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Lawyer Specialized In Condominium Act And Related Problems Needed


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We need a lawyer specialized in problems related with the management of a Condominium building in Chiangmai. The current manager has been in office for 15 years and deviated funds. They did not send invitations for the last AGM and the manager believes his wife has a majority....

Any recommendations?

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Kuh Krit, 053 277 292

Krit, Sunbelt? Yes. Nice guy. I am a regular customer of his. First he told me a very high price to attend an AGM on my behalf and much to his surprise I accepted immediately. It is strange that he told me a price in the first place because usually he does things and eventually I get an invoice and paid it. I am not going into details, but he still found his way out.... :(

To make a long story short: he is not interested.

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To make a long story short: he is not interested.

I've heard several "long Stories" recently about Condo management issues and lawyers.

Sadly, it seems most lawyers don't want to get involved. The people who built/run the condos are often well connected and can bring pressure to bear on the lawyers, land office, amphur officials etc. You are likely on a hiding to nothing......

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Sadly, it seems most lawyers don't want to get involved. The people who built/run the condos are often well connected and can bring pressure to bear on the lawyers, land office, amphur officials etc. You are likely on a hiding to nothing......

It must be possible to find a lawyer. I am capable and willing to fund this venture and don't care about the cost.

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The condo act is poorly drafted and no one wants to enforce it. The only way is get a majority. The problem is that, because it is so bad, everyone knows if it WERE enforced nothing would get done. The other point is these developers have enourmous power and money and until they 'let go' and sell-out you can't do very much.

I know of no condon where the has not been problems and corruption.

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Sadly, it seems most lawyers don't want to get involved. The people who built/run the condos are often well connected and can bring pressure to bear on the lawyers, land office, amphur officials etc. You are likely on a hiding to nothing......

It must be possible to find a lawyer. I am capable and willing to fund this venture and don't care about the cost.

If money really is NO object get a BKK lawyer up here who is not connected to Chiang Mai

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Sell up and walk away. It won't sovle the problem but it won't be your problem anymore.

...or accept the things they way they are.

If you push too hard they will push back a lot harder and it can turn nasty very quickly. Life is cheap here.

Yep. I realized they are not open to reasoning.

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may I interpret your post as a possible answer to my initial question? In that case, do you suggest that there is a law firm called "Chiang Mai Properties"? Thanks for clarifying!

Yes, maybe.

I have heard of them but not very positive so wondered if they were suitable. They have a web site (http://chiangmaiproperties.co.th/PropertyManagement.aspx).

I also hear that they are the only company doing such work and that nobody else will touch Condo work with a barge pole. Having a little experience of Condos I am not surprised.

Did have a short dealing with a company in Bangkok who wanted 25,000 baht plus all expenses to look at a problem. Can't off hand recall their name and can not recomend them.

Also had a dealing with one lawyer in Chaing Mai to get rid of a manager many years ago. Again I would not recomend him. At that time not speaking any Thai I could have done better than him in the court room, total waste of 40,000 Baht.

To be honest it is not difficult to read the law and organise a meeting, if you have the vast majority of the owners on your side. If you do not have the majority of the owners on your side then don't bother trying to make changes. Sell up and leave if it worries you that much.

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