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Nakhon Sawan News


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The town is now geared up for the Chinese New Year which kicks off on the 3rd officially although I am sure it will underway as from tomorrow, have not been down to the riverside but from a distance it looks like everything is set.

Tesco Lotus signs up for the new shop, southbound carriageway on the Tak Road, interesting to see how shoppers from the north get back.

Edited by nong38
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The town is now geared up for the Chinese New Year which kicks off on the 3rd officially although I am sure it will underway as from tomorrow, have not been down to the riverside but from a distance it looks like everything is set.

Tesco Lotus signs up for the new shop, southbound carriageway on the Tak Road, interesting to see how shoppers from the north get back.

Shopper's from the North H/M think's peep's from N/S are still suffering from delusions. Come on then where is this so called new Tesco situated ??? if it's after the by-pass going south it'll be a non starter except for the lorries and other smoke belching vehicles that abound there to-wit 'local's'


H/M is still in Blighty still having to organise the staff whilst they take care of family must say it's getting to be a bit of a chore, except for the supper market shopping English food at every turn don't you know, great bread goodies deli bit's at price's half of what they are in Big C that's of course if you could get them in the first place. Weather very cold with lot's of snow but there is hope on the horizon next week temp: might go up to 8c yippee. H/M think's the local's call it fresh. Oh enjoy the C.N.Y.




Edited by fredob43
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The town is now geared up for the Chinese New Year which kicks off on the 3rd officially although I am sure it will underway as from tomorrow, have not been down to the riverside but from a distance it looks like everything is set.

Tesco Lotus signs up for the new shop, southbound carriageway on the Tak Road, interesting to see how shoppers from the north get back.

Hey Nong, when is the new Tesco due to open. Any idea?

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The town is now geared up for the Chinese New Year which kicks off on the 3rd officially although I am sure it will underway as from tomorrow, have not been down to the riverside but from a distance it looks like everything is set.

Tesco Lotus signs up for the new shop, southbound carriageway on the Tak Road, interesting to see how shoppers from the north get back.

Hey Nong, when is the new Tesco due to open. Any idea?

The Chinese New Year celebs are due to open tomorrow, have seen all the stalls ready, stages lanterns all ready for the off, dont know if they have finished the riverside road or not but expect they will have as they use the beach for a little village, expect to go and see whats up in the next couple of days.

Tesco is due to open I am told the 14th, I would not be surprised to see it open for the CNY which is 10th, well whats afew days, just hope they get it right and have a a full time bakery offering proper bread!

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...have a a full time bakery offering proper bread!

What kind of bread you are looking for? I order here sometimes, Finnish Rye Bread from Chiang Mai


I get proper bread where I live. At least it is the kind of bread I like as I make it myself.

Nong why not make your own bread? There is a good shop on Koli Road if you go to the end of Vitte Thep roas, turn righ then right again onto Koli road and it is on the left side on the corner of the first road up.

At Verasu on Bangkok on Wireless road near the US embassy they do a lot of stuff including this which is out of stock at the moment.



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THe festivities are under way, been down there tonight. The riverside road has been replaced with new concrete and I walked from one end to the other nearly killed me! Its a long walk, usual stages and market, but the beach which has been used previously is not in use, there is no longer a beach, all the old concrete has been dumped on it, its disgraceful. Wont be going down again, seen it once you ve seen it.

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Its true the beach is no more its more like a rubbish dump, why did they not use it for landfill, there is plenty of building going on around and cheaper than soil, ah well this is Thailand! I am surprised someone did not think of selling on the spoil, maybe not though?

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Had to drive down to NS way to buy some hardware for house under construction up in Klong Nam Lai ( KPP Province). On the way back called into Tesco at Salok Bat and tried to stock up on alcohol to keep the workers happy and myself suitably relaxed about progress . On checkout found I couldn't take out the 5L selected. After some argy bargy discovered that between 2.30-530PM minimum quantities allowed are 10L. Solved the problem by buying more but couldn't understand the reasoning-are outbreaks of sobriety threatening the social fabric of the KPP-NS border region?

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Had to drive down to NS way to buy some hardware for house under construction up in Klong Nam Lai ( KPP Province). On the way back called into Tesco at Salok Bat and tried to stock up on alcohol to keep the workers happy and myself suitably relaxed about progress . On checkout found I couldn't take out the 5L selected. After some argy bargy discovered that between 2.30-530PM minimum quantities allowed are 10L. Solved the problem by buying more but couldn't understand the reasoning-are outbreaks of sobriety threatening the social fabric of the KPP-NS border region?

Sorry to say it's not a N/S problem even though I would have loved to slated the place it's the same all over just another crazy Thai rule even place's like Makro won't sell you booze unless you by it by the case during those hour's.

Point of order as the so called beach is now no more in N/S for a few Bt the upper class peep's in K.P.P have decided that every other Sunday the beach (Just had an update) here will be open to outsider's, by prior booking of course.




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Offical booze hours are 1100 -1400 and 1700 - 2300. But it's usually always available from the Ma and Pa stores or anyone else that will sell it to you. Only ever had a problem on election day where I had to find a store "out of the way" because the BIB were trolling. Big C, Tesco, Makro and 7-11 enforce the law. Kinda like the Pub laws used to be in the UK!

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Thanks for the explanations. BTW amongst my purchases I bought a bottle of M'Hammer whisky as the name sounded interesting. Tasted OK compared with some of the stuff the locals drink but seemed to come with a disproportionate hangover. On closer inspection it seems to have been 'manufactured' in Chengdu China which may explain the name. Anyone else drink this stuff?

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Any news of the opening of the new Tesco? Restrurants, parking, shops, etc. I have to make my monthly shopping trek next week and have been going to Tesco in Singburi but if the new one in NS has some perks I'll drive the extra 35 kilos to investigate.

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Any news of the opening of the new Tesco? Restrurants, parking, shops, etc. I have to make my monthly shopping trek next week and have been going to Tesco in Singburi but if the new one in NS has some perks I'll drive the extra 35 kilos to investigate.

22nd Feb
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Eat, drink, go see view from Tower. Visit Bung Boraphet, that's it. Oh and go see football, season started last weekend smile.png D2 matches every weekend cause have two teams.

You can also take car numbers if the plates are on! Try and find the railway station its about 8 kms out of town, for train numbers, but, all trains run late.

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There has been work going on around the bridge over the river for months now, its closed to 4 wheeled machines but 2 wheels can slip through, it looks like they are building extra capacity over it, going from 2 to 3 lanes either way, should be open before the end of the year, well maybe.

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Any news of the opening of the new Tesco? Restrurants, parking, shops, etc. I have to make my monthly shopping trek next week and have been going to Tesco in Singburi but if the new one in NS has some perks I'll drive the extra 35 kilos to investigate.

22nd Feb

Did it open yesterday or was that just a Thai date with no month mentioned. Went to Tesco in Singburi on Thursday and they shelves were bare. Assume they are stocking NS for the grand opening.

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People who have been to the new Tesco say its big but hardly worth the extra journey time, nothing new to offer, I will give it a look in due course.

Today the local agricultural survey flight doing a bit of formation flying in a V when they came over me at 1420 and 1430 not the Red Arrows or the Battle of Britain Memorial flight but very nice to see it, well done whoever gave the thumbs up for it.

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I was at the new Tesco last Saturday. Big enough car park but that being only the second day of opening it was jam-packed. With this and the new Big C branch, I don't think parking at these or the old Big C is likely to be a problem in the future since the same amount of visitors to the old Big C will now be split between 3 locations. Tesco had nothing different to offer. In terms of the malls and their variety of stores plus entertainment, I still prefer V-Square (where the old Big C is located).

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I was at the new Tesco last Saturday. Big enough car park but that being only the second day of opening it was jam-packed. With this and the new Big C branch, I don't think parking at these or the old Big C is likely to be a problem in the future since the same amount of visitors to the old Big C will now be split between 3 locations. Tesco had nothing different to offer. In terms of the malls and their variety of stores plus entertainment, I still prefer V-Square (where the old Big C is located).

Parking at the Old Big C has been chocka block this last 10 days.

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Having been out of NS for a few weeks I was at the Fairyland Tesco a few hours ago and found it a bit empty and dispirited. Perhaps it was just the time of day, but the fruit, veg, bakery, dairy products etc section was low on stock all round and seemed to have the atmosphere of a back-street "everything under a quid" place. Perhaps it was the special offers on Fantas and bins that lowered the tone a bit.

On the plus side the wine area has had a long overdue re-stocking and was looking quite healthy.

Perhaps what got to me wasn't so much that there was no Tesco brown bread (again), but that the small Chinese style fruit pie things (5 baht each, 30 baht for 7, except when they confuse the staff or the till and you get 7 for 5 baht or 7 for 35 baht, but I digress) have disappeared, tasty little snacks which weigh a ton and are very filling.

They are available for 10 baht in the new Big C, which is still quiet, and to add to previous comment is lacking the beer/Chang area of it's big brother.

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Plan on going to the new Tesco for my monthly shoppping spree this month. Is there a "beer garden" like the old Big C? I never went to the one there but if there is I might just pop in for a cool one! Just checking!

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Plan on going to the new Tesco for my monthly shoppping spree this month. Is there a "beer garden" like the old Big C? I never went to the one there but if there is I might just pop in for a cool one! Just checking!

I was there on Tuesday. No beer garden, the usual food shops downstairs, Teso is in a bit of a mess upstairs but they are working hard to stick everything in the right places. The staff are friendly and helpful and parking is quite easy.

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