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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.

The article trying to connect Al Qaeda to Iran was written by Cliff May, here are some choice bits of info on him, courtesy, Wiki.

"May supports the use of 'enhanced interrogation techniques', other than waterboarding, against those captured by the United States in what he calls the War on Terror so long as they are used as a "last resort". He views them as fundamentally different from 'torture'. He also opposes regarding those captured as either criminal defendants or prisoners of war.["

"During the beginning of the CIA leak scandal, May wrote in September 2003 that an ex-administration official had told him that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent,"...yes he outed a CIA agent!

"On December 31, 2009, May suggested releasing uncharged prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Yemen, then sending "missiles to strike the baggage-claim area".

Quality link Steely !

You should really calm down and reflect on what the Iranian regime sanctions in light of the habitual use of PressTV adopted by sundry apologistas. He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw sejeal stones.

P.S I've no idea who Ann whateverhername is or any of the other characters you mentioned are. If I happen to agree with what they wrote it doesn't make me subscribe to all their views unseen, but I think you know that but just feel like wearing a halo of indignation. jap.gif

Edited by Steely Dan
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You should really calm down and reflect on what the Iranian regime sanctions in light of the habitual use of PressTV adopted by sundry apologistas. He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw sejeal stones.

P.S I've no idea who Ann whateverhername is or any of the other characters you mentioned are. If I happen to agree with what they wrote it doesn't make me subscribe to all their views unseen, but I think you know that but just feel like wearing a halo of indignation. jap.gif

Steely. Perhaps ypu should do a few youtube searches on Ann Coulter. I am amazed you dont know of her if you are American.



Jim, I come from Leeds. Now as the mods asked lets get back on topic. P.S Scott Sorry I didn't read your post before replying or I wouldn't have done so.

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Here is yet more reason to believe Iran and their proxies can not be trusted, namely their associations with Al Qaeda are far closer than most people realize, which is yet another reason they can't be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.


The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken. President Obama is waging what he calls a “war against al Qaeda and its affiliates.” Yet he and his advisors are reluctant to articulate what has become indisputable: Iran and al Qaeda are affiliated.


For presenting us with a link for a site in which Ann Coulter is a regular contributor you should be thrown off this site for good!. You have presented a typical US fear mongering tactict. "If the bombings in India , Georgia and Thailand are not helping to sway public opinion, I know, lets connect Al Quaeda to Iran!" .

You are normally to be found on one particular side of a fence as most of us are, but this is too much, and to be honest you deserve yourself to be called a tinfoil hat wearing conspirator, as you have called so many yourself. Al Qaeda were/are a SAUDI terrorist group (the people that you and others remind us that hate the Iranians).

Ann Coulter is nothing more than a despicable, unintelligent, low life and ANY site that supports her does not deserve to be read. It explains a lot about your posts, now that I realize you are frequenting sites such as the one you have linked to. Are you soooo desperate for a war that you would spout of that garbage, Shame on you!

Well that just about puts an end to freedom of choice then doesn't it?

The link is freely accessable on the internet, the poster made it available to the members of TV. As I understand it, this forum is about discussing points of view from its posters, whether right or wrong.

Because a writer has a different angle on a story, it is their viewpoint. To judge by yourself what people should or should not read displays an arrogance that is distasteful.

Every story has three sides, left, right and the truth. Let people make up their own minds.

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I note that this topic has veered massively off-topic. A number of posts have been deleted. The topic is about the Iranian Envoy....bombings in Bangkok.

I strongly suggest you think before you post. I strongly think you re-read the OP and the rules. I suggest you not respond to nonsense from other posters. They are not the topic.

The next off-topic poster is going to get a holiday.

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Read the OP and then respond with comments that relate to it. The fact that people have decided that gays, the Iraq war, GW Bush and a whole variety of other issues is relevant, does not make them relevant to this topic.

The off-topic posts have gone on long enough. Yes, it's confusing. But enough warnings have been posted and ignored.

Your post would have been deleted because it was either off-topic or it replied or quoted an off-topic post.

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