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My phone had been dead again again since the 15th of November. It is raining therefore UBC satellite TV is not working either. So, with nothing else to do, let me try to put something down as it is fresh in my memory.

Oh my god !!!!!!!.

This English phrase seems to have worked it’s way into the Thai language judging from its use on UBC Thai movies.

As I was having breakfast this morning the 22nd of November, reading the Bangkok Post, I very nearly gagged whilst reading the following:

“TOT wins deal to become main provider at Suvarnabhumi airport.”

How can a bunch of stupid, incompetent, sloppy nincompoops with a reliability track record of absolute zero be entrusted to provide fixed and wireless networks as well as internal telecommunications services at an airport, when they can not even come close to providing minimal service in a small town like Khao-lak ?

A company called “True” had expressed interest in doing business at the airport, but a source at the Information and Communications Technology Ministry stated that: “The suitability clause” in the new contract was seen as a way to block True from having a major rule. Hmmm.

Personally, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass how and why TOT was awarded the contract, but sitting here without a telephone line and no internet access AGAIN for almost 5 weeks when the answer from their “customer service department” keeps telling me “I will check” and nothing happens, I tend to get antsy. When I call my number I get this recording “The subscriber line you are trying to reach is temporarily out of order”. How long is “temporary” in Thailand ? A week a month, a year ? Is it like “preung nee” which is supposed to mean tomorrow, but never is ? I receive a bill every month and pay it promptly. I even paid the July 2005 charge of 433.35 Baht for “local” calls, when I don’t even have a handset attached to the line don’t know anyone in the “local area” I would or should have called. (I tried arguing with the bitch at Takuapa, but it was like pissing into the wind.)

TOT had almost 11 months to get their act together here in town. The tsunami took the masts which carried the utilities and transported the jumble of their telephone wires mercifully into the Andaman Sea. New poles were erected within 4 days by the electric company. Now TOT had the time and chance to install professional distribution boxes, but as can be seen in the accompanied photo it’s “rats nest city” again. How can anyone find out what belongs to whom amongst this mess ??? (One of the wires on the ground is probably my pair.)



The same goes for the telephone line to my home for which I paid 12,000 Baht last year. They mounted my wire pair on top of all the electric wires on the masts with the insulator of the “neutral” which isn’t really neutral because it isn’t grounded like it is supposed to be for almost 1 km and can on some days carry more than 60 VAC. I have appliances including my lap-top and PC that can sometimes not be touched on any metal surface without getting a small shock. At the same time with all it’s knots and loops in the line it makes their ADSL a joke.


It is suppose to be 512/256. 55555 On a good day I get perhaps 50 kb/sec, most of the time even less.

Their installation has cost me 2 DSL modems, due to lightning strikes, as well as my 65,000 Baht laptop, whose the keyboard was damaged do to a flashover from the telephone line. I had asked TOT numerous times to move the line down below the electric wires where it belongs, but it’s like beating a dead horse.

Since it is asinine to even try to do any up or down loading during the day, I sat here one morning at 6AM attempting to retrieve my e-mail. My reasoning was this: Most businesses in America are closed at this time, the Europeans are sleeping, ditto most of Asia. No business traffic to speak of, I thought. Well it took me 15 Minutes just to get onto Yahoo’s home page. (Can not find server, this page is not available, please adjust your browser’s settings, I did not understand your request et cetera) Finally success !!!! Eureka. I had 4 e-mails, one of which had to be answered immediately. After typing an answer, pressed “send” it reverted back to the “compose” mail page. Then around 7:30 ADSL went from slow to brain dead and disconnected me. Everything I had typed disappeared in cyber space. After 6 tries I just gave up.

On Friday the 9th of December, now going on the 6th week of no service, when everybody else in town had a working phone, a trip to the ghoul in Takuapa was in order. She tells me that since I hadn’t paid my November bill my phone was disconnected. What ? I tried to explain to her, that I had no service during the last 3 weeks of November and had no intentions to pay this bill. “You no pay, you no get telephone” was the reply. I could have spit nickels, but I managed to control my temper, especially since I had not taken my daily blood pressure pill. So I paid the bitch 535 Baht to keep her happy. “OK. Now when do I get my phone back ?” “In a few days” was the reply. Well, this was last Friday afternoon. The weekend is coming up so the soonest I could expect things to return to normal would be Monday.


As is turned out, Monday was another federal holiday, ergo no TOT service.

Buses were running, airplanes were flying, restaurants and shops were open, but nix TOT.

Interesting article in Saturday’s edition of the Phuket Gazette.

The Social Development and Human Security Minister Watana Muangsook wrote:

“Nearly two-thirds of Thai children display below-standard intellectual development levels, largely due to their parents’ failure to provide them with proper care at a young age.”

Figures. Most of them probably now work for TOT, Mitsubishi Thailand, and various repair services. (Ref. Post: “Does anybody in Thailand know how to repair anything ?”)

And the rip off continues:

I still have one account with a bank in the USA where my social security check is automatically deposited on the 3rd of every month. It is a debit account with overdraft protection (at a price) and is treated as though I had written a check, every time I access an ATM machine. When I had plenty of money in my Thai accounts, I really never did check, although it seemed like the money melted away rather fast, until lately. I was at the super market and short about 200 Baht. There was an ATM right outside the building. The balance query displayed that I had a balance of 1,675 Baht. OK, lets have 1000 Baht, which should have left me with 675 Baht, minus the $ 1.50 (60 Baht) my bank will charge for accessing a non Hudson United ATM.

No way José. The ledger balance was now - MINUS 424 Baht. Now my bank has the right to charge me $ 30.oo for the overdraft.

It cost me 1,099 Baht to get 1000 Baht out of this machine.!!!!!!!!!!

Now I got wary.

My social security check is around 50,000 Baht per month. (at the current 41.25 or 30) Assuming that the bank will only pay me 39 Baht per $ 1.oo US the deposit should still amount to 46,215 Baht.

On December 4th I withdrew 10,000 Baht from the account. ($256.41 + $1.50. 257.91) = 10,558.49 Baht. The receipt from the SIAM CITY BANK showed Fee: 0.00 so it should be 35,657 Baht

Lo and behold the balance was now: 32,157 Baht WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 3,500 Baht ????? ($ 85.36)

Another withdrawal on December 12th 10,000 Baht.

OK 32,157 baht minus 10,000 Baht (+ 60 Baht)



22,097 and still “no fee”

But the balance now was 20.940 Baht.

So, where did 1,157 Baht disappear to ????

Of course SIAM CITY BANK denied any wrongdoing and my US bank still insists that it only charges me $ 1.50 for every transaction.

In retrospect: It cost me 4,657 Baht to get 20,000 Baht out of their ATM.

Does anyone know who to complain to ????

I contacted Social Security in the US to change the direct deposit. If I were living in Australia, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden Portugal the UK Switzerland and Spain my S.S. check would be direct deposited into an account in those countries. But not Thailand.

May dee, may dee.

But at least it ain't cold here :o

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Wow, sad but totally believable!

As a practical solution to your phone problems, you might consider switching to a mobile with gprs, subscribe rather than prepaid, shouldn't make much difference in monthly costs, just as 'fast' as your present connection, and without any of the probs you describe.


So you think your'e having a bad week ?

My week so far,

The microwave broke down. Cost me 20k baht. Made in sweden.

A silly little 99cent relay has gone. Relay made in Malaysia.

Component not available in Thailand.

The lawnmower broke down. Cost me 22k baht.

Flymo made in UK. Part not available in Thailand.

The water pump broke down. Cost 22k baht

Davey pump made in Oz. Part not available in Thailand.

Can airmail from Oz.

Pressure washer broke down. Cost 2000 baht.

Parts not available on this planet.

Merry Christmas. Wanna join me for a sandwich ?


I can't help you with the cash but re Yahoo, when the "compose" page appears when you've typed your reply, hit "Back" and your text will reappear, "send" again and it will go.

There you go, old friend, I've fixed something for free for yer !!!

Wow, sad but totally believable!

As a practical solution to your phone problems, you might consider switching to a mobile with gprs, subscribe rather than prepaid, shouldn't make much difference in monthly costs, just as 'fast' as your present connection, and without any of the probs you describe.

I have in he past tried several alternates. Last year one satellite provider tried to sell me a system which involved a huge dish antenna. It looked like a tracking station used to contact space aliens. The price was right but then DSL came into town. Recently I found out about another satellite provider for “supposedly” 1200 Baht per month, unlimited service. The only stipulation was that I must purchase the dish antenna as well as the converter for 13,500 Baht. No problem, I just spent twice that much to get air-conditioning back on my truck which is still under warrantee. I sent my trusty Thai representative to Phuket to buy the thing. Done deal. To have it hooked up involved contacting an authorized installer. A very nice English speaking lady answered my query but her first question to me was: “Are you familiar with the monthly charges?” “Sure sweetheart, 1200 Baht a month”. “Oh no” she purred, “It is 12,000 Baht per month”. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?? I screamed.

“I don’t want to buy your company, just your service” I said softly trying not to scare the sweet sounding thing on the other end .

Then someone came up with another solution. GSM internet access thru your cell phone. A Swiss fellow who runs a diving company in Tap Lamu has the service and swears by it. Umpteen MB/sec up and download, all for only 800 Baht per month (unlimited). My US Motorola phone does not have the capability, so another trip by my Thai connection to Phuket. Purchased one Motorola GSM phone that plays Beethoven’s 7th, takes pictures, makes coffee, walks the dog and whatnot. I don’t really need all of this crap but he assured me it was the latest and greatest. Came with a USB cable and an installation CD. All for the paltry sum of 12,800 Baht. Free of TOT at last I thought, now I can tell them to stick their telephone line up their respective noses. But,… it doesn’t work (at least not in Khao Lak) NO SERVICE, emergency only. Back to square one. I received a file of 300kb in my e-mail today. It donloaded at 5,3 kb/zec I already smashed one keyboard and was ready to throw the computer off the back balcony when, after typing a fairly long e-mail, the connection was severed causing me to loose everything.

I dumped a gla of Chang over the keyboard and nuttin functiona :>((

Ever thought of moving Aviador? Maybe you're just not meant to be where you are...  :o

Very true.

If you live in the sticks, and Phang Nga is the definition of the sticks, then you can't expect to have a good internet connection.

I'm surprised your GSM doesn't have any signal though. What i mean is, is anyone else able to receive a signal? And if not, didn't u already know this when u bought a phone?

However, if other phones can get a signal, then there's something wrong with your phone. Take it back. :D

Also, you shouldn't lose an email if your connection goes down. If you are using an email client, like Outlook Express, then there's no problem, you can't possibly lose an email you are typing unless your pc crashes. If you are using webmail, such as hotmail or yahoo, u should still not lose anything. If you try to send something and it won't send because your connection has gone dead, just use the "back" button in your browser.

I do hope it works out in the end for you though.

My phone had been dead again again since the 15th of November. It is raining therefore UBC satellite TV is not working either. So, with nothing else to do, let me try to put something down as it is fresh in my memory.

Oh my god !!!!!!!.

This English phrase seems to have worked it’s way into the Thai language judging from its use on UBC Thai  movies.

As I was having breakfast this morning the 22nd of November, reading the Bangkok Post,  I very nearly gagged whilst reading the following:

“TOT wins deal to become main provider at Suvarnabhumi  airport.”

How can a bunch of stupid, incompetent, sloppy nincompoops with a reliability track record of absolute zero be entrusted to provide fixed and  wireless networks as well as internal telecommunications services at an airport, when they can not even come close to providing minimal service in a small town like Khao-lak ?

A company called “True” had expressed interest in doing business at the airport, but a source at the Information and Communications Technology Ministry stated that: “The suitability clause” in the new contract was seen as a way to block True from having a major rule. Hmmm.

Personally, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass how and why TOT was awarded the contract, but sitting here without a telephone line and no internet access AGAIN for almost 5 weeks when the answer from their “customer service department” keeps telling me “I will check” and nothing happens, I tend to get antsy. When I call my number I get this recording “The subscriber line you are trying to reach is temporarily out of order”. How long is “temporary” in Thailand ? A week a month, a year ? Is it like “preung nee” which is supposed to mean tomorrow, but never is ? I receive a bill every month and  pay it promptly. I even paid  the July 2005 charge of 433.35 Baht  for “local” calls, when I don’t even have a handset attached to the line  don’t know anyone in the “local area” I would or should have called. (I tried arguing with the bitch at Takuapa, but it was like pissing into the wind.)

TOT  had almost 11 months to get their act together here in town. The tsunami took the masts which carried the utilities and transported the jumble of their telephone wires mercifully into the Andaman Sea. New poles were erected within 4 days by the electric company. Now TOT had the time and chance to  install  professional distribution boxes, but as can be seen in the accompanied photo it’s “rats nest city” again. How can anyone find out what belongs to whom  amongst this mess ??? (One of the wires on the ground is probably my pair.)



The same goes for the telephone line to my home for which I paid 12,000 Baht last year. They mounted my wire pair on top of all the electric wires on the masts  with the insulator of the “neutral” which isn’t really neutral because it isn’t grounded like it is supposed to be for almost 1 km and can  on some days carry more than 60 VAC. I have appliances including my lap-top and PC that can sometimes not be touched on any metal surface without getting a small shock. At the same time with all it’s knots and loops in the line it makes their ADSL a joke.


It is suppose to be 512/256. 55555 On a good day I get perhaps 50 kb/sec, most of the time even less.

Their installation has cost me 2 DSL modems, due to lightning strikes, as well as my 65,000 Baht laptop, whose the keyboard was damaged do to a flashover from the telephone line. I had asked TOT numerous times to move the line down below the electric wires where it belongs, but it’s like beating a dead horse.

Since it is asinine to even try to do any up or down loading during the day, I sat here one morning at 6AM  attempting to retrieve my e-mail. My reasoning was this: Most businesses in America  are closed at this time,  the Europeans are sleeping, ditto most of  Asia. No business traffic to speak of, I thought. Well  it took me 15 Minutes just to get onto Yahoo’s home page. (Can not find server, this page is not available, please adjust your browser’s settings, I did not understand your request et cetera)  Finally success !!!! Eureka. I had 4 e-mails, one of which had to be answered immediately. After typing an answer, pressed “send” it reverted back to the “compose” mail page. Then around 7:30 ADSL went from slow to brain dead and disconnected me. Everything I had typed disappeared in cyber space. After 6 tries I just gave up.

On Friday the 9th of December, now going on the 6th week of no  service, when everybody else in town had a working phone, a trip to the ghoul in Takuapa  was in order. She tells me that since I hadn’t paid my November bill my phone was disconnected. What ? I tried to explain to her, that I had no service during the last 3 weeks of November and had no intentions to pay this bill. “You no pay, you no get telephone” was the reply. I could have spit nickels, but I managed to control my temper, especially since I had not taken my daily blood pressure pill. So I paid the bitch 535 Baht to keep her happy. “OK. Now when do I get my phone back ?” “In a few days” was the reply. Well, this was last Friday afternoon. The weekend is coming up so the soonest I could expect things to return to normal would be Monday.


As is turned out, Monday was another federal holiday, ergo no TOT service.

Buses were running, airplanes were flying, restaurants and shops  were open, but nix TOT.

Interesting article in Saturday’s edition of the Phuket  Gazette.

The Social Development and Human Security Minister Watana Muangsook wrote:

“Nearly two-thirds of Thai children display below-standard intellectual development levels, largely due to their parents’ failure to provide them with proper care at a young age.”

Figures. Most of them probably now work for TOT, Mitsubishi Thailand, and various repair services. (Ref. Post: “Does anybody in Thailand know how to repair anything ?”)

And the rip off continues:

I still have one account with a bank in the USA where my social security check is automatically deposited on the 3rd of every month. It is a debit account with overdraft protection (at a price) and is treated as though I had written a check, every time I access an ATM machine. When I had plenty of money in my Thai accounts, I really never did check, although it seemed like the money melted away rather fast, until lately. I was at the super market and short  about 200 Baht. There was an ATM  right outside the building. The balance query displayed that I had a balance of 1,675 Baht. OK, lets have 1000 Baht, which should have left me with 675 Baht, minus the $ 1.50 (60 Baht) my bank will charge for accessing a non Hudson United ATM.

No way José. The ledger balance was now - MINUS  424 Baht. Now  my bank has the right to charge me $ 30.oo for the overdraft.

It cost me 1,099 Baht to get 1000 Baht out of this machine.!!!!!!!!!!

Now I got wary.

My social security check is around 50,000 Baht per month. (at the current 41.25 or 30) Assuming that the  bank will only pay me 39 Baht per $ 1.oo US the deposit should still amount to 46,215 Baht.

On December 4th I withdrew 10,000 Baht from the account. ($256.41 + $1.50. 257.91) = 10,558.49 Baht. The receipt from the SIAM CITY BANK showed Fee: 0.00 so it should be  35,657 Baht

Lo and behold the balance was now: 32,157 Baht WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 3,500 Baht ????? ($ 85.36)

Another withdrawal on December 12th  10,000 Baht.

OK 32,157 baht minus 10,000 Baht (+ 60 Baht)



  22,097 and still “no fee”

But the balance now was 20.940 Baht.

So, where did  1,157 Baht disappear to ????

Of course SIAM CITY BANK denied any wrongdoing and my US bank still insists that it only charges me $ 1.50 for every transaction.

In retrospect: It cost me  4,657 Baht to get 20,000 Baht out of their ATM.

Does anyone know who to complain to ????

I contacted Social Security in the US to change the direct deposit. If I were living in Australia, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden Portugal the UK Switzerland and Spain my S.S. check would be direct deposited into an account in those countries. But not Thailand.

May dee, may dee.

But at least it ain't cold here  :o

..yep...oller Capitano... :D

..take it einfach easy... :D



The Bank Fees are probably from the USA side, USA banks are notorious for being pretty crappy for international transactions.

Why did you have to pay 12,000 baht for a telephone line? Seeing as you are (or should be) close enough to an exchange to get ADSL.

I wouldnt have waited till I had 2 DSL modems and a laptop fried before I put a simple UPS in, hopefully you've done that now.

The Bank Fees are probably from the USA side, USA banks are notorious for being pretty crappy for international transactions.

Why did you have to pay 12,000 baht for a telephone line?  Seeing as you are (or should be) close enough to an exchange to get ADSL.

I wouldnt have waited till I had 2 DSL modems and a laptop fried before I put a simple UPS in, hopefully you've done that now.

Yes you are right. I spoke to my "friendly" banker and he confirmed it. Total rip-off.

I am sure that the 12,000 baht went into the pocket of my erstwhile "friend".

What is a UPS ?


Uninteruptable Power Supply.

Basically, a box with a bunch of batteries that power your computer if the mains power goes down. It gives you enough time to save any work open and then shut-down the PC normally. It also has a built-in voltage surge protector. they cost about 1500 baht.

Uninteruptable Power Supply.

Basically, a box with a bunch of batteries that power your computer if the mains power goes down. It gives you enough time to save any work open and then shut-down the PC normally. It also has a built-in voltage surge protector. they cost about 1500 baht.

Definitely invest in a UPS. It has saved me almost daily grief as a result of constant power surges and cuts, whilst working on my my PC. It is one of the best investments you can make in this part of the world. Any computer shop can sell you a UPS. :o


Are APC UPSes available in Thailand? How much more do they cost than the cheapo models?

Uninteruptable Power Supply.

Basically, a box with a bunch of batteries that power your computer if the mains power goes down. It gives you enough time to save any work open and then shut-down the PC normally. It also has a built-in voltage surge protector. they cost about 1500 baht.

I have got mine hooked up with a car battery.

Keeps it running for a decent length of time.

The original 7ah battery is only good for about 3 mins

Uninteruptable Power Supply.

Basically, a box with a bunch of batteries that power your computer if the mains power goes down. It gives you enough time to save any work open and then shut-down the PC normally. It also has a built-in voltage surge protector. they cost about 1500 baht.

That's all fair and well Sir Burr. (I would love to hear a Scotsman pronounce your name. :D, Sirrrrrrrrrr Burrrrrrrrrrrrr), but the lightning came via the telephone line. A "bolt out of the blue" as they say. At the time the Storm wasn't even anywhere near here. I then installed a circuit breaker, which I use as a switch outside to the phone line and (if I remember to do it :o ) disconnect the line whenever I am away from home.

I also own some chinese contraption. Crude, with relays, no solid state spike sensitive crap, which regulates voltage variations. Not really a problem here, because other than outages due to tsunami reconstuction the juice has been delivered fathfully without major interruptions.

And, yes an 85 Ah truck battery with an inverter is also available, connected via a "hold when AC is available" relay which drops off and connects as soon as the power is off. This thing could power the whole house for quite a while.

Life in the LOS. Ever an adventure :D

Greets the ol Captain.


Yes, protects phone AND electrical supply... a must have...

and now...

Looking forward to reading the next catastrophic purchase story for a UPS...


just kidding, Cap'n... best of luck to you... as always


On the problems with accessing repair parts for imported items.

Three things one whould never do:

Move electric items from one country to another

Move motorized vehicles from one country to another

Move women from one country to another.

Are APC UPSes available in Thailand? How much more do they cost than the cheapo models?

Bought mine in Makro, saved the Laptop on the first day I had it connected. Made a hel_l of a noise when the power surge happened but did the job. Cost 1,900 Bt.

Just wondering if I should invest in one for the Satelite & other gizmos attached to the TV. :o

Hi Fred,

you've got Gmail, use it mate, it has autosave. :D

Sorry John. Nothing, nada, nichts. To access Gmail took me 15 minutes. I kept staring at the monitor, where at the left bottom corner something told me "done", but nothing was done, just a blank screen. After about 10 "refreshes" and 10 pop-up ads I finally got onto my mail.

Saturday I received a "Christmas song" in my Yahoomail from one of my sisters who lives in Germany. A file of only 3.4 mb. It was 5:30 AM here. Started out great, (for TOT anyway) 45 kb/sec, but aber 30 seconds it deteriorated to between 3.2 and as low as 1.9 kb/sec.

I went to the bathroom, put on a pot of coffe, showered and shaved. Emerging after about halve an hour it had quit and became unconscious once it reached 2.4 or .5 mb.

What garbage. :D They should be ashamed of themselves. :D:o

There's got to be a better way :D

Hi Fred,

you've got Gmail, use it mate, it has autosave. :D

Sorry John. Nothing, nada, nichts. To access Gmail took me 15 minutes. I kept staring at the monitor, where at the left bottom corner something told me "done", but nothing was done, just a blank screen. After about 10 "refreshes" and 10 pop-up ads I finally got onto my mail.

Saturday I received a "Christmas song" in my Yahoomail from one of my sisters who lives in Germany. A file of only 3.4 mb. It was 5:30 AM here. Started out great, (for TOT anyway) 45 kb/sec, but aber 30 seconds it deteriorated to between 3.2 and as low as 1.9 kb/sec.

I went to the bathroom, put on a pot of coffe, showered and shaved. Emerging after about halve an hour it had quit and became unconscious once it reached 2.4 or .5 mb.

What garbage. :D They should be ashamed of themselves. :D:o

There's got to be a better way :D

:D ..perhaps your ThaiProxy is very "lame"...

Changing proxy may help for a better connection....

To find out your IP -->


A good proxy list -->


Sorry John. Nothing, nada, nichts. To access Gmail took me 15 minutes. I kept staring at the monitor, where at the left bottom corner something told me "done", but nothing was done, just a blank screen. After about 10 "refreshes" and 10 pop-up ads I finally got onto my mail.

I don't think that is Gmail's fault, it's your dodgy line or Service providor. :o


If your tel line is so poor and is not supporting ADSL properly why not just get IPStar 2 way sat internet..

Might not be as good as ADSL but its OK and its loads cheaper now than when I used to have it a few years back.

I can't help you with the cash but re Yahoo, when the "compose" page appears when you've typed your reply, hit "Back" and your text will reappear, "send" again and it will go.

There you go, old friend, I've fixed something for free for yer !!!

Better yet highlight the text you've just composed hold 'ctrl' and hit the 'c' key, now try sending the email, if it errors and doesn't send

hit the the 'back ' button

Now if all your text has disappeared... no problem.

Just click inside the compose message area,hold 'ctrl' and tap the 'v' key and all you text will reappear!

Hope this helps!

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