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Needed Now: Alternative Politics To Help Us Out Of This Mess: Thai Talk


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Needed now: Alternative politics to help us out of this mess

Suthichai Yoon

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- It wasn't very widely reported, but Pheu Thai leader Yongyuth Vichaidit's bold statement recently to a group of visitors to his party's headquarters about his confidence in the party's electoral longevity was strikingly upbeat.

"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies. We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

He then suggested that Thai politics was entering a new phase of a two-party system in which Pheu Thai and the Democrats will compete with each other in the political arena while smaller parties are eventually be absorbed into the big camps.

If that is the case, Yongyuth obviously is coming to the conclusion that the Democrat Party, Thailand's oldest political grouping, will continue to lose - for a long time to come yet.

A few days after that, Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva told his own party members that the only way to get the country out of the vicious circle of conflicts was "for the Democrat Party to win the election".

He made it official - perhaps for the first time - that without an outright electoral victory, his party would find it hard to ever assume power again.

He was quoted as saying: "If we don't win the election, we will not form the government. And if the party undertakes to set up the government without winning the election, then the party will have to vote in a new leader."

But what if you don't trust Pheu Thai but are frustrated with the Democrats? What if you think the "small parties" that form the coalition government now are simply opportunists waiting to jump onto the bandwagon without regard for principle and integrity?

The difference between the two big parties now isn't about populism. The Democrats, in trying to court voters away from Pheu Thai, have also adopted a similar platform, albeit less blatantly but nevertheless tantalisingly populist in gist if not in form.

The battle for votes will make it less likely that either of the two major parties will come around to making the necessary but unpopular changes to the tax and property, as well as land use, laws that are vital to reducing social injustice. This has been a common theme for both parties in their respective election campaigns.

An alternative way out of the current political gridlock - in the form of a "third political party" that could restore faith, confidence and respect in the country's politicians - will inevitably become the subject of public debate, especially in view of the deadlock that has plagued the country for too many years now.

Pheu Thai's strength is its popular base and the "single command" mode. But that's also its main flaw. The concentration of power in the hands of Thaksin Shinawatra is also the party's weakest link.

The Democrats' strong point is its long tradition and established hierarchical system. But that too is its own undoing. The country's oldest party is stuck in its own conservative structure that has blocked any attempt at a long-overdue shakeup.

As a result, the two main parties suffer from the same malaise: the country's up-and-coming "best and brightest" aren't drawn to these parties to fulfill their dream of becoming future leaders.

Will a third party emerge that could be run professionally, democratically, with a refreshing new platform, that could get Thailand out of its political dead-end and put the country on a new road that will attract young people who want to devote themselves to genuinely serving the public?

There is little doubt that the failure of the two major parties to solve the country's critical problems has become increasingly obvious. The need for "alternative politics" is becoming urgent. We can't expect the current politicos to get us out of this mess that they are so much a part of.


-- The Nation 2012-02-23

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"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies.

We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

Eternity is a long life span, even for the Dubai one.


Edited by Buchholz
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"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies.

We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

Eternity is a long life span, even for the Dubai one.

It is a long time and almost inevitably PTP will at some point lose its position of preeminence.Some - because they don't understand or ignore the compelling reasons for PTP's victory - will say that will happen when Thaksin is neutralised or removed.Others more attuned to reality will say that victory is there for the taking by the Democrats if they return to previous standards of honour and commitment.They will need to shake off the shameful links to the corrupt and power hungry Thai generals and reestablish a link with the Thai people - all of them not just Southerners and relatively privileged groups.Sadly Abhisit, admirable in some ways but badly flawed, will have to go.Some rather fatuously think Korn could replace him as an effective leader but I doubt it.

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"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies.

We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

Eternity is a long life span, even for the Dubai one.


May you live long enough to see his return to power.

Like it or not is almost certainly going to come. Want another Army coup and the farce that ensued?

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"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies.

We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

Eternity is a long life span, even for the Dubai one.


May you live long enough to see his return to power.

That already happened last July.


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Needed now: Alternative politics to help us out of this mess, #1 ^

This headline reiterates a theme I have seen coming from several Oppositional sources.

That being "if us heriditary elite" don't govern, it must be a mess. Or as another source characterized, as being 'chaos'.

They need to relax, get off their conceited high horse of self-importance, quit being contemptuous of the political aspirations if those not of their status, and get real.

If they don't, and stay with guys like Mr. aloof and disconnected from the masses Abhi. they will for sure remanin in the political wilderness for years to come.

They cannot seem to come to grips with inclusive politics, never more so on display than at R'song.

He made it official - perhaps for the first time - that without an outright electoral victory, his party would find it hard to ever assume power again.

That trick will not be repeated again, without triggering a massive social upheaval.

If the Opposition characterize those who stood up to them at R'song as being anarchic, their words will come to fruition this time around.

"An alternative way out of the current political gridlock...."

What gridlock?

Thailand has a majority Government functioning very effectively.

If it was a minority Govt. checkmated by the Opposition, or a Govt. modelled along the lines of the USA one, then one might have gridlock.

That is clearly not the case now.

Pheu Thai's strength is its popular base and the "single command" mode.

An Oppositional swipe at the Govt. and at Ms. Y.

Also at the voters, suggesting they are singularly motivated, and bereft of political awareness of their own.

This mantra is tiresome.

Edited by CalgaryII
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"I am sure the Pheu Thai Party will win every election from now on if we continue with our present policies.

We will win and win - eternally," he declared.

Eternity is a long life span, even for the Dubai one.


May you live long enough to see his return to power.

Like it or not is almost certainly going to come. Want another Army coup and the farce that ensued?

As opposed to the farce currently-running ?

Tough call ! cool.png

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"Thailand has a majority Government functioning very effectively."

ummm In what way are they functioning effectively???

So far they have done nothing. except reverse all the Democrat decisions.

not one single election promise has materialized. That's effective in your book is it?

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"Thailand has a majority Government functioning very effectively."

ummm In what way are they functioning effectively???

So far they have done nothing. except reverse all the Democrat decisions.

not one single election promise has materialized. That's effective in your book is it?

Reversing coup government actions is definitely a priority after an election.

Speaking in a local micro sense, as opposed to a national macro sense, I can affirm that three times Ms. Y. and co. acted responsively to local entreaties and petitions directly to Ms. Y's office.

Resolutions came back promptly and to the satisfaction of those making the submissions. If this is happening nation-wide, expect re-election with an increased majority next time around.

That is Governance effectiveness.

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"Thailand has a majority Government functioning very effectively."

ummm In what way are they functioning effectively???

So far they have done nothing. except reverse all the Democrat decisions.

not one single election promise has materialized. That's effective in your book is it?

Reversing coup government actions is definitely a priority after an election.

Speaking in a local micro sense, as opposed to a national macro sense, I can affirm that three times Ms. Y. and co. acted responsively to local entreaties and petitions directly to Ms. Y's office.

Resolutions came back promptly and to the satisfaction of those making the submissions. If this is happening nation-wide, expect re-election with an increased majority next time around.

That is Governance effectiveness.

In your local pretentious micro-nonsense, are you now suggesting that you actually work in the PM's Office? How very interesting. saai.gifsaai.gif

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