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American Woman Stabbed To Death At Fraser Suite Hotel In Bangkok


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That is typical BIB speak, the place could be in a shabbles and they would say there was no sign of a struggle and that it was suicide.

Could it be that he left the "change my sheets" card on the pillow before hanging the "do not disturb" sign on the door? unsure.png

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Dead for 20 hours?? Her body was not discovered until the next afternoon!

What kind of Housekeeping service does this hotel operate?

He probably put the "Do not disturb" sign on the door handle. so they honoured that and left the room alone !

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I like this "no signs of struggle" But she was strangled "around the neck" . Well I am not sure, but i think that is the only place you can get strangled is around your neck.

It is a shame. And I hope the police do more then their usual work.

Tell that to the bar hopping boys in Pattaya & Phuket. lololol

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

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Apparently he did not have his own room, since it appears he left without checking out.

Interesting that the hotel noticed him leaving with his baggage, but were not suspicious.

He probably had to change his ticket at the airport as well.

I have never been at a hotel where I have been questioned because me or one of the guests in my room left with baggage before officially checking out ... especially at a hotel like this where you need to pay for your room in advance and/or have an authorization put on your card.

Considering the russian row in Pattaya where they would not let them have there stuff until paid, it seems strange and that nobody complained of noise as well. spur of the moment murder is usually not silent, loud fighting, scream, stuff knocked over.

A user of this hotel has already said in here that the rooms are extremely soundproof so nothing would have been heard even if somebody were directly outside.

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

I am sure that we are all so sorry for those two girls and pray that they get justice for their mum. RIP Wendy.

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

Sorry for your loss.

I am afraid you will find justice and Thailand are worlds apart.

Edited by z12
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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

Sorry for your loss.

I am afraid you will find justice and Thailand are worlds apart.

I don't understand ???? Can't the US do anything????

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

I hope you get the justice you seek.

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

Sorry for your loss.

I am afraid you will find justice and Thailand are worlds apart.

I don't understand ???? Can't the US do anything????

Probably not. The guy supposedly in back in India. Maybe the USA can convince India to extradite him to the USA. Thailand probably won't get him to return to Thailand and even if they did, their legal system leaves a lot to be desired. Many foreign travelers are killed in Thailand all the time and most get classified as suicide. You are lucky they did not do that with your loved one. The best way to get them to act is to get it out on the internet. Make a youtube video, hope it goes viral. If they get embarrassed enough and think they will lose face and tourist dollars, then they may act. That and giving them lots of tea money, bribe. I wish you luck.

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Hmmm...that easy? Just like that? Guy murders her, packs his stuff and goes home? I think there's something more to it

Did you expect him to have a coffee at Starbuck's first?

Nooo. Indian coffee is excellent. No self-respecting Indian would be seen in Starbucks.

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Hmmm...that easy? Just like that? Guy murders her, packs his stuff and goes home? I think there's something more to it

Did you expect him to have a coffee at Starbuck's first?

Nooo. Indian coffee is excellent. No self-respecting Indian would be seen in Starbucks.

Hmmm, no cash. ? cowboy.gif

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Fled the country to where? If he fled to India there may be a chance he'll be expedited or maybe not. Thailand is trying to better relations with India and India is trying to better relations with Thailand. It could have been self defense.

yeah, sure, given the pics she was dangerously attractive.

The building is next door to me and I was at the motorcycle stand out front of the hotel when 2 police pickups, a couple of bikes and a car, all pulled into the fraser suites.

thought nothing of it until i read this. my condolences.

As for those who against railing against the thai authorities, i would say they have done their job thus far. They have identified the victim, settled upon a suspect and confirmed he has exited the country. Likewise next of kin have been notified. really what more could be done at this juncture beyond contacting interpol and the indian authorities?

this hardly the place to grind an axe against the thai police as it serves no purpose.

Edited by nocturn
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Why is it that the only information we get is the nationality of the people? Couldn't we have some background? It would be interesting to know their job, residence age etc first

Fled the country to where? If he fled to India there may be a chance he'll be expedited or maybe not. Thailand is trying to better relations with India and India is trying to better relations with Thailand. It could have been self defense.

They must know this guys name, why not release it?

An amazing shining soul and wonderfully joyous friend, long-time Associate Editor of Design Style of LUXURY Magazine and owner of Albano Interior Design of Tampa, Wendy Greenwald Albano - Stein was brutally murdered in her luxury Bangkok hotel suite by Sanghvi Ritesh Narptraj, 26, an Indian citizen who immediately fled to India to avoid prosecution for this senseless crime. Interpol has been notified, but it remains to be seen if this evil and fiendish man will face justice swiftly enough, if at all.

She had gone to Thailand specifically to break off a relationship with this man whom she had met on previous visits to India during her 'sourcing' for her wholesale interior design business and with whom she had intially began a partnership venture with, which later evolved into a romantic one. After her first (and only) trip to Bangkok's design marketplace together on Sunday afternoon, they returned to her hotel room where she began the delicate task of ending the romantic relationship as she had a more serious one back home in the US that she desired to pursue fully. Thus, robbery was not the motive, as evidenced by the crime scene photos that showed she still wore very expensive diamond rings and other items, although the suspect was seen in hotel video to be taking with him the large bag of merchandise they had bought at the market in addition to his luggage as he left only an hour after the two of them returned originally, at around 3:30pm local time. He is still in the wind, and has so far eluded Police by hiding in the chaos and crowd that is India.

More can be learned about Wendy by visiting the online tribute posted here > www[dot]LuxuryGroupIntl[dot]com[forward-slash]wendy[dot]html

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Again.. a running culprit. What the hell are the police doing?! We might as well have the triads protect the public!..c'mon..all the police are good at is setting up barricades to get their 100 baht passers fee.


How is this the police fault? Should they have had somebody stationed in the hotel room's bathroom or should they have alerted the airport before the body or crime was discovered.

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Fled the country to where? If he fled to India there may be a chance he'll be expedited or maybe not. Thailand is trying to better relations with India and India is trying to better relations with Thailand. It could have been self defense.

I suppose that is slightly better than a suicide story. At least different.

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There is not one ounce of sympathy for the deceased but a bunch of amatuer crime slueths with who dunnit scenarios.

Jeez a woman was murdered and the family are probably reading this right now.

R.I.P. MS Wendy

I understand your thoughts but they are not realistic. By no means should people feel compelled to disrespect a victim of any crime on ThaiVisa and I don't believe the mod's put up with this. However, this is a news section were people discuss the news and give their opinions on stories as opposed to being a memorial tribute to victims. Regretfully the news is often a zero sum game with there almost always being a loser or victim and I don't understand why these big concerns for the victims family comes into play when there is a western victim as opposed to say a 1/2 dozen Thais killed in a bus accident. There are also Thais that read this board.

With that said, my condolences go out to the family as does my empathy in having their loved one killed in a way that made international headlines making it and the circumstances a topic of discussion for many strangers.

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He murdered my dear friend Wendy. The sweetest, kindest, most generous woman in the world. Leaving behind 2 beautiful daughters, her parents and so many friends that love her. We are a close community and everyone is in shock that this happened. It is not real to us that she is so far away. We know who this monster is that did this. We knew he was obsessed with her. We knew he was suicidal and he played on her kindness and huge heart. I cannot believe he got out of the country. I am grieving with disbelief. Please make this not be true and bring her home.

Sorry for your loss.

I am afraid you will find justice and Thailand are worlds apart.

I don't understand ???? Can't the US do anything????

I am really very sorry for your loss but to expect justice in Thailand is a reach. Thai define justice much different than Americans do. Westerners are quite expendable here and are only looked at as wallets to be emptied. In my experience, Thais look at accidents and even murders as something that was "meant to happen" or inevitable. As far as getting help from the US Embassy, my experience is that agency is quite benign and is only political so getting justice through them is a reach as well. Once westerners live in Thailand for a number of years I believe they come to understand the dangers here and avoid them. Unfortunately, the tourist that come here for a few weeks are unaware of the dangers. I believe the westerners here in Thai Visa would cooperate in assisting where they can, myself included. Again, you have my utmost sympathy.

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Fled the country to where? If he fled to India there may be a chance he'll be expedited or maybe not. Thailand is trying to better relations with India and India is trying to better relations with Thailand. It could have been self defense.

yeah, sure, given the pics she was dangerously attractive.

The building is next door to me and I was at the motorcycle stand out front of the hotel when 2 police pickups, a couple of bikes and a car, all pulled into the fraser suites.

thought nothing of it until i read this. my condolences.

As for those who against railing against the thai authorities, i would say they have done their job thus far. They have identified the victim, settled upon a suspect and confirmed he has exited the country. Likewise next of kin have been notified. really what more could be done at this juncture beyond contacting interpol and the indian authorities?

this hardly the place to grind an axe against the thai police as it serves no purpose.

I agree with your comment.

Also, the fact that this news is reaching the US and possible further might mean the Thai authorities will want to avoid continuing bad international press. That has been their pattern of behavior thus far. If the western press can continue with follow up stories, then the Thai authorities will be forced into resolving this case, otherwise, they will go back to collecting their daily tea money.

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