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Red Shirts Stage Anti-Coup Rally In Khao Yai

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Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

Edited by Reasonableman
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Ricardo, #19^

If even the military-junta appointed-government can offer a referendum, to change the Constitution, then I'd hope that any elected-government would at-least match that same level of democracy.

No level of Democracy is being matched.

Anything perpetrated by a coup administration was not Democratic.

When current Const. Reform referendum is done, it will be a first-time democratic exercise.

In this instance only comparing the coup 2006 aftermath to the present.

Nitirat proposals recognize this fact, and is why the coupists are so opposed to them.

"Progress towards democracy, and helping raise-the-level of the poor or under-educated"

A little bit of the Oppositional arrogance coming through.

Paternalistically patting these poor souls on the head, while those "poor souls" relegated them to the political wilderness, is somewhat amusing.

Reminds me of the investigator Colombo, toying with those who considered themselves so superior. The superior types didn't have a clue, as does this aloof Opposition.

What does all that mean Calgaryll?

A city in Alberta western Canada

Pretty much in the middle of know where.


I grew up there, and it is a beautiful city with mostly rational people. This guy is a one off. I just hope he keeps his mouth on the forums and doesn't end up on a red stage shouting his mouth at some point, embarrassing my home town.

Hey, be nice

Best football team in the world, my Stampeders.

Watch and learn, and even Western Canadians can develop.

Ya on for a Stanley cup play-off hockey pool? Or anyone else? PM me.

But to be on topic, the best way to refute informed political opinions is to offer equally valid counterpoints.

Yesterdays' event was a significant Red Shirt statement which will be both a shot accross the bow of both coupists and Ms. Y's PTP.

The intent to have it be a show of force was exceeded massively.

And make no mistake, that was its' intent.

No amount of thrashing about here, by those for whom those massive attendance numbers are an uncomfortable truth, changes the facts that have been recorded and that will be trotted out whenever political realities need to be stressed.

Awright I'm outta here. The 5:30AM home arrival is catching up to me, and educating all you guys is a tough job....but somebody needs to do itdrunk.gif

Edited by CalgaryII
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[The last election totally validated their reasons for protesting. They knew they were the electoral majority being deprived of governance by an electoral minority.]

The last election validated that the MAJORITY of the Thai people did NOT vote RED SHIRT.

The numbers I've seen say that about 17% of the Thai population identifies as being Red Shirt.

Which was amply on display in Khao Yai yesterday.

A friend and I estimated the crowd at about 300,000, as we were checking out its more "attractive features"

I am told that officially, it was estimated at closer to 500,000.

So what is 200,000 more or less.

Thanks for highlighting how you are handling facts and numbers. A quote to keep for the future.

One English language daily quotes 30,000

Edited by scorecard
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This country is rapidly becoming like a communist state. Where all are created equal but some are more equal than others.

Very sad that most of these red supporters can't see the bigger picture Toxsin has in store for them.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Denigrating this mainstream Political Movement who elected the previous Govt. as being short of political acumen, is not right.

For the minority to try and deny them political space backfires totally.

Who is on the political sideline?

Coming off their arrogant contemptuous political highorse and becoming politically inclusive, would serve their self-righteous interests much better.

But this seems to be beyond them, and on the sidelines they remain.

Can you imagine the furor would have been created if Oppositional elements had been able to muster a gathering of this size?

The coupists would be demanding their armed element to deliver the country to them.......again.

I take it you are a die hard red shirt supporter then? I also take it nothing we can say, no matter how fair minded, will stop you from promoting one side unconditionally, whilst labelling everyone else coupists? Everyone has a right to there own beliefs. However an intelligent and fair minded person can also stand up and admit that his side are not perfect. I can, can you?

The difference is I am right, you are wrong.........Hey, I'm just joking.

I just enjoy providing insight into the other side.

I am very familar with the side opposite from UDD/Red Shirts, due to the Domestic, English Language media.

Generally speaking, Farangs have little understanding of the Red Shirt/UDD Movement, other then characterization the English Language domestic media provides them.

And I always want to emphasise, that us Farangs are nuthin"

I don't purport to support any side, just sympathise with one side.

The fact we are inconsequential is fine with me.

But I reserve the right to spout off as all political junkies do.

And I lay no claim to nuetrality. Being nuetral is chicken-shit.

I live already 6 years in a rural area. Democrat stronghold.

Instructed people, technicians in the third generation after the international construction of the Bhumipon Dam. They worked in Lybia, Quatar. Algeria and Greece (Olympic Games, they needed Thai worker to finish)

No place for Thaksin. The Red Shirts are changing their opinion slowly. No one wants to be canonfodder anymore.

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This country is rapidly becoming like a communist state. Where all are created equal but some are more equal than others.

Very sad that most of these red supporters can't see the bigger picture Toxsin has in store for them.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Denigrating this mainstream Political Movement who elected the previous Govt. as being short of political acumen, is not right.

For the minority to try and deny them political space backfires totally.

Who is on the political sideline?

Coming off their arrogant contemptuous political highorse and becoming politically inclusive, would serve their self-righteous interests much better.

But this seems to be beyond them, and on the sidelines they remain.

Can you imagine the furor would have been created if Oppositional elements had been able to muster a gathering of this size?

The coupists would be demanding their armed element to deliver the country to them.......again.

I take it you are a die hard red shirt supporter then? I also take it nothing we can say, no matter how fair minded, will stop you from promoting one side unconditionally, whilst labelling everyone else coupists? Everyone has a right to there own beliefs. However an intelligent and fair minded person can also stand up and admit that his side are not perfect. I can, can you?

I'm afraid, like all ideologues, Calgaryll has a monopoly on truth.

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This country is rapidly becoming like a communist state. Where all are created equal but some are more equal than others.

Very sad that most of these red supporters can't see the bigger picture Toxsin has in store for them.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Denigrating this mainstream Political Movement who elected the previous Govt. as being short of political acumen, is not right.

For the minority to try and deny them political space backfires totally.

Who is on the political sideline?

Coming off their arrogant contemptuous political highorse and becoming politically inclusive, would serve their self-righteous interests much better.

But this seems to be beyond them, and on the sidelines they remain.

Can you imagine the furor would have been created if Oppositional elements had been able to muster a gathering of this size?

The coupists would be demanding their armed element to deliver the country to them.......again.

I take it you are a die hard red shirt supporter then? I also take it nothing we can say, no matter how fair minded, will stop you from promoting one side unconditionally, whilst labelling everyone else coupists? Everyone has a right to there own beliefs. However an intelligent and fair minded person can also stand up and admit that his side are not perfect. I can, can you?

I'm afraid, like all ideologues, Calgaryll has a monopoly on truth.

A legend in his own mind.

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

This is how they estimate a crowd.

Another method relies on calculating the total square footage of an area, and determining the density of the crowd. If you can get a rough measure of the area where people are gathering — pace it off, if you can — then you can figure out the total square footage. After the event is filled, look at how closely people are standing together.

  • In a loose crowd, where people are at an arms length of each other, figure about 10 square feet of space per person.
  • In a tighter crowd, it's about half that, or 5 square feet.
  • In a packed crowd, it's more like 2.5 square feet.

So if one has a figure about the size of the grounds for the concert were,you can for sure estimate the maximum number of people that could be present.

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

And there I was thinking that the new government was going to fix all that.

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

And there I was thinking that the new government was going to fix all that.

They are actually fixing it......................they have announced that they will block another few thousand websites

Edit: speling

Edited by janverbeem
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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

Really, try this http://www.prachatai.com/english/

English works, but "www.prachatai.com" seems to be blocked.

But there's nothing on there re: today. The coup-ist opposition must be controlling the English site.

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

Really, try this http://www.prachatai.com/english/

Being in Thailand, trying that might be deemed circumventing government policy and be illegal wink.png

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

Really, try this http://www.prachatai.com/english/

English works, but "www.prachatai.com" seems to be blocked.

But there's nothing on there re: today. The coup-ist opposition must be controlling the English site.

Are you aware of any difference between the content of pratachai english and the pratachai.com site, whybother? Don't bother thanking me for a working link rubi, you and your mates keep on putting the word out that the government are blocking pratachai. In the meantime if you're that desperate to access the pratachai.com site in thai you can access it through the english site as you always could. B/S.

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Is any other media (besides the Opposition controlled English papers) reporting any numbers? Or maybe ALL the Thai media is controlled by the Oppositional coup-ists.

Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

Really, try this http://www.prachatai.com/english/

Being in Thailand, trying that might be deemed circumventing government policy and be illegal wink.png

B/S Edited by phiphidon
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Interesting question. I wanted to check Prachatai, but the government has it blocked cowboy.gif

Really, try this http://www.prachatai.com/english/

English works, but "www.prachatai.com" seems to be blocked.

But there's nothing on there re: today. The coup-ist opposition must be controlling the English site.

Are you aware of any difference between the content of pratachai english and the pratachai.com site, whybother? Don't bother thanking me for a working link rubi, you and your mates keep on putting the word out that the government are blocking pratachai. In the meantime if you're that desperate to access the pratachai.com site in thai you can access it through the english site as you always could. B/S.

Since I cannot see one and might not be allowed to check the other, I'm totally unaware of a possible difference. Mind you, I've noticed before that Thai and English versions <mostly / not always / sometimes> do not reflect the same aspects. The interesting 'bloody' pictures on the frontpage of Thai language newspapers are not there in the English version. Also the English versions have somewhat less pictures of 'bikini-clad' girls.

BTW I never said I was desperate to check Prachatai, I'm only trying to help in finding non-coupist controlled online newspapers which might give a <better / correct / guestimate> of the number of people who attended the event in Bonanza, Khao Yai.

Edited by rubl
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"Peaceful Protesters, Not Terrorists" are more likely to wear T-shirts with the image of Ghandi


Anti-coup protesters, who after that booted the coupists and elected Thaland's Government.

Not bad for beginners brought into being by those coupists in the first place.

I bet many are rouing that day in 2006 when they conceived of the coup.

Their political life never has been, and never will be again be according to their self-perceived hereditary right to rule.

An unintended consequence of immense proportions.

More comments from the man with no credability, official estimate10,000 attended, CalgaryII estimate300,000

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Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

the bkk post and nation quote 30,000 and 50,000 - ok, even if a 0 is missing, the percentage spread between the 2 is the same as CalgaryII's. ;)

Just a bit more seriously, we all know that the UDD numbers are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated by the conservative press, if not by CalgaryII.

It's just a guess, but if the Nation/post give a high number of 50,000, then it is probably at least that. Maybe even 2x and you could still be in the ballpark.

Let's see what comes from VoiceTV, shall we?


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Sorry, not good enough. We already have the "official" count from the Calgaryll Oracle. 500,000 give or take 200,000. Another Ripley's Moment. ;-)

Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

the bkk post and nation quote 30,000 and 50,000 - ok, even if a 0 is missing, the percentage spread between the 2 is the same as CalgaryII's. ;)

Just a bit more seriously, we all know that the UDD numbers are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated by the conservative press, if not by CalgaryII.

It's just a guess, but if the Nation/post give a high number of 50,000, then it is probably at least that. Maybe even 2x and you could still be in the ballpark.

Let's see what comes from VoiceTV, shall we?


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Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

the bkk post and nation quote 30,000 and 50,000 - ok, even if a 0 is missing, the percentage spread between the 2 is the same as CalgaryII's. wink.png

Just a bit more seriously, we all know that the UDD numbers are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated by the conservative press, if not by CalgaryII.

It's just a guess, but if the Nation/post give a high number of 50,000, then it is probably at least that. Maybe even 2x and you could still be in the ballpark.

Let's see what comes from VoiceTV, shall we?


I may have missed some newsflashes, but this topic has theNation at 10,000+ and the other newspaper listed 30,000. With the reference to last year I'm willing to accept 30,000 (see post #79).

BTW this confusion on numbers is the reason why some asked what Thai language newspapers reported. VoiceTV will probably quote the official numbers which dear member Calgaryll received, 500,000. I'm sure in two weeks time k. Jatuporn will disclose the source of these numbers smile.png

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Sorry, not good enough. We already have the "official" count from the Calgaryll Oracle. 500,000 give or take 200,000. Another Ripley's Moment. ;-)

Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

the bkk post and nation quote 30,000 and 50,000 - ok, even if a 0 is missing, the percentage spread between the 2 is the same as CalgaryII's. wink.png

Just a bit more seriously, we all know that the UDD numbers are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated by the conservative press, if not by CalgaryII.

It's just a guess, but if the Nation/post give a high number of 50,000, then it is probably at least that. Maybe even 2x and you could still be in the ballpark.

Let's see what comes from VoiceTV, shall we?


I suspect user C did a little "chalerm" at that event. While this can boost your eloquence it has the side effect of multiplying everything you see.

Edited by MikeOboe57
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Anyway, as you say, what's a mere 200,000 margin for error? Only 40% of a fictitious number. Using that logic, a range of zero to 200,000 would also be an acceptable approximation. 10-30,000 fits in that range, doesn't it.

the bkk post and nation quote 30,000 and 50,000 - ok, even if a 0 is missing, the percentage spread between the 2 is the same as CalgaryII's. wink.png

Just a bit more seriously, we all know that the UDD numbers are more likely to be underestimated than overestimated by the conservative press, if not by CalgaryII.

It's just a guess, but if the Nation/post give a high number of 50,000, then it is probably at least that. Maybe even 2x and you could still be in the ballpark.

Let's see what comes from VoiceTV, shall we?


I may have missed some newsflashes, but this topic has theNation at 10,000+ and the other newspaper listed 30,000. With the reference to last year I'm willing to accept 30,000 (see post #79).

BTW this confusion on numbers is the reason why some asked what Thai language newspapers reported. VoiceTV will probably quote the official numbers which dear member Calgaryll received, 500,000. I'm sure in two weeks time k. Jatuporn will disclose the source of these numbers smile.png

I got it wrong, the nation only reported their first number from the evening arrivals (10,000). The post had 2 articles and one said 30,000 and the other said around 50,000.

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Cargaryll, you have some interesting things this to say, an acute, and maybe an enquiring mind.

When you post, if you are to quote someone, can you do it in the tradition format please so we can read accurately the original post and then read your rebuttal.

In post #57 ... I'm sure you had some interesting things to say ... but I have no idea from that formatting who said what and when and no chance to read the original post to see if what you quoted was taken in context or not.

David48 cowboy.gif

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