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Thai Education Minister Suchart Welcomes 'Donations' To Schools


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RE: CalgaryII

From reading your posts over the past few months one of your main grievences has been the years of inequality in Thai society as a result of for want of a better word 'the elite' and their influence both internal and external on successive previous governemts. As such a staunch opponant of the social inequality in Thai society I find it unfathomable that you support a legalised system of creating in effect a two tier system of eduction (the fact that it has been and would remain so is irrelevent) with the haves (elites) at the top and the have nots (phrai) at the bottom.

The focus of the education minister should be on providing fair and equal access to the highest possible standard of education for all Thais, based on ability not money.

The Education minister is advocating the legalisation and continuation of a system which will continue to result in the poor elements of society getting a poor level of education, when he should be seeking to redress the balance. All you are doing by defending this is supporting the educationbal inequality which exisits in Thailand. Bravo CalgaryII !!!!

The poor will never have access to **the same** level of education as the rich in any country. In some countries that can afford and is willing to give a very high quality level to everyone for free, then only the very rich bother spending more to get better.

However of course this is impossible in Thailand. What could be a realistic goal is to improve the quality of free education, and focus on how to achieve that would be great.

Allowing for true donations to schools that actually went into improving education for all the students at the school would be great, but I think we all know that won't happen here. Allowing for separate sections of the school to offer better quality for extra fees may be possible, but works against the former larger goal.

The ideal solution would be to have places in the better sections and better schools be allocated for the better-performing, more hard-working students, and have the required fees be need-transparent, with scholarships available for poor students.

Again, unrealistic here.

Every time I think about these issues I just feel sorry for the common people of Thailand, and afraid for the future of the whole country as the region opens up to more true competition.

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This was how my stepdaughter missed out on a spot in her local school a few years ago. A late donation from a parent with more money to a school head with no scruples.

Suchart recently said he was not interested in seeking any up to date research on improving the school and teaching system because " I am a professor I already know what's best"........so far he's been a very unimpressive education minister.

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Great idea, but donations must be made anonymously to the school:) Just cash in a brown paper envelope with no name on it. How many parent would donate like this, if its really in the best interest in improving to quality of the school as a whole, rather than being used to gain favour for a particular child?

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to donate money for poor students there is also a foundation for in thailand.this foundation has the intention to go nation wide, but is just founded.

see: www.kfforganization.org

this organization will provide all that is needed for the students to go to learn up to m3.

No street address, no names, but there is a PayPal site to donate your money (to what/whom and for what is not clear).

<p>Good luck with all that, [email protected]!!

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This was how my stepdaughter missed out on a spot in her local school a few years ago. A late donation from a parent with more money to a school head with no scruples.

Suchart recently said he was not interested in seeking any up to date research on improving the school and teaching system because " I am a professor I already know what's best"........so far he's been a very unimpressive education minister.

A professor, does anybody know where?

As our dear CalgaryII says, 'I will make inquiries' as to his credibility on the ground..

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Suchart, as an individual, never mind a 'professor', you are an idiot. As the education minister, you are a disaster.

...disaster, and the puteteer and the puppet should be publically shamed for this.

And you notice of course their is no comment from either the puppet, or the loud mouth wanna be pm, to distance themselves or the party.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

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Glad to hear the "donations" paid to enable new students to enrol will benefit all students. It sounds though that if you donate your child gets "special treatment", while if you don't or cannot afford to, your child is treated as second class. If it is true, it is surprising, coming from a government that prides itself on being mandated to redress historic socio-economic disparities, and improve the welfare of all. It's looking like the Minister is both out of touch with his Goverment, and the electoral base.

It is not at all surprising. You are among the few to actually expect this administration to do anything about those issues, other than just talk about what they will never actually do. We're talking about a core consisting of people who got wealthy due to dishonesty, or never knew a hard day in their life: Chalerm, and Yingluk etc. Good to be optimistic, but that will have to wait to take effect until the current ones are out of office.

They ride on the backs of the poor and less advantage, and serve to manipulate them as opposed to help them. We all knew how the cards would play out before they ever stepped into office.

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When we had the recent cabinet reshuffle PM Yingluck said a selection criteria this time was 'suitability'. Dr. Suchart has been Dept Finance Minister under the late k. Samak, Finance Minister under k. Somchai. It shows, he probably just wants to augment the budget allocated to his Ministry smile.png

A January 2012 document describing the policies of Ministry of Education starts with

"Policies of Ministry of Education

Prof. Dr. Suchart Thada-Thamrongvech

Minister of Education

25 January 2012


Police Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra has said about

education that “Education will lead to the building of people’s vigour.

Vigorous and knowledgeable people are powerful capital to fight

with poverty.” “Emphases must be on distribution of benefits with equity,

and on regards of people with difficulties, in order to provide quality

education for everyone.” “Education is an important key, a starting

element that is necessary in making poverty become past.”

The Pheu Thai Party Government shall take care of Thai people as

family members and not hurt them nor misapply their money. On education,

student-centred approach is committed. People’s children will be taken

care as ours, and teachers as our relatives."

Read the PDF here


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Hmmm....on second thought, maybe it is a good idea. If it is legal, it would be regarded as revenue. That revenue would be taxed along with all the other sources of revenue. Since it is reported now, the person who normally receive the bribe would not get the money because now the money goes to the school. If the person who paid the bribe gets an educational tax deduction for the bribe, then it would be doubly reported making sure the school didn't divert these funds for someone's pocket.

I see where your coming from. BUT it is still wrong to legitimise this .The good schools should be providing extras that the students and parents want.. At least that way IT is for the benefit of all the students.

But this is Thailand and this is the way they do things.

Isn't this how Ivy-League schools in the West work?

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"legalise the acceptance of "tea money", which has long been described as bribery and a despicable custom."

So much for that FREE thai education they brag about, now time for despicable 'red shirt' tea money education.

Free Thai education for all levels up to Mattayom 3 was instigated by the Democrat government.

This government has taken AWAY free uniforms and free milk and free text books.... to make way for free useless Chinese tablet computers....good ehhhh.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Erm no - I doubt anyone would suggest either are OK. As I posted above, I don't see why they can't just be honest and put an entrance fee up for the top schools. As I stated, this opens up sponsorship avenues - with large tech companies here, sponsorships could easily be beneficial for them (and releatively cheap advertising to boot). Good schools need more money to keep and attract good teachers, and cover the cost of better equpment etc, this is true everywhere and either all schools become equal (Orwellian perhaps) or (and more realistically) top schools need a subsidy. Scholoarships for such school pushes poor children to achieve too - a goal to aim for.

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Hmmm....on second thought, maybe it is a good idea. If it is legal, it would be regarded as revenue. That revenue would be taxed along with all the other sources of revenue. Since it is reported now, the person who normally receive the bribe would not get the money because now the money goes to the school. If the person who paid the bribe gets an educational tax deduction for the bribe, then it would be doubly reported making sure the school didn't divert these funds for someone's pocket.

I see where your coming from. BUT it is still wrong to legitimise this .The good schools should be providing extras that the students and parents want.. At least that way IT is for the benefit of all the students.

But this is Thailand and this is the way they do things.

Isn't this how Ivy-League schools in the West work?

Ivy-League is OK, becuase American are not corrupted. Unlike Thais.

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how embarassing for the thai gov;t , ....seems the same the world over though ,......... governments are looking to the rich to make donations , its crazy , why does anyone need 9000000000000000000000000000000000000 dollars ?, capitalism gone mad , soooooooo many greedy b**tards out there watching their fellow humans living hand to mouth , struggling to get an education ,.............99% of wealth is owned by 1% ,................&lt;deleted&gt; !! sad ................... VIVE LA REVELUTION !!.....

Sorry,...........nearly started a coup then clap2.gif

Is this a guarantee or terms and conditions? Try and get the print smaller please!

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

Not the same? Why not the same. The Thai Education want the contribution to go to the school too, not the Minister's pocket.

And if anyone accuse me of lying about Bangkok Christian College force parrents to donation before application form is accepted for consideration, I shall provide proof. I don't even mind going to court to proof that I am not lying.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

Also it is done by all parents. I think he felt like hewas being singled out for a special donation.

In the west it is called tuition.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

Also it is done by all parents. I think he felt like hewas being singled out for a special donation.

In the west it is called tuition.

No. It is not a uniform rate. The form ask you to write a number. The more you put it, the higher your chance. Like an auction.

IT IS NOT TUTION FEE, which is separate.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

Not the same? Why not the same. The Thai Education want the contribution to go to the school too, not the Minister's pocket.

And if anyone accuse me of lying about Bangkok Christian College force parrents to donation before application form is accepted for consideration, I shall provide proof. I don't even mind going to court to proof that I am not lying.

It is a widespread practice, "as we all know". And places are "reserved" for the children of influential people, regardless of their children's ability, so that competitive entry is far more competitive than you may realize. Of the touted 300 places, about half may already have been put by for these kids, leaving the remaining applicants, sometimes thousands of them, competing for the rest (100-150), not for the "official" advertised 300.

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Christian school have a force donation system. School like Bangkok Christian, etc. I knew before I have applied for my child before. When they give me the compulsary donation form without even seeing my child face, I spit at it (the form), threw it infront of the headmaster, and walk away, cursing Jesus along with it.

For the children application form to be accepted, the parrents have a sign a piece of paper to say how much they will donate, if their child gets in. Than the child gets a conditional offer subject to the parrents deposite the money. One the cheque is cleared, then the child will be accepted.

So, when Farang and Christian has open corrupt (with eveyone knowledge), is it OK.

When Thai want to do the same, it is considered evil.

Sparebox...you really are a bit of a nut job..

The Catholic schools here are run by ........Thai's. I would imagine Bangkok Christian to be the same. Why did you WANT to enroll your kid there?

At least if they give every one a form for a contribution it is NOT the same as this Education minister is talking about... it is a contribution to the school as a whole.

Not the same? Why not the same. The Thai Education want the contribution to go to the school too, not the Minister's pocket.

And if anyone accuse me of lying about Bangkok Christian College force parrents to donation before application form is accepted for consideration, I shall provide proof. I don't even mind going to court to proof that I am not lying.

It is a widespread practice, "as we all know". And places are "reserved" for the children of influential people, regardless of their children's ability, so that competitive entry is far more competitive than you may realize. Of the touted 300 places, about half may already have been put by for these kids, leaving the remaining applicants, sometimes thousands of them, competing for the rest (100-150), not for the "official" advertised 300.

I agree with you that these places are reversed for those who could pay.

All I am asking is: If Farang Christian school can do it, and it is acceptable; why when Thai school want to do the same, it is call corruption?

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So having robbed the budgets, to help pay for the laptops, the Minister now wants parents to top-up the money available to run schools, rather than get them what they need to do their work properly ?

Yay for Red-Shirt Education ! wink.pngcool.png

So having robbed the budgets, to help pay for the laptops, the Minister now wants parents to top-up the money available to run schools, rather than get them what they need to do their work properly ?

Yay for Red-Shirt Education ! wink.pngcool.png

Suchart said yesterday: "I am not going to call it 'tea money'. I will call it 'a donation”.

That says it all! Don’t most of Thai politicians, Cops and Civil Servants share his perception?

Get it in your head! That is what they have in mind when they talk about “Thainess” and “Thai culture.”

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So having robbed the budgets, to help pay for the laptops, the Minister now wants parents to top-up the money available to run schools, rather than get them what they need to do their work properly ?

Yay for Red-Shirt Education ! wink.pngcool.png

So having robbed the budgets, to help pay for the laptops, the Minister now wants parents to top-up the money available to run schools, rather than get them what they need to do their work properly ?

Yay for Red-Shirt Education ! wink.pngcool.png

Suchart said yesterday: "I am not going to call it 'tea money'. I will call it 'a donation”.

That says it all! Don’t most of Thai politicians, Cops and Civil Servants share his perception?

Get it in your head! That is what they have in mind when they talk about “Thainess” and “Thai culture.”

Makes it hard to keep face, NO?

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to donate money for poor students there is also a foundation for in thailand.this foundation has the intention to go nation wide, but is just founded.

see: www.kfforganization.org

this organization will provide all that is needed for the students to go to learn up to m3.

No street address, no names, but there is a PayPal site to donate your money (to what/whom and for what is not clear).

<p>Good luck with all that, [email protected]!!

already updated. the site is brandnew, so here and there some missings

the bankaccount on the name of the organization is pending, it should be there in 2-4 weeks. we are waiting for the last paper from the headoffice in Suphanburi.

and ni names is not true, see the tab about kfforganization.

but it is easy to make a comment, but not easy to do something good.

i spend 200.000 bath of my own pocket to get al the papers done. and yes it is true not everything is done , but you can read that also on the website. i qoute: when we are official we will tell it here.

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Waiting to hear the arguments how this is really "a good thing". Who is going to defend this policy? Come on Calgaryll, Lansford, and gang!

and g'kid

I wonder what the minister's % is?

It seems all initiatives from this crew, as in 'Sopranos crew' is getting tea money flowing, and calling it something else. And when tea money flows it ALWAYS FLOWS UP HILL.

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Seems like "Education" is the domain of the Ministry of Silly Talks too!

"And the children of donors must have a fair level of academic knowledge."

How about the rest?

"He did not think children with too poor academic results would be allowed into famous schools in exchange for donations."

I'll take the first part for granted! However, it seems to have worked for him at the famous "Universty of Corruptistan."

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People like this 'minister' are the reason why Thailand will still be 2nd or 3rd world in 20 years from now

(while of course the elite - regardless whether they wear 'red' or 'yellow' shirts in their spare time - will

continue to own and sell the country).

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