could get here, some in some pretty skimpy clothing - shouted bar girl to me, nothing wrong with that if that is your scene, but no way am I sponsoring anyone.

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thanks everyone for the advice, some good tips.

It was mainly just a bit of fun and to see what kind of interest I might get. Certainly more than here in Oz for an equivalent dating site, but am in no rush yet to head over to Thailand to live.

Agree best is to meet in normal face to face situations, but that is a bit hard to do from here. Think I have a reasonable idea now what signs might give away being a bar girl, and dont really see the point of trying to meet a bar girl on the internet, they are easy enough to meet in any bar.

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I smashed these sites in the early days...thailandfriends was the first one and if you live in Thailand then you are in prime position to build up a network of interests and date them all till you find the one you think is best suited and take it further from there...I disagree with the chat over the net for months on end as over email/chatroom people can keep the act up and you will be very let down once you do meet up as you'll expect her to have the same attitude/standards she's been telling you as thats probably what you wanted to hear...

After years of my philandering I met my now wife on one of them sites...from what I remember chat was very limited till we actually met up and started dating, also from what I remember I wasn't looking for a wife at the time either....regardless if you are prepared not to judge or be insecure as to where and what they been doing and take people on face value and give things a go then they can work....

best of luck

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Ask her to post you a photo of her holding something [ blue umbrella or similar]

If she drinks or smokes [either] leave alone.

A friend arranged to meet a 'girl' at her bar [she claimed to be the owner] at 9.30 pm.

I told him it would be a scam .He waited a couple of hours and she turned up when he asked to check bin.

I understand she was much older than her photo.

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a lot of these thai dating sites are nothing but bullshit. MANY of these dating sites hire girls to reply to adds... its their job to just send messages and chat with as many people as they possibly can.

I've personally seen employment ads for 3 of these places. Not saying that there are not genuine females on these sites, but it should be known that there are alot of girls employed by these sites also.

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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

+1 I can guarantee I have probably been to more orgies and 1 night stands than many of the ladies I have ever had relationships....those in glass houses and all that!

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Hi ‘expatdreamer’

I am going to be honest here, the last time I posted a reply on TV to a topic about internet dating, I gave the people who were, in my opinion at the time missing the social skills to interact face to face and arrange a date, were going to be eaten alive in Thailand and, sorry to say a bunch of ‘wasters’ for going down this route.

Well, I admit I was wrong…..on both counts…..The first, not all the girls will rip you off and not all the guys on the these web-sites are ‘wasters’

The problem is not the web-sites, it’s the gullibility of the men looking for love on them…if some bloke is dumb enough to fall for some of the bull shit he’s given, and goes for the 18 year old ‘bint’ that describes her likes as ‘bald fat sweaty men of any age’…….Then sorry boys, you deserve all you suffer and the girls deserve all they get. Why….? Well, as I see it; Thailand is a conservative country, for those of you who have never been or only been for the two week holiday in Pattaya…You need to understand good girls will not be telling you they love you after you reply to their post and pushing for a meet, (believe it or not) If some idiots believe the crap they see on TV or read in the ‘Sun’ newspaper….’Up to them’ about Thailand and it’s lose morals.

Nice girls, (don’t read into that, you know what I mean) DO post on these sites…..I know at least 5, nice girls, between 30 and 40 years of age looking for love….The whole nine yard. In there words……They are now getting passed over in Thai culture, they have good jobs, sense of humor, speak English…………But sorry…They don’t hang around ‘bar beers’……funny that a!

There are lots of nice girls in Thailand who are honestly happy to meet a nice guy from anywhere.

OK, I’ve been waffling on…But things to look out for IMHO…….. If they are being pushy, (trying to move things along to fast) trying to get you to use email/MSN and not the dating site, (they may be priming you for money, as they will be kicked of the dating site for this) find out what do they do for a living.

Just remember getting ripped of takes two…….and who is the fool in that relationship?

Let me leave you with this thought, I have no doubt there are as many great girls in Thailand looking for the same thing as western men, a relationship, (if it a knee ‘trembler’….get on a plane and go to a bar beer near you…Easy) The problem for both is a difference in culture, the internet can transcend this….for an introduction anyway.

Always think with the dig head! Upstairs for thinking….Down stairs for dancing!

What about the "good" handsome young guys meeting "good" girls via websites and tricking them into sex? giggle.gif

Not all guys that use dating or chat sites are old fat bald losers. licklips.gif

Its easier than meeting girls in clubs as you can have a decent chat on instant messenger, sober too ;)

I always use chat rooms (not dating pay sites) to meet the kind of girls i want to meet.cowboy.gif

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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

+1 I can guarantee I have probably been to more orgies and 1 night stands than many of the ladies I have ever had relationships....those in glass houses and all that!


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a lot of these thai dating sites are nothing but bullshit. MANY of these dating sites hire girls to reply to adds... its their job to just send messages and chat with as many people as they possibly can.

I've personally seen employment ads for 3 of these places. Not saying that there are not genuine females on these sites, but it should be known that there are alot of girls employed by these sites also.

Agree the words they use dont seem right and it sometimes looks like more than one person is replying, which is what you are saying, they are a business, they dont want you find anything more than your credit card!
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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

+1 I can guarantee I have probably been to more orgies and 1 night stands than many of the ladies I have ever had relationships....those in glass houses and all that!


Many of the internet cafes are full of kids playing games and for chicks working long hours that is not convenient, wher I am there are few internet cafes, but according to TLL there are more than 1000 chicks looking for a partner! I dont see a queue in the internet cafes.
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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

+1 I can guarantee I have probably been to more orgies and 1 night stands than many of the ladies I have ever had relationships....those in glass houses and all that!


.............you stil sponsoring?

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........But where do they get the money to acquire a computer in the first place to make contact, its a sizeable investment for them and a huge one for ladies over the age of what would you say 35? Does the gamble tell you anything about the life they currently lead?

Internet shops are 12-20 baht/hr in non-tourist areas. they usually have games, skype, webcam pre-set up. No need to own laptop, although they are fairly cheap second-hand. Even new, 7-10,000 baht cam get a non-techie a great deal in tesco.

Why do people want to make so many assumptions about their partner's past? Does it really matter now?

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

+1 I can guarantee I have probably been to more orgies and 1 night stands than many of the ladies I have ever had relationships....those in glass houses and all that!

7-10000 bts might not seem much to you but to a Thai lady I think it would be a lot of money. People make assumption on the information they have helps form their opinions. I know a lot of happy Thai couples I also know a lot of Thail ladies, not bar girls, who have not chosen wisely there partners and it has all ended up in tears, so I think it down to experiences and those are then shared that Thai men are no good and this no doubt more demonstrated in the tourist areas so as to gain kudos with whatever farang that is currently at the top of the pile. This is a side stream from the original posting and in danger of going off topic.THai dating sites are dubious places, beware all is not what it seems. Edited by nong38
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