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Sick Of People Knocking Pattaya


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If the quote that you refer to

but a guy who lives away from here and obviously either has never been here ,or if he has only visits the less salubrious parts ,stated that Pattaya was"the drain hole of south east Asia so better leave your standards at home and who lives in a place like that anyway?"

was made on this Forum, can you referance it please.

It was made in the pattaya news section ,regarding a beer bar owner who had supplied underage girls,the guy made the disparaging remark about Pattaya and the "sort"of people who live here ,i gave as good as he had given and my post was deleted by the mods ,i posted again ,in a less heavy style ,this was deleted as well , some time later the posters original post was taken down as well,although i at no time reported it ,i never do that ,only reply .

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Whats all this talk of people not having enough money to live in Pattaya, is it supposed to be more expensive than Bangkok?

some people claim that living in New York, Paris or Tokyo is cheaper than living in Pattaya. Bangkok? that's where the poor Thais and Expats live who can only afford a weekend in Pattaya once in a blue moon.


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Pattaya has a well deserved negative stigma attached to it and we all know why. However that doesn't mean that all the people that live there are whoremongers and perverts, that is obviously not the case. But people all over the world know of Pattaya's reputation and it is natural for them to make assumptions. As with so many negative stereotypes applied to Thailand you just have to accept that the eagerness of Thai people to provide certain services which have made them infamous around the world are here to stay and you just have to rise above it or just ignore it.

Sticks and stones.

hmm... what's wrong about being whoremonger?


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I agree. The people who are the "Pattaya bashers" have only ever read about it or when they visited here have only stayed on soi 13 etc. and have never looked around "Pattaya". They come here with no intensions of looking around and have no vehicle so they only report the bad stuff they see and most likely many of them were ripped off by ladyboys or that of the sort.

I have been in Thailand for 11 years strait and have lived in Phuket, Bkk and the Northern regions but have spent a good 5 or 6 years here for many reasons. You can visit any city in the world and report the bad easy however when you live here (if you are just a normal person) Pattaya has tons of good to offer and the surrounding areas as well.

I like it here because I have easy access to the hi-way and can travel easy from here and for the western food I can buy and cook or the many restaurants etc. Also has over 36 golf courses, beautiful beaches just south within 15 minutes and everything that a western city would have but with the added bonus of being in asia and you don't need to ride far to be in the middle of only Thai's if you want. Best of both worlds really.

When I first came to Thailand of course I came to Pattaya and did all the "fun" things and was like being in a candy store however this you grow out of but still have the opportunity to visit or bring your visiting friends to.

I don't even really go out to bars etc. these days but if I want to I can. I LOVE PATTAYA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Nervousurgeon I did however just notice your other post: Even after 23 years walking street is just the same ,rubbish tourist trap.

Would pretty much agree with all of that.

I firmly believe that pound for pound Pattaya is without doubt that best place to live in Thailand.

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Pattaya has a well deserved negative stigma attached to it and we all know why. However that doesn't mean that all the people that live there are whoremongers and perverts, that is obviously not the case. But people all over the world know of Pattaya's reputation and it is natural for them to make assumptions. As with so many negative stereotypes applied to Thailand you just have to accept that the eagerness of Thai people to provide certain services which have made them infamous around the world are here to stay and you just have to rise above it or just ignore it.

Sticks and stones.

hmm... what's wrong about being whoremonger?


Yeah, nothing wrong with that. If people are anti-sex, that's their problem not mine. I'd rather enjoy an active sex life than worry about the opinions of small minded people.

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Pattaya has a well deserved negative stigma attached to it and we all know why. However that doesn't mean that all the people that live there are whoremongers and perverts, that is obviously not the case. But people all over the world know of Pattaya's reputation and it is natural for them to make assumptions. As with so many negative stereotypes applied to Thailand you just have to accept that the eagerness of Thai people to provide certain services which have made them infamous around the world are here to stay and you just have to rise above it or just ignore it.

Sticks and stones.

hmm... what's wrong about being whoremonger?


Nothing wrong with being a whoremonger, it's perfectly natural, supply and demand.
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One profane post removed, if you can not post without swearing then get used to long posting suspensions.

3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

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in have just spent a week in Phuket and week in Samui, i cant wait to get back to patters, grass looked greener but for me its browner. cant wait to get back and sample an ice cold beer in my my favourite air con bar, sheer Bliss. Phuket it was i got this money and that money, Samui i got this gun and that gun, and i am real bad guy chat.

Patters the best, great roads, some law and order and not to much Bull S*%t,

yeap and Russians are every where, funny thing tonite pizza was buy one get one free, girl was trying her hardest to explain it was free and the russkies were going mad sayiny they not order it. big smiles when i just explained, free no money, could not get there hands on it fast enough.

Sam migs in low quality bars 100 baht, give me a break, cheap charlie ville back tomorrow, proper breakfast in canterbury tales 120 baht not a tiny one for 160.

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I don't bash Pattaya, nor do I know a lot about it. However, it DOES have its reputation. If you choose to live there, you choose to live with the town's reputation and all the connotations that go with it. Whether they are true or false is irrelevant; it is what people believe. So if you don't like it, live somewhere else. You sure as hell are not going to change anybody's mind about the place. If you are over 50, you should be old enough to know that the masses will not under any circumsantces allow themselves to be confused by facts.

Yes, it has a reputation and justly deserved for the most part. Personally, I don't care whether it has a reputation or not as Pattaya ticks all the boxes on my list for a location to live. Decent infrastructure, affordable housing, relatively low cost of living, western amenities, reliable internet (ok, that may be a stretch), international banking, close to international airport, etc. As someone else noted, if you are living in Naklua, Jomtien, Bang Saray or the Darkside, it is a different world. It is quite easy to avoid Walking Street and the beer bars on the side sois off Beach Road if you are offended by the flesh trade. Much like people that live at the beach never go to the beach. Many expats living in Pattaya that never go to Walking Street unless they are entertaining guests who insist.

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hmm... what's wrong about being whoremonger?


Absolutely nothing. But what is funny is how many guys live in Pattaya and pretend that's not why they are really there.

There for the clean beach, the great culture, the golf.... LOL. Yea, whatever pal.

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The sea & beach here is indeed a nasty drain hole

the endless traffic jam & no available parking space sucks arse too,

other than that and the below 50 visa hell, it is the 2nd greatest place i know of

2nd only to Sihanoukville and for abovementioned reasons.

OTOH it has fantastic thai food and a nightlife that doesn't bore to death

Edited by poanoi
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Actually I wouldn't live in Pattaya. It is just too congested for me. I much prefer Jomtien and in fact, I have a condo there.

Why is it that Pattaya, Jomtien and the dark side are growing so rapidly? Could it possibly be that it is a great area to live?

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Yep, like Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. Its for the tourists.

i prefer feeding the animal life in Patters than hot dogs to Sea lions in fishermans wharf, smell very similar.

whats your verdict on those hot dogs

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Hi everyone, I've been going to Pattaya for around 20 years now and I will be there in 2 Months time again. I love the place and I have some long term decent friends there both Thai and Farang that I look forward to catching up with again. My god, hasn't the place grown so much over the years? I have travelled to 46 countries around the world so far but Pattaya is still my second home. It's got nothing to do with money, it's all about lifestyle, you can live as cheap or as expensive as you like. Roll on the 2 Months, I think about Pattaya and my mates there everyday, miss everything about the joint.

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I don't know if you call it "bashing" or not but there are some of us expats who do make constructive critism (complaints) about how the city manages things because this IS our home--we live here. If I was a "two week tourist" just here for the surf, booze, and girls then the decaying Beach Road prominade, erosion of Pattaya Bay Beach, or the cluttered pot holed sidewalks wouldn't bother me (only the cost of beer). Farangs who live in Pattaya most likely don't even visit Walking Street or the soi bars -- there are other alternatives (movies, bowling, the beach, golf, fishing, eating out...). It is like surfing with your remote control when watching TV, you pick and choose what you want.

Edited by toenail
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I don't know if you call it "bashing" or not but there are some of us expats who do make constructive critism (complaints) about how the city manages things because this IS our home--we live here. If I was a "two week tourist" just here for the surf, booze, and girls then the decaying Beach Road prominade, erosion of Pattaya Bay Beach, or the cluttered pot holed sidewalks wouldn't bother me (only the cost of beer). Farangs who live in Pattaya most likely don't even visit Walking Street or the soi bars -- there are other alternatives (movies, bowling, the beach, golf, fishing, eating out...). It is like surfing with your remote control when watching TV, you pick and choose what you want.

Well put!

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Actually I wouldn't live in Pattaya. It is just too congested for me. I much prefer Jomtien and in fact, I have a condo there.

Why is it that Pattaya, Jomtien and the dark side are growing so rapidly? Could it possibly be that it is a great area to live?

The areas you mention are great ,but i reckon the reason thats where the building is going on is because there is very little room left in Patters to build.

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I don't know if you call it "bashing" or not but there are some of us expats who do make constructive critism (complaints) about how the city manages things because this IS our home--we live here. If I was a "two week tourist" just here for the surf, booze, and girls then the decaying Beach Road prominade, erosion of Pattaya Bay Beach, or the cluttered pot holed sidewalks wouldn't bother me (only the cost of beer). Farangs who live in Pattaya most likely don't even visit Walking Street or the soi bars -- there are other alternatives (movies, bowling, the beach, golf, fishing, eating out...). It is like surfing with your remote control when watching TV, you pick and choose what you want.

Well put!

Well phwased mate, well phwased! I agwee with all what you wroted. Patters as it all, as shops, gweat shops, as gweat food, gweat bars, all top notch first class. Patters as class and all those who bash it are poor and not big money like Patters peoples who live ere long time.

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Actually I wouldn't live in Pattaya. It is just too congested for me. I much prefer Jomtien and in fact, I have a condo there.

Jomtien is nice once you get out past the busy Dongtan corner, and gets nicer the further down you go.

Why is it that Pattaya, Jomtien and the dark side are growing so rapidly? Could it possibly be that it is a great area to live?

Ever been to Russia? If so, you understand why they are pouring into Pattaya and wanting to stay.

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It is an unfortunate fact that those who are anti Pattaya can not afford to live here, don't be sick of them, pity them.

I think many of the "anti Pattaya" brigade have actually only spent time in Central Pattaya. And have not ventured to the outlying areas where there is so much more to see and do. As mentioned above, many of us who live here rarely go to Central Pattaya. Other than a foray to Central Festival!

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The ONLY thing I would like to see different in Pattaya as it seems to have it's own rules and regulations is that they give more licenses to bars who want to host open jam sessions. The music scene is crap here for us really. There was the ols jam on soi 6 Jomtien that was fun then that other one at green gardens is it, closed down. Now the only one left seems to be at Leo's which is GREAT however it caters more to the electric jammers.

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It is an unfortunate fact that those who are anti Pattaya can not afford to live here, don't be sick of them, pity them.

I think many of the "anti Pattaya" brigade have actually only spent time in Central Pattaya. And have not ventured to the outlying areas where there is so much more to see and do. As mentioned above, many of us who live here rarely go to Central Pattaya. Other than a foray to Central Festival!

Central Pattaya is the best part! No really. I live here myself. Soi 6(giggle.gif ), beach and restaurants within a short distance to my apartment.

I've lived out past Sukhumvit and found it far too dull.

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It is an unfortunate fact that those who are anti Pattaya can not afford to live here, don't be sick of them, pity them.

I think many of the "anti Pattaya" brigade have actually only spent time in Central Pattaya. And have not ventured to the outlying areas where there is so much more to see and do. As mentioned above, many of us who live here rarely go to Central Pattaya. Other than a foray to Central Festival!

Central Pattaya is the best part! No really. I live here myself. Soi 6(giggle.gif ), beach and restaurants within a short distance to my apartment.

I've lived out past Sukhumvit and found it far too dull.

Excellent! That's what it's all about. You can have it both ways!!! Perfect.

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