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I realize that here are postings regarding Manuka Honey in other forums but times change and it is possible that someone has see this honey for sale recently. If so I would be grateful if you could advise where.

Also this honey seems to have many theraputic qualities. In my own case I was afvised that it may help to reduce/elimintae cateracts.

If you have any experience of this - I would be interested to hear.

Many thanks.



Chiang Mai Pure Honey have plenty of medicinal honey. They are located on Chang Klan road near Thapae Road, and their telephone number is 053 276 488.


re .. Chiang Mai Pure Honey have plenty of medicinal honey. They are located on Chang Klan road

here .. about 400 yards to the left of burger king : )





manuka honey is specific in its properties compared to other honeys. It can help people in ways that other honeys can't.

I've bought quite a few jars in the last year, both from england and australia. I've also seen it for sale in hong kong airport shops. I've never seen it for sale in chiang mai, but hope to one day. It will have to have come from new zealand or tasmania.


First of all - Many thanks to all of you for your replies. At this moment of time, until I can have the necessary sugical procedure to correct my cateracts, I will try anything and believe that in addition - the power of posiive thought helps even if you only consider it a palbebo.

Perhaps tthis topic would now would reside better in he health forum, but it is my understanding that all types of honey have theraputic beneficial effects. Some more than others. I have happily encountered the local mountain dark honey and it is extremely good. It seems to be that Manuka honey, depending which hive and area of New Zealand or Tasmania hat it comes from may have many degrees of something called UMF. UMF 16 I understand may be he most health enhancing.

Anyway. Once again - thanks to everyone.


  • 2 months later...

Also looking for this. Its all over Singapore - I thought I was in honey heaven, all the shopping malls have little honey stalls where all kinds of NZ and Oz honeys are sold. Saw a jar for USD 300 - i couldn't believe my eyes, asked, and thats how I learned about Manuka honey. The higher the UMF factor, the more expensive...

I managed to order some online - can dig up the website if anyone is interested. About to get the product in a few days. They have a warehouse in Malaysia so it only takes a few days and shipping costs are reasonable - the website is very basic though so its hard to tell how much shipping actually is. I will update here once I get the honey.

Oh yeah one more thing: Manuka honey has a really strong, almost bitter taste. And thats just the UMF 10 version I have!

As for normal, good honey.... Well I have been trying to find this in Thailand for the past 6 years. I found some decent Honey in Nan and the royal project one is OK. Only recently found imported Leatherwood honey at carefour - pricey at 400 baht / jar but its the first honey I found where Id unequivocally says its very good.


re .. Chiang Mai Pure Honey have plenty of medicinal honey. They are located on Chang Klan road

here .. about 400 yards to the left of burger king : )


To the left if you are facing Burger King to the right if your back is to it.

As for the medicinal values I know nothing. I buy Bee pollen there. I have Diabetes and I read that honey is worse for my blood sugar level so I avoid it.

And no I don't know what the medicinal value of the Bee Pollen is. I just believed a friend who said it was a help to good health,


I looked in vain for this in Chiangmai. But I found a supplier in Bangkok who took orders over the phone and delivered the bottle(s) to my hotel. It was around 1800 bht for a bottle - about 18 months ago. I picked up a few bottles in London at Waitrose, which has it in various strengths. I actually like its distinctive flavour. I'f be interested to learn details and prices etc of the online supplier in Malaysia mentioned by Nikster and will wait to read his update.


Thanks everyone. Eventually a friend brought out some from the UK. but looking at your comments am starting to feel guity as goodness know how much it must have cost!


The supermarket in Central Chidlom in Bangkok has Manuka honey. Saw it yesterday. Expensive, but I forget hoe much.

This must be relatively recent, because I didn't find it there when I was looking (or maybe I looked only in Central World's supermarket).


Thanks everyone. Eventually a friend brought out some from the UK. but looking at your comments am starting to feel guity as goodness know how much it must have cost!

The UK is cheaper than australia, hong kong airport, and singapore airport, considerably so.

I think i was buying half a kilo back in the UK last year, factor 10, for about 30 quid, perhaps 25. I do know that holland and barrett would have deals like buy one jar, get one half price, which brought the per kilo price down.

After doing research i figured that factor 10 is the best price/remedy ratio. Less than this factor you may as well by other honeys since the unique properties of manuka only kick in at about factor 8. The higher factors were just more expensive as they got higher, and my recollection from my research is that it just wasn't worth getting these higher factors. Having said that i was buying the stuff to fight off helicobactor pylori, perhaps some health problems might benefit from the higher factors.

In australia i learned that they have manuka honey from tasmania and was recommended to buy online from sources there. Never did follow up on this.

Another great product for many health problems incidentally is apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it. Easily got in chiang mai from rimping stores and other shops, braggs brand from the US. I would also add my voice to the one above mentioning colloidal silver.

[and you might like to do some searching for other ways to deal with cataracts on a great site from the US called naturalnews dot com.]


A long post with medicinal claims but no citation of the source and the replies to it have been deleted.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Another great product for many health problems incidentally is apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it.

Why is the kind with the "mother" supposed to be better? It is certainly more expensive.


Any where to get raw unprocessed unheated honey in Chiang Mai?

The only brand I found is Healthy Mate at Rimping which is certified organic/raw, but they might still use minimal heat to process and still be classified as raw.

get honey from the royal project, bottle 180 B.

Anything special about this honey? I would assume its processed.

Chiang Mai Pure Honey have plenty of medicinal honey. They are located on Chang Klan road near Thapae Road, and their telephone number is 053 276 488.

Anyone have any info if any of the honey is not heated/processed? No organic/raw certificates or labeling to be found on the bottles so I'm guessing its processed (heated) and therefor has no medical use.


Why not go to a bee farm? We have one in saraphi for example. I've not been there yet, but going to the actual farm and seeing how the honey is made is the best way to be assured you get what you want!

At ban suan pak, the health food shop near the presidents hotel, they have both raw honey for sale, and organic honey for sale, maybe even organic raw, i can't remember. And she's not going to mislabel her products. In addition she sells both royal jelly and royal jelly capsules. This product is amazing stuff, and will do you more good than honey.

  • Like 1

Another great product for many health problems incidentally is apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it.

Why is the kind with the "mother" supposed to be better? It is certainly more expensive.

I went to one of my books that i thought i had read this, but it's not in there. I have read about it somewhere, and will try to find the source. But my recollection is along the lines that without the mother in it, the properties and nutrients it has are lessened and therefore the product is not as effective in dealing with whatever ailment.


I have tried to research it and I can't find any reason why the stuff with the "mother" is any better than normal raw apple cider vinegar, but it is twice the price. I have stopped going for the expensive brands with the "mother" as it seems like a waste of money to me.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have been supplying private buyers with pure manuka honey in CM, PM me if interested, more stocks this week from New Zealand


The pesticide use in this country is no joke. Bees don't know how to avoid the orchards and fields that are full of poison, and diluting honey with sugar/syrup is something any local is familiar with, presumably for a reason. Eat local honey for the taste if you enjoy it, but I would not assume any health benefits, rather the opposite.


Grew up using Manuka honey on my toast or porridge.:)

I introduced TW to this pleasure, during our recent sojourn in the Shaky Isles, and she loved it. Vogels bread, NZ butter and Manuka honey .... doesn't come much better! :P

Manuka honey as sold for local (not tourist/export) consumption has certainly gone up in price since I was a kid and often hard to get due to export demands, but like Greenshell mussels, is still a delight to enjoy fresh, ONLY in New Zealand

NB: Someone on here said manuka honey is bitter-tasting, that's incorrect!

  • Like 1

The supermarket in Central Chidlom in Bangkok has Manuka honey. Saw it yesterday. Expensive, but I forget hoe much.

Correct Ricklev, there is a small quantity of manuka honey in Central Chidlom as of today

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