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Female Thai Student Claims Lecturer Gives Attractive Students Better Grades


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This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf. Needless to say she no longer goes to school there so everyone looses. The teacher lost his job, the school had to refund the money, the guy broke off the relationship with Gf and the school got a bad rap by word of mouth. All because some dirt bag could not control himself....low class !!!

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I also remember when girls attended elementry school they all had to have short hair. This was a Thai custom to remember the days when they were fighting Burma and all the women cut their hair short to look like men so when they were working in the fields the Burmese would think they were men and not attack the village while the men were away fighting.

How things change.

Interesting, I had no idea this is where the tradition came from.

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This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf. Needless to say she no longer goes to school there so everyone looses. The teacher lost his job, the school had to refund the money, the guy broke off the relationship with Gf and the school got a bad rap by word of mouth. All because some dirt bag could not control himself....low class !!!

Why call him a dirt bag, takes two and it seems that she couldn't control herself either.

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This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf. Needless to say she no longer goes to school there so everyone looses. The teacher lost his job, the school had to refund the money, the guy broke off the relationship with Gf and the school got a bad rap by word of mouth. All because some dirt bag could not control himself....low class !!!

Why call him a dirt bag, takes two and it seems that she couldn't control herself either.

Did she come home from school and proclaim like the girl in the movie American Pie: "I ....... the English teacher today."?

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This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf. Needless to say she no longer goes to school there so everyone looses. The teacher lost his job, the school had to refund the money, the guy broke off the relationship with Gf and the school got a bad rap by word of mouth. All because some dirt bag could not control himself....low class !!!

Why call him a dirt bag, takes two and it seems that she couldn't control herself either.

Perhaps she realized an odd shag meant a degree eh. coffee1.gif

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This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf.

Boys will be boys.

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Unlikely to just have been a case of favourable assessments but one rather of open preferential treatment to one or two and spitefulness towards others. It isn't just a few extra marks. I have seen it in operation (not in Thailand). Very difficult to prove but you know it when you see it. Most students suffer in silence.

Edited by yoshiwara
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Yeah, seriously! If a young lady dresses like a harlot, who's to blame? In case of most body being revealed, almost any touch would be inappropriate. But the lecturer should have known better. Get a girl somewhere else, not at your work place...

Khun Sandpaper, what sort of misogynist are you? "Dresses like a harlot"? The female students are in university uniform! Does this make all female students harlots?? angry.png

She had it coming m'lord, I couldnt help it. What outstanding self control.

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A profanity laced inflammatory rant post has been removed as well as the quoted replies.

Note to self: Do not reply to moronic posts, or the moderator will step in, delete the moronic post, and my carefully thought out reply / rebuttal....... :-)

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Gotta laugh - back in the day, when i was a uni-tutor, fraternisation between staff and students was the norm - NOT harrassment, just hanky-panky between students aged 18 to 30, 40... and staff aged potentially as young as 24 onwards. That was in good old uptight England btw, but it largely died out after feminist-organized 'Committees Against Harrassment' put the fear of xxx into male staff from around 1980 onwards. The urban-myth that 'so-and-so had got a good grade for going with tutor X' is as old as ye hills, and universally so, so no need to get all Thai-focussed over it. Just another slightly salacious bit of froth to fill a newspaper. BUT - the part about encouraging female students to name and shame a lecturer ANONYMOUSLY - whoah...no way jose - then you'd get female students ( or the other way round ) accusing staff of harrassment which was rejected, because the student had got a justifiably bad grade for being stoopid or lazy ! 'My bad grade was payback for saying No'... Complain and accuse ok, but not from behind a cloak of anonymity. That aint justice.

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Newsflash: they also get jobs easier (all else equal), richer husbands, and probably own much more land.


You're right on the money there Heng. Attractive women have an easier path through life than fuglies, and I don't know of any that don't play on it, as well as make it pay. The best looking models aren't married to tradesmen, but bankers and brokers, drive Porsches, not compacts, and are part of the gym and latte set. It's not much more than hookering, just a different strata.

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Picture !!!

More like this! rolleyes.gif

Do you walk round insulting people like the title of your picture shows you do Payboy?

Hmmmmm sometimes, usually when I cant find any better words to describe a person.

Don't forget to cc Miss Manners. rolleyes.gif

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Quite so, but we are also talking about ethics, morality, and standards of professionalism. We are also talking about the ability of students to get into a good university, LEARN, get a good career, and enjoy a successful life based on their talents, preferences, opportunities, and abilities. Since the focus of educational institutions is ostensibly education, one might hope that aspect is given some weight, and that academic ability gains recognition for academic attainment, rather than the tightness of a school uniform.

This kind of behavior happens all the time in Thailand not just in the colleges but also in the English schools. One of my mates sent his GF to take English classes. A few weeks later he finds out that the teacher banged his Gf.

Boys will be boys.

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Sawatdee krup, I am also a teacher of English at the university level. I can be said that there are students who use their looks to manipulate teachers. It happens to me weekly. My point, which has been stated previously, is that teachers MUST look beyond the 'sexy' outfits and see beyond the 'flirts' and realize that we, as teachers, are looked upon by Thai society with great respect and it is a teachers job to be professional, doing otherwise jeopardizes 'all' of us. Thank you.

Ajarn Tommy (B.A. Liberal Arts)

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Picture !!!

More like this! rolleyes.gif

Let us be charitable re these ladies. They are doing their best to conform and wearing the largest size available in uniforms. Their only other option would be to wear a tent.

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I said a few posts back

You're right on the money there Heng. Attractive women have an easier path through life than fuglies, and I don't know of any that don't play on it, as well as make it pay. The best looking models aren't married to tradesmen, but bankers and brokers, drive Porsches, not compacts, and are part of the gym and latte set. It's not much more than hookering, just a different strata.

I missed a point. The payout is greater when they divorce if they married 'high' rather than 'low'!

Fifty years ago I worked in a bank, and the manager had a few pearls of wisdom he would disseminate to the staff. One was "marry money; you can learn to love her later".

Edited by F4UCorsair
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No place for this in any university anywhere in the world. Sadly, all too common.

Not always true. Have you heard of women education institution, often also know as convent? They may give mancho man better grades.

Convent schools will also have some lesbian teachers,

and they 'may' go after the novices, just as inappropriately.

The point is ANY teacher doing it is bad,

but sadly not as unusually as it might seem.

Years ago I worked at a school in which the nuns used the tougher students "Tom Boy's" to fight with the other girls who wouldn't comform to the teachers ways.

It was a terrible thing to watch. The teachers that were involved would come to the class with there gang of Tom boy girls to beat or hit the young girls...I can only guess what it was all about

but it was a school here in Bangkok. They would do anything to cut the girls hair short and make them look like TOM's. You can actually look at the girls from a young age from pictures on the shcool walls. As the girls grow older and become developed you will see them in pictures where they have seemed to of conformed to being butch wiith butch teachers like little butch gangs. It was easy to get the impression that the Nuns approve of it because it is only the Nuns and the butch teachers that stay at the school in the evenings with these young girls. Sometimes I would leave the school late and walk through the area where the Nuns lived and you could see these very young girls either taking stuff to the Nuns rooms or leaving with very angry faces.... It looked like profit sharing...and you could feel the tension in the school from those girls...it was very sad.

Edited by oops
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Good for her. This young lady standing up for herself is a great inspiration to all Thai women. That they can stand up to this, still largely male dominant society where most guys think they can treat the other sex how they please without consequence. Good for you!!!

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Picture !!!

That's what I mean!

Doctors and Nurses, Teachers and Students, American soldiers and Muslim prisoners, they all just doing what comes natural to them, close proximity breeds sex, that's human nature.

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Not right but welcome to the real world studentswai.gif

That's dead right! I remember when I was teaching business English at UTCC (มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย) in Bangers years ago, we traded grades for happy endings on more than one occasion. The students were pretty fit as I remember, as can be seen form this youtube clip from UTCC:

the mind boggles!passifier.gif

Anyway, teaching is a mug's game and the money is rubbish, so if the teacher in question got caught with his pants down, time to move on!

I prefer working on Oil Rigs myself, except the students aren't quite so lovely as at UTCC!


Sorry to state the obvious but it seems you are addmitting to fraud in return for sexual favours, which may or may not have been with someone of the legal age of consent. Maybe working on the rigs, far away, is a good idea !

It is understandable why many Thais have developed an opinion regarding the quality of foreign teachers.

Not fraud, they gave me what I wanted and I gave them what they wanted, law of the market, mate! Fraud would be them promising me a bj and me giving them good grades and then them calling the police, or me promising them a good grade, then getting a bj, but giving them a bad grade...er,sorry to state the obvious, and if you don't like it, go back to Milton Keynes and do it yourself while watching the BBC. Long live thailand, land of the free!

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I also remember when girls attended elementry school they all had to have short hair. This was a Thai custom to remember the days when they were fighting Burma and all the women cut their hair short to look like men so when they were working in the fields the Burmese would think they were men and not attack the village while the men were away fighting.

How things change.

Interesting, I had no idea this is where the tradition came from.

Thank you for your reply as i want people to know real Thai culture. If you have any questions please ask.

I went to Thai culture and history classes while I was teaching at Payap University in Chiang Mai. I also learned about traditional music and dance. The professors taught me a lot about Thai culture as I was invited into their homes and family life. Thai people are very warm and loving and for those who embrase their culture will know how wonderful Thailand truly is. I am sincerely blessed to live here and learn their culture and lifestyle that is peaceful and sooo friendly. For those who wish to learn true Thai culture they will have a wonderful experience they will cherish for a lifetime.

have fun,


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Sawatdee krup, I am also a teacher of English at the university level. I can be said that there are students who use their looks to manipulate teachers. It happens to me weekly. My point, which has been stated previously, is that teachers MUST look beyond the 'sexy' outfits and see beyond the 'flirts' and realize that we, as teachers, are looked upon by Thai society with great respect and it is a teachers job to be professional, doing otherwise jeopardizes 'all' of us. Thank you.

Ajarn Tommy (B.A. Liberal Arts)

Woops teacher Tommy! A few grammar and spelling issues here. Agree with you sentiments though. Teachers, of any level, should be examples of professional and ethical behaviour.

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Not right but welcome to the real world studentswai.gif

That's dead right! I remember when I was teaching business English at UTCC (มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย) in Bangers years ago, we traded grades for happy endings on more than one occasion. The students were pretty fit as I remember, as can be seen form this youtube clip from UTCC:

the mind boggles!passifier.gif

Anyway, teaching is a mug's game and the money is rubbish, so if the teacher in question got caught with his pants down, time to move on!

I prefer working on Oil Rigs myself, except the students aren't quite so lovely as at UTCC!


Sorry to state the obvious but it seems you are addmitting to fraud in return for sexual favours, which may or may not have been with someone of the legal age of consent. Maybe working on the rigs, far away, is a good idea !

It is understandable why many Thais have developed an opinion regarding the quality of foreign teachers.

Not fraud, they gave me what I wanted and I gave them what they wanted, law of the market, mate! Fraud would be them promising me a bj and me giving them good grades and then them calling the police, or me promising them a good grade, then getting a bj, but giving them a bad grade...er,sorry to state the obvious, and if you don't like it, go back to Milton Keynes and do it yourself while watching the BBC. Long live thailand, land of the free!

No, it's fraud and coercion "mate". Hopefully, Thailand, like lots of other developing countries has started to be more discerning about the academic and moral qulifications of those allowed to teach. If you did this in most countries and someone complained, you'd probably serve a prison sentence if proved guilty; and no doubt enjoy the BJ's there! Law of the market .... yeah right, excuse to take advantage without morals and ethics.

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When I was studying sociology, we read numerous reports about attractiveness in the work place. Highly attractive people of both sexes were given better raises, better evaluations and more opportunities for advancement than unattractive people--even when having work- roles that were based on productivity and could be measured in actual units.

We like attractiveness, forgive attractive people more readily, and even see pictures of people and declare that we can tell if someone is a murderer because they have or do not have a shady look. Similar studies found that highly attractive convicts were consistently given lighter sentences, more readily paroled by boards, and less mistreated by the prisoners.

We are so hypnotized by attraction that some people equate beauty and intelligence, although results disprove this in every instance. Luckily, I'm a really handsome (to my near-sighted fiance) and a certified genius (according to the governing board of the Special Olympics).

I just read the story and thought how one-sided it would be to either join a lynching mob or discount the complaint as some vendetta from an ugly girl.

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