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So It All Comes Crashing Down.

Would you have enough?  

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So we are all living a great life and the unthinkable happens.

Your income is abruptly halted for the foreseeable future.

How long would you last?

What could you possibly do to correct the situation?

Edited by NormanW
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One of the few good reasons to have a credit card. These can be life savers in times of emergency. Most people can get a credit card in Thailand with a limit between 2 and 6 months salary. This will definitely extend your stay and give you a few more options.

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One of the few good reasons to have a credit card. These can be life savers in times of emergency. Most people can get a credit card in Thailand with a limit between 2 and 6 months salary. This will definitely extend your stay and give you a few more options.

and what happens if you can't pay them back?

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I have income from some condos but my wife is the bread winner. We have a few million in the bank for a rainy day, if it happened I would think we could manage for a good few years as we would have only living costs no rent etc

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One of the few good reasons to have a credit card. These can be life savers in times of emergency. Most people can get a credit card in Thailand with a limit between 2 and 6 months salary. This will definitely extend your stay and give you a few more options.

Not sure about thai credit, but usa banks slashed credit limits without notice in the credit crunch a few years ago.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many farangs i have met in Thailand who don't seem to have more than a few hundred dollars to their name...the younger ones i can sorta semi understand but the ones in their 50's and 60's and up are kind of scary. How the hell can you work all your life and end up broke at 65? Yes i understand divorces and kids and law suits and failed biz and all that BUT...come on. You're a grown man. Do a little planning and put away at least a few thousand bucks can't you? Maybe learn to tell the difference between what you want and what you need?

I have also met quite a few who seem to think it is the Thai peoples' responsibility to provide them with medical care at the public hospitals because they have no money. What kind of person would come to thailand and sponge off the generosity of thai people who typically are much poorer than wherever you came from?

Maybe that is one reason that Thailand at least sometimes attempts to crack down on destitute farangs living here via visa rules and regulations. If they didnt' I hate to think how many more broke farangs would be hanging around sucking down a few dozen beers a day whilst moaning about all their bad luck. And please spare me the tales of how a 22 y.o. thai bar girl with a third grade education tricked you , the all knowing farang, out of his life's savings.

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Part of me wishes it would all come crashing down this year; that would force me to give up work.

I have enough to generate a pretty good interest without touching the capital. Add to that a private pension that will increase my income when it matures in 7 and a half years, and a Uk state pension a decade after that, and I'd be fine.

Plus Mrs Bendix generates her own income.

Not really sure why I keep working to be honest.

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