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Danger To Ourselves In Thailand.....


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Think the OP should put his binoculars back in the case and mind his own business.

There is more shit going down in his home town than the whole of LOS. cowboy.gif

I see when u moved to Thailand you didn't forget to pack the chip on your shoulder.

What chip ?

Just a good memory of shit l had to deal with, and not in Scotland, but l hear it's much the same up there..drunk.gif .

Avast!!.....Transam knowest not he has a chip on his shoulder!!.......he hasn't noticed as he is well balanced......he has one on each shoulder!!

Anyway, in response to the Filipino residents Ludditeman's indication that myself and other contributors must live in low life areas as he has never seen any bother on his trips to Thailand, I can only say that anyone that has spent a reasonable amount of time in Thailand will encounter people who are a danger to themselves.

The thing that annoys me though is that a lot of this self inflicted damage is then transmuted to Thai bashing, when the fault patently doesn't lie with the Thais and Thailand......it lies within.

So the issue is not who is or is not a Thai apologist........the issue is who are the apologies of human beings that turn up in Thailand, cause drunken carnage, get involved in situations way beyond their ken and ability, and then thrash out at everybody except the people really to blame......themselves.

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On Saturday, before going to the airport to return to Thailand, I rushed over the a grocery store at Glorietta Mall, an upscale mall in upscale Makati. On the way back, this con guy who has approached me several times before came up and told me he worked at my hotel.

Do they still use that trick? Must be as old as the "Wat Po is closed today" trick here.....

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There is something about short-term travel that makes some people behave completely out of character.

I spent years on the US west coast in the satellite business. There were frequent short trips to Cocoa Beach Florida for launches. I could never understand how guys who lead normal uneventful lives on the west coast would go completely wild in Cocoa Beach and wreck cars, get arrested, get thrown out of restaraunts, were unfaithful etc. These were guys that never got into trouble at home and had solid marriages and otherwise were normal in every regard.

Even my own behavior would change somewhat. I would certainly date more women than I did at home, stay out later, spend more money etc. There is something about being "out of town" that lowers peoples inhibitions.

As far as waking up on the street after drinking, that would really make me examine my relationship with alcohol. If you are drinking to the point of not remembering things or passing out somewhere in public you really need to consider changing your approach. Sometimes it is some medication that doesn't get along with alcohol. For instance the heartburn medication Zantac when combined with alcohol can cause memory lapses. Zantac is a pretty benign and harmless substance by itself so most people don't realize that there is a problem with drinking while taking it.

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There is something about short-term travel that makes some people behave completely out of character.

I spent years on the US west coast in the satellite business. There were frequent short trips to Cocoa Beach Florida for launches. I could never understand how guys who lead normal uneventful lives on the west coast would go completely wild in Cocoa Beach and wreck cars, get arrested, get thrown out of restaraunts, were unfaithful etc. These were guys that never got into trouble at home and had solid marriages and otherwise were normal in every regard.

Even my own behavior would change somewhat. I would certainly date more women than I did at home, stay out later, spend more money etc. There is something about being "out of town" that lowers peoples inhibitions.

As far as waking up on the street after drinking, that would really make me examine my relationship with alcohol. If you are drinking to the point of not remembering things or passing out somewhere in public you really need to consider changing your approach. Sometimes it is some medication that doesn't get along with alcohol. For instance the heartburn medication Zantac when combined with alcohol can cause memory lapses. Zantac is a pretty benign and harmless substance by itself so most people don't realize that there is a problem with drinking while taking it.

I'll need to remember the Zantac alibi...

I find there's something about staying at home or being under the wife's supervision that makes people behave completely out of character.


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I'm fairly certain, though I can't cite anything APA style, that regardless of where we go. We are certainly a danger to ourselves.

60% of my mistakes have been mine. Every time.

Tell us about the other 40%.......this sounds interesting biggrin.png

The other 40% never happened. I wasn't there. You can't prove anything, No-one saw me do it.

Anyway, for all I know, I might have been a perfectly innocent bystander.


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I'm fairly certain, though I can't cite anything APA style, that regardless of where we go. We are certainly a danger to ourselves.

60% of my mistakes have been mine. Every time.

Tell us about the other 40%.......this sounds interesting biggrin.png

The other 40% never happened. I wasn't there. You can't prove anything, No-one saw me do it.

Anyway, for all I know, I might have been a perfectly innocent bystander.


If the other 40% never happened.....then aren't you responsible for 100% ?

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Getting back on topic (and I'm as guilty as others)...

Most expats have retired and, if they've lived here a while, have had 'bad' experiences here in one form or another.

Being retired makes it only too easy to accept the easy way out - drink to forget your problems!

I've not had any bad experiences in Thailand, they've all been fun.

Drinking is more a problem for those with too much time on their hands, without the intellect to fill that time IMHO.

Drinking wouldn't be a problem for you, with your 250 baht budget.

truer words were never spoke.

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I'm fairly certain, though I can't cite anything APA style, that regardless of where we go. We are certainly a danger to ourselves.

60% of my mistakes have been mine. Every time.

Tell us about the other 40%.......this sounds interesting biggrin.png

The other 40% never happened. I wasn't there. You can't prove anything, No-one saw me do it.

Anyway, for all I know, I might have been a perfectly innocent bystander.


If the other 40% never happened.....then aren't you responsible for 100% ?

Maybe that's what the danger is, he can't count.

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