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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Not a Republican one, however.


Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.


Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.


Jingthing knew what Stockholm was driving at I am sure. He was just being a pedant.

Name an iranian presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Israel.

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

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Not a Republican one, however.

Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.


Jingthing knew what Stockholm was driving at I am sure. He was just being a pedant.

Name an iranian presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Israel.

What has that got to do in the remotest with the subject of the posts you are replying to?

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

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Not a Republican one, however.


Jingthing knew what Stockholm was driving at I am sure. He was just being a pedant.

Name an iranian presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Israel.

What has that got to do in the remotest with the subject of the posts you are replying to?

What does any of these group of posts have to do in the remotest with the subject of the OP?

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We all have our little foibles, don't we. ;-)

Not a Republican one, however.


Regarding Ron Paul, he is the only presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Iran.


Correction. No, he is not. President Obama ALSO does not want to attack Iran and he is actively trying to stop Israel from doing so. Last time I checked, President Obama is a presidential candidate for 2012.


Jingthing knew what Stockholm was driving at I am sure. He was just being a pedant.

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

Well I wouldn't look forward to it at all. The poor woman is likely to be tortured and imprisoned for a long time. Just as you say their is no false flag needed for the USA to justify a war, there is no confession needed from this woman for Iran to blame the USA and Israel. I am on nobodies side, have you guessed it yet? I do not want another illegal war at any cost!

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

Well I wouldn't look forward to it at all. The poor woman is likely to be tortured and imprisoned for a long time. Just as you say their is no false flag needed for the USA to justify a war, there is no confession needed from this woman for Iran to blame the USA and Israel. I am on nobodies side, have you guessed it yet? I do not want another illegal war at any cost!

Why would the so called peace loving iranians torture one of their own, especially a woman?

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Name an iranian presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Israel.

mate you are blowing in the wind, do you think everybody in Iran is a baby eating monster

All of them. What do I win?

well done you have just won the the Santorum award, or rather a cup full of Santorum clap2.gif

Edited by Rusty2009
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Name an iranian presidential candidate who doesn't want to attack Israel.

mate you are blowing in the wind, do you think everybody in Iran is a baby eating monster

All of them. What do I win?

well done you have just won the the Santorum award, or rather a cup full of Santorum clap2.gif

Obviously you have the mahmoud ahmadinejad award.

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Thailand ALSO has very good relations with Israel. Not as close as India and Israel though. India is dealing with even a more delicate situation as Israel is their key strategic military ally while at the same time being a major buyer of Iranian oil. Thailand buys VERY LITTLE Iranian oil.

Thailand's efforts not to anger either Iran or Israel are perfectly understandable. No argument there.

Persian Thais are one of the ethnic minority groups in Thailand.


That cannot be said about the Zionists. Sorry.

Your link doesn't work. There have been Jews in Thailand since the 1700s and also a wave Iranian Jewish refugees came here in the 1970s fleeing persecution by the Islamic regime in Iran. Why they didn't go to Israel, I can't say. Maybe they were afraid Iran would attack someday? coffee1.gif

Seriously, the tiny resident populations of Persian Thais, Jewish Thais, Persian Jewish Thais, Zionists, or lesbian Jubus (google it) is totally irrelevant to Thai foreign policy in this current conflict.

Edited by Jingthing
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Can we get everything in perspective here. By voicing an opinion that the yet unproven case of the Thai bombings was carried out by Israeli's as part of a false flag operation is not conspiracy. Occams razor itself would state that the Israeli's are responsible for this in some way. Yes there are lots of terrorist organizations and the BKK bombers were part of one of them, but whether an Iranian Government run one or an Israeli funded one such as the MEK/MEO remains to be seen.

We are being asked to stick to the subject of the OP, but judging by all the posts that have been deleted on this and other threads on the subject, this very topic is itself a conspiracy thread.

The whole worlds media took it's stories on BKK straight from the BKK media and news agencies, and therein lies the danger. We are effectively working off one story, yet there are many people out there with a far more qualified judgement on this subject than some journo's in Thailand.

Ahem, so it's okay to apply Occam's Razor to your conspiracy theory, but my same assertion that this is in fact an Iranian state sponsored event is invalid? You just punked yourself.

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Don't buy this "it must be Iran thing" not even in the slightest!

Iran are in the mists of this nuklear program that people are realy trying hard to shut down, why give them more fuel?

They need all the friends they can get why burn bridges with places like Thailand, that believe it or not have a bit of a fan club if you go to the right parts of town.

This would be the most piss pore evert of terrorism in history from a government.

Even if they where to succeed thay stand to lose more than gain.

Again they are in the middle of naval monovers that are already attracting attention, they don't need more over such a small possible achievement.

You theory may hold true for a people that operate under a reasonable government.

Seems than Iran taking it up a notch by ceasing shipments of oil to Britain and France.


Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Who is next, Thailand perhaps?

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Thailand ALSO has very good relations with Israel. Not as close as India and Israel though. India is dealing with even a more delicate situation as Israel is their key strategic military ally while at the same time being a major buyer of Iranian oil. Thailand buys VERY LITTLE Iranian oil.

Thailand's efforts not to anger either Iran or Israel are perfectly understandable. No argument there.

Persian Thais are one of the ethnic minority groups in Thailand.


That cannot be said about the Zionists. Sorry.

Your link doesn't work. There have been Jews in Thailand since the 1700s and also a wave Iranian Jewish refugees came here in the 1970s fleeing persecution by the Islamic regime in Iran. Why they didn't go to Israel, I can't say. Maybe they were afraid Iran would attack someday? coffee1.gif

Seriously, the tiny resident populations of Persian Thais, Jewish Thais, Persian Jewish Thais, Zionists, or lesbian Jubus (google it) is totally irrelevant to Thai foreign policy in this current conflict.


The link is to a Thai wikipedia entry on the Persian Thais. The article has also links to other ethnic groups and minorities in Thailand, like the various hill tribes for example. Zionists were not on that list.

it isn't totally irrelevant.

Google: Bunnag

Furthermore all Zionist might be Jews but not all Jews are Zionists.

The Thai-Persian ties are stronger than the Thai- Zionist ties.

There is also respect for the Hezbollah in Thailand and for the Palestinians of course. But that respect is more of other nature than the historic connection with Iran, its more in the national sovereignty and never been and not want to be colonialised way of thought.

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Please clarify. Are you suggesting Thailand should take the side of Iran in the Iran vs. the west conflict or are you saying they should be neutral? I think neutral as much as possible.

Also, it is less loaded to simply say Thai-Iranian relations and Thai-Israeli relations. Somehow when people who defend the Iranian regime use the word Zionist the disdain they feel for Jewish nationalism is ever present. Thai nationalism -- great! Palestinian nationalism -- great! Iranian nationalism -- great! Jewish nationalism -- dirty!

BTW, nobody here has EVER said that all Jews are Zionists. But over 90 percent of Jews in the world do support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trying to paint this as a false flag operation doesn't help stopping a war.

They say that truth is the first victim of war. Seems the war has already started then.

How surprising . The usual Israel haters spouting the same old nonsense and making lame excuses for Iranian terrorists.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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