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Thai Govt Seeks 2 Million Rai To Hold Flood Water

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Govt seeks 2 million rai to hold flood water

The Nation on Sunday

BANGKOK:-- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the government is looking for 2 million rai of land to use as areas to hold flood water - given the likelihood that wet-season flooding this year could be as severe as last year.

"I am confident that if the measures can be implemented as planned, the flood problems will be less serious than last year. However, I must admit that we cannot say right now if there will be more or less water than last year. We have to see how much rainfall there is," Yingluck said.

While Thailand is expected to face three major storms this year, water drainage had been improved, she said.

"We also have to reinforce the dikes and repair water gates so that we can delay the water flow. Canals must be unclogged so that water drainage can be done as fast as possible," she said.

Yingluck was speaking in her weekly programme "Yingluck Government Meets the People". Yesterday's programme was the first she had hosted live at Phitsanulok House, the prime minister's official residence.

She talked briefly about the government's gala dinner, given the title "Love Thailand, Move Thailand Forward", on Friday to thank those who worked on flood problems last year and to call for national confidence. She asked for people's cooperation and talked about her planned trip to flood-prone provinces, which will start tomorrow.

During the trip, which is aimed at preparing measures to deal with expected flood problems this year, the prime minister said the government would look for two million rai of land to store flood water and delay the arrival of flood water in Bangkok.

And it would seek understanding from local people whose daily lives and work would be affected by flood-prevention measures, she said.

According to a plan released earlier, 2 million rai of land in provinces such as Phitsanulok, Phichit and Ayutthaya including farmers' paddy fields would be used to hold flood water. The prime minister did not say how much land from these areas had been made available so far.

She would also evaluate the efficiency of water drainage in the areas, inspect locations for dike construction and evaluate forest development.

"Information from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry indicates that we have as much as 10 million rai of degraded forest out of a total of 20 million rai. Meanwhile, the management of water in dams this year will focus on preventing floods. We will work on drought problems in some areas, though. We will start draining water from today," she said.

"Regarding the flooding in Ayutthaya's Sena district, I accept the mistake and apologise to the people. It was a management problem. We tried to inform the [local] people but [the information] had not reached the communities by the time the flood reached them," she said.

Yingluck said in her show that she would find a way to prevent such flooding from recurring and drain water as soon as possible. She would also consider suitable compensation for those hit by floods, following up on the Bt5,000 already approved.

She would start by visiting Uttaradit and inspect water drainage at 12 dams in the North, she said. She will expedite projects to plant more trees and build dikes to prevent both floods and drought, and meet with governors and hear opinions from representatives of affected communities so measures can be adopted in line with the Strategic Committee for Water Resources Management.

Yingluck also talked about the government's policy for household debt suspension, saying it was an urgent policy. Debts worth less than Bt500,000 would be suspended for three years while debts worth Bt500,000-1 million would be restructured so people can have an opportunity to reduce expenses and increase income for some time.


-- The Nation 2012-02-12

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"Regarding the flooding in Ayutthaya's Sena district, I accept the mistake and apologise to the people. It was a management problem. We tried to inform the [local] people but [the information] had not reached the communities by the time the flood reached them," she said.

How can this woman still face the public when she makes such outlandish, unbelievable and rediculous statements as this is beyond me. Her first response was "it was not mismanagement".

In other words the flood waters traveled faster than a phone call could be made to the local community leaders, or was the "information" sent by Thai post? It would be refreshing if she would tell the truth just one time. That would be a good start.

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Pigeon post?

"Regarding the flooding in Ayutthaya's Sena district, I accept the mistake and apologise to the people. It was a management problem. We tried to inform the [local] people but [the information] had not reached the communities by the time the flood reached them," she said.

How can this woman still face the public when she makes such outlandish, unbelievable and rediculous statements as this is beyond me. Her first response was "it was not mismanagement".

In other words the flood waters traveled faster than a phone call could be made to the local community leaders, or was the "information" sent by Thai post? It would be refreshing if she would tell the truth just one time. That would be a good start.

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"It would be refreshing if she would tell the truth just one time. That would be a good start."

The truth? Isn't she a politician? The one common thread among all nations is that there are two rules.

Rule #1: All politicians lie.

Rule #2: If you don't believe all politicians lie, go back and read Rule #1.

You would have better luck sweeping the floods back with a broom than waiting for a politician to tell the truth.

Edited by jaltsc
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Not an enviable position to be in. Ms Yingluck came in to a soggy situation which has had mega money thrown at it for decades. Overall, Thailand either scores badly on drought and flood damage prevention, or it's stuck in a crappy climate locale. I think it's the former. 16 months before 'the worst ever floods' there were newspaper headlines exclaiming 'the worst ever droughts.'

Bad planning, bad decisions, poor construction, contractors paying tea money for priveleges, contractors putting lion's share of allocated money in their pockets, etc comprise a big part of the problems.

Some of the bad decisions regarding droughts: too much water guzzling rice farming, not appreciating the importance of building up soil quality. Pressing for two or even three rice crops per year. Taking out trees for farmland. Not appreciating tree crops (fruits, timber, etc) because trees take longer to yield than rice. Thai farmers want/need money a.s.a.p., they think they can't wait for trees to mature.

Some of the bad decisions regarding floods: Trying to keep severely flood prone areas dry. Not informing locals of impending dangers, nor enabling locals to be in the decision making loop. Pouring endless amounts of concrete and alphalt on terrain that would ordinarily soak up water (incidentally, the Shinawatre family is one of the biggest invester in new housing tracts). Lying to businesses (Japanese and others) who earlier invested in factories in flood plains, saying, "oh yes, this is an excellent place for you to build your factory!".

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"Information from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry indicates that we have as much as 10 million rai of degraded forest out of a total of 20 million rai.

Not sure if this statement is trying to say degraded forest is causing part of the flooding problem, or suggesting some of the 10 million rai of degraded forest land could be used for water retention. If it's the latter then I thought most Thai forest land was on hills...hard for water to retain itself on the side of a barren hill/flow uphill...but maybe they are thinking about redirecting the water into valleys between hills.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the government is looking for 2 million rai of land to use as areas to hold flood water

Just yesterday, simply YESTERDAY this id..ot in da skirt told us that "the government has prepared two million rai of vacant land as the water retention zone"

Lie lie lie, everywhere, on a daily basis........

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the government is looking for 2 million rai of land to use as areas to hold flood water

Just yesterday, simply YESTERDAY this id..ot in da skirt told us that "the government has prepared two million rai of vacant land as the water retention zone"


Lie lie lie, everywhere, on a daily basis........

I could be wrong, but both articles seem to be drawing from the same talk given by the PM which could suggest that is more a problem of the reporting and translation.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the government is looking for 2 million rai of land to use as areas to hold flood water

Just yesterday, simply YESTERDAY this id..ot in da skirt told us that "the government has prepared two million rai of vacant land as the water retention zone"


Lie lie lie, everywhere, on a daily basis........

I could be wrong, but both articles seem to be drawing from the same talk given by the PM which could suggest that is more a problem of the reporting and translation.

Ppl up there (include me myself) no need just talks. They got enough of talks last year - but hey, the talks not help me to ongoing repairing of my house...

Ohh yes...even talks they got "not in time of the flooding, sorry".

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“According to a plan released earlier, 2 million rai of land in provinces such as Phitsanulok, Phichit and Ayutthaya including farmers' paddy fields would be used to hold flood water. The prime minister did not say how much land from these areas had been made available so far.”

Well all this makes me nervous as a whore in church.

Elsewhere, I read that:

“The committee plans to turn five areas in the upper Chao Phraya River basin in the central provinces into kaem ling (monkey cheek) water retention areas.

They are the Boraphet Pond-Chumsaeng and Chumsaeng-Kao Lieo areas in Nakhon Sawan; Taphan Hin-Bang Moolnak-Pho Thale area in Phichit's Muang district; Phichit's Pho Prathap Chang district and Phitsanulok's Bang Krathum district.”

They claim that they will use farmers’ rice paddy to hold the water. The problem is that wherever there is paddy, there are scattered villages every few kilometers. The government has seemed to show no reticence in the past at sacrificing the poor villages to save places place Nakhon Sawan and Bangkok. What do they plan to do? Sandbag the villages? That has NEVER worked in the past; the sandbags are always eventually breached and the homes flooded. What happens to all the sacrificial lambs?

Why aren’t these fuc_kwits listening to this guy:

Vice-president of the Ayutthaya Provincial Administrative Organisation Chatree Yuprasoet said it is not possible for the government to retain northern run-off within Ayutthaya province to prevent flooding in Bangkok. He said run-off from the North should reach the Gulf of Thailand as soon as possible.

"Retaining water is the wrong approach. They would be better off doing something to help drain excess water into the sea as soon as possible such as digging a second Chao Phraya River," Mr Chatree said.

This is the only guy around here with any brains. Did I mention that I live in Bang Krathum? I was just getting ready to build a house. Christ, I might be right in the monkey’s cheek! Now what? Hell I don’t wanna be in no pickle, just gonna ride my motorcicle.

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Jaltsc, #6

The truth? Isn't she a politician?

She's not?

After her significant electoral victory?

After walking a tightrope between significant elements of the Opposition, while retaining the support of her base!

After cleaning up the cabinet recently. Sweeping out those who were second-guessing her, seeking other opinions before implementing her directives. There is the story that while one of the ex-Ministers was pleading his case in Dubai, Ms. Y. was cutting him off at the ankles in BKK.

One can assume that the current cabinet will be paying attention when she speaks. She has made no bones about the fact she will not hesitate to do it again. Frankly, the PTP was in shock after that cabinet reshuffle.

Jaltsc #6

The one common thread among all nations is that there are two rules.

Rule #1: All politicians lie.

Rule #2: If you don't believe all politicians lie, go back and read Rule #1.

You would have better luck sweeping the floods back with a broom than waiting for a politician to tell the truth.

This opinion certainly dovetails with the dominant thought of a significant element of the Opposition. An element who is dam_n tired of losing elections, and are not above doing away with that bothersome system of Electoral Democracy altogether.

To accomplish this goal, a couple of their red herrings are to:

#1....Magnify the scourge of vote buying, without offering remedial solutions. Part of this agenda is to blame the other side exclusively. The reason they don't focus on solutions is that they can use the practice to demonise elections.

#2....Demonize the results of Electoral Democracy, namely all Politicians, as in this Post. You can discern this when they denigrate the entire class.
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begin removed ...

After cleaning up the cabinet recently. Sweeping out those who were second-guessing her, seeking other opinions before implementing her directives. There is the story that while one of the ex-Ministers was pleading his case in Dubai, Ms. Y. was cutting him off at the ankles in BKK.

... end removed

The PM took her time to setup her first cabinet, using "knowledge, capabilities and potential" as criteria. The reshuffle had as major aspect 'suitability'.

No further comment from my side. I'll watch the rain from my balcony, more fun smile.png

Edited by rubl
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Fair enough, since the amount of rainfall will have a direct bearing on the degree of flooding.

So do the amount of ranfall waters that dams can hold and rainfall duration.

I certainly hope they are maximising dam releases NOW, while minimising flooding, until the start of the rainy season. dam_n are still at around 80% which is too much to have before the rainy season starts.

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Will they lease or buy the land for this project? Time to speculate in hundreds of rai of land and make big bucks...anyone with early knowledge will make a killing.

THAT sounds like wishful thinking! the more likely scenario is that those of us in the "monkey cheek" will simply wake up one morning neck deep in water.

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Why is everyone bashing this PM? Whether she be woman, puppet, smart, or stupid is totally irrelevant. Problem is she's now a politician, therefore not to be trusted. Thai people should focus on the problem and appoint a team of water management professionals to think up a strategy. The team should be paid by whichever government in power and only them whose judgment on the matter be considered. (of course they would also be watched by ombudsman and the anti-corruption people. There are always greedy people out there whose objective is to get a hundred billion baht budget)

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