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I have traveled quite a bit of Thailand and in general, I find that smoking is only allowed inside establishment where Farang drink. Where there are no farang the smoking rules are obeyed! This resolves the problem of second hand smoke.

For people who are scared/complained about exhaust emissions, how would you resolve this problem and still keep the country moving?

just because we have exhaust fumes that are bad for us, I do not see that as a justification for us to breath in other toxins, that can be avoided!

Breathing in toxic vehicle gasses can be avoided too. Just move to a place that doesn't have them.

You are right, breathing in toxic smoke can be avoided, just go to places that are non smoking.

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I have traveled quite a bit of Thailand and in general, I find that smoking is only allowed inside establishment where Farang drink. Where there are no farang the smoking rules are obeyed! This resolves the problem of second hand smoke.

For people who are scared/complained about exhaust emissions, how would you resolve this problem and still keep the country moving?

just because we have exhaust fumes that are bad for us, I do not see that as a justification for us to breath in other toxins, that can be avoided!

What a load of nonsense. Then l suggest you take action to close down all the street food vendors that cover the whole of LOS for burning charcoal and gas plus their horrible smells. While your at it start closing up all the sewer gratings that cover the country bellowing shit stench, start with the ones under the street food vendor.


I have enjoyed reading the comments, and the depth of feeling on smoking/smokers from all parties is quite strong.

However I have a confession; or apology; whatever… I knew a topic about this subject would run, but I was simply being a little more provocative to ensure the fireworks would fly.

Like many who lambasted me for “saying” what I did, yes I totally agree and yes at the risk of eating hospital food the next day, I would never say such a thing out loud.

So lets say that bit was my artistic licence. Smokers next to me though….actually , my best mate is a smoker. It doesn’t concern me greatly.

And Americans, yes I know several, but still insist they are LOUD.

Hope my comments don’t incur stronger feeling- it’s a good topic., not much else on here to air strong feelings at the moment….open drains…are we going there now??


I don't think knowing 'the law' clears anything. There are a myriad of laws in Thailand that are just ignored and I would imagine that those quoting the law against smoking, do in fact break other laws. I don't smoke, but I drink and have probably been guilty of breaking many alcohol laws such as buying it between 2-5pm, drinking after hours etc. Personally, I don't like to eat in an establishment that allows smoking, but it's not my business how the owner runs the establishment. If he/she allows smoking then I probably will not go there, as it won't be difficult to find another place now days. When a lot of us came here, you would be hard pressed to find anywhere that didn't allow smoking, seat belts weren't compulsory or wearing helmets while riding a motor bike. Yet we chose this place without worrying or complaining of these things.

The friends I have that are smokers, are in general quite considerate and will always make the effort to move further away or go outside, I can't think of any that would sit and blow smoke at everyone. But back on to establishments. The owners know the laws and they are running a business with their money invested, not mine. My opinion is that they run their business any way they choose and this includes all other things not just smoking.wink.png


I believe I actually sat near this guy in a bar last night. Annoying American, chain smoking, with Military Dog Tags prominently on display. First time I've ever seen somebody sporting dogtags in Chiang Mai, so very high likelihood its the same dude.

Anyway, I was attempting to eavesdrop into the conversation he was having with the dutch guy next to him. The guy is only here for 4 weeks and then gone. The best part was when he said that he spent most of his life growing up in ***EUROPE*** !!!

Suddenly it all makes sense. The arrogance, the loud voice, the annoying behavior, the chain smoking, and the rude total disregard for others. Easy to understand why he is the way he is. All classic traits of most Europeans.


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I believe I actually sat near this guy in a bar last night. Annoying American, chain smoking, with Military Dog Tags prominently on display. First time I've ever seen somebody sporting dogtags in Chiang Mai, so very high likelihood its the same dude.

Anyway, I was attempting to eavesdrop into the conversation he was having with the dutch guy next to him. The guy is only here for 4 weeks and then gone. The best part was when he said that he spent most of his life growing up in ***EUROPE*** !!!

Suddenly it all makes sense. The arrogance, the loud voice, the annoying behavior, the chain smoking, and the rude total disregard for others. Easy to understand why he is the way he is. All classic traits of most Europeans.


No matter where one comes from there are considerate and un-considerate folk.


I believe I actually sat near this guy in a bar last night. Annoying American, chain smoking, with Military Dog Tags prominently on display. First time I've ever seen somebody sporting dogtags in Chiang Mai, so very high likelihood its the same dude.

Anyway, I was attempting to eavesdrop into the conversation he was having with the dutch guy next to him. The guy is only here for 4 weeks and then gone. The best part was when he said that he spent most of his life growing up in ***EUROPE*** !!!

Suddenly it all makes sense. The arrogance, the loud voice, the annoying behavior, the chain smoking, and the rude total disregard for others. Easy to understand why he is the way he is. All classic traits of most Europeans.


He wasn't THAT annoying. And he wasn't being nasty to any of the girls, that always rates as the lowest of the low with me.

Yeah he was loud, but it's a bar, that's what bars are for. And buying girls drinks to the point they couldn't drink anymore and were handing some of them over to me. Hard to truly dislike someone like that, smoking or not. ;)


I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

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I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

Well, l hope you push your motor well into the open before you start it up, and l also hope you use your man power to get back for farang land hols and not an airplane eh, canoe is good.


I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

So you don't like people abiding by the law

Then what will be your next crusade to whinge about? People with ingrown toenails that walk funny?


There are always a few of the anti anything group around who get on their platform and profess theirs is the only right attitude. Kind of similar to some of the relgous zealots who think their excremet does not stink.

It seems that acceptance of others, even with their warts, has more to do with an individuals maturity, rather than the preception of right / wrong.

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I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

So you don't like people abiding by the law

Then what will be your next crusade to whinge about? People with ingrown toenails that walk funny?

More likely bad coloured wigs. drunk.gif

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I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

You should start to get used to the fact that smoking will never completely cease, there will always be a percentage of the global population that chooses to smoke and no amount of legislation is going to stop them. As far as a society is concerned: as soon as the death toll from smoking ceases to be in the headlines and falls to an acceptable level then the anti-smoking rehtoric will slowly fade and along with it this absurd groundswell of unatural opinion that aleniates some human beings for even daring to smoke on the same planet as everyone else.

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I cannot wait for the day when smoking is banned EVERYWHERE....filthy habit and usually the most ignorant and rude people do it not caring about anyone else.....like the retards that walk out onto the footpath to smoke.....all the while the wind blowing it back into peoples faces.....

You should start to get used to the fact that smoking will never completely cease, there will always be a percentage of the global population that chooses to smoke and no amount of legislation is going to stop them. As far as a society is concerned: as soon as the death toll from smoking ceases to be in the headlines and falls to an acceptable level then the anti-smoking rehtoric will slowly fade and along with it this absurd groundswell of unnatural opinion that alienates some human beings for even daring to smoke on the same planet as everyone else.


and Soldiers were given cigs to help them through their trauma. drunk.gif Now, they are outlawed.


  • As CMX wrote about typical smokers' behaviours:

  • ********************************************************************************************************************
  • 'simple denial: deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether
  • minimisation: admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization)
  • projection: admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility.

The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction.' - Wiki

It bears repeating because the behavior keeps repeating in so many posts.

I do feel sympathy (empathy, really) for those who are still addicted. I wish they would face up to it and try to recover.

  • Like 2

Smokers complaining about their rights.....hilarious.

I'm sure you have all seen the smoker at a restaurant holding his fag out off the table...away from his face and other guests....only for it to be wafting over the table next to or behind with kids on it.....the pure ignorance and selfishness is outstanding.

It is weak minded people that cannot quit....the ones that do not want to fall into the category above.

  • Like 2

Smokers complaining about their rights.....hilarious.

I'm sure you have all seen the smoker at a restaurant holding his fag out off the table...away from his face and other guests....only for it to be wafting over the table next to or behind with kids on it.....the pure ignorance and selfishness is outstanding.

It is weak minded people that cannot quit....the ones that do not want to fall into the category above.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you ride a push bike, canoe to go home, swim where possible to the shops AND never start up your motor. Well done. coffee1.gif


  • As CMX wrote about typical smokers' behaviours:

  • ********************************************************************************************************************
  • 'simple denial: deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether
  • minimisation: admit the fact but deny its seriousness (a combination of denial and rationalization)
  • projection: admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility.

The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction.' - Wiki

It bears repeating because the behavior keeps repeating in so many posts.

I do feel sympathy (empathy, really) for those who are still addicted. I wish they would face up to it and try to recover.

What denial. Smokers know it is bad for them. But that is a matter for them and no one else.


Smokers complaining about their rights.....hilarious.

I'm sure you have all seen the smoker at a restaurant holding his fag out off the table...away from his face and other guests....only for it to be wafting over the table next to or behind with kids on it.....the pure ignorance and selfishness is outstanding.

It is weak minded people that cannot quit....the ones that do not want to fall into the category above.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you ride a push bike, canoe to go home, swim where possible to the shops AND never start up your motor. Well done. coffee1.gif

Proving your ignorance...


What denial. Smokers know it is bad for them. But that is a matter for them and no one else.

Not when it selfishly affects many around them that do not have the choice...


and Soldiers were given cigs to help them through their trauma. drunk.gif Now, they are outlawed.

Maybe soldiers were given cigs to help the tobacco companies and the politicians they owned.


Smokers complaining about their rights.....hilarious.

I'm sure you have all seen the smoker at a restaurant holding his fag out off the table...away from his face and other guests....only for it to be wafting over the table next to or behind with kids on it.....the pure ignorance and selfishness is outstanding.

It is weak minded people that cannot quit....the ones that do not want to fall into the category above.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, you ride a push bike, canoe to go home, swim where possible to the shops AND never start up your motor. Well done. coffee1.gif

Proving your ignorance...

Perhaps your are at picking on a smoker YET you burn oooooooooooodles of aviation fuel for your hols and ooooooodles of gas in your ride that's killing your kids. WAKE UP, your doing more harm to the planet and kids than any smoker BUT you don't want to be told that cos you must have your airplane ride and not walk to the shops eh.


What denial. Smokers know it is bad for them. But that is a matter for them and no one else.

Not when it selfishly affects many around them that do not have the choice...

You do have a choice. You can decide to go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. Same as smokers can choose not to go to bars that ban smoking.

Simply put, if you don't like smoke then move. No one is making you frequent such places.

  • Like 1

What denial. Smokers know it is bad for them. But that is a matter for them and no one else.

Not when it selfishly affects many around them that do not have the choice...

You do have a choice. You can decide to go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. Same as smokers can choose not to go to bars that ban smoking.

Simply put, if you don't like smoke then move. No one is making you frequent such places.

So you are ok if I come and fart in your face repeatedly while you eat dinner ??

It is a disgusting habit that effects all around you...innocently....you know it and are simply embarrassed for smokers lack of self respect and thoughtfulness.


Smoking, like drinking is a government approved addiction.

Like drinking, smoker's will start to quit when they are ready.

I've met some obnoxious and violent drunks, equally hazardous to my health, but I don't have the right to stop them drinking, just like I don't have the right to stop someone smoking in an establishment that is not owned by me.

  • Like 1

and Soldiers were given cigs to help them through their trauma. drunk.gif Now, they are outlawed.

Maybe soldiers were given cigs to help the tobacco companies and the politicians they owned.

Yeah and now the soldiers are punished by being outlawed. rolleyes.gif


Smokers should be given a break. After all, look how generous they are for sharing their 2nd hand smoke with their non-smoking wives/husbands, children and friends.

Smokers should be a lot more selfish and just keep the smoke in their lungs for a lot longer so they can get the maximum enjoyment.


I am in my 50's now

Raised by smoking parents

2nd hand smoke? When we were kids & my parents smoked while driving

& we were in the back seat we would ask them to close the windows & they would.

Reason being we did not mind the smoke but the red hot cinders flying off their

ciggs when they flicked the ash out the window of the moving car would fly in our eyes laugh.png

Still alive & well.....all three of us kids

Probably better things to worry about in this world.....But to each their own wink.png

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