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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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First of all, its not a done deal that Israel will bomb. They may though. Secondly, it will be an Israeli attack and an expected Iranian response back at Israel. For the US to become involved, Iran will have to decide to attack America.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's not a difficult topic. It's a done to death topic so to respond to it is feeding the you know whats. (Israel's nuclear program.) Its been discussed ad nauseum 100 times here. Nothing new to say. I did say that suggesting Israel is considering using nukes on a first strike is wildly over the top.

Yes wildly over the top, but a "tactical nuclear strike" is what's needed to reach Iran's nuclear bunker facilities, Israel does NOT have such weapons, the US HAS got them though, hence why Israel is hellbent on having the US involved in any such pre-emptive strike

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First of all, its not a done deal that Israel will bomb. They may though. Secondly, it will be an Israeli attack and an expected Iranian response back at Israel. For the US to become involved, Iran will have to decide to attack America.

Are you being serious?

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Why not find out about it then. Google 'Israels nuclear weapons' Please let us know what you find....Or are you a total skeptic about everything.

You're off topic here. Move on.

Funny how you always make that call when it gets too difficult. Don't you tire of blindly supporting a Government that the majority of the world knows is doing wrong, or is your need to support minority groups now so overwhelming that in your eyes they can do no wrong? The Israeli government do not give two hoots about the USA or its citizens, it has shown it in the past and it will show it again in the near future.

The future being election year in the US (2012) Israel knows the US wont go with attacking Iran right now, they also know that if they attack Iran then the US will HAVE to back Israel, therefore an attack on Iran is almost a certainty! The US-UK and allies will be drawn into a conflict, maybe Russia &China too! Bring it on...??

the uk for sure we need the US, just in case Argentina try to take the Falklands , and now the UK and France have new military understanding, funnily since yesterday

Edited by Rusty2009
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What you are saying is that it is ok to kill the Iranian scientists but no one should touch Israeli diplomats(representants for israeli government)?cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Iran is the only country to kidnap another nation's diplomats and hold them hostage .Israel has never targeted Iranian diplomats, nor has any other western nation for that matter.

Iran, aside from North Korea is one of the only countries in recent times to target another country's diplomats.Remember the US embassy seizure? How about the violent assaults on the Canadian diplomats trying to protect a Canadian journalist of Iranian heritage. (The woman was beaten to death in an Iranian prison and Iran refused to respond to the allegations surrounding her death.) There is an agreement amongst nations that diplomatic personnel are untouchable. When the western nations, China and Russia catch each others diplomats being bad in the act, do you see them executing these people?

The Iranian "scientists" as you call them were members of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. (I misspoke when I said Republican Guard). This army incorporates the Quds Force and the Ansar-ol-Mahdi Corps which have already been implicated in forein terrorist activities. If the "scientists" had been involved in peaceful research or the creation of isotopes for medical purposes, I would be distressed by their death. However, the Revolutionary Guard does not exist to spread love and goodwill throughout the region.

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the uk for sure we need the US, just in case Argentina try to take the Falklands back, and now the UK and France have new military understanding, funnily since yesterday

Coincidental that Argentina has started its efforts to regain the Falklands just as the UK is busy with Iran. Also coincidental that Iran supports the Argentinian position and that Argentina has been a tacit supporter of Iran. This time around, if and when Argentina tries to screw around it will find that the UK will show less restraint then the last time. The UK has battle hardened troops that will make short work of the Argentinian faciast brigades.

.And should Iran and its ally Venezuala intervene as they threatened to do, the UK will teach them a lesson in good behaviour. I actually believe that Iran will attempt to divert attention away from its nuclear project by fomenting problems elsewhere. Considering that Afghani heroin is flooding Iran and the Iranian economy is in tatters, I don't know how much longer Iran can withstand the international sanctions, Although, India, China and to a certain degree Germany are going to have to stop their sanction busting activity.

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An article in The Times of India dated 16 Feb reveals that India's National Security Guard was not allowed to investigate the "bombed" Israeli embassy car for "diplomatic reasons". Why would the Israelis not want the Indian counter-terrorism police to investigate the evidence of a bomb attack in New Delhi? The Times also reported that India has "no proof" to blame Iran.

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An article in The Times of India dated 16 Feb reveals that India's National Security Guard was not allowed to investigate the "bombed" Israeli embassy car for "diplomatic reasons". Why would the Israelis not want the Indian counter-terrorism police to investigate the evidence of a bomb attack in New Delhi? The Times also reported that India has "no proof" to blame Iran.

did you see the news clips of the forensic "experts", i saw one take a swab from the vehicle, smell it then throw it on the floor. maybe they just did not want anybody spoiling the evidence

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An article in The Times of India dated 16 Feb reveals that India's National Security Guard was not allowed to investigate the "bombed" Israeli embassy car for "diplomatic reasons". Why would the Israelis not want the Indian counter-terrorism police to investigate the evidence of a bomb attack in New Delhi? The Times also reported that India has "no proof" to blame Iran.

did you see the news clips of the forensic "experts", i saw one take a swab from the vehicle, smell it then throw it on the floor. maybe they just did not want anybody spoiling the evidence

I smell a fish called False Flag.

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It's not a difficult topic. It's a done to death topic so to respond to it is feeding the you know whats. (Israel's nuclear program.) Its been discussed ad nauseum 100 times here. Nothing new to say. I did say that suggesting Israel is considering using nukes on a first strike is wildly over the top.

Yes wildly over the top, but a "tactical nuclear strike" is what's needed to reach Iran's nuclear bunker facilities, Israel does NOT have such weapons, the US HAS got them though, hence why Israel is hellbent on having the US involved in any such pre-emptive strike

I thought I heard bunker bomb proof so US may not have a single conventional weapon capable if doing the job. Note word may . . . Irregardless, US will get involved if US deems it necessary to preserve US interests. If US believes a nuclear strike against Isreal is imminent, US could take out Iran's limited tactical resources quickly and surgically in a myriad of fashions. Afterall, we are now pulling out of Afg and removing troops from Iran. Perhaps, focus will now shift on Iran. US not too concerned about Russia or China backing as we dis nit get much backing from them for anything we have done militarily in the last decade. Russia and China have their own problems to worry about and won't likely do anything. If China steps out if line, we just saved several trillion in treasuries and bonds payment obligations. We could grind their already faltering economy to halt.

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Have all the anti-Zionists on here conveniently forgotten that these "people who are not really Iranians" had flights to Tehran?

Probably not a lot of Jewish people arrive at Tehran airport.

You imply that all others support Zionists. Do you?

That's what you infer as I do not see the implication.

As I see it, these threads serve as an opportunity for the usual haters to crawl out from under their rocks and spread their hatred. No matter how evident the facts, imaginary events and twisted tales of false flag ops in a bygone era are trotted out. Deal with the reality that the terrorists in this case were all trying to get back to Iran. Did you notice that they weren't going to the most convenient destinations, the Gulf States, which offer excellent airlinks to Thailand? Nor did they try to hide out in Malaysia or Indonesia. The world with the exception of North Korea, Pakistan, Cuba and Venezuala all now what Iran is and have acted accordingly. Let the iranians return their nationals to Thailand so that there can be a full inquiry. Won't happen though since Iran will shield its agents.

Nope, Iran will be applying 'persuassive techniques to get them to talk. I doubt they will see the light of day ever again. I ask you, if you were working for the Iranian Government and had just blown an op in the style of a 10 year old, would you ever go back to Iran? Iiiiiiiiiii don't think so.

It is also getting a little tedious that when someone disagrees with you, they are suddenly guilty of spreading hatred. I am sure you are really much better than that.

As regards how 'evident' the facts are, give us a list of your facts, no imaginary events or twisted tales, and I will match it with a list of facts also, no imaginary events or twisted tales.

So if you blow the operation you can never go home? Abandon friends, family, possessions,nationality, patriotism - and go where? Suicide perhaps?

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Yes wildly over the top, but a "tactical nuclear strike" is what's needed to reach Iran's nuclear bunker facilities, Israel does NOT have such weapons, the US HAS got them though, hence why Israel is hellbent on having the US involved in any such pre-emptive strike

More made up nonsense. Israel does have Bunker Busters, but not the newest versions. They are also reported to have tactical nuclear weapons, so your theory is just plain science fiction.

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Some posters seem to want to claim that Ulysses G. is supposed to be Ulysses Grant, but, actually, the nick comes from the classic novel called Ulysses and G. is my first initial.

What a surprise. More incorrect speculation presented as facts. Never assume. laugh.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Israel and Iran have the same credibility. Both accusing each other without any proof.

So two legs, a blown up house and three arrested Iranian nationals are no evidence? I put it to you that's a dam_n sight more evidence than Iran have to argue Israel assassinated their scientists.

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Israel and Iran have the same credibility. Both accusing each other without any proof.

So two legs, a blown up house and three arrested Iranian nationals are no evidence? I put it to you that's a dam_n sight more evidence than Iran have to argue Israel assassinated their scientists.

Don't forget the Iranian participant who went running back to Iran. whistling.gif

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Israel and Iran have the same credibility. Both accusing each other without any proof.

So two legs, a blown up house and three arrested Iranian nationals are no evidence? I put it to you that's a dam_n sight more evidence than Iran have to argue Israel assassinated their scientists.

Perhaps Iran might request the loan of a couple of BiBs from Thailand, to assist them in their investigations, all-expenses-paid and with a suitable honorarium natch ? biggrin.png

Or maybe Deputy-PM Chalerm could be called-in, he would be able to give the on-the-spot full-answers, without even needing to visit ! rolleyes.gif

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Nope, Iran will be applying 'persuassive techniques to get them to talk. I doubt they will see the light of day ever again. I ask you, if you were working for the Iranian Government and had just blown an op in the style of a 10 year old, would you ever go back to Iran? Iiiiiiiiiii don't think so.

It is also getting a little tedious that when someone disagrees with you, they are suddenly guilty of spreading hatred. I am sure you are really much better than that.

As regards how 'evident' the facts are, give us a list of your facts, no imaginary events or twisted tales, and I will match it with a list of facts also, no imaginary events or twisted tales.

So if you blow the operation you can never go home? Abandon friends, family, possessions,nationality, patriotism - and go where? Suicide perhaps?

Sigh !!!!

Think about it eh! These aren't exactly your normal people are they. They haven't left 2.2 kids at home, a wife and a dog, with a regular bunch of friends waiting down the pub. They are loners and IF they were working for the Iranian Government then having blown an op so spectacularly they would be ill advised to return, at least that's what I would be telling my team!

The fact is these guys were about as competent as the shoe bomber and underpant bomber.....now they make interesting reading also.

Some posters seem to want to claim that Ulysses G. is supposed to be Ulysses Grant, but, actually, the nick comes from the classic novel called Ulysses and G. is my first initial.

What a surprise. More incorrect speculation presented as facts. Never assume. laugh.png

You must feel very insecure to have to explain your moniker. If the shoe's fit !

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Israel and Iran have the same credibility. Both accusing each other without any proof.

So two legs, a blown up house and three arrested Iranian nationals are no evidence? I put it to you that's a dam_n sight more evidence than Iran have to argue Israel assassinated their scientists.

Are you surprised? When it comes to Israel, all common sense goes down the drain.

When someone claims that the Inuit are behind all evil in the world, everybody thinks he's an idiot. However when he accuses "the Jews", lots of people jump up and say "Hear that? I always knew it!"

It is a real shame that this 19th century BS ideology still has its stout followers.

Let's have a look at the facts. The "Islamic Republic of the Iran" is on the verge of economic collapse. Even without the latest sanctions they have been on a long and constant economic decline due to mismanagement and corruption, which they constantly try to cover up with fiery rhetoric against the USA and Israel.

The last rigged elections brought out protesters en masse and almost let to the regime's downfall. As the next elections will also be rigged - from the careful selection of "suitable" candidates to the "adjusting" of the result, the future of this regime looks bleak.

Iran's closest ally, Syria, is currently going down in flames in a bloody civil war. Supporting and supplying Hezbollah and Hamas to keep the pressure up on Israel is becoming increasingly difficult. No wonder the mullahs are worried. Without the "great enemy" the Iranian voters might be inclined to look at the regime's non-achievements in the domestic area.


Why would anyone waste perfectly good and expensive weapons on that?

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The results are clear enough. Maybe they should have also taken the "how to avoid blowing yourself up" module.

The fact is these guys were about as competent as the shoe bomber and underpant bomber.....

Homemade bombs have a habit of exploding on their makers - even on trained operators. There is no way to know what kind of training these Iranians had. rolleyes.gif

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Some posters seem to want to claim that Ulysses G. is supposed to be Ulysses Grant, but, actually, the nick comes from the classic novel called Ulysses and G. is my first initial.

What a surprise. More incorrect speculation presented as facts. Never assume. laugh.png

You must feel very insecure to have to explain your moniker

Why don't you stick to the topic of the thread and stop the constant trolling.

Wait a minute. YOU are telling ME to stay on topic? I was replying to YOU. Now where was that thread about them unchaining the lunatics?

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An article in The Times of India dated 16 Feb reveals that India's National Security Guard was not allowed to investigate the "bombed" Israeli embassy car for "diplomatic reasons". Why would the Israelis not want the Indian counter-terrorism police to investigate the evidence of a bomb attack in New Delhi? The Times also reported that India has "no proof" to blame Iran.

Not true. The vehicle was taken to the police station, while specific specialists were called in. The vehicle was then examined by Indian explosive experts from Delhi aand then Israeli security officials. This is a claim that has since been shown to not be accurate as per the articles below.

More specifically, the original article confirms that police explosive experts from New Delhi examined the car at the police station where it was taken. . That's what the article actually says.

Though he did not give reasons of NSG not getting access to the blast site, sources said the force was asked not to visit the spot near the PM's residence due to "diplomatic reasons". They added that a small team was allowed to visit the Tughlaq road police station to get post-blast samples from the Innova car which was parked there.

The orders came from the Indian government because the Israeli building was in close proximity to the Indian PM residence and there was a function going on. The Indian government made the call as the vehicle explosion occurred in a public area and no diplomatic "territory" exclusion zone would have applied.

If you read the actual news articles you will see such sections as;

The police have confirmed that the metallic strips recovered from the blast spot have hinted that the bomb was fixed on a strip that was about the 5 inches X 8 inches in size. "We do not know whether the entire portion had a magnetic strip attached to it. However, we have established that these magnetic strips are used in flour mills and cement manufacturing units in various dimensions to locate impurity. These strips are manufactured extensively at Daryaganj and Seelampur and we are visiting these manufacturing units for clues," said an officer.

So much for being blocked from investigating.

And there is no mention of being blocked from examing the vehicle in this article of Feb. 18.


And no mention of being blocked from investigating in this article of Feb. 17


Instead of relying on loony racist blogs, go and read the actual <deleted> articles.

Edited by geriatrickid
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