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Terrorist Warning Will Stay, But People Not Stopped From Visiting Thailand: US Ambassador


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Warning will stay, but people not stopped from visiting: Envoy

The Nation


US Ambassador Kristie Kenney talks to Nattha Komolvadhin from ThaiPBS on a series of outstanding topics related to Thai-US relations. Here are some excerpts:

BANGKOK: -- It has been three weeks since the US issued a warning of a possible terrorist threat in Thailand, and you have just returned from America. I wonder if you have a timeframe to withdraw it?

Our advice to American citizens was put out, like you said, three weeks ago based on some very serious and important information. That advice is still very sound advice, but let me make it clear, we have never said that Americans should not travel to Thailand. Americans travel here all the time and I have high-level visitors and friends and family coming very soon.

I don't think it will have an impact on tourism because, as I said, we did not say do not come to Thailand, just the opposite - we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here. I visited the airport on Monday and it was full of Americans coming to Thailand. This is a big tourist season and we encourage visitors of all kind.

On what condition do you think this warning can be withdrawn?

Our advice is actually good forever because our advice is very prudent advice to any traveller, whether they go to Thailand or elsewhere

So, there is no timeframe yet to withdraw it?

There is no timeframe because it is good and sensible advice in today's world for travellers.

Even though Israel and China have decided to withdraw the warning, it has had no effect on the US embassy?

This is our own choice, our advice is for American citizens and again, we have never said don't come to Thailand. Quite the opposite, less than a week after we issued it, Senator [John] McCain himself came without any hesitation.

As for the government appointing Dr Nalinee Taweesin as a minister even though she is blacklisted in the US for several years, will that affect US-Thai relations?

Thailand, of course, can name anyone they wish in the government - that's a Thai issue. She is on a restricted list with the United States' Finance Ministry, our Treasury Department, but I feel very comfortable with our relations with Thailand. That will be strong and getting stronger, regardless of one person. This is a huge government and a huge country and we will work with them.

If she applies for a visa to enter the US, will she be allowed?

I think the easiest thing to do is to refer you to our Treasury Department and the Finance Ministry regulations rather than speculating.

Ambassador Derek Mitchell's recent stop in Thailand before he went to Burma, and given that the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just visited Burma, what's Thailand's place in the relations between the US and Burma?

Thailand's place is very much by our side. We have been consulting closely with Thailand and Thailand knows Burma better than we ever will, and as you know Secretary Clinton came here to discuss Burma with the finance minister and the PM before she went to Burma. Senator McCain came here first then to Burma. We have been really working very closely with Thailand - hearing your views, your thoughts and both of us together encouraging Burma. The PM was, of course, just there and met Aung San Suu Kyi. And for all of us, we are trying to encourage them forward … it is an exciting time.

Does the US have a timeframe to lift sanctions against of Burma, by the end of this year?

We don't have a timeframe. What we've said all along is as they progress, every time they move forward, we will move forward with them and, so obviously, we have to view things step by step.


-- The Nation 2012-02-10

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Hmmmm, I reread your own comments several times and still don't know what you are trying to say. Can you please tell me what YOU are on about without the confused/confusing innuendo?

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Hmmmm, I reread your own comments several times and still don't know what you are trying to say. Can you please tell me what YOU are on about without the confused/confusing innuendo?

Me too. Very confusing and convoluted.

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The art of the "non answer," a euphemism for diplomacy. This is what taxpayer funding does. It pays for all of these non answers through costly training and years of expensive payroll and benefits. The irony in diplomacy is that the host country doesn't care what we think about them as long as the money keeps flowing. So the duplicity in all of this is why can't they just speak the "truth," and then do the payoff or "aid" and all will be forgiven. Notice how the US ambassador was patronizing and shilling for tourism. Shameful.

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Didn't someone in the Govt. proclaim that the warning was removed by the US some day ago...?

From a previous thread 07/02/2012

BANGKOK: -- The US government has lifted terrorism warning for its citizens who live and may travel to Thailand, Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said Monday.

It appears that the Thai foreign minister knows more than the U.S ambassador and has overthrown the U.S Government or it is spreading false information to attract tourists and foreign money back to Thailand.

Ummmm who should we believe the U.S or Thai Governments. I'll take a chance on the U.S version.

Edited by chooka
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Didn't someone in the Govt. proclaim that the warning was removed by the US some day ago...?

From a previous thread 07/02/2012

BANGKOK: -- The US government has lifted terrorism warning for its citizens who live and may travel to Thailand, Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said Monday.

It appears that the Thai foreign minister knows more than the U.S ambassador and has overthrown the U.S Government or it is spreading false information to attract tourists and foreign money back to Thailand.

Ummmm who should we believe the U.S or Thai Governments. I'll take a chance on the U.S version.

Lifted from the front page. This bit is true.

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Typical politicians and Ambassadors

There are a lot of people on this forum that are asking, what is she saying.

Yeah these people know how to talk and most of it is purely jargon and no one understands.

Well true of politicians everywhere, just lining their purse at the expense of the tax payer.

What a cushy little number right.

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"we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here"

someone should remind Kristie Kenney she is a public servant and her sh*t stinks too. what is a "high level" visitor? another "public servant" with an inflated sense of purpose?

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"we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here"

someone should remind Kristie Kenney she is a public servant and her sh*t stinks too. what is a "high level" visitor? another "public servant" with an inflated sense of purpose?

Someone should tell you that some people are high level visitors and some are not. Fact of life.
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Warning will stay, but people not stopped from visiting

Gee thanks........Because The Day the US Nanny State starts telling its citizens it cannot visit a country of their choice is the

day they can start spelling America as amerika

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Given recent references, mostly vague and inconspicuous, to Thailand as a possible failed state, this isn't surprising from the US. Nevertheless, I'm sure the State Department is up to its regular manipulative shenanigans. That picture is too close and rather unflattering. She looks less real than the girl's smile at Au Bon Pain. And sometimes, I can't help but comment on the US government's obliqueness as a totally unflattering American phenomenon. Foreign governments like China love it, because they can play right in tune. I just want to say to "What are ya blathering on about now, Kennedy?" This does fit with the current Thai government's concept of proper evidence: "If we say its so, ITS SO! Are listening to...?"

Please allow me to summarize:

failed state > manipulative shenanigans > picture > Au Bon Pain > US government's obliqueness > China > Kennedy >Thai government's concept of proper evidence

Yep... even in short form, this makes no sense.

- Failed state: a strong characterization, and not one which I believe the US Ambassador has suggested for Thailand.

- Manipulative shenanigans: "Hello, Kettlee? It's Pot calling."

- Picture: petty, are we?

- Au Bon Pain: good american sandwiches... thanks for reminding me... I haven't gone to lunch yet

- Obliqueness: why not be oblique here... does any in this country speak frankly and directly?

- China: why bring them into it? (oh right... they're already here... and run 80% of the show!)

- Kennedy: it's Kenney

- Thai government's concept of proper evidence: oxymoron (or did I mean fantasyland... can't tell the 3 apart)

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"we have high-level visitors and I've just finished inviting family and friends to come here"

someone should remind Kristie Kenney she is a public servant and her sh*t stinks too. what is a "high level" visitor? another "public servant" with an inflated sense of purpose?

High level visitors include ... oh screw it!

If you think everyone is equal in society/government, you should get your brain out of your ass, and your ass out of your mouth.

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Didn't someone in the Govt. proclaim that the warning was removed by the US some day ago...?


Didn't someone in the Govt. proclaim that the warning was removed by the US some day ago...?

From a previous thread 07/02/2012

BANGKOK: -- The US government has lifted terrorism warning for its citizens who live and may travel to Thailand, Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said Monday.

It appears that the Thai foreign minister knows more than the U.S ambassador and has overthrown the U.S Government or it is spreading false information to attract tourists and foreign money back to Thailand.

Ummmm who should we believe the U.S or Thai Governments. I'll take a chance on the U.S version.

Lifted from the front page. This bit is true.

Lifted from the front page that lifted it from the FM's mouth who lifted it from.....? Where did he lift it from? Who told him this was a fact?

Last I checked, it's still on the Embassy's website. So perhaps Mr. FM has his facts wrong. And the news media doesn't do any fact-checking (remember the floods? "run for your lives!!!")

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From the sounds of her remarks, it sounds like the ambassador is not 100% in favor of the warning remaining. It may be a decision that is made by others higher up in the food chain.

The fact remains that a number of high profile individuals with links to terrorism have taken refuge in the country. It took a fair amount nudging, prodding and helping to get them arrested. There are likely more.

The last ones, who prompted the warning, no doubt had help inside the country. Thailand is easy, but without the right paper work, visas, work permit etc., you do need some local help or help from people that have been here a while. Have they been arrested? Do you really believe the one arrested and the one who got away were the only two involved?

First the Thai gov't said he had done little wrong and would be deported. Then they investigated....a little, but only when faced with threat levels and damage to tourism.

Over the years, the Thai governments have shown a number of times that they are interested in saving their own skin and saving face. That is their own business. The business of the Embassy is to protect the interests of its citizens.

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Someone should tell you that some people are high level visitors and some are not. Fact of life.

Actually, it is a basic fact of life.

Prime Minsters. Presidents. Generals. Senators. Movie stars. Professional athletes. CEOs.

They can be really nice and well-meaning people. Or they can be pompous jerks.

What they choose to do with their earned, stolen, or inherited power makes them loved or despised or feared.

Regardless of their attitudes, they will be accorded certain courtesies that the rest of us will not receive.

Don't kid yourself... you are more hi-so than the bum on the street, and lo-so compared to connected politicians... it is a fact.

Edited by Scott
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Warning will stay, but people not stopped from visiting

Gee thanks........The Day the US Nanny State starts telling its citizens it cannot visit a country of their choice is the

day they can start spelling America as amerika

One word: Cuba

Among several others, Burma, Iran, Somalia and North Korea

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