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What Is "indigenous English"


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We're going to Thailand this month for 3 weeks from the US.

My health insurance company(Group Health coop.) told us to get a flu shoot and we did.

The strange thing they also give to me is this travel advisor flyer that said:

Location: Southeast Asia

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Capital: Bangkok

Population: 64,865,523

Currency: Baht


Language: Thai & indigenous English

Special Advisories: Accidental injury is a leading cause of death

What is "Indigenous English". I know I'm an american but can speak english as well as the English ...but indigenous English? what is it?

Edited by BKK90210
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I assume they mean the style of pigeon English that the majority of English speakers in the indigenous Thai population appear to speak, which is usually not completely gramatically correct English, but understandable all the same.

Probably means the Scouse and geordie dialects spoken in discreet corners of Pat pong and Pattaya , not to be be confused with the native Jock dialect spoken in the bars of Patong, suggest that all Septics spend a compulsory 10 days in Australia to learn the finer arts of speaking the english language :o Nignoy
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in Africa they call it broken english, there are a few more words for that.

Basically: english learned on the street, no grammatic and used like you would tell in your original language:

no have (mai me)

same same

not yes (mai tschai)

We're going to Thailand this month for 3 weeks from the US.

My health insurance company(Group Health coop.) told us to get a flu shoot and we did. 

The strange thing they also give to me is this travel advisor flyer that said:

Location: Southeast Asia

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Capital: Bangkok

Population: 64,865,523

Currency: Baht


Language: Thai & indigenous English

Special Advisories: Accidental injury is a leading cause of death

What is "Indigenous English".  I know I'm an american but can speak english as well as the English ...but indigenous English? what is it?

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Why don't you call up Group Health and ask them?...or whoever gave you the information...you can look on the brochure and see who made it and if there is an contact number or email address. I googled and it and I looked at the list of sites and it seems that all of the ones that specifically mention the term 'indigenous english" are australian which make me wonder if some Australian person wrote the brochure....without wanting to flame your post seems a bit strange you say that a US health cooperative uses what seems to be an Australian word for something happening with the indigenous people there and you say that the health coop suggested you get a flu shot before coming to Thailand but it seems to me that they probably would have suggested a whole host of injectoins and also anti-malarials....it doesn't add up....but then again strange things do happen.

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I assume they mean the style of pigeon English that the majority of English speakers in the indigenous Thai population appear to speak, which is usually not completely gramatically correct English, but understandable all the same.

Probably means the Scouse and geordie dialects spoken in discreet corners of Pat pong and Pattaya , not to be be confused with the native Jock dialect spoken in the bars of Patong, suggest that all Septics spend a compulsory 10 days in Australia to learn the finer arts of speaking the english language :D Nignoy


May be these people had spent the entire time in thailand at the same discreet corners of Patpong as Scouse and Geordie? then came back and write the report! :o

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Why don't you call up Group Health and ask them?...or whoever gave you the information...you can look on the brochure and see who made it and if there is an contact number or email address.  I googled and it and I looked at the list of sites and it seems that all of the ones that specifically mention the term 'indigenous english" are australian which make me wonder if some Australian person wrote the brochure....without wanting to flame your post seems a bit strange you say that a US health cooperative uses what seems to be an Australian word for something happening with the indigenous people there and you say that the health coop suggested you get a flu shot before coming to Thailand but it seems to me that they probably would have suggested a whole host of injectoins and also anti-malarials....it doesn't add up....but then again strange things do happen.


I'm not making this up! It came through the mail last week, after we got our flu shots.

If you want to see the actual flyer...please email your address to me...I can scan it and send back to you.

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I googled and it and I looked at the list of sites and it seems that all of the ones that specifically mention the term 'indigenous english" are australian which make me wonder if some Australian person wrote the brochure

What do Aborigines speak - indigenous English or something else?

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I googled and it and I looked at the list of sites and it seems that all of the ones that specifically mention the term 'indigenous english" are australian which make me wonder if some Australian person wrote the brochure

What do Aborigines speak - indigenous English or something else?

Abourigines speak Kouri I think :o Nignoy
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I googled and it and I looked at the list of sites and it seems that all of the ones that specifically mention the term 'indigenous english" are australian which make me wonder if some Australian person wrote the brochure

What do Aborigines speak - indigenous English or something else?

Abourigines speak Kouri I think :o Nignoy

There are countless aborigine dialects....

Indigenous means basically native to a country, area or race...It is not an Aussie originated word.

Aborigine doesnt mean native of Australia.... it means native of a country....it has long been a bone of contention to the Aussie Aborigines that we have given them a "generic" name.

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We're going to Thailand this month for 3 weeks from the US.

My health insurance company(Group Health coop.) told us to get a flu shoot and we did. 

The strange thing they also give to me is this travel advisor flyer that said:

Location: Southeast Asia

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Capital: Bangkok

Population: 64,865,523

Currency: Baht


Language: Thai & indigenous English

Special Advisories: Accidental injury is a leading cause of death

What is "Indigenous English".  I know I'm an american but can speak english as well as the English ...but indigenous English? what is it?

Forget 'indigenous'. Fewer Thais know what the word means than native English speakers. :o Not knowing won't make any difference to your trip. However, not having the appropriate innoculations may! The 'flu jab idea is a joke, surely. See a proper doctor and consider tetanus, rabies and hepatitus A as you would for Spain or Greece, for example. You might consider malaria too. If you are going to do anything that might result in you becoming HIV+ then you might also get hepatitus B so that jab would be worth thinking about too.

Take a Thai phrase book and have a good trip. And stay cool when it gets frustrating. Thais don't like farang anger and stress.

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We're going to Thailand this month for 3 weeks from the US.

My health insurance company(Group Health coop.) told us to get a flu shoot and we did. 

The strange thing they also give to me is this travel advisor flyer that said:

Location: Southeast Asia

Government: Constitutional monarchy

Capital: Bangkok

Population: 64,865,523

Currency: Baht


Language: Thai & indigenous English

Special Advisories: Accidental injury is a leading cause of death

What is "Indigenous English".  I know I'm an american but can speak english as well as the English ...but indigenous English? what is it?

Uh, Group Death Co-op is not the place I would go for medical travel advice.

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