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I Want To Put On 3Kg Of Muscle


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You can get NO products at HealthDesigns.com and Iherb.com (Use BID083 to save 5$) and for most other supplements.

White Flood is an amazeing preworkout with NO ingredients, most cost effective one that ive found at 100 servigs only about 40$. NO explode is another nice one but it never gives me much of a "pump" as white flood.

Im on the bottom of my last white flood tub but if you wanted to try NO explode (grape) im around the Thonglor area, could give you a scoop or 2.

As far as shipping goes for importing its fairly quick at 2 week and shipping is only 8$ on heathdesigns and 4$ on iherb, both have weight limits but their plenty most of the time.

Cheers :)

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Ok, i tried NO explode once but it never really worked for me. I tried many supplements in my day most of them did not work.

Things that did work for me

Protein powder

Cafeine powder (for extra hard workouts)

L carnatine (moment i started using it muscle soreness decreased)

Fish oil (just assume it works)

I do take CLA and vitamins too.. no idea of they work. Did try some ECA stack, T3 (cant really say it worked) clen(did work but wont use it again because of the sides)

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Alot of people think that most suplements are a waste of money, but thats alot about what you want from your body as far as fitness/health. People are willing to spend 100,000s+ on personal trainers, 10000s on workout cloths, organic foods, when a bottle of basic mutivitamins cost about .06-.25 usd a day... If that kind of extra insurance isnt worth it than supplements arent for you.

The same idea goes for things such as a NO product, even if i feel better via a placebo effect, placebos are very real in terms of performace boosting. Well worth the 1-2$ a day instead of something extra at the grocery store.

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I think people should find out what works.. because there is a lot of stuff that really does not work. Insurance is nice.. but when it does not work it does not work. Sounds like your in the supplement business. You can get a lot from eating well, actually that should be the basis of everything.

Supplement are just that.. a supplement and many are just a marketing ploy.

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Not in the supplement and i completely agree you can get pretty much 100% of what you need from a well balanced diet. The key here is balance though, the range of different foods you would need a day to fill your vitamin requirements alone would be so numerous it would be a hassle just to eat.

I dont think protein shakes are required, but they sure as hell make it easier to take a 120calorie shake and get 22g of protein when your shooting for higher #s.

Theres tons and tons of supplements out there that dont work and theres no magic pill besides steriods. Basicly if its going to make you build muscle/lose fast fast its illegal.

By far the best thing anyone can do imo to gain/lose weight is counting your calories. Not watching counting. If your dedicated it will get done.

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Not in the supplement and i completely agree you can get pretty much 100% of what you need from a well balanced diet. The key here is balance though, the range of different foods you would need a day to fill your vitamin requirements alone would be so numerous it would be a hassle just to eat.

I dont think protein shakes are required, but they sure as hell make it easier to take a 120calorie shake and get 22g of protein when your shooting for higher #s.

Theres tons and tons of supplements out there that dont work and theres no magic pill besides steriods. Basicly if its going to make you build muscle/lose fast fast its illegal.

By far the best thing anyone can do imo to gain/lose weight is counting your calories. Not watching counting. If your dedicated it will get done.

I agree 100% im counting calories now, and having good results. Steroids.. illegal and also they wont work without training and proper food. I have nothing against supplements, just think like you that there is a lot of snake oil out there.

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Ya calorie counting is 100% sure fire method to losing weight. I’m 6'4 212lbs atm, at my heaviest I was 325lbs. No magic pills, no secrets, hard work and dedication. Fact that 80%+ of expats in Thailand at some level seem to have an alcohol problem also doesn’t help every ones weight.

Also as far as knowing how much to burn goes, ive imported a Bodemedia which you strap around your top left arm and basically just leave it there. While it’s on you it will be calculating you daily calorie expenditure. Really easy, you see you’re using 2800 a day so you cut at 2300. -3500cals for the week so bam there’s 1lb.

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Agree with you that balanced diet and regular workout is essential. But if you have certain goals then supplements can help you to reach this a little faster and easier - I don't know if that is cheating already. I personally think the only supplements that are worth their money are: Whey, creatine, BCAAs, multivitamin tablets and maybe glutamine when dieting.

I am dieting right now and planning to go for competition next year but even my supplements are very basic (whey, L-carnitine, multivitamin, ginger and gotu kola tablets, 7-keto) and I am trying to get as much as I can out from food. The stuff is also really expensive here in Thailand...

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Ya best to just get it from food here chicken is really cheap if you find a sale. Foodland had and may still have a sale on boneless skinless chicken breast 89B per kg, so only $1.5 a lb which is pretty dam_n good. I eat about 1-2lbs of chicken a day depending on what im cooking so coming down from 125-140 is alot of $ saved

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I don't consider supplements cheating. Actually some might work but i have only seen real noticeable results from supplements a few times. Right now im om a diet too and will be for a couple of more months more.

Most of the times i eat a lb of chicken a day too depending on the rest of my food. I try to eat some salad and start the day off with oatmeal. I go for whole unprocessed foods.

The supplements CLA (just bought a ton of it in the past never seen real results), fish oil (i know it works but never felt tangible results), vitamins (same here no tangible results). Then L carnitine did give me some less muscle pains and a bit more energy. Cafeine powder always helps but i try to avoid it because of the lack of energy after it is out of the system.

I still think the training and the calorie counting have a far greater influence then the supplements.

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Cheating is only a matter if you are competing where others may dissapprove,

if i can get an easier and faster ride, it's a deal.

I'm back from my first pass in many years, and in hindsight i'd been better off just warming up all sleeping muscles instead of working out triceps, i don't recall ever being so swollen around my elbows.

I'll just do some allround stuff for a couple of weeks when i heal upcowboy.gif

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Cheating is only a matter if you are competing where others may dissapprove,

if i can get an easier and faster ride, it's a deal.

I'm back from my first pass in many years, and in hindsight i'd been better off just warming up all sleeping muscles instead of working out triceps, i don't recall ever being so swollen around my elbows.

I'll just do some allround stuff for a couple of weeks when i heal upcowboy.gif

Every one does that after a long break. They go for it hard while its better to start low. Dont feel bad i done the same in the past.

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what's the best way to tone at home with as little paraphernalia as possible?

Make your own for B500; I did:


Works great. No more gyms for me! I take it along when traveling, too.

this looks really cool


i only watched a couple of minutes

because i have no idea how i would trust something like this to support my weight and not seriously injure myself

so back to my question, only add the word safe as well as easy to install/use

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I think people should find out what works.. because there is a lot of stuff that really does not work. Insurance is nice.. but when it does not work it does not work. Sounds like your in the supplement business. You can get a lot from eating well, actually that should be the basis of everything.

Supplement are just that.. a supplement and many are just a marketing ploy.

I agree. People lean on them and most of it is in the head. Good multivitamin and mineral supplements which do work cost a lot of money. Cheap ones (as described above) are probably just a waste of money.

I've just ordered some Gaspari Nutrition's Anavite on eBay. Landed it will end up costing about 1,300 baht for a month's supply if I'm not hit with custom's duties.... the point is that if you want stuff that really works, you're going to have to pay for it. For people looking for something quite good but cheaper, Optimum Nutrition's (ON) "Opti-men" is not too bad. Your best bet is to order on eBay. The trick is to find a seller who will ship to Thailand at a reasonable price. It takes a bit of searching.

A lot of people feel the need to take a lot of expensive pre-workout stuff, but for me a good breakfast with carbs and protein (for me that's wholegrain oats with added whey protein and fruit) and a coffee and I'm good to go and put in a solid 1.5 to 2 hours. You need drive and dedication, not pre-workout crutches.

(The following is in reply to an earlier post expounding the benefits of a pump):

I never judge a workout on how good a pump I've achieved. You can get a great pump doing high rep sets with 20 lb DB's but it's not going to make you grow. Come to think of it I never give any consideration to pump. Heavy weights won't give you much of a pump either. Forget the pump and concentrate on what you're achieving. In fact, too much muscle pump reduces the ability of the working muscles to perform work and you may find yourself in a position where you need to take longer breaks between sets in order to allow the pump to subside.

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about a pump.. I also don't really care about a pump and hardly ever have one. Unless im real high in reps and almost no breaks. But if it motivates you then by all means take something that gives one to you.

I think the most important thing in training is the will to go to the gym and workout. I workout at home and got everything i need. But still i have days that i have to drag myself to train. Motivation is important, i think a good workout does more then any supplement you can take.

But stuff that has some cafeine in it does help you to do your workout. Problem is for me that it often zaps me of energy later in the day.

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If you are looking to buy quality vitamins go for Metagenics brand. They arent cheap but they are high quality. They are the ones the naturopaths use in Oz.

You can buy them online. If you want a good B vitamin and anti oxidant formula try Tresos B by Eagle Pharmacy.

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what's the best way to tone at home with as little paraphernalia as possible?

Make your own for B500; I did:


Works great. No more gyms for me! I take it along when traveling, too.

this looks really cool


i only watched a couple of minutes

because i have no idea how i would trust something like this to support my weight and not seriously injure myself

so back to my question, only add the word safe as well as easy to install/use

Nonsense. Anyway if you're that much of a klutz, you gotta stay away from weights, kettlebells, rubber, and machines. OK here you go:


Google and youtube around. Good stuff and it don't get cheaper. Now don't hurt yourself.

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A lot of misinformation out there. First, don't be too serious. Your not shooting to be a world class body builder. I've been weight training for 30 years. I'm now 60. I weight train to maintain the muscle I have. With that said:

  • Get a gym membership so you have access to free weight and machines
  • Supplement with Creatine Monohydrate. 2 to 5 mg / day. This supplement helps with muscle endurance. You can crank out more reps with higher intensity
  • Train upper and lower body on alternate days. Example:
    • Day 1: upper body
    • Day 2: lower body
    • Day 3: Cardio
    • Day 4: upper body
    • Day 5 Cardio
    • Day 6: lower body
    • Day 7: rest

    [*]Train between 3 to 6 sets per muscle group using 8 to 12 reps

    [*]Isolate the muscle you are training by using slow, deliberate lifts

    • Count of 3 lifting / count of 3 lowering

    [*]Use sufficient weight to fully fatigue the muscle by the last lift of you repetition. You should reach muscle failure.

    [*]After your workout, eat a high protein meal. Watch your eating though. Posters will tell you that you need to eat, eat, eat!!! Yeah, if you're in your 20s. How old are you? As you get older, as you eat,eat, eat, where do you think that food is going -- some muscle, a lot of fat. Your gonna put both muscle and fat on, but you need to watch how much. It's a balancing act as you get older. Eat high quality, nutrition dense foods. Watch your carbs and don't skip the cardio.

    [*]Be patient. Gauge you progress in months, not days. Take pictures now, then one month, two month, three month. You'll see progress over time.

    [*]Be consistent. If you train hard this week, and get lazy next week -- don't bother. Make a schedule and stick to it for at least 3 months. Then modify what your doing to meet you future goals.

Have fun!

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Talking about misinformation... reaching muscle failure each and every training day will be hard and will lead to over training. How do you define muscle failure ?

About training shedules.. there are so many out there. I am sure you have tried many too. Some work for you and some don't. I done many too and must say the one i do now keeps working the longest so far. Does not mean i will go on with it forever. If i get bored with it i might have to change.

You are right about being consistent that is the biggest problem and it affects me too. Actually it affects me more then i want at least once a year something happens that gets me off training for a month or so. (mostly my parents visiting for a month and going with them on a holiday). I think many people have stuff like this. Its bad.. but almost unavoidable.

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A lot of misinformation out there....

I'm now 60. I weight train to maintain the muscle I have. With that said:

  • Supplement with Creatine Monohydrate. 2 to 5 mg / day. This supplement helps with muscle endurance. You can crank out more reps with higher intensity

  • Train upper and lower body on alternate days. Example:
    • Day 1: upper body
    • Day 2: lower body
    • Day 3: Cardio
    • Day 4: upper body
    • Day 5 Cardio
    • Day 6: lower body
    • Day 7: rest

Maintaining muscle is easy. You certainly wouldn't need creatine monohydrate to do that and training to "failure" would also be unnecessary causing unneeded stress on the body and joints.

Are you sure you're only training for maintenance? Even at 52 I'm always training to improve. I'd get bored going to the gym with the mindset that I only want to stay the same.

Regarding your workout plan... it's unbalanced. IMO it's not a good plan for maintenance and it isn't a good one for gain. Sure, it'll do the trick to maintain, but there a better out there for that purpose.

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Well, creatine enhanced endurance for me too, or at least it did.

But on the schedule, i prefer

day one, shoulder, legs

day two, triceps, chest

day three, back, biceps

day four, depends, most likely a rest, or go back to 1

I won't do cardio if i want muscle, and i do want muscle,

nothing worked as well as pyramids for me, not even close

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Well, creatine enhanced endurance for me too, or at least it did.

But on the schedule, i prefer

day one, shoulder, legs

day two, triceps, chest

day three, back, biceps

day four, depends, most likely a rest, or go back to 1

I won't do cardio if i want muscle, and i do want muscle,

nothing worked as well as pyramids for me, not even close

That workout will soon result in either burnout, injury or both. You'll fry your shoulder joints and elbows quickly if you're training with the intensity needed for muscle gain. You should never do a shoulder and chest workout on consecutive days.

If you train without cardio you could end up with more muscle, yes, but unless you have a very fast metabolism you're just going to end up "bulky" - which is euphemism for fat. If you can't see the muscle under fat there's not much point having it unless you're a powerlifter or WSM competitor.

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