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Disappearing (non-controversial) Posts


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In the last few days I've had three posts disappear. Not a big deal, but now I'm curious. Has this happened to anyone else?

In each case I posted very early responses to questions, the second post on a thread. The posts were there immediately after I put them up (I'm pretty sure), but the next day they were gone. Nothing was particularly controversial (for example, what's the best freigh service to use to ship furniture out of Bangkok?), so I'm reasonably certain the mods couldn't have removed them.

It just seems very odd. The first time it happened I thought I was imaging it, but now I'm sure I wasn't.

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Not specifically in connection with these three posts, but I do that daily regardless. Maybe there's a connection, but.....

Since I use True DSL, I was even wondering if it might have something to do with True's proxy servers and the way their cache works. I know they have played havoc with at least one other board, making log in and posting effectively impossible on it without changing proxy settings.

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Strange things happen in cyber-land,  :o

but when I pull up the thread, your post #2 comes across fine.


so at least you know you're not imagining it.... :D

Okay, I'd bet there's got to be a problem with True.

I checked your link and, sure enough, there's my post. When I go directly to the topic on this board, however, both my post and all the others following it are missing. The topic clearly shows '0' as the number of replies. I cleared myown cache and tried again. Exactly the same result.

As I said before, another local board has a major problem with the caching on True's proxy servers, but I've never noticed any impact here before. I guess that's changing, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

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