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Paypal Atm, Anyone Use It?


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my bank also charges 5$ US with international ATM's so I dont' use it

I have been using the AAA Visa Travel Money Card and it only charges 2$$ US per transaction. I have only used it at ATM's and not to pay for items in shops.

prepaid cards


i notice the paypal atm card only charges $1 per withdrawl at any ATM. does any one know, does it work in thailand? i currently pay $5 per withdraw with my US bank, and i'm trying to find a cheeper way to get money.

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I replied to this post earlier but seems the computer ate it so here is another.

Check of web site shows that Thailand is not on the list of countries that can use the ATM card. Fine print shows they set the exchange rate themselves and then take 2.5% more as a fee. Not sounding so good now?

For those living here a local bank account and large transfers is not a bad way to do it. Using a local ATM card at no charge (or small charge outside home city) and the full exchange rate of the transfer can make up the $50 or so charges in fees for the transfer.

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