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Thai Court Sentences Briton To 21 Years For Having Sex With Minors


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so far not to much said about the mom getting big sentence, kind of blows a few people out of the water who say Thais get off lite

Sentence in LOS is one thing, time served is another. Hard to believe the Brit was her only customer. Thais with street smarts find ways to keep influential folk happy as a hedge against trouble. 3-4 years from now this will be a lost memory, unfortunately.

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A woman I know first sold her daughter to a 'husband' when she was 13, and after that 'marriage' was annulled because of the girl's age she did it at least twice again before the girl came of age, despite warnings from police. The girl's older now but mum continues to tout her daughter, now demanding she get a farang husband (she's had many hooked but they flee once they learn the hard news about mum's gambling habit). Interestingly, one of her early 'husbands', is now mayor of Pattaya.

Edit: Mispelled 'annulled'. Shock horror. I'm about to be targeted by the spellcheck brigade.

Edited by writeshack
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21 years + castration would have been more appropriate for the Brit.

As for the Mother, no doubt she will be out in a few days, with a few bribes.

All very well to gloat but this stuff happens every day and only people of no consequence without that much money like this farang and the pitiful mother are ever punished. Young boys and girls are procured and raped every day by politicians, senior policemen, military officers and wealthy businessmen. For them it will be business as usual and this verdict and sentence won't make a blind bit of difference.

you are so right. angry.png

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Yes, a good result and nice long sentences for them. A shame this will never really stop these types of people doing this type of thing.

What a shame for those poor children. Their lives badly blighted by their own mother forcing them into this.

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Correct Spelling is one of the lesser deficiencies of many contributors. But your point is well-made, correct spelling and grammar do make reading and understanding so much easier.

It makes you wonder what kind of uneducated common denominator types take interest in Thailand.

I was reading a guy's trip report the other day & he was coming off as an uneducated dolt with your vs. you're & many other of the common mistakes you'd see on a forum, like "of" vs. "off" or were vs. where.

It's such a shame !

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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

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Candyman, while I don't like pedos too - I think that your idea of taking the law into your own hands is very dangerous. What if the person that you pick-up actually was innocent - there is no way for you to know.

While it must be sickening for these guys to beat charges on some technicality - I think you are just as bad as them if not worse for believing that you have the right to inflict your own punishment on others.

Get a life, leave justice to the experts - nobody appointed you to do this - you make me sick.

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The point being that a smart criminal knows he has to pay up before he is "in the system". After that it is much more difficult. However, if we all reflect a moment on what we generally see the BIBs doing, (i.e. shaking down motorcycle and taxi drivers) and if you have ever had the experience of actually trying to get an officer of the law to enforce the law, you will realize that what we see is window dressing. There is far more money to be made NOT enforcing the law than there is to be made enforcing it.

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Yes, a good result and nice long sentences for them. A shame this will never really stop these types of people doing this type of thing.

What a shame for those poor children. Their lives badly blighted by their own mother forcing them into this.

Don't be surprised if they're back in business by month's end. They saw firsthand the baht to be made and are in a position now to eliminate the middle-man, which in this case was a woman.

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British man jailed for having sex with minors in Thailand

BANGKOK, February 28, 2012 (AFP) - A court in Thailand on Tuesday sentenced a British man to 21 years in prison for the rape of three underage girls who had been forced to have sex with him by the mother of one of the victims.

Stuart Hargreaves Lloyd, 45, was convicted of having sex with the girls between 2004 and August 2010 in hotels in the capital Bangkok and the Thai beach resort of Pattaya.

A 50-year-old Thai woman was jailed for 42 years for forcing the girls, including her daughter, into prostitution, an official at the Bangkok court told AFP.

The victims, who were all under 15 at the time, gave evidence that they were forced to having sex with Lloyd.

Both Lloyd and the Thai woman denied the charges.

"The first defendant was found guilty of forcing girls into prostitution and sentenced to 42 years in jail while the second defendant was found guilty of raping minors and sentenced to 21 years," the court official said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-02-28

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Correct Spelling is one of the lesser deficiencies of many contributors. But your point is well-made, correct spelling and grammar do make reading and understanding so much easier.

It makes you wonder what kind of uneducated common denominator types take interest in Thailand.

I was reading a guy's trip report the other day & he was coming off as an uneducated dolt with your vs. you're & many other of the common mistakes you'd see on a forum, like "of" vs. "off" or were vs. where.

It's such a shame !

This forum has never claimed to be a platform for Man Booker Prize hopefuls.....maybe you should sugar on over to Ajarn .com if the level of English grandma here disturbs you so.
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In my opnion any man that does this should have a tatoo across his forehead that reads "I am a child rapest".

Thats "rapist" and yes I agree. At least he will now know what it is like to be abused when he goes to the "Hilton". I hope he suffers like his victims did. My heart goes out to the girls and I hope in time the wounds will heal.

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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif


Were you in the SAS too?

In his fantasy world, he probably still is
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What a pair of <snip>!!! The sentences serve them well, and I take great comfort in knowing that the US for example multiply every year a US citizen has spent in a Thai jail by 6 because of the hard circumstances prisoners are exposed to here. So 21 years in a Thai prison equal 126 years in a US jail and 42 equal 252. Have fun guys!!!

Edited by metisdead
d.sguised profanity removed.
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I'm going to let a little secret out now.

Twelve or so years ago I spent some time in a Bangkok prison (not the Hilton.)

I was new to the country, exceedingly drunk, having been newly aquainted with Singha beer, and I very stupidly pushed a BiB who was giving me a bit of hassle.

I caught him on the wrong foot and he fell over and was slightly hurt.

I was incarcerated for nearly two weeks. No trial, no choice. No consuls, no communication. I was at their mercy. Apparently this is the norm with Thais who transgress..

It was indeed a mind-numbing experience, but maybe not quite as bad as the myth on this forum. My fellow cell-mates, a real mixtue, had developed a good spirit of cammeraderie and the prison staff were decent. Nobody tried to bum me, although the food was truly awful and the boredom soul-destroying. Half an hour a day in the yard, then back for the fishy stuff.

I was constantly told that I would be let out the next day. This kept my spirits up.

Out of the blue, the "next day" came. No bribery was involved. I had been taught my lesson.

Not proud, but wiser.

I hope that this old boy buggerer is not as fortunate as I was, but don't believe that everything you conceive about Thai prisons is true.

Edited by Beechboy
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Back in my good old days In England I would get a phone call from a chief constable with information on the paedophiles that would get of because of some technicality in the court cases and they are 100% guilty.


Well me and some underground buddies would pick these guys up and have fun with them for two or three days and depending on how bad these people are they couldn't ever do anything wrong or harm children again!!!

I really f**king hope someone like me is around to do these things in Thailand jap.gif


Were you in the SAS too?

In his fantasy world, he probably still is

I think he meant he and some bottom dweller buddies would get drunk, wank each other off and talk about what they would do if they could ever scrape up a pair of balls between them.

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Anyone ever wonder why it is that 95-98% of the cases of child sex in Thailand are committed by Thai men but they never make the paper and are rarely arrested? Because Thais don't really give a #$% about it and only react if the Western media is involved. How many underage brothels have been discovered to be owned by Thai police in the last year or two? At least a Thai who instigated it was caught this time, and yes, she will likely walk after money is paid and that will never make the paper. Before you jump for joy too much with the "kill the pedo" chants, I will clue you in, most people you know back home, if you live here, assume you must be a pedo if you live in Thailand...

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Good to see some decent sentencing for such an indecent act, I feel sorry for the girls, no child should be forced into that situation, I personally think the mother should have sentenced for the term of her natural life with no chance for parole, ever.

i think that's exactly what she got

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In my opnion any man that does this should have a tatoo across his forehead that reads "I am a child rapest".

Thats "rapist" and yes I agree. At least he will now know what it is like to be abused when he goes to the "Hilton". I hope he suffers like his victims did. My heart goes out to the girls and I hope in time the wounds will heal.

I think the tattoo works even better that way: "Look! Not only I'm a big perv but also I can't spell!

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An offensive post has been removed. Also removed a number of posts commenting on spell checker, and posts criticizing grammar. Misspellings and grammatical errors can make posts difficult to understand. However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.

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