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Why Most Thai Ladies Love Foreign Man?

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Veryruay, this is sort of an odd thread for you to start, recalling your posting history. You're Thai, are you not? I tend to think this is a wind-up thread, but many of the replies so far have been very level-headed and rational. Most of us who's been here awhile and spent considerable time outside of the bar scene understand full well what is going on. There is a small demographic of Thai women who go after farangs and we understand why (read money). We know that "normal" Thai women looking for normal love are not going to pursue a relationship with someone they can barely communicate with.

So if 90%+ of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, how can you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man? Or are you being sarcastic? I tend to believe the latter. Anyways, stand-by for heavy weather.

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I'm English, I don't pretend to understand why English women want a certain thing. I certainly can't tell anyone what or why a Thai women wants a specific 'thing'. When people say 'most Thai women' they mean the 5/6 they know well. Or maybe the 1 or 2 who have told them.

I would assume a young woman of any nationality would, at first, want a man of the same age group and nationality. Most people date within their peer group. The percentage of Thai's to foreigners (all nations) would suggest that 'most' women would want a Thai male.


I disagree with some posters suggesting that a good thai girl would not be seen dead with a westerner, rubbish.. I don't think most thai women want to be with forieign men, OP is a wind up. But I have so many friends with middle class girls living in OZ with just middle class blokes with families. One mate has a wife of a wealthy family who owns a rubber tree plantions in the south, land as well, very rich. They offered to help him with buying a house in Oz. I could never be so lucky ...!! This family could be the exception to the rule maybe.. But!! how long they all last is another thing. I certainly would never marry a Thai girl again and I am sure my wife would never marry a westerner again as well.


My gf told me she would never have thought dating even less marrying a foreign man before going studying abroad. Actually none of the Thais I know who are married or in relation with a foreigner intended to do so. Most of them work in international companies and their current partner are either a former colleague or a friend of a former colleague.


Most don't. Most foreigners don't exactly get the pick of the litter...

Actually they do, the pick of the kitty litter.


I disagree with some posters suggesting that a good thai girl would not be seen dead with a westerner, rubbish.. I don't think most thai women want to be with forieign men, OP is a wind up. But I have so many friends with middle class girls living in OZ with just middle class blokes with families. One mate has a wife of a wealthy family who owns a rubber tree plantions in the south, land as well, very rich. They offered to help him with buying a house in Oz. I could never be so lucky ...!! This family could be the exception to the rule maybe.. But!! how long they all last is another thing. I certainly would never marry a Thai girl again and I am sure my wife would never marry a westerner again as well.

I should hope not. Otherwise you would both be bigamists, or should the last line to you post read "ex-wife". :)
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Most Thai females prefer Thai males, even the women of ill repute. You will find most Thai prostitutes strictly reserve themselves for Thai men and the majority of highso middle to upper class Thai ladies wouldn’t be seen dead with a farang. Many Thai women consider being seen with a farang male as an embarrassment and of appearing low status if they date farangs and that applies to the sideliner girls, this is why most of the freelancer Thai girls only advertise on Thai language websites and forums. Do an online research and you will see for yourselves that the Thai ladies who date, go short time or marry farangs are only a tiny minority of the Thai female population.
I would have thought condidering that the foreign male is a very tiny minority, then the Thai ladies that date or marry then would also be a tiny monority. It's not rocket science. As far as being looked down upon thats utter crap. Maybe some Thais feel that way but you get snobbery in all cultures.
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Foreign man, they can be Asian too not only falangs consider foreigner!!!

Most Thai females prefer Thai males, even the women of ill repute. You will find most Thai prostitutes strictly reserve themselves for Thai men and the majority of highso middle to upper class Thai ladies wouldn’t be seen dead with a farang.

Many Thai women consider being seen with a farang male as an embarrassment and of appearing low status if they date farangs and that applies to the sideliner girls, this is why most of the freelancer Thai girls only advertise on Thai language websites and forums.

Do an online research and you will see for yourselves that the Thai ladies who date, go short time or marry farangs are only a tiny minority of the Thai female population.


Don't guess, and I need not to pretend , why must I ? I am not Thai!!!!

I used to lived in Thailand and forums and for people to discuss.

Wind up? No, not exactly, I ask what I doubt, and I post what I encountered!

Veryruay, this is sort of an odd thread for you to start, recalling your posting history. You're Thai, are you not? I tend to think this is a wind-up thread, but many of the replies so far have been very level-headed and rational. Most of us who's been here awhile and spent considerable time outside of the bar scene understand full well what is going on. There is a small demographic of Thai women who go after farangs and we understand why (read money). We know that "normal" Thai women looking for normal love are not going to pursue a relationship with someone they can barely communicate with.

So if 90%+ of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, how can you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man? Or are you being sarcastic? I tend to believe the latter. Anyways, stand-by for heavy weather.


Don't guess, and I need not to pretend , why must I ? I am not Thai!!!!

I used to lived in Thailand and forums and for people to discuss.

Wind up? No, not exactly, I ask what I doubt, and I post what I encountered!

Veryruay, this is sort of an odd thread for you to start, recalling your posting history. You're Thai, are you not? I tend to think this is a wind-up thread, but many of the replies so far have been very level-headed and rational. Most of us who's been here awhile and spent considerable time outside of the bar scene understand full well what is going on. There is a small demographic of Thai women who go after farangs and we understand why (read money). We know that "normal" Thai women looking for normal love are not going to pursue a relationship with someone they can barely communicate with.

So if 90%+ of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, how can you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man? Or are you being sarcastic? I tend to believe the latter. Anyways, stand-by for heavy weather.

Your English is a little hard to follow, but I think I get you. So if I can ask again, since over 90% of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, why would you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man?

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A lot of generalisation here I think. One only has to check out the male/female partner/age gap between famous people to see that age has little to do with choosing a partner.

Financial security is usually the main reason for Thai + farang relationships that may later be very rewarding emotionally.

68 year old Sir Mick Jagger, Old Age Pensioner etc, seems quite happy with the delicious Luciana Morad, 26 years his junior, although there are times, I am sure, she says "I can't get no satisfaction" .

What it has to do with is money, lots of it. Money = security.


Some years ago a Thai lady, of whose family we are not at liberty to discuss here, married an American. So it is not impossible.


Any generalization would be daft... A similarly daft question would be 'Why do all Western Pattaya residents frequent gogo bars ?'... The don't but some might make the generalization that they do... As Generalizations stand, this myth that Thai women prefer foreign men is perhaps perpetuated by those socializing within a very specific demographic. Those who suggest Thai ladies of a 'wealthier' demographic are unattainable themselves perhaps fall within another demographic.

But, like anywhere else in the world - For those who fit within a certain socioeconomic, educational and of course 'looks' demographic the world opens up significantly.

The abundance of hookers and 'occupational farang hunters' confuses the issue somewhat as these ladies 'pack hunt' for available suitors primarily and even only for financial reasons. Once economic factors within the 'lower demographic's' are removed there really is very little difference between Thailand and our home countries. Where the 'economic' factor is reduced other factors such as character, social status, education, humor, looks etc all play the vital role in whom we attract, of course, so does the character, social status, education, humor, looks etc of the person we are trying to attract.

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Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Lets face facts here chaps,if you are a guy who knocks about in foriegn bars and foriegn establishments,the liklehood of meeting a normal thai girl are low.Because a normal thai girl does not want a guy that goes to a bar and drinks beer at 9 o clock in the morning cos that int normal.

When i first come to Thailand in 2006,i asked a girl out who worked in the airport,i met her the night after she turned up in her car dressed immaculately with a present for me.The second date she wanted me to meet the parents cos they were a little concerned about her going out and meeting someone they didnt know.So we went to see them,they lived in a huge house,her farther was a engineer her mother was a teacher.The only reason i didnt carry on seeing her is because i was meeting a mate in ho chi mihn city and at the time i was more bothered about having a good time with my mate in the bars than having a relationship.At the time i were 32 she was 26.

I have plenty of stories about women wanting to meet falang,my ex's aunty wants to meet someone because her husband was cheating on her for years,she is 42 very good looking and from a rich family and is a friend of mine on facebook.Also my wifes cousin,she lost her thai husband in a car accident,has never been with a foriegner but believes a falang will look after her better.This girl also does not need anything from a falang,she has her own house,car and bussiness and is only 26.

I drink in thai restaurant's and sometimes go to a thai nightclub with my wife and her friends and get alot of attention and i am only average looking,my opinion is that if you speak thai,learn the culture,mix with thai people,its easy.

I agree with you about guys who only see Thailand from a barstool. I myself donot drink or smoke,or frequent bars. My one and only wife(of 4 months) was 50 I was 57 when married she was divorved from a university professor. Everything she had was obtained afetr her divorce from her Thai professor husband and she got it from foreigners.

I also associate with people of status. Teachers, school directors bankers, nurses etc.A lot of the women from these areas of society are looking for foreigners too. But they are looking for the same reasons as bargirls from what I have seen. A few have already had foreigner husbands and are out looking for number2.They show up at social functions and look great drive a nice car. Real modern woman. A foreign man can identify and relate. They use this. They discuss travelling they have done etc. These women are just more polished is all. Usually everything they did was after they met a foreigner who covered the costs for everything.

And as far as the woman you met in the airport, if she was a Thai woman who respected Thai culture she wouldnot have even gone out with you first night without a chaperone. I like how you judge others as sitting at barstools and then mention at the end how you were to busy to get to know this gem of a woman because you were to busy having a good time with your mates in the bar.


Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

So how on earth does that theory stand up when so many ThaiVisa members are with well educated Thai women from well connected families ?

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Don't guess, and I need not to pretend , why must I ? I am not Thai!!!!

I used to lived in Thailand and forums and for people to discuss.

Wind up? No, not exactly, I ask what I doubt, and I post what I encountered!

Veryruay, this is sort of an odd thread for you to start, recalling your posting history. You're Thai, are you not? I tend to think this is a wind-up thread, but many of the replies so far have been very level-headed and rational. Most of us who's been here awhile and spent considerable time outside of the bar scene understand full well what is going on. There is a small demographic of Thai women who go after farangs and we understand why (read money). We know that "normal" Thai women looking for normal love are not going to pursue a relationship with someone they can barely communicate with.

So if 90%+ of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, how can you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man? Or are you being sarcastic? I tend to believe the latter. Anyways, stand-by for heavy weather.

Your English is a little hard to follow, but I think I get you. So if I can ask again, since over 90% of the Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men, why would you say that "most" Thai ladies love foreign man?

Pardon my English beacause it's my 3rd language I suppose. Or must I put it this way, Why I know so many Thai ladies that wanted to marry Foreigner?

I apologize if you do not agree on what I post but again I will wanna say, I post what I doubt, and this is a forum, it's open to talk.


Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Have to agree with most of this.

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Most Thai women donot love foreigners. They love what the foreigner has to offer them. The best most foreigners can do with a good Thai woman is become their friend,because a good Thai woman usually isnot interested in marrying a foreigner. I know many Thai-chinese young women who are in their 20's single and not the least bit interested in gettting married to a foreigner or a Thai for that matter. I also meet women everyday from poor families that just about throw themselves at me to get the benefits of a foreigner boyfriend.

Look around and you will find many women have had 1 or 2 foreigner boyfriends already. They speak good english, dress well, have cars, maybe a house and have travelled abroad. They are in their late 20s or early 30s.They got their cars houses , travel etc from past boyfriends. They took what they could and moved on.Does anyone really believe they loved their past boyfriends? They took the money and ran. But they will tell you they loved you well they check you out to see whats in it for them.

I feel they should get something but give only what you can afford to lose. Because there is a very good chance they really donot give a dam_n about you. Words are cheap and lies are common tools.

Have to agree with most of this.

I second that.


Anyone thinking that you can address Thai women as one homogenous group is crazy. They're a diverse group of people with as many varied tastes and opinions as any other nationality.

Thank you. I never ceased to me amazed at how many posters generalize about the Thais. The Thais are this and the Thais are that. No, they are not. They are diverse as any other 'National' (not ethnic or racial) group.

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Pardon my English beacause it's my 3rd language I suppose. Or must I put it this way, Why I know so many Thai ladies that wanted to marry Foreigner?

I apologize if you do not agree on what I post but again I will wanna say, I post what I doubt, and this is a forum, it's open to talk.

Ok, VR. This is becoming very tedious. Many of the posters here have already provided some pretty good explanations, but you seem intent on ignoring them. Some that I'd recommend include posts #4,6,11,14,16,18,25,28,42. They are pretty close to spot on. Unless you're trying to search for some kind of silly answer, like "farang good, Thai bad." If you are, try the bars. Those BGs will give you answers like that all day long.

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Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

So how on earth does that theory stand up when so many ThaiVisa members are with well educated Thai women from well connected families ?

Because they are not. As they are anonymous on an internet forum, they can pretend that they have found the woman they are posting about.

  • Like 1

Anyone thinking that you can address Thai women as one homogenous group is crazy. They're a diverse group of people with as many varied tastes and opinions as any other nationality.

Thank you. I never ceased to me amazed at how many posters generalize about the Thais. The Thais are this and the Thais are that. No, they are not. They are diverse as any other 'National' (not ethnic or racial) group.

and suppose the reverse is true in how Thai's see farangs...ie they are all rich, are drunks, all fat and sweaty


Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

So how on earth does that theory stand up when so many ThaiVisa members are with well educated Thai women from well connected families ?

Because they are not. As they are anonymous on an internet forum, they can pretend that they have found the woman they are posting about.

Usually around now the 'my girlfriend/wife/friends is/are half-chinese hi-so thai' posts come out...or did I miss it.

  • Like 1

Anyone thinking that you can address Thai women as one homogenous group is crazy. They're a diverse group of people with as many varied tastes and opinions as any other nationality.

Thank you. I never ceased to me amazed at how many posters generalize about the Thais. The Thais are this and the Thais are that. No, they are not. They are diverse as any other 'National' (not ethnic or racial) group.

and suppose the reverse is true in how Thai's see farangs...ie they are all rich, are drunks, all fat and sweaty

Well, it's almost the truth. wink.png


Pardon my English beacause it's my 3rd language I suppose. Or must I put it this way, Why I know so many Thai ladies that wanted to marry Foreigner?

I apologize if you do not agree on what I post but again I will wanna say, I post what I doubt, and this is a forum, it's open to talk.

Ok, VR. This is becoming very tedious. Many of the posters here have already provided some pretty good explanations, but you seem intent on ignoring them. Some that I'd recommend include posts #4,6,11,14,16,18,25,28,42. They are pretty close to spot on. Unless you're trying to search for some kind of silly answer, like "farang good, Thai bad." If you are, try the bars. Those BGs will give you answers like that all day long.

Berkshire pretty much encapsulated the best of the answers. We keep beating a dead horse on these very similar topics. I could ask why do North American women over the age of 35 get fat and ugly, or why do North American men over the age of 40 get fat pot bellies... and I would be correct in many cases, but not all. It's much the same thing with these similar topics meant only to stir up the pot against Thais and men who should know better.


Don't be fooled by the minority. Any guy who lives in Thailand will tell you that the normal Thai girl, I am talking about the normal population is not interested in foreigners at all. Do you hang out in China town in your home country? Neither do normal Thais. Try to date a typical middle class Thai and she will be very afraid to tell her parents or friends. We go to Thailand and meet the ones who are targeting foreigners for the money. It is a small minority. After living here, I have met so many more that want nothing to do with us. We don't get exposure to them because they avoid the foreigner outlets.

Speak for yourself...

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To answer the original question.

I am a white anglo Aussie, I have never had a relationship with an Aussie, I never questioned why but I have no interest, I had many relationships but whith mainly European women, I found foriegn women to be interesting with values that I admire. I am now a Thai woman but you may just find a minority of Thai woman who are fine upstanding individuals that earn for something more ~ or different, there are other incentives, appart from the extreme ( fat-ugly-angry wanke_r) most Farang if thier friendly enough should have a good chance.

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