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Listen up American guy.......from someone who comes from the next state over {New Hampshire}, your post is kind of embarrassing to all New Englanders; IF it's sincere, which the board still seems to be at odds believing.

See, what no one believes here, rightly so, is that a 24-year old girl would "fall in love" with a 63 year old within 2 weeks [or possibly ever]. YOU may have fallen in love, SHE may be telling you she fell in love, you may be texting each other and Skyping, etc.......but you're wasting your time, please trust me. I have been living in Thailand for 10 years now and have seen this happen literally hundreds of times and it NEVER, and I mean....wait for it......NEVER works out well in the end for the westerner.

Forget this girl, please....but don't forget Thailand. Come over here to live, it's a cool place and much cheaper than back home; if you like the beach, get a place in Koh Samui or Koh Phuket; I live on Koh Phangan, which is also lovely. If you like big cities [doubtful; if you're from Maine] live in Bangkok or maybe Chiang Mai. If you want SEX [probably the reason the 24-year old has made you feel like you are "in love"] then move to Pattaya; you will fall in love with girls like her weekly, I assure you. Frankly I am 15 years younger than you and already tired of sex, but if you are still up for it [pun intended], live in Pattaya and have a blast, your ego will go through the roof on a nightly basis.

Send me a private message if you want to know more about Thailand, half of these replies are joking around and rightly so; hardcore readers on this message board or anyone who has spent any amount of time in this country have seen this happen hundreds of time and we have little tolerance for it. Sorry but that's just the way it is.

Last point; WAKE UP!

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22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this

Do u like the beach/Mtns/rural/need other westerners around you.

With 4-10 mil u can do the house and land anywhere.

Internet all over the country

Thai food all over the country

I live in Phuket and If i were u at ur age i would NEVER buy and build. You can easily live on $2,000/month renting.

rent a nice house for a year and give it a try, if u don't like it, move to another area

DO NOT marry her for at least a year


has not replied in a while, did he already get fleeced or has he jumped off a balcony?

I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!

If you are still reading this thread see my reply above......it's sincere and I am from the next state over and would be happy to correspond with you.

Believe me, you need someone like me to set you straight.


Ask yourself this - what exactly is it about you that she finds irresistible? Is it your hairline, your waistline, or your credit line?

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It is a wind up., he made the mistake of :

1. Being to obvious up front

2. Mentioning "4-10m baht" and "rai of land" He wouldn't know this after a couple of weeks

Nobody can believe this, I suggest that the Moderator remove the post !


Bangkok is overrated, good for falling in love and enjoying a coffee.

Why not try somewhere else to while away the years with your new found teerak? From your post, you might be suited to Southern Thailand. Hat Yai is a big city and plenty of action in surrounding provinces to keep you on your toes.

Well done, That got my morning started off good! Laughter is a great way to start your day, Thank you.

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Before you buy and build wait until the government announces which areas will be chosen as floodwater catchment areas. Either that or just head for the hills.


It is a wind up.,  he made the mistake of :

1. Being to obvious up front

2. Mentioning  "4-10m baht"  and  "rai of land"    He wouldn't know this after a couple of weeks

Nobody can believe this,    I suggest that the Moderator remove the post !

Just to keep me informed, you think every post you think is a wind up should be removed?

  • Like 1

quote / What I was wondering is, should I move to Bangkok, or is there somewhere else better for me to live. / end quote.

An old peoples home......your obviously losing your marbles. I smell troll too.

Advice from a older wiser dog, stay on the porch, most, not all, (MOST) are looking for an old lonely lost soul with an ongoing ATM card, If you have endless coin, enjoy the ride, otherwise you can be broke in a New York minute.

Stash most of the cash for the next wonderful "Young" Girl that loves you to much to much, don't, above all don't let your little head, that has been dormant for years, wake up and start directing your movie, remember Harding of the arteries has no con-sense, these beautiful, priceless well trained, with large family backup, will most-likely, until you get a lot smarter, take you on the ride of your life.

Don't get me wrong, there are maybe 10 out of 100 and I could be off, that work out great until the old fart dies and he had a wonderful tail-end of his life, for-filling all of his dreams, maybe 5 out of 100.

I've had 5 wives and over 30 live-ins, I'm still learning the endless movie, of what I love most, the opposite sex.

By the way, I'm flat broke now from, trying to keep them and their family's happy, thought if I played it right, I could die of natural causes, before I was broke (NOT) Learning curves of life, I Love It.


has not replied in a while, did he already get fleeced or has he jumped off a balcony?

I didn't bother to reply as the last five pages of posts seem to have been written by blethering idiots!

;)...Blethering indeed


never to old for stupid decisions....

Thanks, I resemble that remark, thought I learned all the answers and then they changed all the questions, I used to say the nicest thing about growing up, Is that you don't have to, boy, have I been wrong for way to many years, waking up and smelling the geritol has it's merits, cha,cha,cha.


Cheaper to rent than buy especially at 24. Face it old man 62 is the new 61 these girls are not going to be with you because you look 60 instead of 62. If you are older than their parents it is not a good thing. You can hope she is poor and desperate that way she has to song and dance. If you got money you should play before you pay the down payment on some women you met for two weeks. You should tell us what coffee shop she works at so we can go give her a turn and report back if it is worth your hard earned money. I bet she already has the perfect sick water buffalo picked out and mom has order 2 cases of finest Hongs pop top moonshine to celebrate their good fortune. As the previous posters have clearly stated this is a troll because no one believes someone can be that stupid in this day and age.


...no one believes someone can be that stupid in this day and age.

You underestimate me, and, I am sure, many of my fellow posters wittering witless waffle on this forum



22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

I would have thought some people here would have some idea of a nice place to live.

Was it my fault, let me be more specific.

Looking to live somewhere with good Internet access, coffee bars, restaurants American and Thai.

Not too rural, where I could buy or build a house for 4-10Mbht on a few rai of land, money is not really a problem.

Could I have some serious suggestions from people who live in places like this

Before you do anything, before you build a house for your new girlfriend, for example, or before you purchase property, which will have to be put in her name in most cases, I advise that you simply lock up your liquid assets in good stocks like Apple Computer, and set yourself up with an income of around $5,000 USD a month. Then rent. Everything. Do not buy anything. Wait at least two years before you make any investments in the Kingdom. You need to learn about this place before you do anything.

You want to set yourself up so that you are protected. You do not want to make yourself into a nice, big fat, juicy target.

We all would like to believe that all Thai ladies are wonderful, moral creatures. And indeed, many of them are. Unfortunately, some are not, and there have been cases where gentlemen like yourself were completely stripped. In extreme cases, the gentlemen ended up dead.

I knew one such gentleman myself. He did precisely the opposite of everything that I told him not to do.

I told him not to buy a moto, that he did not need one, that he could use mass-transit just like the rest of us. He ignored me, and he got ripped off.

I told him not to live in Pattaya, that the town would eat him alive (he was in his mid-60's, and evincing signs of early-onset Alzheimer's). He moved to Pattaya. He partied like it was 1999.

I told him under no circumstances to ever patronize any service providers from Beach Road. He did so.

I told him to stay the hell away from ladyboys. Among his last words to me were, "these ladyboys are very interesting, they have had very difficult lives, many of them."

I did not hear from him for awhile. Then a guy in the states who had asked me to "look out for him" called me and told me that he was overdrawn $10,000 and in the hospital. He drank himself there.

A few weeks later, he called me again and he told me that our mutual associate had been robbed of everything, and discovered dead. It appeared that his ladyboy friends slipped him a Mickey and he did not wake up.

This is not an unusual case, unfortunately.

It happens over here.

So the recipe for success is to keep your eyes open, maintain an open heart, but ensure that you are never vulnerable to lose all of your money. Never risk more than you can simply afford to give away.

As for where to live, your girlfriend will probably tell you where she wishes to live. This will probably be in her home village, assuming that she is from up-country. If she is from Bangkok, there are many good neighborhoods where you can either rent a condo or a small house.

Hope that this helps.


lots of people talking about his age but a lot of decently wealthy american men age very well. at 65 he could look like a 35year old german/brit if he has not abused alchool. The age part is worthless without pictures


To be safe you should ask your new wife's brother to find land and build a house for his new brother in law.

Make sure you buy the brother a Toyota Hi-Lux so he can go pick up cheap deals on building materials when you give him cash.


You have to be very careful about young ladies in bangkok. Your life is in danger. She will kill you and spend your money with her boy friend. I will not advice you to sell your house in US. You will regrete. She need your money not your love


I scan another Thailand forum at times and there is another American fool right now [why do the dopes always seem to come from my homeland - or Germany?] who has a long and extremely pitiful thread about how he has fallen in love and she loves him too and they talk every day, etc, etc, blah blah, blah......age difference not so bad, I think that loser is about 50 or so and his teeruk is maybe 22; but still same-same of course.

anyway, you read on towards the later pages and now the guy is building an addition on to her home in Nakhon Whocares and he is now adding photos of grandpa and papa building the addition [which teelac is sending to him of course; we need to keep him hooked in with actual progress photos!] and it really just gets more and more pathetic every day. I don't say anything there because frankly it's too late and all the other posters, who I find extremely irresponsible, are actually cheering this guy on! Go for it! She really DOES love you! Papa will be your best buddy when you go for your visits! I guess that's why I like reading THIS forum better, you people deal in reality and not encouraging the horny dreams of aging, wayward men who should know better.

So this clown adds on the addition.....now what happens when brother needs an operation, when Uncle Ton and Aunt Lek get a leaky roof down the road, when teelac says she needs to furnish the addition "and by the way, mama could use a new kitchen table - honey"! As in Ghostbusters, "wo yoa' gonna call?" and of course....lonely sap will send it, lest 22 year old babe stops giving him nookie and even worse, she loses face in the village if he *doesn't* send. I stopped reading the thread, and that forum all together; it made me feel bad for mankind in general and yanks in particular because it makes us look bad and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

We have a job to inform these new guys....if this is NOT a wind-up I wanna help this guy, maybe even slap him around a few times.

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If it looks like a troll, walks like a troll, quacks like a troll . . .

wouldn't a troll have just given up by now?

I think it's serious.....we need to help this Maniac [that's a compliment where he comes from] before it's too late.


22 replies, none of them about where to live, apart from Mr. Canada who I believe was joking.

1 moderator reply, having remove who knows what.

Are the posters on this forum really so unhelpful?

Quite disgraceful!

If you are for real - it is truly hard to believe anyone could really be so stupid - this is some **very** sincere advice.

Do **NOT** marry this woman until she's lived with you for at least a year, during which you give her no more than USD $300 per month **total** spending money, loans for her family members, other emergencies etc.

Do **NOT** bring into Thailand any more money than the bare minimum you need to live and most especially do **NOT** "invest" in any property or business.

Once you've learned the language and lived here for the equivalent of three full years, then you may start to slightly relax these rules, but by then I'd be willing to bet you'll know not to and will be very grateful for this advice. And by then you'll be able to look for a genuinely nice girl, who unless you're very wealthy won't speak English.

As far as where to live "up to you", travel around for a while, get short-term rentals in different places, see what appeals to you. IMO you should avoid anyplace less than 50 km from anyplace with lots of other foreigners, but others would disagree.

Good luck!


Be careful.......she may find someone else while you are back in the US.

I suggest you leave her a $100,000 cash deposit so that you can reserve her.

You can't be too careful. coffee1.gif

Yes, I concur. A cash retainer will show your good intentions. Any money not spent by time you return should be spent on touring Thailand. For sure, ask her if she wants to live near relatives such as a brother or trusted friend. There is a lot more to Thailand than Bangkok. Just think, at this age everyday with her is important because there aren't as many left to enjoy the way you are right now.

I'm adding an 'edit' to ask you to also 'google' to check for 'scare' stories of love gone awry in Thailand, I've read where once in awhile December/May romances in Thailand have gone badly for the December guy. Never heard of a December girl.


it cant be in your name as that wont be legal

Why won't buying a house in my name be legal?

Why can't I own the land?

it cant be in your name as that wont be legal

Why won't buying a house in my name be legal?

Why can't I own the land?

really dont tell us your so ignorant of things here your just taking @#$#@ arent you


I scan another Thailand forum at times and there is another American fool right now [why do the dopes always seem to come from my homeland - or Germany?] who has a long and extremely pitiful thread about how he has fallen in love and she loves him too and they talk every day, etc, etc, blah blah, blah......age difference not so bad, I think that loser is about 50 or so and his teeruk is maybe 22; but still same-same of course.

There are other Thailand forums?

  • Like 1

Although there have been some good responses, personally I am not sure we need to be too concerned about this gentleman's welfare or the loss of his wealth should he be genuine, and follow through on his wish to move to LOS.

He provided a fairly clued up response to the dangers of getting fleeced by ones partner at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/538875-goodbye-uk-hello-thailand-i-think/page__st__75__p__5122947#entry5122947 which indicates to me he is not stupid.

He also indicated at this same post that he worked in the US law profession as what would appear to be a divorce attorney. Given his previous comment about how much tax he pays, and from what I understand a successful divorce attorney can make in the US, he cant be short of a bob.

It seems slightly strange however that someone who worked in law wasnt at least interested in doing a quick web search on Thai property law.

OK so everyone is saying an age gap of 40 years is doomed from the start. I do have a folllow up question then, what is the maximum age gap then for a relationship in Thailand that has a good chance of success? Maybe this should be the topic of another thread.


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.


I wonder why so many of you assume she is poor or needs me to buy her a house.

She drives a nearly new BMW, graduated from Chula and lives in a penthouse bought for her by her father, her parents appear to be quite wealthy.

I did meet her parents, her father is a lawyer (my age) and her step-mother is in her late 20s early 30s.

We all get on very well.

You neglected to mention that she was hi-so in your original post rolleyes.gif .

Good to see that you have finally corrected this mistake and, added into the equation that her father and step-mother have a huge age difference....

Heavy sigh.

Edit - Mind you, it is entertaining though - as I've absolutely no doubt you intended.


Wow man you have a lot to learn. Here is an article i wrote that will do you and a lot of guys looking for that perfect lady. I have been living here for more than 22 years, lived at a temple for 2 years and taught at a University in Chiang Mai for 2 years. I did all that before meeting the perfect lady. I wanted to learn the culture before i got seriuos with a lady. This article should help you learn the proper way for dating and meeting a real Thai lady.

See http://www.squidoo.com/Dating_and_Romance_Thai_Style

Hope this helps all the guys out there.



And you don't find it odd that she would fall in love in 2 weeks with a guy 40 years older than herself?

A girl like you just described can land just about any Thai or westerner she wants......do you look like George Clooney or something?

Forgive us for being skeptical, but shouldn't a 24-year old in a coffee shop be looking for some guy closer to her own age who will, you know, still be around in 15 years?

Now I am on the side of the wind-up guys....... when something looks or sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

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