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Ok thanks? Is there a professional who can sort the mess out for me?

Have a look at Visa Plus above in this thread.

Don't know if good/no good.


Ok I prepare to apply for my girl to visit Australia for a holiday for 2 weeks on a 3 months visa.How hard can it be? Does anyone have advice for me? Who can give the right advice? Cheers

Hi there Stevo ... my Thai gf just got her Tourist Visa for Australia and I documented the process.

Have a read, you might find it helpful.


It's been written for 1st timers like yourself, though it is quite detailed.

The only difference is that it was her 2nd tourist Visa so she got a 12 month, multiple entry Visa.

If your gf is trying for her first visit then I suggest that a single entry, 3 month Visa application is easier to get.

If you find the thread helpful, put a comment there please and recommend it to other Aussies in your same position. Took me days to research and write.

All the best your your application.

David48 cowboy.gif


NO i was't being jealous or whinging, just trying to show a couple of people that a letter of support is not as important as they think, or at least it sould not be.

<deleted>. Which part of their explanation why they rejected her are you failing to understand?

They have already told you they particularly note you didnt supply a sponsor letter. How much more explicit do you want it?

You can bleat on about blokes you met in the bar feeding you some bullshit that they didnt do all that, but in YOUR instance the reason for the rejection is clearly explained.

Deal with it, and do it again.


NO i was't being jealous or whinging, just trying to show a couple of people that a letter of support is not as important as they think, or at least it sould not be.

<deleted>. Which part of their explanation why they rejected her are you failing to understand?

They have already told you they particularly note you didnt supply a sponsor letter. How much more explicit do you want it?

You can bleat on about blokes you met in the bar feeding you some bullshit that they didnt do all that, but in YOUR instance the reason for the rejection is clearly explained.

Deal with it, and do it again.

Other people have explained to you why you do not know what you are talking about, please take time to read thru the thread again,

but I will repeat again for you, it is NOT a requirement by the uk border agency that I should submit a letter of support,it may have been helpfull to have done so,granted,however to have not included a letter of support, should not be grounds for refusal.

WHo said I talked with these people in a bar?, that's wrong, one of my friends does not drink or frequents the bars,the same as me.

Have you always been an arrogant know it all,or did it just come on suddenly?


NO i was't being jealous or whinging, just trying to show a couple of people that a letter of support is not as important as they think, or at least it sould not be.

<deleted>. Which part of their explanation why they rejected her are you failing to understand?

They have already told you they particularly note you didnt supply a sponsor letter. How much more explicit do you want it?

You can bleat on about blokes you met in the bar feeding you some bullshit that they didnt do all that, but in YOUR instance the reason for the rejection is clearly explained.

Deal with it, and do it again.

Other people have explained to you why you do not know what you are talking about, please take time to read thru the thread again,

but I will repeat again for you, it is NOT a requirement by the uk border agency that I should submit a letter of support,it may have been helpfull to have done so,granted,however to have not included a letter of support, should not be grounds for refusal.

WHo said I talked with these people in a bar?, that's wrong, one of my friends does not drink or frequents the bars,the same as me.

Have you always been an arrogant know it all,or did it just come on suddenly?

Meanwhile, back in the real world, she got rejected. And she got rejected for the stated reasons. Which, they have already highlighted, are that you didnt include a letter of support.

End of subject.


ive been through the rigmorole,of this visa malarkey,the first i did it,for visitor visa,i give them far to much bumf,and got refused,second time i applied for married one and got it straight away,with not so much paperwork this time,though i did send a sponsers letter with both apps,which buy the way they keep,so if people send sponsers letter,keep a copy, so as you can refer what you said,if you apply agian,to op i would write a letter with relevant points addressed,they will answer it,and pretty quick to


You may wish to look at the attached copy of a check list that they used to have a link to on the VFS/UKBA site some time ago. I have not been able to find it recently, but it gives a good idea of the documents required, including a sponsors letter.

I have every sympathy with you. Our first visit visa application was rejected mainly on her lack of employment, personal funds and assets or property in Thailand, together with a fairly brief relatioship. But also on fatuous points such as "emails are brief and formulaic", I hadn't pointed out that she didn't read or write English and used an Internet Cafe go between. The ECO said that "the photo's are undated", I had taken the trouble to write a date and location on the back of every photo, but he didn't bother to look because I didn't point it out.

Our second application, some 12 months later was successful. And our next application will as my wife.

So, what I would suggest is that you assume that the ECO has no common sense. Point every thing out so that there can be no misinterpretation on the part of the ECO.



You may wish to look at the attached copy of a check list that they used to have a link to on the VFS/UKBA site some time ago. I have not been able to find it recently, but it gives a good idea of the documents required, including a sponsors letter.

I have every sympathy with you. Our first visit visa application was rejected mainly on her lack of employment, personal funds and assets or property in Thailand, together with a fairly brief relatioship. But also on fatuous points such as "emails are brief and formulaic", I hadn't pointed out that she didn't read or write English and used an Internet Cafe go between. The ECO said that "the photo's are undated", I had taken the trouble to write a date and location on the back of every photo, but he didn't bother to look because I didn't point it out.

Our second application, some 12 months later was successful. And our next application will as my wife.

So, what I would suggest is that you assume that the ECO has no common sense. Point every thing out so that there can be no misinterpretation on the part of the ECO.

Thank you very much,on this check list, it does list a sponsors letter, unlike the uk border agency information list,

She will be traveling again to bkk on monday(2 day trip with added expense etc) to submit another application form,one of the points in their refusal was we had provided very little evidence of our relationship.

We had supplied copies of birth certificate,copies of both Tadien Bahn books showing the same address,numerios photo's

from when we first met to the present day,some with the date stamp, showing us together, with members of her family,including

attending her brothers marriage.

For when she attends next week we have today, taken another date stamped photo of the 3 of us,

and just to make sure they don't think we have doctored the date, I am holding a copy of todays front page Bangkok Post, I have also

obtained a letter from the international school,that my son attends, confirming that they know we live together and that we have already

payed for next term fees.So what further eveidence I can provide.I don't know.


The guidance I got on the letter to accompany an application for a visa was as follows. I realise your situation is different but the outline might be useful.

UK Embassy Bangkok [Your name]

Wireless Road Lumpini [Your UK Address]


Dear Sir / Madam

Personal details [1st paragraph]

- Your profiles, DOB, family, marital status, family background.

- Your current address and details of the property owner (uk)

- Has the property enough bedrooms for her to stay? Explain how many rooms.

(include photo's)

Relationship [2nd paragraph]

- Where and when you first met with full explanation

- How long have you been together

- How often do you visit Thailand

- How you keep in contact

- How the relationship developed with each other

- State about your plan for marriage

- Explain about your plans for the future

- And what is her reason to apply for this visa

Financial Status [3rd paragraph]

- Provide and explain your assets in UK

- What is you current job, how long have you worked for this

company? How much is your salary or annual income?

-Explain the current status of your financial account

- Show responsibility for all expenses

Your faithfully

[Your name]


I would imagine a paragraph highlighting the reasons why she will be returning to Thailand after her visit (with reference to evidence provided) would be helpful.


  • Like 1

perhaps already made ​​an application for another woman in the past

birth date man? Woman? verry inportend example men 65 year women 30 year

travel insurance

official address in the United Kingdom or guarantor

you always can have a schengen visa applications for europe (any country)and there do a uk visit visa applications for example with london tour operator


Pretty weak reasons for refusal.

What type of ECO doesn't know how to spell "absence" and "evidence"? (If the OP hasn't mis-spelt?wai.gif )

Contact the ECM and point out you included a photocopy of your passport with Thai visa stamp and add a short covering letter.

I don't know what some posters are on about when they say you have to "prove" how the funds were accrued...it's none of the ECO's business.


Of course it`s their business when having to make a decision who can and who cannot enter the United Kingdom, especially today with the increasing threats of terrorism, floods of economic refugees and criminals from third world countries. There are more than enough in Britain already. The same applies in Thailand, no one wants economic refugees or possible criminals entering the country and also has too many. The job of ECO holds a huge amount of responsibility. Do you truly believe that any foreigner outside of the EEC and especially from those that are renowned for abusing the Immigration process in the past should be admitted into Britain on some flimsy documentation or hearsay that they are genuine nice people?

Here is something that many UK visa applicants fail to understand.

The Thai girlfriend/partner or whatever she is, has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that her incentives to return to Thailand are greater than those to remain in the United Kingdom, for obvious reasons that I cannot be bothered explaining, but anyone with a few brain cells should understand.

When dealing with officialdoms you must play they’re games and ensure that everything is in order prior to submitting an application. It`s that simple.

Beetlejuice: Your long winded posts are pretty unhelpful, inaccurate and negative to the OP and his gf. Furthermore your English is not too good either so your criticisms are unwarranted. Bearing in mind your obviously biased views about people from countries outside the EU it will be far better if your opinions are ignored. Since when have bureaucracies of those countries and the citizens from those countries been 'squeaky clean'?

The most helpful information here is from VisasPlus. That is what the OP should be taking note of and will be best served by consulting them directly about the problem. Hopefully that will lead to a successful early and painless conclusion to the matter for an additional extra fee.

  • Like 1

Pretty weak reasons for refusal.

What type of ECO doesn't know how to spell "absence" and "evidence"? (If the OP hasn't mis-spelt?wai.gif )

Contact the ECM and point out you included a photocopy of your passport with Thai visa stamp and add a short covering letter.

I don't know what some posters are on about when they say you have to "prove" how the funds were accrued...it's none of the ECO's business.


Of course it`s their business when having to make a decision who can and who cannot enter the United Kingdom, especially today with the increasing threats of terrorism, floods of economic refugees and criminals from third world countries. There are more than enough in Britain already. The same applies in Thailand, no one wants economic refugees or possible criminals entering the country and also has too many. The job of ECO holds a huge amount of responsibility. Do you truly believe that any foreigner outside of the EEC and especially from those that are renowned for abusing the Immigration process in the past should be admitted into Britain on some flimsy documentation or hearsay that they are genuine nice people?

Here is something that many UK visa applicants fail to understand.

The Thai girlfriend/partner or whatever she is, has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that her incentives to return to Thailand are greater than those to remain in the United Kingdom, for obvious reasons that I cannot be bothered explaining, but anyone with a few brain cells should understand.

When dealing with officialdoms you must play they’re games and ensure that everything is in order prior to submitting an application. It`s that simple.

She has a child to return to, not all Thai girls all willing to abanded thier children.

She owns land in Thailand.

What incentive can she have for staying in the U.K . Not all Thai dream about settling in another country.

WHAT is your problem, all the way thru this thread you seem to be jealous because we have substantial money in our accounts.

I earned my money the hard way, working legally.

Note that government officials aren't interested in nor inclined to believe statements about how some individuals are different from the mainstream - they work off the statistics and assumed worst-case scenarios, and your job is to "prove" (ie convince them) that she won't overstay.

It seems to me that gave you pretty straightforward things to correct - establish the bona fides of your relationship - too bad you didn't get married a long time ago. Do you have joint bank accounts, joint property leases, loans, any legal paperwork from some time ago? Provide a complete history of your living in Thailand long-term, helps dispell the idea you're planning on returning to settle down with your teerak.

Etc etc.

Look at it as a game - they set the rules and have the right to be unreasonable in your view, even arbitrary. You provide them with what they want, including pseudo-grovelling respect and certainly calm politeness at all times, remember you have no rights in this situation.


Pretty weak reasons for refusal.

What type of ECO doesn't know how to spell "absence" and "evidence"? (If the OP hasn't mis-spelt?wai.gif )

Contact the ECM and point out you included a photocopy of your passport with Thai visa stamp and add a short covering letter.

I don't know what some posters are on about when they say you have to "prove" how the funds were accrued...it's none of the ECO's business.


There are some ECOs who seem to be on a power trip. A few years ago and after successfully applying for a family visit visa yearly for many years to accompany me to the UK, my wife who is CEO of a group of companies and not exactly short of a few bob, was refused on the grounds that she was a flight risk because she went to the UK so often and the ECO considered because of this she was likely to overstay. We had always visited family, stayed with them and returned to Thailand within 4 weeks. She appealed against the decision, had it overturned and received a sincere letter of apology from the judge heading the appeal panel. His report was extremely scathing of the ECO and stopped just short of describing his reasoning as racist. This same ECO has since refused other perfectly respectable wives and had his decisions overturned on appeal.
  • Like 1

Where did you go wrong?

You didn't! Personal experience has shown that re-applying through an agent with the exact same paperwork will guarantee approval. Strange but true. It would appear that just as elsewhere in Thailand, as long as the pointy headed seat polishers get a 'thank you', you will have the result you desire.

Doesn't give me a warm secure feeling inside about the morals of the people who guard our homeland though!


perhaps already made ​​an application for another woman in the past

birth date man? Woman? verry inportend example men 65 year women 30 year

travel insurance

official address in the United Kingdom or guarantor

you always can have a schengen visa applications for europe (any country)and there do a uk visit visa applications for example with london tour operator

Believe me the sponsor letter is extremely important, been there done that. It cost me the same as it is costing you now.

Did you read my advice?

When they tighten up the system, things change. Not everybody that has offered advice has been through the system recently, I have.

I never previosly applied to take anybody back to the UK.

As far as I'm aware they should not refuse an application on the grounds of age,religion,sex,sex orientation,colour,or married status. Yes,perhaps if you are a convicted criminal or suspected criminals,though I'm not so sure on that, if all the stories coming out of the UK are true.

No permanent UK address, have lived in this country for more than 10yrs, registered with the British Embasssy as an ex-pat, UK authorities

are aware of my residence,example UK tax office to whom I still have to pay tax on parts of my income.

To UbonOz, yes MATE I have taken notice of your constructive advice.She left this afternoon for BKK,today, Sunday to submitt another aplication at the vfs office, I sent the same paperwork to support the application, but this time in a simple chronicle order with additional passport pages showing my visa status etc,also my authorisation for them to contact the international school in which my child is enrolled and that they collect him each day from our house in the presence of my g/f and myself, hopfully this will convince them that I am in fact here. As I pointed out in my original post, I know I covered all relevant points regarding our relationship and my Thai residence in the first application. This time I have stated as blunt as possible, I will guarantee that she will depart from the UK at the end of our 10 day visit, furthermore that I will cover all her monetary expenses, thus there will be no financial drain on the economy of the sinking ship.

One thing that makes me very angry with their refusal. I am not somebody who arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport for the first time last month, met the love of my life down in Pattaya, and now would like to take her to the UK. I have seen over the years many Thai girls obtain a UK visa, seemingly very easily, and in some instances knowing their history, I'v thought how the hell did they manage that, one girl has even visited the UK on 3 seperate occasions with 3 different boyfriend( customers).

This time i will keep my fingers crossed.

  • 3 weeks later...

We have finally received the VISA on the 2nd application. So again were did we go wrong?

The first application was refused because of little evidence of our relationship or of my residency in Thailand. I had submitted the requird

documentation, but I admit, I just simple sent the evidence, loose and not in a chronicle order, wrongly thinking that they would sort it out, and if not

they would telephone or e-mail me in order for me to explain.

In the 2nd application, I enclosed a photo copy of my car registration book, showing reg No, my name and adress,also two photo's of the 3 of us standing in

front of my house alongside my car, with me holding the previous days edition of the Bangkok Post, the 2nd photo being a close up of the Bangkok Post,

so they could easily see that it was the previous days edition.O.K this did make us look as if we where hostages posing for a TALIBAN or Iraqy ranson demand.

but thankfully it had the desired effect in that she received the required VISA.

I also enclosed a supporting letter with a guarantee that I would pay for all her expenses and that I would ensure she departed the uk after her 10

day visit. I still think this supporting letter requiement is open to allsorts of abuse to render it useless.

One further point, the C.E.O is handicapped in not interviewing the applicant in person,if only for ten minutes,surely this would enable him to make

a more professional and correct decision.


Congrats on getting the Visa this time around.

I noticed that you gave photos of your passport, but did it actually include your current extension stamp?

Have a great reunion.

Mine would be soon but too busy - Certa Cito.


We have finally received the VISA on the 2nd application. So again were did we go wrong?

The first application was refused because of little evidence of our relationship or of my residency in Thailand. I had submitted the requird

documentation, but I admit, I just simple sent the evidence, loose and not in a chronicle order, wrongly thinking that they would sort it out, and if not

they would telephone or e-mail me in order for me to explain.

In the 2nd application, I enclosed a photo copy of my car registration book, showing reg No, my name and adress,also two photo's of the 3 of us standing in

front of my house alongside my car, with me holding the previous days edition of the Bangkok Post, the 2nd photo being a close up of the Bangkok Post,

so they could easily see that it was the previous days edition.O.K this did make us look as if we where hostages posing for a TALIBAN or Iraqy ranson demand.

but thankfully it had the desired effect in that she received the required VISA.

I also enclosed a supporting letter with a guarantee that I would pay for all her expenses and that I would ensure she departed the uk after her 10

day visit. I still think this supporting letter requiement is open to allsorts of abuse to render it useless.

One further point, the C.E.O is handicapped in not interviewing the applicant in person,if only for ten minutes,surely this would enable him to make

a more professional and correct decision.

Congratulations on the visa. Your final suggestion is a good one, and something I have been in correspondence about with the Embassy. Just last week I wrote, for the second time, asking why they didn't start a system whereby an applicant could pay for a, say, 30 minute interview. I know that nobody wants to pay more money, but UKBA is now a "business", and revenue/income is seemingly important to them. So, a 30 minute interview for a fee could be in everyone's favour. I suspect that they will say that they don't have the "resources" ( people) to do it. I don't really accept that as a good argument as the Embassy here is making a fair bit from visa fees now ( 70, 000 applications a year at a minimum of 76 GBP per application is around 5 and a half million Pounds a year, and that does not take into account the settlement application fees at around 800 GBP a time).

Have I received any responses to the suggestion ? Nope.


Have you waited the standard 20 working days Tony.......biggrin.png

Actually, the first time I suggested it was over a year ago ! But you could be right for the latest suggestion. I retract my "complaint" until the 20 working days are over ( which, with Chakri Memorial Day and Songkran holidays coming up could mean a reply by the end of April ! ).


Well done, at least you have it now.

Forget the past and have a good trip, next time will be easier.

We are off to BKK tomorrow, going for a two year tourist this time as my Mum is 89 and don't want to worry about getting a visa if she has any problems, can go at short notice.

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