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Foreigners living in, or visiting Thailand, and surrounded by people speaking a language alien to them, have few places in daily life to vent their frustrations to people who get them, unlike at home where they are able to deal with it as their day progresses. For this reason you will see a higher amount of venting here than is normal, as living in a foreign environment has its challenges, and this forum is often their only outlet.

Other people are just miserable &@!!?!!s.

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I’m so proud to have been given the Toscar Profound Question of the Year Award

I conclude that-

1. Some expats have become disgruntled by the amount of corruption and swindling that is outright in Thailand.

2. There are a number of bitter and twisted farangs who came to Thailand with idealistic dreams which were too far-fetched and unattainable. Hence they have become resentful and cynical about Thailand on a number of levels and now have resorted to sharing their non-rose tinted opinion on this website.

3. People ask stupid questions in this forum which might result in frustration and cynical retorts from other members

Very true.

I think I fit all 3 categories !

Do you mind? I'm trying to start a fight here and you're away agreeing with him!! annoyed.gif

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I make two further postulations-

4. Frustrated by matters in their own land, they fled to Thailand seeking salvation in the foreign paradise and Land of Smiles. Low and behold the discontent in life was a matter of their inner being. They will be thwarted wherever they go.

5. Surrounded by foreign language and street signs in an alien land and a culture that operates vastly differently to the belief system they have been brought up with, the farang seeks solace in the online forum where he can make fun and chide the culture and events.

I am preparing my speech for the Toscar Profound Question of the Year Award


I make two further postulations-

4. Frustrated by matters in their own land, they fled to Thailand seeking salvation in the foreign paradise and Land of Smiles. Low and behold the discontent in life was a matter of their inner being. They will be thwarted wherever they go.

5. Surrounded by foreign language and street signs in an alien land and a culture that operates vastly differently to the belief system they have been brought up with, the farang seeks solace in the online forum where he can make fun and chide the culture and events.

I am preparing my speech for the Toscar Profound Question of the Year Award

. Frustrated by matters in their own land, they fled to Thailand seeking salvation in the foreign paradise and Land of Smiles. Low and behold the discontent in life was a matter of their inner being. They will be thwarted wherever they go.

It's hard to fall out with you cos basically you are correct.............that again is, if not profound, then the lot of many in a nutshell.

One of the best posts I ever saw on Thaivisa was a guy saying " I know I am one of life's losers, but here in Thailand I am a happy loser"

Possibly self deprecation in extremis, but equally possibly spot on with his self awareness. We can't all be David Beckham.

Surrounded by foreign language and street signs in an alien land and a culture that operates vastly differently to the belief system they have been brought up with, the farang seeks solace in the online forum where he can make fun and chide the culture and events.

That can be read two ways......negatively your being unfair on most, if not all. Positively there is a lot of fun and chiding opportunities in Thailand.

The word solace is pejorative though........the one's that are looking for solace are easily identified and tend to have a short shelf life. Only yesterday we had a "Goodbye cruel world" topic started by a member. He basically was saying that he had been insulted in better places than this, so have I, but I can't remember where.

Anyway, if your fixing for a fight, you have come to the right place, but before you pick up your trophy there is something you should know, ( it's a secret, maybe you should move closer to the screen ).......... a lot of the people on this forum are friends who meet for a few beers and a laugh about what they have read, and many more look forward to meeting other m,embers at social occasions, you see, we are not all bitter and twisted, some of us love life, and Thaivisa is a genuine community forum. So before you judge any more, spend some time getting to know the people around you here.. You will get a pleasant surprise Even when I set out to wind up my English OAP compatriots it's done with a sense of devilment and a dollop of truth. Just enough to get them biting, but not so much as to cause enmity.

If you tell anyone I said that I will deny it though.

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Not really sure why people get so heated on TV craigslist etc. People here are strangers. No reasonto get yourblod pressure up on other peoples judgements or beliefs. Forget the principle and enjoy the day. If you get mad you already lost the battle with your body. Especially true if you get impressed or want to impress on an anonymous forum...

TV has great advice if you need something specific. Ignore the rest or smile and enjoy the day in real life.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


I don`t think Thai visa members are cynical. I would describe them more as worldly and there is a difference.

Many of us have done the rounds, you know? Read the book, seen the movie and have the tee-shirt.

When it becomes obvious that an OP is inexperienced, such as the sin sot farces for example, or should I give my girlfriend 5 million baht to open a bar scenario, than posters try to install into the OP the reasons why these things are not good ideas and describe from they’re knowledge and experience their reasons for being against it. This is giving good advice and not being cynical.

Have any of you heard the saying; ask a silly question, receive a silly answer? Because in many cases here on Thai visa some of the inquiries put forward by OPs are just plain stupid, such as; where can I buy a deodorant and so on.

Another example, a female OP asks; I have been offered a job modelling in Chiang Mai, should I take it? Then the posters will warn against this and the pitfalls involved. Again this is not cynicism.

The bottom line is that it all depends on the topics in general what sorts of responses an OP will receive from the members.

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I am preparing my speech for the Toscar Profound Question of the Year Award

Pfft, this thread needs to hit the century marks on posts before you even get nominated. Now, had you started a thread on how your gogo dancing, tranny GF did you wrong, then you would be a shoe-in for a nomination.


It's the same with most big forums. 99% junk from a few prolific posters who have nothing better to do than sit at home and moan about life on the internet. You wouldn't pay them a blind bit of notice in the real world (which is why they come online), so why bother on here. There is good stuff to, but it takes a lot of wading.....


Foreigners living in, or visiting Thailand, and surrounded by people speaking a language alien to them, have few places in daily life to vent their frustrations to people who get them, unlike at home where they are able to deal with it as their day progresses. For this reason you will see a higher amount of venting here than is normal, as living in a foreign environment has its challenges, and this forum is often their only outlet.

Other people are just miserable &@!!?!!s.

As I am multilingual I socialize with different nationalities in Thailand and abroad. I find that the above middle age English speaking westerner would only bring up their frustration for their surrounding environment in day to day conversations.

But I believe it is a minority.


I have to agree with the OP here, Thaivisa (news and general forums at least) create huge amounts of cynical comments.

Yes, I admit that corruption is endemic in the country and holds it back in vital areas like education and infrastructure development among others.

But how many of the negative posters have stopped to take a long hard look at their own birth countries? As a Brit, I reckon the major difference between the UK and Thailand is the great subtlety regarding corruption in the UK. Just because it's not out in the open like it is in Thailand, don't kid yourselves that Western countries are shining examples of democracy and good governance; they are not.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is equally true all over the world.

Now, I have a problem, my post also sounds a tad negative, but at least I aimed at a different target from the usual poor bl**dy Thais.

Edited for spelling

But, can we just confirm,......... you are not - surely - suggesting that Thailand IS a bastion of democracy and good governance. How far it is behind the UK doesn't really matter as long as corruption remains an endemic part of Thailand's culture.

Just because you only give a copper 200 Baht for exceeding a (ridiculously low) speed limit, rather than put GBP 60 into the UK's public coffers, does not make it right.

The endemic corruption (that you rightly acknowledge) not only holds back the areas you describe - it prevents the country gaining any credibility in the moral fortitude stakes.

This is not a negative post, it is simply attempting to quantify some the differences in corruption between Thailand and the West.

"exceeding a (ridiculously low) speed limit" ? The way the locals drive it should be much lower!


It's the same with most big forums. 99% junk from a few prolific posters who have nothing better to do than sit at home and moan about life on the internet. You wouldn't pay them a blind bit of notice in the real world (which is why they come online), so why bother on here. There is good stuff to, but it takes a lot of wading.....

I've never come online. Am I missing something?


The way I see it, in this age of information, people who come to live in Thailand should know what problems they can encounter, they should know they can't own land, know they have to obey Thailands visa laws, know that when they come here they are very restricted in the employment stakes. ( though many work illegally when they could work legally in their own countries and many other countries in the world, but still they stay in Thailand and complain about the lack of employment opportunities, it's unbelievable !! )

I don't know many financially secure Farangs in Thailand who are genuinely unhappy, but they have the choice of moving on if they don't like it, simple as that.

The cynical, bitter and twisted farangs are generally here because they have done all their money in and stay here cos they can't afford to go anywhere else and start again, trapped in a loveless marriage, living in a hot house in what used to be a ricefield surrounded by people who they can't communicate with and who eat strange smelly food, breeds cynicism perhaps ?

Bad preperation, poor planning, ridiculous financial management ? Don't blame Thailand, blame yourselves.

If I was as cynical about Thailand as many on ThaiVisa appear to be, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, then again, I do have a choice and CHOOSE not to. wai.gif

Farangs make the really big leap of leaving their own countries where they have rights and privilages they can never have in Thailand, why the @#@# do they do it when all they do is sit in front of a PC all day complaining about the place they chose to come to, and can leave anytime they like !!!!!

Cynical, Bitter genuinely unhappy miserable Farangs can be found all over The Kingdom, why they still remain in their own personal nightmare if they have the choice to leave, utterly amazes me.

This post from Banzai99 provides a near perfect example of why I personally consider cynics on TV to be perhaps one of the least of the forum's problems.

Like so many threads attacking, denigrating or seeking to deny others the right to hold or express opinions it can barely hide its seething bitterness.

Look at the sweeping generalisations it makes, needs to make in order to support its own argument.


With respect to the opening post, I don't agree that TV or even TV General forum is not a supportive environment. I've seen several examples of people in real trouble being offered truly supportive advice, often revealing that the person offering the advice has faced similar problems themselves and genuinely wants to help.

True, there's always the usual suspects gloating from the sidelines or throwing in their own mix of spite - but discount those posts and good advice is almost always present.

My closest foreign friend (outside of work) I know in Thailand is a guy I met after he helped me with a question on TV. He's had the whole range of crap thrown at him and yet remains a positive in his view of life in Thailand. He gives out what I regard to be very good advice on a range of topics, some may refer to him as cynical, I say he's a "Seen the Movie, Got the T-Shirt Realist".

If you don't like people like him reminding you of the problems in Thailand then the question ought to be asked why does this bother you.

As I keep saying, what other people say about Thailand, good, bad or indifferent has absolutely no bearing on how I find my day here.

Again, read that post from Bonzai99, it is a very good example of what is really wrong around here.

And Bonzai, I'm not picking on you in particular, rather you've simply given a good example of a kind of post that many others here post.


What the OP describes that totally fits him. He seems to be frustrated in the foreign environment, surrounded by alien culture and so he expects a fully supportive Thai Visa according to his taste.

He seeks solace on the TV but instead criticizes others for posting distinctly.

Or on the other hand he is seriously lacking of sense of humour.

Most of the posts deemed cynical is just simply humorous without any malice. I would not give this much notice to analyze other posters` demenour on a forum.


When we are young we believe everything our parents/elders tell us, as we progress thru school/life, hopefully we learn to question and seek answers/solutions on our own.. As we experience/observe the world of business, personal relationships, etc, we become more astute in our interactions with others. There are several terms for our outlook on the world, other people, etc. The way we express ourselves can be interperted in different ways by those on the outside vs those who know us best, and none may be what was being attempted by the individual.

As individuals we may need to be more tolerent of others opinions, attitude, and expressions, prior to making a judgement of their intent.


This post from Banzai99 provides a near perfect example of why I personally consider cynics on TV to be perhaps one of the least of the forum's problems.

Like so many threads attacking, denigrating or seeking to deny others the right to hold or express opinions it can barely hide its seething bitterness.

Yes, I always find it amusing that those who 'accuse' the rest of us, are clearly the most unhappy and bitter.


When you hang around ANYWHERE long enough, and keep your eyes open, you get to see how things operate. There is corruption in every society in every country, but it's just set up differently. The systems are set up intentionally to keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich. It's the subtle differences that fool the greenhorn visitors to any new country. North America and the UK are no less corrupt than Thailand. The leaders just market it differently. For example, take the police and the so called "Justice System" in North America and the UK. Those in charge pay high salaries to police, judges and lawyers, but nobody really does anything constructive. They are just there to further their own salaries. In Thailand, the police get a pittance for a salary and have to supplement that with graft. However, It winds up being the same thing.

People everywhere throughout the world take the path of least resistance. In North America and the UK, the middle income people breed and turn their children loose as soon as they are educated enough to make it on their own. In Thailand the average Thai family has children who they HOPE will earn enough to look after the parents when they get old.

It is easy to be cynical when you see the same games being played time after time. If you follow thaivisa for more than a year then the same topics come up weekly, and most debate the same scenario of farang man meets pretty Thai girl... and then the troubles start.

Ian, I think you assume that everywhere is the den of iniquity, the failed state, the anarchic wild west that Canada is. My experience in the UK, in the US, in HK, Taiwan and in Thailand, is that generally the police are honest and helpful, and seeking to do a good job to maintain order and traffic flow.

Regardless of the rampant failings of your own country, you cannot assume that Thailand, or anywhere else, is the same. You may call me naive, but had you not pointed them out to me, I would not even have been aware that Canada was so bad, but I bow to your local knowledge. Its a long time since I've been Canadian, and even then, as an expat.



Ian, I think you assume that everywhere is the den of iniquity, the failed state, the anarchic wild west that Canada is. My experience in the UK, in the US, in HK, Taiwan and in Thailand, is that generally the police are honest and helpful, and seeking to do a good job to maintain order and traffic flow.

Having intimate knowledge of police in the UK, I can quite clearly state that many are corrupt and self-serving.

Will lie whenever it suits them and break the law, as they believe they are above the law.


If you don't like Thailand, leave.

Is that just because he called you bonsai?


Bit of Napoleon syndrome, maybe?

Perhaps thought he was referring to your intellect?

I can see how you might easily take offence...


Is using an alternative method of providing incentive to a police force corruption? Does their renumeration have to be salary only?

Frustration is compounded by the inability to accept or adapt to alternative social norms


Ian, I think you assume that everywhere is the den of iniquity, the failed state, the anarchic wild west that Canada is. My experience in the UK, in the US, in HK, Taiwan and in Thailand, is that generally the police are honest and helpful, and seeking to do a good job to maintain order and traffic flow.

Regardless of the rampant failings of your own country, you cannot assume that Thailand, or anywhere else, is the same. You may call me naive, but had you not pointed them out to me, I would not even have been aware that Canada was so bad, but I bow to your local knowledge. Its a long time since I've been Canadian, and even then, as an expat.


I don't see much difference in the countries other than just a different way of using corruption. I've seen many examples of fine policemen in Thailand... just as I personally know some great policemen in Canada. But, it is the SYSTEM that is wrong. People in power tend to abuse it for their own personal reasons. That is why I don't believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY politician's mouth. I can bribe most Thai policemen for a simple traffic violation. The bribe goes into their pocket and helps subsidize the system of poor pay. For $3 to $6 I can get out of paying what woudl cost me $200 in Canada. Police in Canada are paid very high wages and have a good pension plan. They get paid out of my tax money... which amounts to about 25% to 35% of my income. In Thailand I don't pay taxes so I have to subsidize the police in other ways. In Canada if I illegally park my car I have to pay a minimum of $25 and that can escalate dramatically upward. In Thailand you can double or triple park, and block entire roadways for free. Yes, as a foreigner I have to pay 4 times the cost of a Thai to visit a National Park. But, it's seldom more than what I would pay just for parking anywhere in Canada. If I was a young Thai male I could inseminate a dozen young women and not be required to pay for any of the children. In Canada I have to support a woman for years if I get her pregnant. Or, even if she is living with me and gets pregnant to another man, I still have to support her and her child out of wedlock.

It is VERY easy to get cynical when you watch what is going on around us on any given day.

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When you hang around ANYWHERE long enough, and keep your eyes open, you get to see how things operate. There is corruption in every society in every country, but it's just set up differently. The systems are set up intentionally to keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich. It's the subtle differences that fool the greenhorn visitors to any new country. North America and the UK are no less corrupt than Thailand. The leaders just market it differently. For example, take the police and the so called "Justice System" in North America and the UK. Those in charge pay high salaries to police, judges and lawyers, but nobody really does anything constructive. They are just there to further their own salaries. In Thailand, the police get a pittance for a salary and have to supplement that with graft. However, It winds up being the same thing.

People everywhere throughout the world take the path of least resistance. In North America and the UK, the middle income people breed and turn their children loose as soon as they are educated enough to make it on their own. In Thailand the average Thai family has children who they HOPE will earn enough to look after the parents when they get old.

It is easy to be cynical when you see the same games being played time after time. If you follow thaivisa for more than a year then the same topics come up weekly, and most debate the same scenario of farang man meets pretty Thai girl... and then the troubles start.

Ian, I think you assume that everywhere is the den of iniquity, the failed state, the anarchic wild west that Canada is. My experience in the UK, in the US, in HK, Taiwan and in Thailand, is that generally the police are honest and helpful, and seeking to do a good job to maintain order and traffic flow.

Regardless of the rampant failings of your own country, you cannot assume that Thailand, or anywhere else, is the same. You may call me naive, but had you not pointed them out to me, I would not even have been aware that Canada was so bad, but I bow to your local knowledge. Its a long time since I've been Canadian, and even then, as an expat.


I can only comment on the UK police who are (assuming you are obviously 'financially secure') helpful.

Their attitude is not as friendly if you look poor.

It also has to be said that UK police are very well paid and have the added benefit of being able to claim compensation for the slightest mishap. I was shocked when a friend of mine, who was married to a member of the police force (but way above the ordinary P.C.) told me how he somehow managed to get an extra few hundred pounds every month as 'compensation', even though I never saw that he had been hurt in any way.... Admittedly though, he obviously 'knew the system'.

Oops - proven myself to be a cynic!


I don't see much difference in the countries other than just a different way of using corruption. I've seen many examples of fine policemen in Thailand... just as I personally know some great policemen in Canada. But, it is the SYSTEM that is wrong. People in power tend to abuse it for their own personal reasons. That is why I don't believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY politician's mouth. I can bribe most Thai policemen for a simple traffic violation. The bribe goes into their pocket and helps subsidize the system of poor pay. For $3 to $6 I can get out of paying what woudl cost me $200 in Canada. Police in Canada are paid very high wages and have a good pension plan. They get paid out of my tax money... which amounts to about 25% to 35% of my income. In Thailand I don't pay taxes so I have to subsidize the police in other ways. In Canada if I illegally park my car I have to pay a minimum of $25 and that can escalate dramatically upward. In Thailand you can double or triple park, and block entire roadways for free. Yes, as a foreigner I have to pay 4 times the cost of a Thai to visit a National Park. But, it's seldom more than what I would pay just for parking anywhere in Canada. If I was a young Thai male I could inseminate a dozen young women and not be required to pay for any of the children. In Canada I have to support a woman for years if I get her pregnant. Or, even if she is living with me and gets pregnant to another man, I still have to support her and her child out of wedlock.

It is VERY easy to get cynical when you watch what is going on around us on any given day.

I just love this SYSTEM theory. The SYSTEM is wrong so if I bypass the SYSTEM then I'm not doing anything wrong.

The benign corruption you allude to and which gets you off a traffic violation is the same system of corruption that is at the bottom of Thailand's abysmal record of People Trafficking, Wildlife Abuse, Political Murders, Business Related Murders and on a far larger front, but getting a lot less press time, the abuse of the rights of Thailand's stateless minorities and the poor.

A few hundred Baht in a Cop's back pocket is OK because it is cheap to you, and anyway hey ho you don't pay taxes here. Perhaps if you have some free time next week, take a day out to your nearest industrial area on Pay Day, you'll see these self same Cops milking factory workers as they head home with their month's pay.

Yep, your all right Jack.

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A person becomes cynical when they are lied to repeated and they begin to doubt anything being said to them, questioning the validity of said information. Considering that lying is a fundamental Thai trait used to save face, is it any wonder people are cynical about anything Thai related?

Now that is really cynical; maybe you are mixing with the wrong Thais, if lying is a fundamental trait.

I don't see much difference in the countries other than just a different way of using corruption. I've seen many examples of fine policemen in Thailand... just as I personally know some great policemen in Canada. But, it is the SYSTEM that is wrong. People in power tend to abuse it for their own personal reasons. That is why I don't believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY politician's mouth. I can bribe most Thai policemen for a simple traffic violation. The bribe goes into their pocket and helps subsidize the system of poor pay. For $3 to $6 I can get out of paying what woudl cost me $200 in Canada. Police in Canada are paid very high wages and have a good pension plan. They get paid out of my tax money... which amounts to about 25% to 35% of my income. In Thailand I don't pay taxes so I have to subsidize the police in other ways. In Canada if I illegally park my car I have to pay a minimum of $25 and that can escalate dramatically upward. In Thailand you can double or triple park, and block entire roadways for free. Yes, as a foreigner I have to pay 4 times the cost of a Thai to visit a National Park. But, it's seldom more than what I would pay just for parking anywhere in Canada. If I was a young Thai male I could inseminate a dozen young women and not be required to pay for any of the children. In Canada I have to support a woman for years if I get her pregnant. Or, even if she is living with me and gets pregnant to another man, I still have to support her and her child out of wedlock.

It is VERY easy to get cynical when you watch what is going on around us on any given day.

I just love this SYSTEM theory. The SYSTEM is wrong so if I bypass the SYSTEM then I'm not doing anything wrong.

The benign corruption you allude to and which gets you off a traffic violation is the same system of corruption that is at the bottom of Thailand's abysmal record of People Trafficking, Wildlife Abuse, Political Murders, Business Related Murders and on a far larger front, but getting a lot less press time, the abuse of the rights of Thailand's stateless minorities and the poor.

A few hundred Baht in a Cop's back pocket is OK because it is cheap to you, and anyway hey ho you don't pay taxes here. Perhaps if you have some free time next week, take a day out to your nearest industrial area on Pay Day, you'll see these self same Cops milking factory workers as they head home with their month's pay.

Yep, your all right Jack.


Spot on......it's also interesting to see the amount of people out there who talk about police corruption but at the same time boast about having the local police chiefs number in their phone.

It's the same hypocrisy at the heart of the human condition that has people making up stories about being gangsters, ex-sas, etc.

It doesn't matter how much money or perceived power you have, if your not happy in yourself you've failed yourself.


Foreigners living in, or visiting Thailand, and surrounded by people speaking a language alien to them, have few places in daily life to vent their frustrations to people who get them, unlike at home where they are able to deal with it as their day progresses. For this reason you will see a higher amount of venting here than is normal, as living in a foreign environment has its challenges, and this forum is often their only outlet.

Other people are just miserable &@!!?!!s.

Your second paragraph is the answer

It's the same with most big forums. 99% junk from a few prolific posters who have nothing better to do than sit at home and moan about life on the internet. You wouldn't pay them a blind bit of notice in the real world (which is why they come online), so why bother on here. There is good stuff to, but it takes a lot of wading.....

I've never come online. Am I missing something?

I nearly said "you have 187 posts" but then I got it. Don't necessarily believe it, however

Foreigners living in, or visiting Thailand, and surrounded by people speaking a language alien to them, have few places in daily life to vent their frustrations to people who get them, unlike at home where they are able to deal with it as their day progresses. For this reason you will see a higher amount of venting here than is normal, as living in a foreign environment has its challenges, and this forum is often their only outlet.

Other people are just miserable &@!!?!!s.

Your second paragraph is the answer

Not me. I'm not just a miserable &@!!?!!s. I'm ugly as well. I'd hate to be a one-dimensional character, like the guys in the Captain Pugwash stories... To be fair, they were two-dimensional*


* I first wrote that as "too-dimensional"; I must've been reading this too long. Then I thought of what it would mean to be too-dimensional, and I think that is Zzaa's big advantage over the rest of us mundanites - he perhaps lives in more dimensions than us, which is why he appears so deep. I've not seen him around for a while, by the way...

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