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3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion

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According to the BBC, a statement issued by the Israeli defence ministry noted that Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak was in Bangkok on Sunday. He was in Singapore yesterday.

According to CNN, Thai authorities found C-4 during a search of the house.

If you connect the dots, it seems that these three or four guys were planning something bigger, but didn't get their act together, or missed the boat entirely....

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For sure the bomber is not somebody from Iran, but got an Iranian passport through the Mossad. Of course is the fact, that Thailand recognized the Palestinian State the reason for the terror attack. And Mossad is wellknown of providing falls passport, like they did in the Dubai assessination in the past.

Thanks for joining up to post you false allegation. What's your other name in Thai Visa?


Some of the posts alleging "false flag" operations or an attempt by some convoluted US/Zionist/UK conspiracy demonstrate;

1. A hatred so intense it blinds the proponent of such nonsense to the reality and/or,

2. Some serious mental health issues.

You left one out:

3. Utter stupidity


There are only two aspects of this particular story of which I am reasonably certain:

Of Israel, the United States and Iran, the only one not trying provoke a war s Iran.

The every day, boots on the ground job of the major intelligence agencies is demonizing the enemy in any way possible to gain popular support against them. This is a far reaching effort that takes place in any number of countries and is cumulative. It goes on for years.

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you guys are nuts if you think a solo "terrorist" with a couple pipe bombs is the intel the US was warning about. teens make pipe bombs in the US and bring them to school. if anything this was a CIA setup to advance the war on terror. amazing how many fools still believe the hype of the war machine. even expats. sad.


I completely agree with Vahack-it stinks of a set up. Problem/reaction/solution.

Set-up? How? All the evidence points otherwise. There really are people out there who have such blind mistrust and hate of the West that they always look for a conspiracy out of every situation.

Whenever there are momentous events in history, things that caused great shock, consternation, and emotional outpouring; you get a conspiracy theory. But here's the thing, the conspiracy theories are applied after the fact. They're easily applied because even the merest shred of evidence, which bears no relevance to the incident whatsoever, can be attributed to an overarching conspiracy.

No-one is denying the West and their media have their own agenda (but let's not pretend that other media elsewhere is more honest, because it isn't); but this has NOTHING to do with a setup/conspiracy at all; it was a planned attack; otherwise why make bombs? Oh, let me guess it was the CIA with Arab masks or Elvis and CIA plannign another fake moon landing!!!

Isn't VAHAK the Iranian secret police? No, silly me that's SAVAK otherwise known as NISA, or is that NISO?


Of Israel, the United States and Iran, the only one not trying provoke a war s Iran.

Then they better stop making nuclear weapons, sponsoring terrorists, threatening to destroy other countries and to block International shipping lanes.


It's not usually the terrorist leaders and masterminds who carry out the attacks or decide to blow themselves up...

Needless to say, they more often recruit

They often purposely recruit bombers that are mentally deficient..

It makes me chuckle, but seems much like the process by which the US goes about selecting presidential candidates.


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There are only two aspects of this particular story of which I am reasonably certain:

Of Israel, the United States and Iran, the only one not trying provoke a war s Iran.

The every day, boots on the ground job of the major intelligence agencies is demonizing the enemy in any way possible to gain popular support against them. This is a far reaching effort that takes place in any number of countries and is cumulative. It goes on for years.

Iran doesn't want a war, but continues to develop nuclear weapons while refusing one of its neighbours the right to exist, even while being threatened with war if they persist. Combine this with the muslim dogma that those killed in a holy war to repel the infidel invaders will go straight to paradise (and all that BS), add that it is gerontocracy ruled by aging religious fanatics who know they wil die soon anyway (but without the guaranteed pearly gate pass), and perhaps you see why some suspect their motives. Shalom


Malaysi bans Israeli nationals

I think you have got this backwards. Israelis can visit Malaysia but need to apply for a special visa. However, I believe Malaysians are banned from traveling to Israel. (the ban I believe is from their own government)

"Citizens of Israel and Yugoslavia are required to apply for Special Approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs before entering Malaysia."


Special Approval sounds a little more difficult to obtain than a visa IMHO


yes , correct , thank god it wasnt successful . ummmmm,,,thank god for stupidity,,,....soi71?----good target. Wow....this sounds like a botch and a half,,,,,thank the stars, heavens, gods ---whatever u favor. why people r targeting thailand , I have no idea? but this sems to have missed its mark and blown the culprits fukin legs off.....som nom na:::::::::::::::::::::::::whay would thailand be a target? pom mai kow jai,,,,,,,? sorry ,but just read the rest of it......and evidently this ting tong wanted to kil many more . I psted after reading the headline ...sorry..........thank God he failed......<deleted>!! is the fkin purpose? ,,,,what do these muthafuc_kas think this will accomplish?....The logic is not there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Man, these fanatics, extreemists , ----lunatics..........are insane! I really hope when China takes over they will be able to cope with insane , murdering animals better than america has. And there are no financial concerns ,,,,,like oil,,,,or whatever the daily" hate whoever is the world power at the moment in time " comitee have on there agenda./////////////////////////////////////////......PLEASE TAKE OVER ......GOOD FUKIN LUCK!!! we gladly hand over the mantle.

internal monologues are meant to remain INTERNAL

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Well at least the perp lost his legs and not someone else.

Happy Valentines Day

Speedy recovery for all the injured who weren't involved.


RT veen_NT: Just watched police interview on #NationTV- 3 explosions and 1st at the bombers' house. 2nd thrown at taxi and 3rd in front of the school.

Does this sound more like a nutter lone wolf to anyone else?



Much like somebody with huge comprehension issues you fail to grasp, in my very clear post, that the Iranian government and citizens of Iran are two different things as Hezbollah is yet a third..

Right, this was a case of peace-loving, innocent Iranian citizens w/ no connection to the Iranian government merely building and collecting bombs as a lil' personal hobby, like a coin collection. And that C4 explosive--it had no connection w/ the Iranian government, not at all. He manufactured that himself or purchased it on the black market from funds saved from selling kababs.

And yes, I missed any news reports of 3 passports found in the apartment or that any currency was found in the apartment. I did read that both Iranian and American (maybe working for the USA?) currency was found on the blown up guys pants along with his passport. Another man was caught at the airport attempting to leave the country but I guess he must have had another passport with him since you say his was at the house. The final unidentified man is on the run, I guess it is just taking time for officials to translate his name and copy his photo from his passport in order to provide these details to the public.

You missed all that, yes, but no matter. smile.png Now the trouble for you is, no offical Iranian government ID was found nor official direct orders from an Iranian government official to carry out some bombings. And there is a reason that they won't be found. What reason could that possibly be? Think hard on this. Or maybe you just enjoy being perverse.

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Hmm: here is the news about Chinese embassy warning:

The Chinese Consulate General has issued a strong warning about travel to Chiang Mai, following a series of attacks on tourists including the recent brutal mugging of a woman at a temple.

The official website of the Chinese Consulate-General warns Chinese tourists of "numerous incidents of looting".

The warning was posted on the website of the Consulate General after a 36-year-old Chinese female tourist _ Liu Xiao Hong _ was battered about the head with wooden clubs early in the morning of Jan 25.

Warning for the Chinese being robbed, no demand from Thai government for the Chinese to contact the Thai governmnet before putting out the warning? No protestors in front of the Chinese embassy? May be it is the Jews' plot?

The American embassy is bashed for putting out terrorist warning?

God bless the USA for looking out for expats...THANK YOU!

It makes me chuckle, but seems much like the process by which the US goes about selecting presidential candidates.

you got a point there!

But these guys are Iranian, and they were not planning anything, they were setting up an operation unit, but things went wrong! Malaysia is a base for Iranian operation, financial and getting around sanction for high tech equipment etc, just few minutes in KL Air Port arrival lounge and one can see planes after planes landing from Tehran and other cities! And most of those passengers are pick up by Iranian tour groups that have been setup by the Iranian Government etc. This is a vicious and pernicious nasty regime, no decent human would call death to any body, day in day out, every Friday pray that is conducted by the head of the regime, ends with death to some country, usually Israel and USA are the staple fare but other countries have been included from time to time, there is whole litany of assassinations and murders that has been carried out against their own people in exile. Iran is Thailand main customer for rice, and this why the Thai Government has been reluctant to curtail Iran activities and impose visa restriction, but it is time they are pressed for action by the West, as well, Malaysia is fueling the insurgency in the South of Thailand, it be better to bring the Malays in line, most parts for the Iranian centrifuges come via Malaysia , Iranian Government is a belligerent regime, access to nuclear capability will cause all the Gulf states acquire one as well, as far as Palestinian issue goes , the rich Arab states can turn Gaza into a Luxurious paradise with few billions, the problem is no one likes them! The gulf states are usually out number by foreigner workers, but they do their utmost to limit Palestinians working there! But in this Iranian people are the victims, there is saying in Iran, that Iranian Government has one and only one enemy, and no it is not Israel , and no it is not America, it is the Iranian people !

The strategy of the Revolutionary Guard is employ low level people, simple because they are expendable, for a high valued operation they usually send highly trained people! And they are on the move, only their main force has been tied up in Syria!


Do a google on Thailand Explosions and you will see a good assortment of credible international news reports of these explosions in Bangkok, Thailand. report consensus is clearly that the "bombers" were Iranian, and had lived in Bangkok and also that they used hand grenades. Israeli intelligence indicates that they were targeting high profile targets in Bangkok such as the Israeli embassy and a synangogue as well as other targets where there would be a high concentration of Americans and Israelis as well as other foreigners.

soi 4 was there top target, Thanks to USA for trying to protect expats...keep it up...THANKS

Much like somebody with huge comprehension issues you fail to grasp, in my very clear post, that the Iranian government and citizens of Iran are two different things as Hezbollah is yet a third..

Right, this was a case of peace-loving, innocent Iranian citizens w/ no connection to the Iranian government merely building and collecting bombs as a lil' personal hobby, like a coin collection. And that C4 explosive--it had no connection w/ the Iranian government, not at all. He manufactured that himself or purchased it on the black market from funds saved from selling kababs.

And yes, I missed any news reports of 3 passports found in the apartment or that any currency was found in the apartment. I did read that both Iranian and American (maybe working for the USA?) currency was found on the blown up guys pants along with his passport. Another man was caught at the airport attempting to leave the country but I guess he must have had another passport with him since you say his was at the house. The final unidentified man is on the run, I guess it is just taking time for officials to translate his name and copy his photo from his passport in order to provide these details to the public.

You missed all that, yes, but no matter. smile.png Now the trouble for you is, no offical Iranian government ID was found nor official direct orders from an Iranian government official to carry out some bombings. And there is a reason that they won't be found. What reason could that possibly be? Think hard on this. Or maybe you just enjoy being perverse.

Nisa never claimed that the people involved in this incident are peace-loving.

But having an Iranian passport does not mean that they are acting upon orders of the Iranian government. It only means that they are Iranian nationals.

Last year some American dude was arrested in Pattaya on pedaphilia charges. Does that mean that the US government was covertly sponsoring the molestation of Thai children?


What say you NOW?

Is Thailand a new terrorism playground?


Chalerm denies threat of terror


PM Yingluck brushes aside worries over terror attack plan in Thailand


Still other places to go in Thailand not just Bangkok .. But yea maybe this too will happen after being here for eight years now a lot of crazy thing's do happen here ,,,

They are planning bombings in six major provinces including chiangmai and chiangrai. Everybody should lay low!

It never ceases to amaze me that

those that most clearly show they are gravely ill informed or biased,

are the most strident at assuring all others that their misapprehensions

are the ONLY possible solution to a given situation.

Regardless of the obvious.

Carry on.



yes it's for real and so is his accent.

I don't understand why guys would assemble 4000Kg of explosives and then go out on an unplanned, ill thought through attack with three weapons the size of hand grenades, there bye blowing the cover on doing something of major significance.

Because when the bomb blew in the house ther plans had to be changed on the fly.

you guys are nuts if you think a solo "terrorist" with a couple pipe bombs is the intel the US was warning about. amazing how many fools still believe the hype of the war machine. even expats. sad.

They had C4. Do you realize the horrendous amount of death that this could have caused if they put it together correctly and detonated it in the subway or in a nightclub or in a school?

if they really had c4, there would have been nothing left of that shack.! think about it or google it. it would have been matchsticks and cement powder

You are not to smart are you it depends on the amont of c4 that blew up. They had c4 100 percent


yes it's for real and so is his accent.

I don't understand why guys would assemble 4000Kg of explosives and then go out on an unplanned, ill thought through attack with three weapons the size of hand grenades, there bye blowing the cover on doing something of major significance.

I imagine the plan didn't entail going out in an unplanned attack. Much more likely that the plan entailed going out on a planned and coordinated attack against a specific target.

What their plan clearly didn't include was accidentally detonating explosives in the home, instantly throwing everything into disarray.

“All plans for the battle go out the window after the first bullet is fired!”

They were heading for soi 4 that was the plan!

God bless he didn't do it in a busy crowd, but I guess now Shit in the Fan...


He did it outside a school

Yeah, u very right, it could go far worse........

This mai pen rai nation really need attention about the real threat of the world...


Not whilst there is money to be counted.


Of Israel, the United States and Iran, the only one not trying provoke a war s Iran.

Then they better stop making nuclear weapons, sponsoring terrorists, threatening to destroy other countries and to block International shipping lanes.

Why waste your time responding? Even if the terrorist had been waving an Iranian flag and run screaming down the street yelling death to the infidels, some people would still say the legless one was just expressing a peaceful sentiment..................

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