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Chuwit Demands Govt Take Action To Stamp Out Prostitution In Thailand


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Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

Mmmmm, could be that by stamping out the opposition he can maximise his profit, one possibility to contemplate I suppose.

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"Why go out for hamburger when you got steak at home", with that being said I believe that prostitution helps people release and play out their perversions ( Local and Foreign ) nothing wrong with consensual adults doing their thing for money. A complete mutual understanding. It is a huge industry so why not legalize sex, medically regulate and screen all outlets for the underaged and collect the tax.

Just think what will happen when all the millions of perverts that visit Thailand and millions of the Thais will do when they cannot have their release. I feel sorry for the neighboring countries which is where all these people will flock to full fill themselves. By driving this industry further underground more STD's and the spread of HIV/Aids grows along with exploiting the underaged.

You speak about exploiting the underaged, the attitude of Thais will have to be reprogrammed for this to happen. Case in point. The lady that lives across the street from me just opened a love motel or resort as she calls it. It is a known fact here in Isaan that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is in full force. I asked her last week what if a man showed up with a thirteen year old girl to have sex what would she do? She said "up to them". Then I ask her if she saw anything wrong with this. She replied "they pay me money and I don't ask anything. If I did my business would finish". She never answered my question but I knew the answer.

I know full well there are farang pedofile peverts that come to this country and are caught often. But the Thais only point fingers at farangs when the same practice is rampant with the locals and nothing is said unless the girl gets pregnant and then a few thousand Baht makes it all better.

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who does he intend to "stamp" on?

THe punters?

THe owners?

The girls?

....or the economy that forces them into prostitution?

or several centuries of Thai and South-East Asian culture?

or maybe he's just too dam stupid to realise that he is flogging a dead horse?


Maybe he was missing the limelight so thought he's say something for the press?

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The only reason there is Prostitution in thailand is because foreigners keep going there, No foreigners NO prostitution......Simple really.violin.gif

Sorry you are wrong, foreigners being with prostitutes are only a small percentage, Thai are the are major players.

Foreigner's didn't create prostitution here in Thailand. It was a war next door that put the sex industry in Thailand on the map. Not to mention that having a relationship with more than one person was common and not looked at as prostitution back in the day. Pa Lease not everyone that comes to Thailand is looking for sex.

The prostitution exists in Thailand since the 17th Century ( so far that I know ) , read the travel journal of the Priest who arrived in Siam sent by Louis XIV of France with his ambassadors . At that time in Ayutaya he described play houses with low vertue women who had sex for some money. Prostitution on Rachadapisek are more for thais than foreigners.. unless a massage parlor is not a brothel ..

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Is there much difference between a girl who has sex because of peer pressure and an insistent boyfriend and a girl who has sex for financial reward? Both seek to gain, in the first case socially, in the second case financially. How often does the first case lead on to the second case? The more chauvinist a society, the more girls will instinctively use sex as a means of advancement. Thus whilst those who advocate education as a means of reducing prostitution have a point, they should also advocate a more sexually egalitarian society,

Perhaps the present PM, for all her faults may be a step in the right direction.

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Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

It reminds me of the old guys in our grandparents' generation who used to go to Africa on 'big game' safaris and kill all sorts of large vegetarian beasts. Then, when they get older still, they realize the folly of their ways, and claim to like animals.

It would be interesting to hear from the hundreds of prostitutes that knew Chuwit on an intimate basis - from his earlier years as sex-for-sale tycoon in Bangkok.

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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

"Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S," ... ? .... because there are some high flighing Americans involved? .. high flighing Thais rubbing shoulders with influencial diplomats?

Actually the media is always the best shot, with all networks contacted simultaneously, TV, Radio and the press. .. then take cover in a well stocked bunker, or better still, post the packages on the way to the airport.

Maybe's he's concerned the US will issue a travel advisory if he doesn't tell them first?

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I quite like Chuwit and his whistle-blowing. However, I am unsure what his real motives are. I mean, is the guy really a reformed former massage parlor operator (we all know that massage parlors are not just there for their therapeutic massages...) and has really sworn off his erstwhile business; or is he just trying to eliminate the competition so he can rule unchallenged in his own right...?

If he's honest (which I believe), I don't find it hypocritical that he's now whistle-blowing against "business sectors" in which he was previously very much involved and made fortunes. You also wouldn't criticize a former alcoholic, who is now reformed and on a crusade against excessive alcohol consumption, would you? Or a former heavy smoker who is now lobbying against the tobacco industry...

Like him or not, I find it courageous that the man is trying to expose all those shady businesses and at the same time puts to shame those (i.e. police and politicians) who are entrusted with enforcing the law, but don't (and once again we know why...). In the process, Chuwit is stepping on many feet, causes many parties to lose face. But he knows it, and he also is aware of the potential consequences. That's why I think he's courageous; foolish perhaps, but definitely courageous.

More of his ilk, please!

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The only reason there is Prostitution in thailand is because foreigners keep going there, No foreigners NO prostitution......Simple really.

Sorry you are wrong, foreigners being with prostitutes are only a small percentage, Thai are the are major players.

Thais and other Asians. More than a few Chinese 'businessmen' have 'standing orders' with brothels, having put the word out they will pay premium for young virgins. At least two brothel owners (in different Thai towns) I've spoken with say that every time a fresh new girl comes to work there, the owner is obliged to call the police boss, to give him 1st shot at the action. Some people think Thais are less fixated on brothels than farang, but that's probably because Thais are a bit more discreet about it. Then there are the many college & U girls who ply their trade - only with Thais - plus, nearly all the intermediaries (pimps) are katoy. Is Chuwit going to stamp that out also. Fat chance.

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Chuwit submits information of prostitution to US embassy

BANGKOK: -- Rak Prathet Thai Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit, formerly known of king of massage parlours, Monday submitted his information about sex trade in Thailand to the US embassy.

Chuwit said there are several brothels in disguise in Bangkok, including those in shop houses near Imperial Samrong and a big resort in Ram-indra area as well as massage parlours along Phetchaburi Road.

He told reporters that he submitted statistics of human trafficking in Thailand to the embassy along with his thesis made in 2003.


-- The Nation 2012-02-13

I'm thinking that he must be going somewhere with this other than another attempt to confound the rather confoundable Ms Kenney.

Does his final line mean that humans have been trafficked to the embassy?

Is he saying that his 2003 thesis contained vital information that was ignored by the (then) ambassador?

Does he have information about people who have been "trafficked" to the US?

Were staff in the Embassy involved in trafficking?

Or is it just a case of a small kid running to the biggest kid in the playground looking for protection?

Or maybe he's lost his marbles now his sidekick has fallen out with him......

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Good start with locking him up for the rest of his natural life, take all his possessions off him and throw away the key. What a hypocrite. Chuwit is a former pimp and should compensate before he speaks all of the irks that were forced to work for the Maengda's that he employed.

Chuwit is the lowest of the lowest he is less than a dirty pig who ruined the lives of thousands. Maybe that is why the Nation takes this piece of work seriously.

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"Why go out for hamburger when you got steak at home", with that being said I believe that prostitution helps people release and play out their perversions ( Local and Foreign ) nothing wrong with consensual adults doing their thing for money. A complete mutual understanding. It is a huge industry so why not legalize sex, medically regulate and screen all outlets for the underaged and collect the tax.

Just think what will happen when all the millions of perverts that visit Thailand and millions of the Thais will do when they cannot have their release. I feel sorry for the neighboring countries which is where all these people will flock to full fill themselves. By driving this industry further underground more STD's and the spread of HIV/Aids grows along with exploiting the underaged.

You speak about exploiting the underaged, the attitude of Thais will have to be reprogrammed for this to happen. Case in point. The lady that lives across the street from me just opened a love motel or resort as she calls it. It is a known fact here in Isaan that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is in full force. I asked her last week what if a man showed up with a thirteen year old girl to have sex what would she do? She said "up to them". Then I ask her if she saw anything wrong with this. She replied "they pay me money and I don't ask anything. If I did my business would finish". She never answered my question but I knew the answer.

I know full well there are farang pedofile peverts that come to this country and are caught often. But the Thais only point fingers at farangs when the same practice is rampant with the locals and nothing is said unless the girl gets pregnant and then a few thousand Baht makes it all better.

I understand this point. Thank you for making my point all the more reverent. Places where this policy that you mentioned is so engrained into the mind, having it legal and transparent who keeps these types a people out of the business or change their ways. The pedo's would have a harder time hiding their horrid activities.

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Chuwit submits information of prostitution to US embassy

BANGKOK: -- Rak Prathet Thai Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit, formerly known of king of massage parlours, Monday submitted his information about sex trade in Thailand to the US embassy.

Chuwit said there are several brothels in disguise in Bangkok, including those in shop houses near Imperial Samrong and a big resort in Ram-indra area as well as massage parlours along Phetchaburi Road.

He told reporters that he submitted statistics of human trafficking in Thailand to the embassy along with his thesis made in 2003.


-- The Nation 2012-02-13


Edited by nicky1982
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What a great idea.

As all of us know there is no way to 'stamp out' prostitution, there are only ways to HIDE it.

After he had processed his basic idea to 'stamp it out', what are his visions about fighting STD's and similar problems in his country? What about human trafficking that is much more of a problem if prostitutes are forced to work illegally?

Furthermore, I just wonder what his voters - many of which were bargirls as I happen to know - think about his ideas?

What will mom up there in Chayapum, Korat and Surin think if their daughter can't send home 50,000 Baht a month anymore but will have to come back so the family can unite to work on their papaya or rice farm again? I'm sure mom at least will appreciate that .…lol

And after all, what's 200 billion? It's just 2/3 of the money that was recently allocated for the so-called 'measures against flooding and to improve the Thai nation', and since all of us know 30% of that are destined to disappear in pockets anyway, the whole package will cost tax payers only 100 Billion or 500 billion or whatever. Who-TF cares!

If I would consider Thailand a banana republic, I would bet we might have another election this year, this would certainly explain Chawut's hyperactivity.

Edited by pepi2005
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At one time he was paying dues to the bib to run his business unhindered. He could not complain. What he was doing was illegal, just as the demands for payments were. Now he is out of the business, he can scream and shout and get his own back at those very same people who caused so much pain to his pocket. Not only are the bib involved in casinos but also the flesh trade. I do not believe any of his actions are done for altruistic reasons. It is simply time to bite the hand he once fed.

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What a great idea.

As all of us know there is no way to 'stamp out' prostitution, there are only ways to HIDE it.

After he had processed his basic idea to 'stamp it out', what are his visions about fighting STD's and similar problems in his country? What about human trafficking that is much more of a problem if prostitutes are forced to work illegally?

Furthermore, I just wonder what his voters - many of which were bargirls as I happen to know - think about his ideas?

What will mom up there in Chayapum, Korat and Surin think if their daughter can't send home 50,000 Baht a month anymore but will have to come back so the family can unite to work on their papaya or rice farm again? I'm sure mom at least will appreciate that .…lol

And after all, what's 200 billion? It's just 2/3 of the money that was recently allocated for the so-called 'measures against flooding and to improve the Thai nation', and since all of us know 30% of that are destined to disappear in pockets anyway, the whole package will cost tax payers only 100 Billion or 500 billion or whatever. Who-TF cares!

If I would consider Thailand a banana republic, I would bet we might have another election this year, this would certainly explain Chawut's hyperactivity.

Why not with all the millions and millions ฿ he made from the sex industry open some rehab centers for the Thai's or i'm i asking for too much here .. it seems a good idea if you ask me show how much you care Mr Chuwit Kamolvisit ... jerk.gif

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Whilst I certainly admire Chuwit Kamolvisit's campaign to stamp out prostitution in Thailand, unless he can also deliver on providing jobs that pay as well as those working in the world's oldest profession, he's going to have a pretty tough job on his hands. In Thailand, (and other as well, or better developed nations) one of the main reasons people enter it, is to support their parents etc, who are even more poorly paid. That is going to mean raising the earnings of those living in the poorer regions of Thailand, presumably by bringing in legislation so that people such as self-employed farmers, are paid a lot more than they currently are, by the middle-men and wholesalers, thereby reducing their profit-margin. That's highly unlikely to happen!

I don't know, but has he become, or is being influenced by 'Religious book-bashers and tub-thumpers'? and their ilk, who want to solve the ills of the world, but who at the same time, still want/prefer the economic status quo in which they operate, to remain as it is? There is as many people here are quite aware, a seriously signifiicant difference between the incomes of those at the bottom and top of the social ladder, and I don't see anything like the same level of enthusiasm to resolve this issue, as there is spouted on about 'outlawing' prostitution.

I do see glimmers of hope on the horizon, via the Cooperative movement which seems to do a lot of good in the Thailand, but wonder if those with money, (and still expect/want to take more than their fair share of the profits) are willing to allow it to develop as successfully as it can/has in other countries.

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At one time he was paying dues to the bib to run his business unhindered. He could not complain. What he was doing was illegal, just as the demands for payments were. Now he is out of the business, he can scream and shout and get his own back at those very same people who caused so much pain to his pocket. Not only are the bib involved in casinos but also the flesh trade. I do not believe any of his actions are done for altruistic reasons. It is simply time to bite the hand he once fed.

but the end result is good, yes? It's like gangsters turning state's evidence. He is in a pretty much unique position of having an axe to grind, plenty of (video) protection and an intimate knowledge of those that took him down. Build a bombfire!

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

It seems you have had some unfortunate experiences. Perhaps you should consider raising the class of establishment and/or partner, as many of us who have lived many years don't seem to have had similar problems.

You must also realise that ALL of the young ladies with whom I have discussed the matter, do not consider themselves to be prostitutes, and the thought of working in a "knocking shop" would be quite abhorrent. The Thai word for prostitute is so-pee-nee. If you shoould choose to use that to refer to a bar-girl or massage parlour attendant the result might well be quite ugly.

Do you think that ladies that get paid for sex in others countries really think of them as Prostitutes they are have good stories help family and etc.

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If he gets super rich, one way or another, he could be a future PM for Thailand. Thais don't care how a person gets rich, - just being rich is what matters. That, plus the notoreity he's generating by his quixotic campaigns, will make him as popular as Mr. T.

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At one time he was paying dues to the bib to run his business unhindered. He could not complain. What he was doing was illegal, just as the demands for payments were. Now he is out of the business, he can scream and shout and get his own back at those very same people who caused so much pain to his pocket. Not only are the bib involved in casinos but also the flesh trade. I do not believe any of his actions are done for altruistic reasons. It is simply time to bite the hand he once fed.

but the end result is good, yes? It's like gangsters turning state's evidence. He is in a pretty much unique position of having an axe to grind, plenty of (video) protection and an intimate knowledge of those that took him down. Build a bombfire!

Don't get me wrong, I am all for him stirring things up. While personally I could not give a dam_n about casinos or brothels one way or another, just the mere fact that he is making so many people in authority nervous is great. He is even making Chalerm look foolish.

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If he gets super rich, one way or another, he could be a future PM for Thailand. Thais don't care how a person gets rich, - just being rich is what matters. That, plus the notoreity he's generating by his quixotic campaigns, will make him as popular as Mr. T.

Let's hope he is as popular - better choice. Rather have someone that wants to be thouight of as a saviour and righter or wrongs than someone who is just looking to refill his wallet.

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If he gets super rich, one way or another, he could be a future PM for Thailand. Thais don't care how a person gets rich, - just being rich is what matters. That, plus the notoreity he's generating by his quixotic campaigns, will make him as popular as Mr. T.

He's been "a colorful character" for several years already, so maybe the novelty value has worn a bit thin for PMship. But like him or loathe him, he is stirring the possum, and that can't be all bad.

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The difficulty here is in defining who is a prostitute and who isn't. My first encounter with my Thai wife was a financial one, in other words I paid her to have sex with me. But I could just have easily have become married to an estate agent, a hotel receptionist, a manager of an Internet cafe or an optician. I did not pay for sex with them, but all these ladies had one thing in common, they intended to meet and marry a farang to improve their lives and the lives of their families. All are graduates including my spouse. They were from Chonburi, Sri Racha, Bangkok, Phuket and Khorat so no preponderance of Isaan

Can you truly differentiate between these 5 ladies? At the end of the day they will all cost you money in one way or another.

But that's life. Ladies from all parts of the globe sell their bodies in one guise or another. Even women who are of independent means often turn to their male partners for financial support.

Prostitution is here to stay. In UK it's endemic. The important thing is to make sex as safe as possible, and to try to dissuade very young people from engaging in it.

Prostitution in the UK is endemic???? Is this with respect to your first offering above, i.e. that all women are prostitutes because they all want something out of a relationship (men too?) ? Or do you really mean it is endemic as a trade ?

Personally, I can count on one hand the number of prostitutes I knowingly saw in the UK in a lifetime there - living and working in London. In Spain, I see many more when I visit my folks on an urbanisation (roundabout girls they are called because they hang around the roundabouts waiting for cars). Here, I can see them anytime I head to town - here (Thailand) it is endemic. Here it is overt - which is what Chewitt was talking about (as well as underage and trafficking).

With all respect to your wife, who I know nothing of - there is a difference between women that sell their bodies "short-time" for sex and a woman that users her sexuality to find a man. It's not purelt sematics either. It's more about intent - if the intent is to get money, then that's prostitution, if the intent is to get a relationship, then it's not. The prosititute in your line up would likely have gone from customer to customer earning her living - the others earned their living elsewhere and sought out that one perfect mate - tell me, to reverse your question, just what is the same?

Prostitution is greater in England but most posters here were to poor to visit English Prostitutes so they never knew any

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The difficulty here is in defining who is a prostitute and who isn't. My first encounter with my Thai wife was a financial one, in other words I paid her to have sex with me. But I could just have easily have become married to an estate agent, a hotel receptionist, a manager of an Internet cafe or an optician. I did not pay for sex with them, but all these ladies had one thing in common, they intended to meet and marry a farang to improve their lives and the lives of their families. All are graduates including my spouse. They were from Chonburi, Sri Racha, Bangkok, Phuket and Khorat so no preponderance of Isaan

Can you truly differentiate between these 5 ladies? At the end of the day they will all cost you money in one way or another.

But that's life. Ladies from all parts of the globe sell their bodies in one guise or another. Even women who are of independent means often turn to their male partners for financial support.

Prostitution is here to stay. In UK it's endemic. The important thing is to make sex as safe as possible, and to try to dissuade very young people from engaging in it.

Prostitution in the UK is endemic???? Is this with respect to your first offering above, i.e. that all women are prostitutes because they all want something out of a relationship (men too?) ? Or do you really mean it is endemic as a trade ?

Personally, I can count on one hand the number of prostitutes I knowingly saw in the UK in a lifetime there - living and working in London. In Spain, I see many more when I visit my folks on an urbanisation (roundabout girls they are called because they hang around the roundabouts waiting for cars). Here, I can see them anytime I head to town - here (Thailand) it is endemic. Here it is overt - which is what Chewitt was talking about (as well as underage and trafficking).

With all respect to your wife, who I know nothing of - there is a difference between women that sell their bodies "short-time" for sex and a woman that users her sexuality to find a man. It's not purelt sematics either. It's more about intent - if the intent is to get money, then that's prostitution, if the intent is to get a relationship, then it's not. The prosititute in your line up would likely have gone from customer to customer earning her living - the others earned their living elsewhere and sought out that one perfect mate - tell me, to reverse your question, just what is the same?

Prostitution is greater in England but most posters here were to poor to visit English Prostitutes so they never knew any

Now I'm really confused - if prosititues were so expensive that a flight to Thailand and fifty quid to a Thai hooker is cheaper, then how can it be more endemic there than here? There are roughtly the same amount of people in the UK as Thailand, and as the price (by your statement) is so disparate, then how would it be greater - unless the rich people in the UK that could afford the prostitutes were hiring them by the hundred.

It's a throw away comment with no substance - just the usual TV poster attack of some nation or other - why try to defend it?

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