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Pattaya Jumpers


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just come back from visiting the Spanish Version of Pattaya , Benidorm.... which in size is a lot bigger, with a much larger expat community

there a hundreds of high rise buildings there, and i visited a few and spent some time visiting the local area,,,

one thing that striked me was when i asked one of the local building managers, and a few friends there that with all the high rise buildings, expat ect there must be a number of ' jumpers ' every year !, and in response i was told very rarly !, and in that conversation i mentioned pattaya, which they where in shock over !

so why, against all the other major places in the world, does pattaya have sme many jumpers? , or are most just cover ups?

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no idea about Pattaya, although here in Brisbane when they opened the new Gatway Bridge in the early eightys they stopped puplishing the "jumpers" as there was 4/5 a week, some people were serisouly thinking of erecting a spring board and vewing area as it seemed to be a new sport.......

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I completely understand it.

Men can lose in business but I suppose the ego is irrevocably bruised when it's at the hand of the farmer's daughter. Also, for many, going back to where they came from is either impossible (legally) and/or extremely unbearable.

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I think that the expats going to Benidorm are not looking for young sexy girlfriends but more the climate.

For some reason, many elderly men coming to Pattaya thinks that a 20-25 year old Thai girl loves them,

but when they realize that its not the case, some jumps.

I lived in a condo downtown Patts app 5-6 years ago and "saw" 2 jumpers in 2 years, both expats.

One had ran out of money but despite he was still fairly young (40'ish) and could go home and work again, he jumped.

The other guys girlfriend got busted big time for selling drugs and it broke his heart so he jumped as well.

Stupid to jump because of above grounds, well stupid to jump at all, enjoy life instead.

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My conclusion is th eprospect of returning home after spending years here is to great. I personally would not relish a winter in the UK not working sitting in a 1 bed flat after living here.

with no money and the prospect of even trying to throw yourself on the mercy of the UK's state system would a be enough i would think.

Also there is the rediculas notion they get in their heads about the prostitutes here, that that they actually do love the guys, so add to that heart break.

Unless you have been in that dark black hole that is clinical depression its hard to understand, also not to many trains to throw themselves under, a popular way in the UK.

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A lot of guys have burned their bridges, have arrest warrants, debts, etc. They can't go back.

Some can't stand to go back to miserable, cold farangland. It's paradise here. Who would want to do that? They'd rather jump.

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what's all this about cold UK farangland? it was t shirt weather here yesterday!!!

after many years living in Pattaya there was a lot of miserable people living there from what I remembered!

excuse me, slightly off topic on the above....

I do agree though the lack of frequent trains is probably the reason for the jumpers....also it hits your prime time local TV stations out there with pixelated pictures for viewing pleasure....over here in 'cold-miserable' farang land it gets a few lines in the corner of the free papers at most!

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what's all this about cold UK farangland? it was t shirt weather here yesterday!!!

after many years living in Pattaya there was a lot of miserable people living there from what I remembered!

excuse me, slightly off topic on the above....

I do agree though the lack of frequent trains is probably the reason for the jumpers....also it hits your prime time local TV stations out there with pixelated pictures for viewing pleasure....over here in 'cold-miserable' farang land it gets a few lines in the corner of the free papers at most!

Lucky you :)

Hooded top and leather jacket for me yesterday with that cold wind coming off the north sea.

If I was not due back to sunny Thailand I think I would be tempted to jump but nowhere to jump from and the trains on the local rail line are too slow. There was talk recently of re-building a toll bridge across a valley here but one reason not to build besides the expense was the amount of people who jumped from the old bridge.

Benidorm & Spain in general a lovely place and still plenty of available women. The locals are more likely to jump with their current economic and unemployment rates.

Seriously, you have to be well down / depressed to end your own life. I doubt there are that many real jumpers in Patts. Some might be down to drink and accidents but it is too easy to be leaning over the balcony after a few beers or while having a ciggie and someone sneaks up behind you and ........

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A lot of guys have burned their bridges, have arrest warrants, debts, etc. They can't go back.

Some can't stand to go back to miserable, cold farangland. It's paradise here. Who would want to do that? They'd rather jump.

If Pattaya is Paradise then the sea is red

Well for many of us here it not too bad, I like it here, okay its not perfect, if it was it would be boring.

Why are you on Pattaya forum if you don't like it???

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A lot of guys have burned their bridges, have arrest warrants, debts, etc. They can't go back.

Some can't stand to go back to miserable, cold farangland. It's paradise here. Who would want to do that? They'd rather jump.

If Pattaya is Paradise then the sea is red

Well for many of us here it not too bad, I like it here, okay its not perfect, if it was it would be boring.

Why are you on Pattaya forum if you don't like it???

LOL that response was so predictable. Who said I don't like it? But I'm 100% sure that if I look at your previous posts I'll see some of the usual (not very paradise sounding) complaints about Pattaya.

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Its not so strange really.....

In Benidorm you find mostly families or friends having a good time on holiday.

In Pattaya all the lonely guys go , some of them think they can start a new life and then depression takes over.

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Its not so strange really.....

In Benidorm you find mostly families or friends having a good time on holiday.

In Pattaya all the lonely guys go , some of them think they can start a new life and then depression takes over.

That is very true, it often ends up in a very destructive lifestyle, sitting in the bar each night with your "friends".

I would properly do the same if it wasn't for my family.

Some however seems to be able to find a good life here, I noticed when walking on the foot path next to the beach

groups of older expats sitting and talking sometimes playing chess and they are not drinking beers.

If I was a retired +65 year old I would not come here looking for a new family with a very young wife, if you absolutely

needs a new family try find maybe a divorced older lady and you might be Lucky.

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LOL that response was so predictable. Who said I don't like it? But I'm 100% sure that if I look at your previous posts I'll see some of the usual (not very paradise sounding) complaints about Pattaya.

If you can find any please do fell free to quote me then.

Pattaya is my home and I defend it against negative posts sometimes. Yes okay I admit traffic is a pain when driving in the car. Songkla festival have gone way over the top of what its supposed to be.

But other than that not really much to whinch about.

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Alcohol and drugs probably also play a part in suicides.

Many people get caught up in that lifestyle and end up doing things that they wouldn't normally do.

I used to think there were a lot of assisted jumps but now think most of them are legitimate suicides.

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The mindset of a lot of these loners/jumpers in Pattaya, Phuket , and similar areas has to be taken into account.

They come to 'paradise', women are cheap, booze is cheap, they are treated to a loving hands on girlfriend experience. Some of them can't separate reality from fantasy in their brains. The money starts to run out, the visa date looms large, the GF dumps him and moves on.

Do they go back to their homeland and a life of loneliness, no girlfriend, despair? Booze and drugs impairs their ability to make a rational decision. In all likelihood they are suffering depression or some form of mental illness, exacerbated by the drink and/or drugs.

I don't know why people jump from buildings rather than take an overdose of some ills, but maybe they want to create a spectacle and for all the world to know how cruel a place it can be.

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The nude jumpers are murders from one of the foreign gangs that I won't mention here. Stripping them of their clothes is their signature.

It's the jumpers who are found with clothes on that are the mystery.

care to expand?

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The nude jumpers are murders from one of the foreign gangs that I won't mention here. Stripping them of their clothes is their signature.

It's the jumpers who are found with clothes on that are the mystery.

care to expand?

Exactly what I said. While I'm sure there are some guys who take off all their clothes and jump from their window, it is a signature of a gang to strip them and toss them out. Lost bets, borrowed money, whatever the reason. They got mixed up with the wrong guys and paid the price for it. Many gangs in the world have signature ways of killing.

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A lot of guys have burned their bridges, have arrest warrants, debts, etc. They can't go back.

Some can't stand to go back to miserable, cold farangland. It's paradise here. Who would want to do that? They'd rather jump.

If Pattaya is Paradise then the sea is red

Ever heard of the Red Sea??ph34r.png

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If you want to compare the situation of retirees within Europe to Thailand, there are two things that you need to keep in your mind:

First, at least under Swiss law, when you move to your retirement home within Europe, you are not allowed to cash out all your retirement funds, so you will always keep a steady monthly income from your pension. This way Swiss law ensures that you can't get completely broke and if you need to move back, you at least can survive in Switzerland. When you move to Thailand, you can take out every single cent of your private / company pension funds.

Second, most Farang going to Thailand are very ill iformed (I see it when I talk with people here), have now ideas about investment, buying property etc. and then are highly surprised, if their condo is suddently in possession of their newly found Thai wife and then they find out that under Thai law they have absolutely no protection for their assets...

So stupid Farangs in Thailand can end up with absolutely nothing, no more assets and no more pension... can't happen to them in Spain, Portugal or other places where Europeans like to retire within Europe... so the safety net is still available, even if it has some holes in it.

IMHO, this is one of the reasons, why suicides probably happen much more often in Thailand and then you also need to realize that in Europe, suicides are not published too often (and well hidden within official statistics) while in Thailand, they are often published including names and pictures... this also gives the feeling of much higher suicide rates, whether it's true or not.

Edited by Swiss1960
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