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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war. Nor do I wish to see anyone else die in violence. I also do not wish to become a victim in another incident involving grenade throwing Iranian nationals. And yes, that's what it was.

All the excuses and claims of a false flag operation cannot explain away that these were Iranians in the house that went kaboom and that it was an Iranian that tried to murder the Thai taxi driver and it was an Iranian that threw the grenade at the Thai policeman and that this took place on a crowded public street in Thailand. The USA had fortunately warned its nationals, but how could anyone really be prepared for this event? My sole concern at this time, and it is a selfish concern at that, is that I do not want to be maimed or die the next time something like this occurs. it's bad enough dodging vehicles when I cross Rat U or the beach Rd in patong. I don't need a grenade tosser to worry about on top of it.

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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war.

I concur and hope this is the end of the bomb making incidents in Thailand.

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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war. Nor do I wish to see anyone else die in violence. I also do not wish to become a victim in another incident involving grenade throwing Iranian nationals. And yes, that's what it was.

All the excuses and claims of a false flag operation cannot explain away that these were Iranians in the house that went kaboom and that it was an Iranian that tried to murder the Thai taxi driver and it was an Iranian that threw the grenade at the Thai policeman and that this took place on a crowded public street in Thailand. The USA had fortunately warned its nationals, but how could anyone really be prepared for this event? My sole concern at this time, and it is a selfish concern at that, is that I do not want to be maimed or die the next time something like this occurs. it's bad enough dodging vehicles when I cross Rat U or the beach Rd in patong. I don't need a grenade tosser to worry about on top of it.

The goal of a false flag operation is to make it look like a certain party committed the act. That is the case here with the Bangkok bombing. All signs point to Iran but they didn't do it. They were framed by the false flag operatives

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Please clarify. Are you suggesting Thailand should take the side of Iran in the Iran vs. the west conflict or are you saying they should be neutral? I think neutral as much as possible.

Also, it is less loaded to simply say Thai-Iranian relations and Thai-Israeli relations. Somehow when people who defend the Iranian regime use the word Zionist the disdain they feel for Jewish nationalism is ever present. Thai nationalism -- great! Palestinian nationalism -- great! Iranian nationalism -- great! Jewish nationalism -- dirty!

BTW, nobody here has EVER said that all Jews are Zionists. But over 90 percent of Jews in the world do support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

I don't want discuss Zionism here. And of course Thailand should stay neutral and will do it.

Not being Anti doesnt mean to be Pro. If you are not with us you are against us - that is humbug.

Many posts here are clearly anti-Iranian. by people who get feed by western media.

What i am saying is that these anti-Iranian sentiment are not valid in Thailand. Thailand is not the USA.

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Trying to paint this as a false flag operation doesn't help stopping a war.

They say that truth is the first victim of war. Seems the war has already started then.

How surprising . The usual Israel haters spouting the same old nonsense and making lame excuses for Iranian terrorists.

I hope that was an agreement with my point and not an inclusion of me in the latter group.

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Please clarify. Are you suggesting Thailand should take the side of Iran in the Iran vs. the west conflict or are you saying they should be neutral? I think neutral as much as possible.

Also, it is less loaded to simply say Thai-Iranian relations and Thai-Israeli relations. Somehow when people who defend the Iranian regime use the word Zionist the disdain they feel for Jewish nationalism is ever present. Thai nationalism -- great! Palestinian nationalism -- great! Iranian nationalism -- great! Jewish nationalism -- dirty!

BTW, nobody here has EVER said that all Jews are Zionists. But over 90 percent of Jews in the world do support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

I don't want discuss Zionism here. And of course Thailand should stay neutral and will do it.

Not being Anti doesnt mean to be Pro. If you are not with us you are against us - that is humbug.

Many posts here are clearly anti-Iranian. by people who get feed by western media.

What i am saying is that these anti-Iranian sentiment are not valid in Thailand. Thailand is not the USA.

What do you consider anti iranian sentiment? That I am opposed to Iranian nationals coming toThailand and attacking people? The injured victims were all Thai nationals. I haven't seen the Iranian government offer to help the victims. Have you? At this time, I don't know if the target was Israeli, or American or British. It is the Thai government making the claim that the target was Israeli.

And I am sorry, but despite all the false flag claims to the contrary, the Iranian government has not said anything about its nationals being Israeli spies. Read the words of the Iranian representative. He hasn't abandoned his nationals. The iranians have invoked their rights to visit with the arrested terrorists. If these people were not Iranian agents, why would the Iranian government be demanding to see these people and why would they have visited with them as often as they have (which is their legal right) ?

Iran is the nation that is threatening to close down the Strait of Hormuz. To date, western governments have been very adamant that no one should attack Iran. Even in Israel, there is a strong position that there should be no attack. Thais have every reason to be concerned about Iran's export of terorism. The close ties between Hizbollah and Iran demonstrate that Iran supports terrorism. And I am sorry, but when Hizbollah assassinated the Lebanese PM that was terrorism.

Thailand may not be the USA, but it has a homegrown religious fueled terrorist insurgency in its south and there is evidence that these terrorists are protected by countries such as Malaysia and receive funding from foreign sources. Thais have every reason to be concerned about some foreigners coming to Thailand and throwing grenades about. To date, the only foreigners arrested for terror related activities are either Iranian or linked to Hizbollah. Iran has some explianing to do and above all, they should be co-operating with the Thai government if they are an "innocent" party.

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Please clarify. Are you suggesting Thailand should take the side of Iran in the Iran vs. the west conflict or are you saying they should be neutral? I think neutral as much as possible.

Also, it is less loaded to simply say Thai-Iranian relations and Thai-Israeli relations. Somehow when people who defend the Iranian regime use the word Zionist the disdain they feel for Jewish nationalism is ever present. Thai nationalism -- great! Palestinian nationalism -- great! Iranian nationalism -- great! Jewish nationalism -- dirty!

BTW, nobody here has EVER said that all Jews are Zionists. But over 90 percent of Jews in the world do support the existence of the Jewish state of Israel.

I don't want discuss Zionism here. And of course Thailand should stay neutral and will do it.

Not being Anti doesnt mean to be Pro. If you are not with us you are against us - that is humbug.

Many posts here are clearly anti-Iranian. by people who get feed by western media.

What i am saying is that these anti-Iranian sentiment are not valid in Thailand. Thailand is not the USA.

Thailand does have one thing in common with the US about this....

Thailand has had it's citizens attacked and injured by Iranians.....

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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war. Nor do I wish to see anyone else die in violence. I also do not wish to become a victim in another incident involving grenade throwing Iranian nationals. And yes, that's what it was.

All the excuses and claims of a false flag operation cannot explain away that these were Iranians in the house that went kaboom and that it was an Iranian that tried to murder the Thai taxi driver and it was an Iranian that threw the grenade at the Thai policeman and that this took place on a crowded public street in Thailand. The USA had fortunately warned its nationals, but how could anyone really be prepared for this event? My sole concern at this time, and it is a selfish concern at that, is that I do not want to be maimed or die the next time something like this occurs. it's bad enough dodging vehicles when I cross Rat U or the beach Rd in patong. I don't need a grenade tosser to worry about on top of it.

The goal of a false flag operation is to make it look like a certain party committed the act. That is the case here with the Bangkok bombing. All signs point to Iran but they didn't do it. They were framed by the false flag operatives

No, iran did it, and wanted to make it look like a false flag attack to make israel look bad.

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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war. Nor do I wish to see anyone else die in violence. I also do not wish to become a victim in another incident involving grenade throwing Iranian nationals. And yes, that's what it was.

All the excuses and claims of a false flag operation cannot explain away that these were Iranians in the house that went kaboom and that it was an Iranian that tried to murder the Thai taxi driver and it was an Iranian that threw the grenade at the Thai policeman and that this took place on a crowded public street in Thailand. The USA had fortunately warned its nationals, but how could anyone really be prepared for this event? My sole concern at this time, and it is a selfish concern at that, is that I do not want to be maimed or die the next time something like this occurs. it's bad enough dodging vehicles when I cross Rat U or the beach Rd in patong. I don't need a grenade tosser to worry about on top of it.

The goal of a false flag operation is to make it look like a certain party committed the act. That is the case here with the Bangkok bombing. All signs point to Iran but they didn't do it. They were framed by the false flag operatives

Are they proved international terrorists yet? I think there is still the option that they are just criminals, or 'business men' who wanted to settle a dispute with criminal method. Or they were hired to do that, if you can hire people stupid and criminal enough to work as drug mules u can hire them also to building some bombs.

So that hasn't to be necessary a false flag operation. It could be just the normal stupid expats in Thailand who are doing something that is even more stupid than they are themselves already.

I remember a couple of foreign wannabe bank robbers, or a plot to blackmail a supermarket chain. No-one suspected state terrorism behind these crimes.

The armchair Sherlocks here are funny, their "investigation" results predictable, because its just all their own bias.

Imagine we had a thread about a foreign man with a broken heart and a failed business or just gaga in the head commit suicide with a hand grenade.

What spin would this thread take if the foreigner were an a) Austrian b ) Russian, c) Pakistani?

he was ... a) murdered by greedy locals. b ) a mafia member c) a suicide terrorist.

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A supposition made by those that are trying to make the claim of an Israeli/USA/UK/Gulf State Arab conspiracy that anyone that disagrees with their claim is in favour of a war with Iran. I certainly hope that there isn't a war. Nor do I wish to see anyone else die in violence. I also do not wish to become a victim in another incident involving grenade throwing Iranian nationals. And yes, that's what it was.

All the excuses and claims of a false flag operation cannot explain away that these were Iranians in the house that went kaboom and that it was an Iranian that tried to murder the Thai taxi driver and it was an Iranian that threw the grenade at the Thai policeman and that this took place on a crowded public street in Thailand. The USA had fortunately warned its nationals, but how could anyone really be prepared for this event? My sole concern at this time, and it is a selfish concern at that, is that I do not want to be maimed or die the next time something like this occurs. it's bad enough dodging vehicles when I cross Rat U or the beach Rd in patong. I don't need a grenade tosser to worry about on top of it.

The goal of a false flag operation is to make it look like a certain party committed the act. That is the case here with the Bangkok bombing. All signs point to Iran but they didn't do it. They were framed by the false flag operatives

No, iran did it, and wanted to make it look like a false flag attack to make israel look bad.

Double secret false flag operation.

As beefy as a McDonalds burger. NOT!

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

They will never find her. I don´t think Leila Rohani is her real name. I don´t think she used same passport to get into Iran. Easy for MEK to buy a passport.

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

They will never find her. I don´t think Leila Rohani is her real name. I don´t think she used same passport to get into Iran. Easy for MEK to buy a passport.


Iran requires Advanced Passenger Information - like most countries, that means the details of the passport you used to check in are sent to the destination by the airline, they know you are coming and on which flight. If you use 2 passports and the database does not link them, you will be asked, particularly as the information of the 2nd passport was not received in advance.


Edit - here's a list of countries requiring APIS information courtesy of BA - you will find Iran on the list http://www.speedbirdclub.com/rs/reservations-ticketing/servicing/apis/

Edited by airconsult
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Ok, now I have seen it all;

I think there is still the option that they are just criminals, or 'business men' who wanted to settle a dispute with criminal method.

Sufering sukatash. Seriously? You think tossing the grenade at the poor taxi driver was a settling of accounts? Now I know some foreigners do not like policemen, but tossing a grenade at one of them?

I don't think any rational person reading the very feeble excuses being posted now needs any convincing.

In any case, I do hope this sort of thing doesn't occur again, especially as Songkran will soon be upon us. Although I won't be in Thailand during the festivities, I just hope some southern insurgent is not inspired by recent events.

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If these 'operators' was part of MEK etc (as claimed by some socialists in Europe, also see Andrew Spooner and other nutters), then surely Iran will be quick to arrest the accomplice that already fled to Iran and hand her over to Thailand?

I think MEK are implicated and I am not a socialist and I am not a nutter! There is a huge possibility that MEK are implicated. If so, and the woman who fled back to Tehran is a member of MEK, then why would Iran hand her over to anybody???? If she has been involved in a plot to implicate the Iranian Government and is a member of an international terrorist organization (that some members of congress and Israel want to take off the terrorist list!!) why would Iran hand her to anyone? They will find out everything they can from her about the terrorist network within Iran, just as the USA would do. Have you noticed how the USA do not extradite anybody, but expect people from all over the world to be extradited to them.

So you claim they are going to arrest her?

I am looking forward to the five-o'clock news where they proudly proclaim to have arrested her and gathered evidence that US and Israel was behind everything.

How about you?

They will never find her. I don´t think Leila Rohani is her real name. I don´t think she used same passport to get into Iran. Easy for MEK to buy a passport.

I have to agree that it could be a false name. I also think SAVAK would have no problem issuing false name genuine Iranian passports by the gross (archaic term for 144, to save confusion).

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Wouldn't it be possible to trace her movements? She apparently left Thailand on a passport with that name. They would be able to trace the people who got off the flight and what passport or name was used, I would think.

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Wouldn't it be possible to trace her movements? She apparently left Thailand on a passport with that name. They would be able to trace the people who got off the flight and what passport or name was used, I would think.

This is what strikes as the most obvious yet un-asked question....

Everyone assumes & accepts some story she went back to Iran...Yet no follow up.

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Wouldn't it be possible to trace her movements? She apparently left Thailand on a passport with that name. They would be able to trace the people who got off the flight and what passport or name was used, I would think.

Of course, but does the Iranian government want to find her?

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Wouldn't it be possible to trace her movements? She apparently left Thailand on a passport with that name. They would be able to trace the people who got off the flight and what passport or name was used, I would think.

This is what strikes as the most obvious yet un-asked question....

Everyone assumes & accepts some story she went back to Iran...Yet no follow up.

The assumption is that she was traced boarding a flight going Iran. Of course she could just have left BKK with a ticket to Iran but not made the transfer - not sure there are any direct flights.

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The newspaper articles that I have read, including the one that will go unmentioned, said she had fled to Iran. Were they making an assumption?

(Conspiracy theorists: Please don't link her to a flight to Dubai, where she is holed-up with a fugitive former Prime Minister!)

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The assumption is that she was traced boarding a flight going Iran. Of course she could just have left BKK with a ticket to Iran but not made the transfer - not sure there are any direct flights.

Exactly !

There was no follow up or follow through so no conclusion can be made

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The newspaper articles that I have read, including the one that will go unmentioned, said she had fled to Iran. Were they making an assumption?

Unless they can claim they have passport control at various points checking her through at X:XX pm etc then yes assumption only.

These days it will be easily possible as you get photoed entering & leaving most countries via international flights

at passport checks

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I guess that explains the non iranian flying to malaysia.

Where do conspiracy clowns go when they die?

As the bordering country to Thailand with the most international flight it is the obvious choice for getting out of the area quickly. There is a direct flight to Tehran from there as well as many other destinations.

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The newspaper articles that I have read, including the one that will go unmentioned, said she had fled to Iran. Were they making an assumption?

(Conspiracy theorists: Please don't link her to a flight to Dubai, where she is holed-up with a fugitive former Prime Minister!)

Did you just open Pandora's box?

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I guess that explains the non iranian flying to malaysia.

Where do conspiracy clowns go when they die?

As the bordering country to Thailand with the most international flight it is the obvious choice for getting out of the area quickly. There is a direct flight to Tehran from there as well as many other destinations.

And a non iranian would pick malaysia ove singapore becuase?

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