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How Was Your Day?

Jai Dee

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Chatted with Icey on MSN until I realised was running late for my visa run trip. Dived in shower, water doesn't work.... threw buckets of cold water over me instead. Answered call from narky visa run lady telling me to hurry or they'd leave me behind.

Jumped in the car raced out into the darkness and answered call from narky visa run lady saying bus has left without me. Race off into the darkness to catch fleeing bus up the highway. Manage to jump on at a service station where driver was waiting for me.

Reach Ranong at 11.15am, get stamped out and race for departing boat. A gorgeous French guy gave me a gorgeous, sunny smile. Bay is a bit choppy, I begin to feel queasy. Lay down for a snooze and we are in Myanmar before I know it. Am surrounded by Burmese wharf boys who remember me from last trip in August. Two of them have a punch up!

Back at Thai immigration in Ranong, gorgeous French guy comes over for a chat. I discover he lives on Phuket and is not a tourist. Lend my favourite purple pen to a young Brit guy. He naver gave it back. Bus heads out to Phuket. I sleep most of the way. Arrive back Phuket at 7pm. Gorgeous French guy asked me to join him for a drink.

On the way to meet gorgeous French guy am almost killed by a runaway car. It crossed in front of me from other side of highway and plummets down a 20ft embankment taking the power lines with it. Stop my car and race back to peer over embankment. Car is down there, smashed with headlights on but no movement from inside.

Frantically flag down traffic. Cars keep driving by. Finally a few cars slow and the drivers follow me to the side of embankment.Calls are made to police and ambulance. There is no way down, and power lines cover the scene. Rescue team needed urgently. Large crowd of onlookers gather. I ascertain there were several witnesses to the accident.

Finally, I can leave. The rendezvous with gorgeous French guy seems lost. I went anyway. There was a band playing, I sat to listen. Gorgeous French guy appeared. He'd been waiting for me but had to leave. He took my telephone number. I went shopping. A friend called and we met for dinner. Arrived home at 11.30 pm. Pretty tired now. What a day!!! :o

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Chatted with Icey on MSN until I realised was running late for my visa run trip. Dived in shower, water doesn't work.... threw buckets of cold water over me instead. Answered call from narky visa run lady telling me to hurry or they'd leave me behind.

Jumped in the car raced out into the darkness and answered call from narky visa run lady saying bus has left without me. Race off into the darkness to catch fleeing bus up the highway. Manage to jump on at a service station where driver was waiting for me.

Reach Ranong at 11.15am, get stamped out and race for departing boat. A gorgeous French guy gave me a gorgeous, sunny smile. Bay is a bit choppy, I begin to feel queasy. Lay down for a snooze and we are in Myanmar before I know it. Am surrounded by Burmese wharf boys who remember me from last trip in August. Two of them have a punch up!

Back at Thai immigration in Ranong, gorgeous French guy comes over for a chat. I discover he lives on Phuket and is not a tourist. Lend my favourite purple pen to a young Brit guy. He naver gave it back. Bus heads out to Phuket. I sleep most of the way. Arrive back Phuket at 7pm. Gorgeous French guy asked me to join him for a drink.

On the way to meet gorgeous French guy am almost killed by a runaway car. It crossed in front of me from other side of highway and plummets down a 20ft embankment taking the power lines with it. Stop my car and race back to peer over embankment. Car is down there, smashed with headlights on but no movement from inside.

Frantically flag down traffic. Cars keep driving by. Finally a few cars slow and the drivers follow me to the side of embankment.Calls are made to police and ambulance. There is no way down, and  power lines cover the scene. Rescue team needed urgently. Large crowd of onlookers gather. I ascertain there were several witnesses to the accident.

Finally, I can leave. The rendezvous with gorgeous French guy seems lost. I went anyway. There was a band playing, I sat to listen. Gorgeous French guy appeared. He'd been waiting for me but had to leave. He took my telephone number. I went shopping. A friend called and we met for dinner. Arrived home at 11.30 pm. Pretty tired now. What a day!!!  :o

Wow! Your day included power failures, bus chases, sea voyages, international travel, fist fights, theft, romance, runaway cars, near death, exotic rendezvous, shopping and late supper.

Everyone elses days fade into insignifigance! :D

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Chatted with Icey on MSN until I realised was running late for my visa run trip. Dived in shower, water doesn't work.... threw buckets of cold water over me instead. Answered call from narky visa run lady telling me to hurry or they'd leave me behind.

Jumped in the car raced out into the darkness and answered call from narky visa run lady saying bus has left without me. Race off into the darkness to catch fleeing bus up the highway. Manage to jump on at a service station where driver was waiting for me.

Reach Ranong at 11.15am, get stamped out and race for departing boat. A gorgeous French guy gave me a gorgeous, sunny smile. Bay is a bit choppy, I begin to feel queasy. Lay down for a snooze and we are in Myanmar before I know it. Am surrounded by Burmese wharf boys who remember me from last trip in August. Two of them have a punch up!

Back at Thai immigration in Ranong, gorgeous French guy comes over for a chat. I discover he lives on Phuket and is not a tourist. Lend my favourite purple pen to a young Brit guy. He naver gave it back. Bus heads out to Phuket. I sleep most of the way. Arrive back Phuket at 7pm. Gorgeous French guy asked me to join him for a drink.

On the way to meet gorgeous French guy am almost killed by a runaway car. It crossed in front of me from other side of highway and plummets down a 20ft embankment taking the power lines with it. Stop my car and race back to peer over embankment. Car is down there, smashed with headlights on but no movement from inside.

Frantically flag down traffic. Cars keep driving by. Finally a few cars slow and the drivers follow me to the side of embankment.Calls are made to police and ambulance. There is no way down, and  power lines cover the scene. Rescue team needed urgently. Large crowd of onlookers gather. I ascertain there were several witnesses to the accident.

Finally, I can leave. The rendezvous with gorgeous French guy seems lost. I went anyway. There was a band playing, I sat to listen. Gorgeous French guy appeared. He'd been waiting for me but had to leave. He took my telephone number. I went shopping. A friend called and we met for dinner. Arrived home at 11.30 pm. Pretty tired now. What a day!!!  :o

Wow! Your day included power failures, bus chases, sea voyages, international travel, fist fights, theft, romance, runaway cars, near death, exotic rendezvous, shopping and late supper.

Everyone elses days fade into insignifigance! :D

Woke up at 7.10 did the usual washing, shaving, pissing. Woke my 6-year-old son. Took him down for breakfast, had mine. Took him upstairs for wash and teeth and stuff. Got him his school clothes, got him dressed. Dressed myself. Left home. Dropped him off at school. Went to the office. Checked email. Said Hi to the team and then went to town.

This included visit to the jewellers (wow! fantastic valuation on some old jewellery(); Off to the bank, paid mon ey into French account, ordered Thai Baht and travellers cheques, removed large wadge of cash.

Went to Thai restaurant in Bicester, UK. Had green curry whilst ringing Thai gf in BKK; Went back to office. Sorted out some personal paperwork; Drove back to son's school. Picked him up. Bought him home. Argued with housekeeper. Spent an hour on MSN talking with Thai fiance. Then spent an hour training on the indoor cycle turbo trainer. Showered. Chaged and Went to staff Christmas Party. Bored. Came home early and here I am online.

But only 8 days before I return to los

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Woke up at 10am, far too cold, called colleague and made excuses. Went back to sleep. Woke up at 5pm, dark outside already with the windows frosting slightly. Sighed. Turned on computers, dealt with some problems, talked to brother and arranged meeting in Oxford for his interview at Christ Church on Sunday. Got a call from a friend at 8pm; "Wanna go play some pool?". Went to play pool. Freezing outside. Invited friend to LOS in May, friend agreed, friend got excited. Talked philosophy with friend and drank until closing, went home. Ate pad thai cooked by my personal thai chef. Watched scrubs. Rang colleague and apologised for waking him up, then apologised for not working. Wondered when and if my body clock will return to some resemblance of normality. Opened letter from grandpa at 3am, replied, did some work, tried to sleep, failed, got up, read some books, went online, wrote this.

I want some of what Khall had.

Edited by OxfordWill
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waked up 10 am ( i did not hear the alarm !!) :D ultrasonic speed shower..steal my sis car..drive fast (traffic jam near Impact Arena due to Motor Show :D )

arrived clinic nearly 11 am ...!! 10 doggies wait for me ... i just work and work till done

got a call from mom ..ask me when to take a baby sister from the airport (she has a meeting at Shanghai (not Shaghai.. :o ) seem i have to close my clinic a bit wee earlier

right now.. stay in clinic with a cocker who is infected Parvo-Virus , (viral enteritis) whith bloody flatid bloody poo ..(seem need to call mone to buy room reflesher orange scent ..or have to run to the minimart near clinic)

giving him I/V fluid via femoral vien

prognosis -(bloody) poor :D:D

**skanky spyware in my clinic's pc is not solved yet :D:D:D

Edited by BambinA
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Woke up 8am, sun was pouring through the windows so jumped (kindof) out of bed and into shower.

Pleasant slow drive to work in the sunshine, got into office where the girls were eating sticky rice and pork, so sat with them and ate that. Then more girls came with kanom, so sat with them and ate that.

Did some e-mailing, then got a drunken call from the girls back in UK. Made me very homesick - talked to all of them for about an hour.

Did some more work. Then went to Tesco (slowly again with the sun on my skin) Ate more food at Tesco then did my usual rounds of getting all the free samples going.

Bought some ingredients to make a green curry tonight (first time)

Now we are decorating the tree in the office, so cant see much more work being done today.

Going to get drunk tonight and maybe go dancing

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Woke up early and went straight to the hospital with my Dad and brother - I'm not a morning person! Asked for my Step-mum's results from her TB skin scratch and blood test for Hep B but the Thai nurses seemed to think it was okay for us to wait a few more days after they told us it would take only two days, three days at the most and it was day three !!!!!!!!!

We shouted a lot and even had a nice English guy trying to explain to the nurses it isn't okay my Step-mum is very sick! Gave up on that one and my Dad had his blood checked for Hep B. Got the results, he has it.

But because he has had a vaccine his antibodies are fighting it :D

My Dad then took us to a psychologist that talked to us for a while and gave us some tablets for sleeping and that kind of thing really. Double checked that the price would only be 1,000 BHT then went to the cashier who demanded 5,000 BHT! My Dad went mad and so did myself and my brother. My Dad said it was a crap hospital and called them liars, then we made it clear we were off elsewhere and not paying the bill that he ripped up.

Went to another clinic and myself and my brother got our blood checked. My brother was real nervous about it bless him. We will get the results in three days (apparently). Got some tablets too and they only charged us 2,000 BHT for everything unlike the crap hospital.

Got the car radio fixed too after watching the Thai men talk about it for an hour :o On the way back home we decided to put on a CD but guess what? It dosen't work! The radio is fixed but the CD player is broken so thats another trip back to them.

Edited by Ice Maiden
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Today was so different from yesterday. No two days are the same. Ever! Woke up at midday feeling all achey after my big day out in Burma. Switched on computer half an hour later. No internet. Modem not working. Called tech. He came straight away. I'm very impressed. Modem is fried. Huge electrical storm in early hours had zapped it through the phone line. New modem cost me 2000 baht. I'm not impressed!

Went out to buy newspaper and read it over coffee. Picked up laundry and had herbal sauna with mud mask. Went to see my refloxologist for a recharge. He was closed. Had mediocre oil massage around the corner instead. Went to favourite seaside cafe for a glass of wine.

Came home and now debating whether to go to last Kings Cup party. It'll be a huge one. Last year's was fabulous. Do I have the energy for it? Haven't been to a big party for ever. Maybe I'll go......... :o

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Today was so different from yesterday. No two days are the same. Ever! Woke up at midday feeling all achey after my big day out in Burma. Switched on computer half an hour later. No internet. Modem not working. Called tech. He came straight away. I'm very impressed. Modem is fried. Huge electrical storm in early hours had zapped it through the phone line. New modem cost me 2000 baht. I'm not impressed!

Thats happened to me, now when I see a big electrical storm coming I unplug the phone line from the modem. I also unplug the UPS from the wall, the microwave and what ever else might be expensive to repair :D We seem to get alot of hits around here--I've only ever lost the modem but my neighbor had his mobile plugged in charging and forgot about it. Fried his phone :o.

Well, I was overly optimistic yesterday, the computer is still not finished but thats ok because the sun is shining again and my hole is still filled in!

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So far, so good. Ran my first road race in a decade this morning: The Korat 12K Mini Marathon. Finished in one hour and one minute. Not bad for retired geezer with a beer gut. As you can see, I'm quite please to be alive:


There were about a thousand participants from all over Thailand, but I only saw one other farang.

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wake up...6.30...get dress, pick up flamenco out fit ...take teaching notes...today no breakfast...

6.57 take the bus...there is train drivers strike sothe bus is over-crowded...

get to my job 8.05 ( i don´t care much about being late I have to travel everyday to madrid city centre because they were not very honest to me so this is the tradeoff-me being late sometimes)....

I will be finishing by 15.00 p.m...

Dad comes to pick up and take me to my other job whinch is happen to be in my village...

teach my little students...take the bus and the underground again to go to Madrid city centre. Dance for two hours...finishing at 9.00p.m...take the bus and the underground again...back to Tres Cantos...10.30 p.m

Have a shower and log in tv. com

go to bed around 12.00 a.m...

How do i know that is what will be happening? because I have been doing it for two months nearly since i came to spain (3 months ago)...

Last week we had two bank holidays...relax, relax, but...this week back to normal :o

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Usual story. Awoke 6.30am, performed usual functions and duties, then took son to school. Off to gym and worked off the anger that last night's business meeting had generated.

Into the office and became butt of everyone's problems. Running one's own business is great, but there are drawbacks! However, tonight off to dinner with daughters (22 and 20) and baby grandson. After this, off to friend's for a beer or three.

And now only 5 days and 6 hrs until my flight takes us from sub-zero Heathrow to Phuket. It gets harder every time I come back.

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So far, so good. Ran my first road race in a decade this morning: The Korat 12K Mini Marathon. Finished in one hour and one minute.

Awesome! I could only dream of that kind of time.

It would take me three days, a tuktuk and a day in hospital to make the trip. :o

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