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Ten Things You Will Never Hear In Thailand.........


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Thai parent to child, No you can't take the motorbike unless you wear a helmet.

Thai pickup driver on dual track road, I think i will move to the inside lane as i am doing only 50kmh and don't intend to turn right for another 4kms.

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Thai neighbour:

I feel absolutely awful what must our guest farang neigbour think of us, after all, he's out there cleaning his car tyre every other day because our dog pisses all over it and then shits outside his gate then barks all night just to really drive him up the wall.

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I don't know what part of thailand you live in but Thais actually read quite a lot, bookshops are actually doing very good with Thai language books. so of course they may not read nietzche or kilkegaarde because its not in they scholar cursus at the contrary of european countries ( or truman Capote and John Fante for the american cursus) ... but they do have good authors like Piram Suda for instance who was nominated for the nobel prize of literature few years back...

Pile of rubbish all round, very very few Thais read extensively, I'd say less than 1% read by choice more than ten hours per year. Many farang don't read much either, especially in recent generations, but I don't know anyone back home who doesn't read at least a few books per year - that's real books, hundreds of pages of just words, not comic books or glossy magazines.

Over the years I've accumulated about half a shipping container's worth of books, and hope to one day open a second-hand book/coffeeshop. Most Thais when encountering my collection will ask something along the lines of "I can help you get rid of those", and I found out they mean sell them to the scrap recycler for pulping by the kg!

Regarding Pira, the Nobel Committee does not publicize the identities of any nominees for a period of fifty years after voting. There is no way to know who was nominated for a given Nobel Prize, and just because someone in a position of sufficient prestige in Thailand nominated him doesn't mean he's all that great.

OK for entertainment and learning about what the culture of Isaan used to be like, but not world-class from a literary POV.

I don't wish this to be deemed critical but in nearly eight years i don't remember ever seeing a thai read a book.

Just an observation so please don't bother to flame!

Just go to a bookstore. There are loads of Thais in the comics and sappy romance sections. Older folk in the Thai equivalent to the X-file section and horoscopes, Tarot, palm reading, and other sort of divination to assess one's luck. A few brainy types in the Computer section. Everyone else in the magazine section. :)

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Thai: I know I shouldn't be driving on the shoulder in the opposite direction of oncoming traffic, but I'll take full responsibility if I cause an accident.

Uni student: I didn't learn anything in uni, but the graduation photo that I show everyone is what mattered.

Farang: my wife is dumb as dirt, but she can suck the Chrome of a trailer hitch.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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#321 Thai Driver ....... I will not take the racing line on this corner

#322 Thai Driver ....... Oh, I've always wondered what those white lines were painted on the car park ... you mean that you are supposed to park parallel to and equidistant between them. Khun Farang, thank you for this helpful parking advice.

#323 Thai Driver ....... You mean you are supposed to stay within the white lane markers when driving and they are not just a guideline. Thank you Khun Farang, thank you for this helpful driving advice.

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Are we up to number 324 already? This thread is heading towards being a complete guide to Thailand.

324.....we not like dog go China for dinner, 200 baht per dog? Ok, how many you want?

You come Korea have holiday. Maybe we do deal. Ok?

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Thai – ‘Toilet paper? What do you need that for?’

Thai Pharmacist - ‘....hmmmmm.....you hab chest pain, your speech is slurred and you hab paralysed down the right side?...okay, just take these antibiotics and charcoal tablets.’

Normal Thai lass – ‘I’d really love to go out with you for dinner but have to refuse because other Thais will think I’m a hooker if they see me with a farang.’

Bar lass – ‘Me hab come from Udon Thani!’ (I come from a small village only recently discovered by civilisation and possibly within a 100 mile radius of Udon Thani.)

Sister of bar lass her – ‘Money No.2’

Issan village Senior Monk after raking in yet another crate of goodies from a fellow villager who wanted some ‘advice’ on his poor rice crop – ‘By Buddha, I really earn my wages..next..’

Thai – ‘Me happy if people call Thailand a 3rd world country as it takes the pressure off a bit to really hab to perform on the world stage.’

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Farang Tourist: I'm not a very good rider, in fact I've never ridden a motrbike at all. Perhaps it's best I don't try and learn whilst drunk and not wearing a helmet or a jacket while speeding in the dark.

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Are we up to number 324 already? This thread is heading towards being a complete guide to Thailand.

324.....we not like dog go China for dinner, 200 baht per dog? Ok, how many you want?

You come Korea have holiday. Maybe we do deal. Ok?

Ok we do deal, 250 baht? We have no soi dog left in Chiang Mai, already China make into Hotdog.

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I'm liking this thread. Maintain sense of humour people!

OK, sorry if i repeat someone else, havn't had time to read all.....

1.Bar girl..."How's your mum? If she sick i send you money"

2.Bar girl... "How's your mums buffalo? If it sick i send it money"

3. Bar girl...Wow you are ugly man."

4. Bar girl..."I work bar only 10 years"

5. Bar girl..." Please bar fine my friend, i no need money"

6. Bar girl..."Please i borrow 2000bht, my boss pay me next week and i will not pay you back"

7. Anonymous policeman..."HOW DARE YOU! Are you aware it's illegal to try and bribe an officer of the law"

8. Anonymous policeman..."I'm sorry, i cannot drink alcohol while on duty"

9. Anonymous policeman..."I stop you because you drive so good. Here, take 200 baht as a reward"

10. Tourist policeman, Pattaya..."Aah, i understand everything you said and i will go to every length humanly possibble to apprehend the nefarious miscreants tha have caused your stay here to be problematic"

11. Phuket tuk tuk driver..."It was only a kilometre, just give me 20 baht"


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Ok, well done Blether. 300 odd entries of Things you will never hear in Thailand!.

Here is the consolidated list with minimal formatting, some catagorisation and some dupes removed.

I will add a final one of: TV Forum posters naturally adopting a consistant way of formatting their bleeding posts %^#%#^!

necronx99 ...

great work and I am sure appreciated by the OP and all those who contributed ... wai.gif


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