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Army Chief Dismisses April Coup Reports Claimed By Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn


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Pheu Thai Party MP Jatuporn Phromphan that he received a report from a U.S. Intelligence agency of a possible coup in April.

This bafoon is trying to make people believe he is important enough to receive a U. S. Intelligence agency report. Even in his wildest dreams if he did try to contact them they would laugh their arse off. Now he is calling for the red mobs to hit the streets again. This should be interesting.

This highly respected, admired and powerful leader within the largest Political Movement in Thailand, is keeping the Opposition feet to the fire.

Basic message" There will be no more freeby coups. You try it again, and there will be serious consquences.

Not complicated.

I was wondering when one of these apologist would show up. heheheheheh what a foolish man. Even GK has stayed out of this one

Edited by moe666
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Those who protested the last coup, and some who died doing so, will not be called off the next time.

One can only pray they leave their children out of it, the next time. Children are notoriously liable to being victimised by those who 'care' about them. Why, they're so inadequate at establishing motive, they usually blame themselves for their exploitation.

Whilst their exploiters blame the government. Who, in trying to protect them from bullets, have been known to negotiate with terror. You can't negotiate with terror. Terror never wants what it claims to want. If you give terror what it wants, you are going to pay for your mistake, dearly. Terror is going to pull your emotional strings. Make you afraid - or make you angry. Why, terror can make you so outraged, you forget that bullets can fly both ways.

And those who would give their lives / careers for you, only to be turned down by Terror; aren't going to be able to give you what your children want. They won't be allowed - by you - to give you a Welfare State. Good cannot compete with Evil. How can Good outbid Evil, in the bidding war for your attention. Those who scream "JUST LIE TO ME!" have a pretty hard time accepting Reality.

And the Reality is, as always, impure and incredibly simple. Truth never flies in two directions, unlike bullets.

Unlike bullets, Truth will never stab you in the back.

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The only coop that Jatuporn should interest himself in is the chicken coop. In there he will find creatures with similar sized brains that, like him, spend all day running around clucking and spouting crap.

I wonder if this brainless idiot will call off his red mob rally.

Those who protested the last coup, and some who died doing so, will not be called off the next time.

I think it would be more productive in any political discussion to accept the leadership and influence of this guy, even if ya don't like him.

By taking him seriously given his political influence in the country, only then can one deal with the reality.

Calling this Thai political leader a "brainless idiot" deprives the Opposition of developing an Oppositional plan.

isn't the persecution of him by the Opposition when they were the Govt., and now, an indication how seriously they take this guy.

Anyone wanting a grasp on Thai Political reality is advised to do likewise

After this post even if you wanted to be taken serious, no way in hell will that ever happen.

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Ms Yingluck said she believed that Mr Jatuporn raised the issue as a warning. She noted that everyone has the right to express opinion, but that such expression should not go beyond the legal limit.

A fairly meaningless statement. Pheu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Jatuporn didn't express an opinion, but referred to information allegedly provided to him by a U.S. Intelligence Agency. Well, k. Jatuporn is lucky, in some countries he's be incarcerated and tried for treason by now on either "revealing military secrets" or "publishing foreign gossip" biggrin.png

And where in the first world is it an offence to "publish foreign gossip"

Just in case you really didn't get it: the 'publish foreign gossip' was an exaggeration, a hyperbole.

Anyway the main thing here is that if k. Jatuporn had just expressed his opinion there would be no real condemnation. The problem is he said he got info from a foreign security organisation.

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begin removed...

Those who protested the last coup, and some who died doing so, will not be called off the next time.

... end removed

Those who died last time may not need to be called off, hopefully they either rest in peace or are re-incarnated to the level they earned/deserved.

Edited by rubl
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So some US security agency (CIA, NSA...CHAOS?) has chosen Khun Jatuporn as their liaison in Thailand? That US security agencies may be in contact with their Thai colleagues is not surprising, indeed expected. That they have chosen Khun Jatuporn as their liaison challenges credibility. There is no pragmatic reason why they would do this, and these guys are all about pragmatism.

This probably plays well to the fans of Thai soap operas, but I don't think reasonable people of any global experience would buy into this.

I think Khun Jatuporn is well aware of the old saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

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Removed a post that claimed others were paid to post, i.e.:

Thaksin has tied all the opposition, including the ones who clock on here for a shift, into knots.

This is not the first allegation by this poster, if you have any actual evidence please forward it to support. If it's just a lame debating tactic, further references like that may find you without posting rights.

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Removed a post that claimed others were paid to post, i.e.:

Thaksin has tied all the opposition, including the ones who clock on here for a shift, into knots.

This is not the first allegation by this poster, if you have any actual evidence please forward it to support. If it's just a lame debating tactic, further references like that may find you without posting rights.

I cannot speak for anyone but myself, obviously. But I can present evidence that fear can tie me into knots. I don't know anything about anyone else, but those who cannot be corrupted by carrots, can be terrified with sticks; from personal experience. Red Shirt leaders were doing this to the media. Sometimes, it's easy to mistake terror for corruption.

Self-censoring via fear of violence all-too-real, of the sort Jutaporn and his masters often resort to, is their greatest weapon. But again, I can only speak for myself. There are multiple ways to skin cats, and multiple ways to tie knots. I can be a terrified creep, and pragmatic to the point of nausea; but then you'd have to make me frightened - as I have no use for bling. I suspect, many are in the same camp.

Edited by TheyCallmeScooter
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Thailand has had about 18 coup d'etat since 1932, depending on how you count them. Some say that a self imposed coup d'etat in 2010 counts as 19 as well as others. Using the 18 count results in a coup d'etat every 4.4 years. Therefore, pure mathematical probability compounded by all the negative press and on-going incessant bickering and criticism of the sitting PM, would logically point to another coup d'etat.

The use of the word "coup" is actually incorrect if you subscribe to the Oxford Dictionary's explanation. Oxford adapted the French coup d'etat since no word in the English language existed to accurately describe the event, "a stroke of state," usually, but not always organized and executed by the military. Whereas, a "coup" could refer to anything that succeeds, including a victory in a football match and many other types of "successes" in business, politics, medicine..etc.

The Thai style overthrows of governments have historically been "coup d'etat" and have usually included the element of surprise or suddeness. The last one, in September, 2006 was clearly a sudden tactic by the military, and surprise to "most" people including the incumbent majority government. Furthermore, the military installed a military leader to head the government. So that gives rise to the question as to why the general would respond any other way than he did to Jatuporn's allegation.

A coup d'etat giving up its element of surprise and suddeness logically sets itself up for failure, and one would doubt that if it is being planned, that the supposed planners would announce it. However Jatuporn's reference to "US intelligence", presumably the CIA, gives rise to questions about collusion and breaches of security within the US government. The "mere idea" that anyone in the US government or CIA would say something like this to Jatuporn is serious, unless Jatuporn was just blustering and puffing in typical Thai style. Either way, it would be prudent for a lawyer from the State Department of the US to consider advising Jatuporn to refrain from implicating the US government in any such notion, or alleged action and declaring his comments preposterous.

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The only coop that Jatuporn should interest himself in is the chicken coop. In there he will find creatures with similar sized brains that, like him, spend all day running around clucking and spouting crap.

I wonder if this brainless idiot will call off his red mob rally.

Those who protested the last coup, and some who died doing so, will not be called off the next time.

I think it would be more productive in any political discussion to accept the leadership and influence of this guy, even if ya don't like him.

By taking him seriously given his political influence in the country, only then can one deal with the reality.

Calling this Thai political leader a "brainless idiot" deprives the Opposition of developing an Oppositional plan.

isn't the persecution of him by the Opposition when they were the Govt., and now, an indication how seriously they take this guy.

Anyone wanting a grasp on Thai Political reality is advised to do likewise


"Those who protested the last coup, and some who died doing so, will not be called off the next time."

Have you got a date set for the next coup?

I agree with you as far as they are a useless bunch of wannabe real politicians who are more concerned with how munch money they can get and do they look good. But I don't think there will be a coup. They are not smart enough to even try to create a dictatorship. Their only hope for that is to bring Thaksin back and for all his rhetoric I don't believe he wants to come back.

Remember this is Thailand and they have a lot of suicides here.

And are you absolutely positive that those who died won't be called off this time.

Looks to me like building sand castes in the air.

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Cease coup talk, Jatuporn told

The Nation


Defence minister says redshirt leader talks too much; urges end to war of words in lese majeste law debate

BANGKOK: -- Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan should stop speculating about a coup in Thailand because such talk will only lead to serious problems, Defence Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat said yesterday.

"Jatuporn talks too much," he said in reference to the red-shirt leader's remarks on Wednesday claiming a power seizure would take place by April.

Sukumpol said he wanted Jatuporn to be aware of the consequences of raising false alarms, particularly when the country was trying to bring about reconciliation.

Although Jatuporn claimed he had heard about the coup from informants working for US intelligence, he doubted the authenticity of such report.

"I wonder why US intelligence chose to inform Jatuporn but not the government," he said. He said in his capacity as defence minister, he was duty-bound to foil any coup attempts.

Sukumpol said critics had gone overboard in trying to link the coup scare to controversial political activities like Nitirat's push to amend the lese majeste law and the debate on charter change.

Soldiers had the duty to protect the monarchy. In this connection, the Army chief had aired his view opposing the lese majeste debate, he said, arguing this should not be construed as wielding a threat to seize power.

He urged both proponents and opponents of the lese majeste law to stop the war of words, saying the public could form its own judgement on the issue based on arguments by both sides.

He said he could not understand why those wanting to amend the law continued on with their activities when they had already stated their case.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she had checked but found no intelligence report warning about a coup threat.

Jatuporn had the right to air his view and the military had already issued a rebuttal, Yingluck said, to allay anxiety.

She suggested that media professionals not hype the coup scare which could further drive a wedge in society.

The PM said she believed Jatuporn had good intentions in warning about the likelihood of a coup but the issue should be dropped after the military had confirmed its non-intervention stand.

Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said he was unaware "which military units, which armed forces in what country" planned to stage a coup.

Prayuth urged anyone with evidence of a coup plot to file a complaint with police in order to activate legal proceedings against likely power usurpers.


-- The Nation 2012-02-10

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Didn't Jatuporn's dear old mum tell him to "Just shut up" or words to that aeffect? He should listen to his mum, she is obviously by far much smarter than him.

and didnt Jatuporn's supporters tear his red shirt from his back calling him a fake red?

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Thailand has had about 18 coup d'etat since 1932, depending on how you count them. Some say that a self imposed coup d'etat in 2010 counts as 19 as well as others. Using the 18 count results in a coup d'etat every 4.4 years. Therefore, pure mathematical probability compounded by all the negative press and on-going incessant bickering and criticism of the sitting PM, would logically point to another coup d'etat.

The use of the word "coup" is actually incorrect if you subscribe to the Oxford Dictionary's explanation. Oxford adapted the French coup d'etat since no word in the English language existed to accurately describe the event, "a stroke of state," usually, but not always organized and executed by the military. Whereas, a "coup" could refer to anything that succeeds, including a victory in a football match and many other types of "successes" in business, politics, medicine..etc.

The Thai style overthrows of governments have historically been "coup d'etat" and have usually included the element of surprise or suddeness. The last one, in September, 2006 was clearly a sudden tactic by the military, and surprise to "most" people including the incumbent majority government. Furthermore, the military installed a military leader to head the government. So that gives rise to the question as to why the general would respond any other way than he did to Jatuporn's allegation.

A coup d'etat giving up its element of surprise and suddeness logically sets itself up for failure, and one would doubt that if it is being planned, that the supposed planners would announce it. However Jatuporn's reference to "US intelligence", presumably the CIA, gives rise to questions about collusion and breaches of security within the US government. The "mere idea" that anyone in the US government or CIA would say something like this to Jatuporn is serious, unless Jatuporn was just blustering and puffing in typical Thai style. Either way, it would be prudent for a lawyer from the State Department of the US to consider advising Jatuporn to refrain from implicating the US government in any such notion, or alleged action and declaring his comments preposterous.

Rather than taking the simple-average of a coup every 4.4 years. as an optimist I prefer to view the one coup in the past 19 years as progress, in the right direction. But I don't recall any "self imposed coup d'etat in 2010" ?

If Jautporn continues to forecast a coup every month, then of course there's a chance that he will eventually be right, but taking his claim to have been slipped some inside-information by a US-agency, one also has to look at his long record of unfounded claims. So its unlikely IMO.

So long as PTP & PM-Yingluck stop short of bringing back DL and erasing his alleged/proven crimes, the military seem happy to let them continue, as indeed they did for the earlier PPP-led governments. This too is a hopeful sign IMO. This may be a case of giving them sufficient rope, to hang themselves, given their remarkable lack-of-success in delivering the promises which brought them into power.

How long will the government, led by the party of which he's a member & MP, continue to stand for Jatupon's unhelpful claims ? Do they actually have the approval of the party-owner/leader ? Or will a Seh-Daeng moment occur ? Jatuporn seems to be stuck in a time-warp, continually trying to stir-up fears of unrest, without having noticed that it's now his own side which is currently running-things, and stands to suffer ?

Change the record ! It's getting boring !

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Pheu Thai Party MP Jatuporn Phromphan that he received a report from a U.S. Intelligence agency of a possible coup in April.

This bafoon is trying to make people believe he is important enough to receive a U. S. Intelligence agency report. Even in his wildest dreams if he did try to contact them they would laugh their arse off. Now he is calling for the red mobs to hit the streets again. This should be interesting.

This highly respected, admired and powerful leader within the largest Political Movement in Thailand, is keeping the Opposition feet to the fire.

Basic message" There will be no more freeby coups. You try it again, and there will be serious consquences.

Not complicated.

I was wondering when one of these apologist would show up. heheheheheh what a foolish man. Even GK has stayed out of this one

".... This highly respected, admired .............".

How quaint, the man is an institutional liar, his lies have no bounds, he has on numerous occasions presented false documents, doctored tapes etc., in parliamanet, and other places.

Yingluck and others have sidlined him.

Guess that's good grounds to say 'respected and admired'.

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Thailand has had about 18 coup d'etat since 1932, depending on how you count them. Some say that a self imposed coup d'etat in 2010 counts as 19 as well as others. Using the 18 count results in a coup d'etat every 4.4 years. Therefore, pure mathematical probability compounded by all the negative press and on-going incessant bickering and criticism of the sitting PM, would logically point to another coup d'etat.

The use of the word "coup" is actually incorrect if you subscribe to the Oxford Dictionary's explanation. Oxford adapted the French coup d'etat since no word in the English language existed to accurately describe the event, "a stroke of state," usually, but not always organized and executed by the military. Whereas, a "coup" could refer to anything that succeeds, including a victory in a football match and many other types of "successes" in business, politics, medicine..etc.

The Thai style overthrows of governments have historically been "coup d'etat" and have usually included the element of surprise or suddeness. The last one, in September, 2006 was clearly a sudden tactic by the military, and surprise to "most" people including the incumbent majority government. Furthermore, the military installed a military leader to head the government. So that gives rise to the question as to why the general would respond any other way than he did to Jatuporn's allegation.

A coup d'etat giving up its element of surprise and suddeness logically sets itself up for failure, and one would doubt that if it is being planned, that the supposed planners would announce it. However Jatuporn's reference to "US intelligence", presumably the CIA, gives rise to questions about collusion and breaches of security within the US government. The "mere idea" that anyone in the US government or CIA would say something like this to Jatuporn is serious, unless Jatuporn was just blustering and puffing in typical Thai style. Either way, it would be prudent for a lawyer from the State Department of the US to consider advising Jatuporn to refrain from implicating the US government in any such notion, or alleged action and declaring his comments preposterous.

Rather than taking the simple-average of a coup every 4.4 years. as an optimist I prefer to view the one coup in the past 19 years as progress, in the right direction. But I don't recall any "self imposed coup d'etat in 2010" ?

If Jautporn continues to forecast a coup every month, then of course there's a chance that he will eventually be right, but taking his claim to have been slipped some inside-information by a US-agency, one also has to look at his long record of unfounded claims. So its unlikely IMO.

So long as PTP & PM-Yingluck stop short of bringing back DL and erasing his alleged/proven crimes, the military seem happy to let them continue, as indeed they did for the earlier PPP-led governments. This too is a hopeful sign IMO. This may be a case of giving them sufficient rope, to hang themselves, given their remarkable lack-of-success in delivering the promises which brought them into power.

How long will the government, led by the party of which he's a member & MP, continue to stand for Jatupon's unhelpful claims ? Do they actually have the approval of the party-owner/leader ? Or will a Seh-Daeng moment occur ? Jatuporn seems to be stuck in a time-warp, continually trying to stir-up fears of unrest, without having noticed that it's now his own side which is currently running-things, and stands to suffer ?

Change the record ! It's getting boring !

Stop being so logical and optimistic. Don't you realise that there has been 2.72 coups already this millenium of which 1.72 have been completed with magical fairy dust and Yingluck is actually a high ranked Thai Army General in drag disguise.

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Thailand has had about 18 coup d'etat since 1932, depending on how you count them. Some say that a self imposed coup d'etat in 2010 counts as 19 as well as others. Using the 18 count results in a coup d'etat every 4.4 years. Therefore, pure mathematical probability compounded by all the negative press and on-going incessant bickering and criticism of the sitting PM, would logically point to another coup d'etat.

The use of the word "coup" is actually incorrect if you subscribe to the Oxford Dictionary's explanation. Oxford adapted the French coup d'etat since no word in the English language existed to accurately describe the event, "a stroke of state," usually, but not always organized and executed by the military. Whereas, a "coup" could refer to anything that succeeds, including a victory in a football match and many other types of "successes" in business, politics, medicine..etc.

The Thai style overthrows of governments have historically been "coup d'etat" and have usually included the element of surprise or suddeness. The last one, in September, 2006 was clearly a sudden tactic by the military, and surprise to "most" people including the incumbent majority government. Furthermore, the military installed a military leader to head the government. So that gives rise to the question as to why the general would respond any other way than he did to Jatuporn's allegation.

A coup d'etat giving up its element of surprise and suddeness logically sets itself up for failure, and one would doubt that if it is being planned, that the supposed planners would announce it. However Jatuporn's reference to "US intelligence", presumably the CIA, gives rise to questions about collusion and breaches of security within the US government. The "mere idea" that anyone in the US government or CIA would say something like this to Jatuporn is serious, unless Jatuporn was just blustering and puffing in typical Thai style. Either way, it would be prudent for a lawyer from the State Department of the US to consider advising Jatuporn to refrain from implicating the US government in any such notion, or alleged action and declaring his comments preposterous.

Rather than taking the simple-average of a coup every 4.4 years. as an optimist I prefer to view the one coup in the past 19 years as progress, in the right direction. But I don't recall any "self imposed coup d'etat in 2010" ?

If Jautporn continues to forecast a coup every month, then of course there's a chance that he will eventually be right, but taking his claim to have been slipped some inside-information by a US-agency, one also has to look at his long record of unfounded claims. So its unlikely IMO.

So long as PTP & PM-Yingluck stop short of bringing back DL and erasing his alleged/proven crimes, the military seem happy to let them continue, as indeed they did for the earlier PPP-led governments. This too is a hopeful sign IMO. This may be a case of giving them sufficient rope, to hang themselves, given their remarkable lack-of-success in delivering the promises which brought them into power.

How long will the government, led by the party of which he's a member & MP, continue to stand for Jatupon's unhelpful claims ? Do they actually have the approval of the party-owner/leader ? Or will a Seh-Daeng moment occur ? Jatuporn seems to be stuck in a time-warp, continually trying to stir-up fears of unrest, without having noticed that it's now his own side which is currently running-things, and stands to suffer ?

Change the record ! It's getting boring !

Stop being so logical and optimistic. Don't you realise that there has been 2.72 coups already this millenium of which 1.72 have been completed with magical fairy dust and Yingluck is actually a high ranked Thai Army General in drag disguise.

Yes, but since 2006, the Army suddenly realise that Thai people do not want coup anymore. So they have decided to stop it completely and forever.

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Get REAL, the USA has more important things to worry about than any coup d'etat in Thailand.

As if the USA, would warn a terrorist like Jatuporn of anything.

Exactly. But I can see the USA warning Thailand about a terrorist like Jatuporn.

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Army Chief Denies to Respond MP Revolution Challenge

BANGKOK: -- The army chief has refused to promise a Pheu Thai Party MP to not stage a coup. The army chief insists the situation at the Preah Vihear Temple remains under control. Meanwhile, officers have been monitoring the southern insurgency closely.

Army Chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha gave an interview before going to Pattani Province. He admitted that the violence in the Deep South remains worrisome.

Prayuth has been working to resolve the problems and restore peace back to the area. He noted that local residents need to be more careful while traveling, and officers must be on high-alert at all times.

The army chief also urged the public and other relevant agencies to join hands to solve the southern insurgent together.

When Party-List MP Jatuporn Prompan challenged the army chief to promise there would not be a coup, the army chief refused to promise anything because he takes orders directly from his commander.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-10


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Interesting that they are listening to the USA & publicizing this, considering the row over the USA TERRORISM alert hurting tourism. Would not also a COUP D'TAT also hurt Thai tourism? Funny how they claimed the USA was overreacting and mistaken and insert any Thai excuse here, but now they are touting a USA alert. AS IF the USA would give a crap about a coup in Thailand. Did they warn PM clone's bro mr T of his pending coup? Didn't think so, so why would they warn little sis clone? More PTP propaganda.

Good point.

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Yes, but since 2006, the Army suddenly realise that Thai people do not want coup anymore. So they have decided to stop it completely and forever.

"completely and forever" is perhaps overstating it, but the failure to have a coup over the extended-period from 1992-2006 either might surely suggest, that they were already becoming more-reluctant to just step-in than they were previously ?

Which IMO would be a welcome step in the right direction.

That the junta-installed government of former-PM Sorayud kept the junta's promise to return to a democratic-process, rather than hanging-on for longer, was also welcome. Perhaps the military might realise that they're not terribly good at doing government ?

But I can still envisage circumstances in which another coup might take place, indeed in which it might be a good and necessary thing, although you'll understand why I wouldn't want to discuss this further in this forum.

In the absence of that Brave New World, in which the Thai people are mature and firm believers in democracy, all their politicians and institutions honest & not often self-serving, and a perfect Constitution is translated into a fair-and-balanced legal-system, perhaps small steps are the best which might be looked-for ?

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Could it be that Jatuporn made a joke when he said that the US was telling him that, if Jatuporn said anything like that at all.

And that the Army Chief denies that there will be a coup or that something like a coup is planned - ever expected any other answer here?

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Could it be that Jatuporn made a joke when he said that the US was telling him that, if Jatuporn said anything like that at all.

And that the Army Chief denies that there will be a coup or that something like a coup is planned - ever expected any other answer here?

It COULD be, but since no one has reported that Jatuporn was joking, we would have to assume that he wasn't.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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