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Hello all, I am looking to stay in Thailand for about 6 months maybe a year.

I have been in Thailand for 7 years and have always had education visa's (graduated from a 4 year full univeristy program in Thailand), or I have been emplyed as a teacher for government schools.

The issue is I do part time work online as a computer consultant and I am making way more money than I can teaching. I would like to end teaching and just work full time on my unregistered business but stay in the country with my family.

I have a son who I am not the legal father in Thailand, but I am the legal father in the USA (he lives with me and has dual passports). I will be marrying a girl very soon (not the mother of my child).

I understand that I can get an education visa from walen or what not and study online for about 22,000 a year.

I also understand that I can get the marrage visa. Part of the issue with this is I do not at this time have 400,000 in the bank account and will have to sell some gold over in the USA to get it. This will be a massive pain.

I was paid 32,000 a month in the last year from the governent and can prove it. I also brought in about 30,000 a month over the last year but I did not declair or pay taxes on this income. Much of it was since January. Adding the two together the total will be above 40,000.

My visa and work will end April 30th.

Should I just sign up for the classes? I don't mind brushing up on my Thai. Is there a way I can do the marage visa in time with my income? If not in time with the 400,000?



Marriage requires an income of 40,000 a month OR 400,000 in the bank for 2 months.

Income from within Thailand must be shown with tax documents, income from abroad must be confirmed with a letter from your embassy.

Alternatively, when married you cna get a multiple non-O from Savanakhet in Laos, would give you almost 15 months, with border runs every 90 days.


Marriage requires an income of 40,000 a month OR 400,000 in the bank for 2 months.

Income from within Thailand must be shown with tax documents, income from abroad must be confirmed with a letter from your embassy.

Alternatively, when married you cna get a multiple non-O from Savanakhet in Laos, would give you almost 15 months, with border runs every 90 days.

Would I need to show income for this 15 month border run visa path?

Also since my income is split that will make it a pain right? Also all I can do is show that I brought in like $10 to $20k US into Thailand in the last year. I can't show where it came from. I do not know what income means. :/ Much of the money was taken out of my savings account using an ATM card.

Thanks for you assistance.

I'm going to edit this becasue I reread what you posted.

So assuming I get married in the next few weeks on April 30th I can go to Loas (Vientian?) and get the Marrage visa with no income? This will cost about how much? Also the boarder runs each month will just be the fee to get into that country?



The income letter would be what you state on a letter the Embassy notarizes with your signature. But you would need to have paperwork to support this figure if immigration requests it and as you do not have tax trail or income from employment that could be problematic so would highly suggest using bank deposit of 400k when that becomes available to extend your stay. Until that time multi entry O visa seems your best choice. That will require marriage certificate/copy of wife id and home registers and visa application at Consulate (cost as said above will be about 5,000 baht for visa) and Savannakhet seems to issue without financial proof currently. KL will issue with 100k in a bank account proof. All will issue single entry without financial proof and there is also a 60 day extension of stay available from immigration without financial proof if needed. Recurring cost will be a border crossing every 90 days for multi entry visa. Believe Laos has about $40 visa charge but no fee in Thailand.


Very interesting. Thank you for your helpful ideas.

I have a 1 year visa now and a work permit. This will end April 30th. I assume I will need to be in Loas around this time? Can I do it before? Also I assume I can cross into Loas from the friendship bridge that was just opened. I won't need to goto Veintian correct?

My soon to be wife had her "home registers" change I think. She has a signed copy of some document that is related to this but she does not have that "house book". Will this be okay?

Thanks again, this seems to be much easier than I expected.

All the other documetns will be fine and she will go with me to Loas.


For the visa a Consulate visit would be required but for the 90 day trips just crossing/entry/exit/return is required on a multi entry visa. She should obtain a copy of the home register and sign it and the copy of her ID card/marriage certificate. Also good to have a short note from her asking for the visa to be issued (point is to prove continued relationship - although with new marriage that should be obvious).


To be clear about the home register...

She just got a new document "Tatbein Bahn" she calls it. This is a full sheet of A4 paper saying she is now 20 and has her address and the like. She has the orginal of this. She also has a copy but not access to the "Tatbein Bahn" book from her home.

Will I need just one of these documents or both?

Also assuming I did get the cash into my bank account could I just extent my visa with out leaving the country? Like change it to a marrage visa?

Thank you.


That is the name of the home register but it is not a price of paper but a bit larger than normal passport size blue covered book printed horizontal format. So if she has copies of that it should be fine. Am not sure of the A4 paper but perhaps coming of age document of some type?


That is the name of the home register but it is not a price of paper but a bit larger than normal passport size blue covered book printed horizontal format. So if she has copies of that it should be fine. Am not sure of the A4 paper but perhaps coming of age document of some type?

She has a copy of a copy of that book. but i guess it will have to do:) she needed that other document that was A4 sized to get married.

Thanks for your help guys, this is such a better option that taking Thai classes at 22k :)


"We are talking about visas - he said extension of stay was not within financial plan yet."

It was discussed before and after my post. Maybe someone else reading the thread can use the info.

It might save someone from having to do a 'boarder' run to 'Loas'.

  • 2 weeks later...

This quote was found in a differnt thread but related. Can I get 60 days with out leaving Thailand?? Thanks

"Your extension of stay ends the date your employment ends (31st) and you should have a letter from school to take to immigration to cancel your extension and then with wife/marriage extend for 60 days (without wife it would be 7 days). You should not need anything from Labor for 60 day (unless for cancel of extension) as that is to visit wife and has nothing to do with employment."


Also the PDF files for americans to get amrried is hard to edit. Can I just print it and write in pen my info or does it need to be typed? thanks


That is the normal method - print it out and fill it in with pen. Sign in presence of official.

You might want to type the information onto another paper for the translation service to be sure they get it right.


If amrried to a Thai national you cna get an extension of 60 days without leaving the country.

Your wife will ahve to acompany you to immirgaiton fro this extension, together with marriage certificate, household registration and her ID-card to confirm you are marreid.


Thank you, Can you be clear as to what the "household registration" is? We do not have access to the blue book of her father.


The housebook is the blue book (tabien baan). A copy might do it. But if you are staying in another area than where she is registered, you will need proof of living eslewehere together (rental contract, utillity bill). Or they might send you two to the office for the area where the wife is registered.


Interesting. It seems I should go ask them first in advance as we do not have access to the book. I'v delt with that office a while so they know that I have been around. I still am working here. Thanks.


The blue book copy is a requirement at every office as it is the basic requirement for ID card. Most other actions now allow just ID card but Immigration extension of stay still requires the blue book entry also be provided.


"the blue book entry" what does this mean?

my marrage will not be recoreded on that book. we do not have access to that book. she has an old copy of the book, will this work?


"the blue book entry" what does this mean?

my marrage will not be recoreded on that book. we do not have access to that book. she has an old copy of the book, will this work?

yes, copies will do.


An older copy may be accepted but if wife has changed name upon marriage it indeed should be entered in the Blue Book I believe. Also most women will transfer to there current address once married (even if you rent she can be listed on the owners blue book).


She will ahve changed her name. So I will need have her add her name to where we rent the house? It might be best then if I just go to Loas or will this be an issue there too?



so, if i do not have access to that blue book since she changed her name i will not get a visa? what if she goes with me and the marage with this month?


We can not say you will or will not get a visa - only that the blue book is a normal requirement in the area for non immigrant O visa issue. I suspect her presence would be a positive point.

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