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UK accuses Iran of blocking new foreign office website


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UK accuses Iran of blocking new foreign office website

2012-03-18 22:00:01 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- The British government on Sunday accused Iran of blocking access to a foreign office website it launched earlier this week to reach out to the Iranian people. The Iranian government also blocked a similar website in December.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the Iranian government blocked access to its 'UK for Iranians' website on Saturday, just three days after the website was launched in hopes of direct dialogue with the Iranian people. The website is similar to one launched by the United States last year, which Iran also blocked.

"I condemn this action by the Iranian Government," Hague said on Sunday, adding that the website was launched to reach out to Iranians to explain and discuss UK policy. "We have no quarrel with the Iranian people and regret that the Iranian authorities fear their own citizens' interaction and involvement with the outside world."

In late December, the Iranian government added the 'UK in Iran' website of Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to its list of censored websites. It contained information about British government policies and statements, including criticism of the human rights situation in Iran and the country's controversial nuclear program.

Hague on Sunday said the Iranian people have had to endure an 'ever-tightening stranglehold of censorship'. "The blocking of our website is only a very small part of what Iranians undergo daily: millions of websites blocked, access to e-mail services denied, international television channels jammed, films and theater productions closed down, books unpublished, traditional Persian literature rewritten and newspapers banned," he said in a statement.

Diplomatic relations between Iran and Britain reached a new low when hundreds of Iranian protesters stormed the British embassy and another British diplomatic compound in Tehran in November. Britain claimed the attack could not have happened without consent from Iranian authorities, and in response closed the embassy.

Hague also ordered the closure of the Iranian Embassy in London and expelled all its diplomats. Iran warned that Britain's closure of its embassy in London would have consequences, but it is unknown if the blocking of the UK websites are the direct result of the diplomatic crisis.

After the blocking of the 'UK in Iran' website in December, Britain's media regulator Ofcom in January decided to revoke the license of Iranian news channel Press TV. Ofcom, the government-approved regulatory authority for the TV and radio sectors, accused the English-language channel of breaking licensing rules because its editorial base is located in Tehran, not in London as had been indicated when it was granted the license.

Press TV called the move a "clear example of censorship" and pointed out that Ofcom, which calls itself independent, receives aid from the British government and the Secretary of State has the power to appoint or remove Ofcom's chairman and its members. Nonetheless, a spokesperson for the UK Foreign Office said the British government was not involved in the decision to revoke the license.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-03-18

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I find this whole situation gets funnier every day. The UK lobby for and impose sanctions on Iran, they then stop all oil contracts as from July and they call foul play when Iran blocks UK government websites. Are all these ministers really as dull and retarded as they make themselves out to be? The mind boggles. What on earth makes William Hague think he has grounds for complaint?

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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

Actually I do not know any high ranking Saudis who are capable of making that call so I cannot say yes to your question/fact?

Who do you have ties with there who filled you in? Or are you talking MSM type info?

Ditto for any superb? insights of other countries geopolitical conditions......I am quite busy keeping up with my own (USA's) country's current state of f*#*ed up-ness

Edited by flying
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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Just the usual justifications and excuses for the criminal actions of Iran (as well as Syria, Gadhafi, Hamas and Hezzbollah) while trashing the U.S and Israel. Free speech and all that. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Just the usual justifications and excuses for the criminal actions of Iran (as well as Syria, Gadhafi, Hamas and Hezzbollah) while trashing the U.S and Israel. Free speech and all that. rolleyes.gif

Self hatred can be an unedifying spectacle.

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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Just the usual justifications and excuses for the criminal actions of Iran (as well as Syria, Gadhafi, Hamas and Hezzbollah) while trashing the U.S and Israel. Free speech and all that. rolleyes.gif

Something I noticed is that free speech is something only appreciated when it suits likewise thinking persons.

Very brave of them, being brave is claimed too by the way.

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I find this whole situation gets funnier every day. The UK lobby for and impose sanctions on Iran, they then stop all oil contracts as from July and they call foul play when Iran blocks UK government websites. Are all these ministers really as dull and retarded as they make themselves out to be? The mind boggles. What on earth makes William Hague think he has grounds for complaint?


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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

Actually I do not know any high ranking Saudis who are capable of making that call so I cannot say yes to your question/fact?

Who do you have ties with there who filled you in? Or are you talking MSM type info?

Ditto for any superb? insights of other countries geopolitical conditions......I am quite busy keeping up with my own (USA's) country's current state of f*#*ed up-ness

Theblether is quite correct about Saudi, Just Google up "Saudi Arabia asks the US to bomb Iran" plenty of Info to verify his post.
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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

They are not on the brink of having nuclear weapons; this has been stated by 2 former and the current head of Mossad, CIA and US military generals.

It’s Israeli propaganda working overtime.

That madman Netayahoo wants an Arab world subservient to Israel.

You really make me smile ,how many times have the Arab Country's tried and failed miserably to drive the Israelis into the sea,?, this is the simple fact that is eating them up, BTW Iran is not Arab.
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Yes have to admit it is funny to watch......

Quite frankly I despair.............this country is on the cusp of having nuclear weapons and it is even closer to reverting back to a non democratic Islamic caliphate and you think it's funny.

Did you pick up on the fact that the Saudi Arabians asked the Americans to bomb Iran as they are terrified of the implications of them having a nuclear bomb?

In fact. would you like to impress us all with your superb insight into the current geo-political state of the country?

Ah yes, our friend Saudi Arabia, that beacon of democracy in the Middle East! Anyone for a public beheading in the market square chaps? And yes Gentleman Jim, i'm afraid the Ministers are as dull and retarded as they seem. Especially Wee Willie Hague, an extremely inneffectual and silly little man.
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A number of posts have been deleted. I believe the argument about Israel/Iran/USA is in another thread and has been allowed to continue.

This one will not. Please stay on-topic.

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It does seem silly to whine about this.

What...they really thought Iran is going to let such a website stay unblocked? Do they imagine that someone in Iran cares what they have to say about it? That this single act will make the world realise that Iran is not actually the paragon of free information and speech it was thought to be?

Right, then

Hope at least website setup was outsourced to someone nice who could use a bit of wasted public funds :-).

That said, these censorship games between the two countries have been going on for a while. Other than the Press TV thing (the OP contains a rather incomplete version of events) - are any Iranian media outlets or websites blocked in the UK? (or in the USA, for that matter).

I dunno, almost seems as if the mullah do not place that much trust in their flock's faith and patriotic conviction....

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OK then gents, let's have a go at it..........

Where did I say that Saudi Arabia is a beacon of democracy? The current Saudi religious state is an 18th century creation, a supra severe version of Islam called Wahhibism. The exponents of this branch of Islam are not renowned for being open minded proponents of free speech, and the cultural vandalism they have visited upon their own religious sites is stunning in it's self defeating cruelty.

It has come to pass that even the proponents of this particularly severe interpretation of Islam is beginning to fear the intent of Iran. Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is finished, he is a political corpse being played with by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. If you want to fear anyone in the world today........fear this Ayatollah. This is the man with the finger on the nuclear button, not Ahmedinejad.

Naturally you knew that already.

All power in Iran belongs to the Supreme Council of the Islamic Republic, to no one else, to nothing else. Ali Khamenei is in complete control of the Supreme Council. Here lies the problem, there have been several reports recently of Ali Khamenei suggesting that he is The One, that he can mark his mark on history by defeating the Great Satan by blowing Israel apart. The problem now is that the CIA knows he will soon have the capability, and they know that he has the power and control, but they don't know for sure if he is deranged enough to press the button. What a state of affairs, we are looking at a nuclear conflagration in the Middle East, and we are reduced to second guessing the mind of a religious zealot.

I think no one is prepared to believe CIA reports unquestioningly now, too much damage was done to their, and other Western intelligence agencies, by the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" debacle in Iraq. Just when they are needing credibility, they have none.

So now it is time for barking dogs, and the dogs that are barking most urgently are the dogs next door, they can see the madness before their eyes and they want this mongrel put down.

I would rather take the opinion of a senior Saudi diplomat over any opinion I hear on Thaivisa.......these are serious people who know what they are asking for when they ask for military intervention. The same people that celebrated the release of the Wikileaks cables are now trying to demean the contents, because they don't like what they are hearing.

So if you take pleasure from this so called humorous attempt by the UK government to deal direct with the Iranian people then up to you, I would rather have a government that attempted dialogue and failed than one that reached for the military at every juncture. The time for military action is coming, unless there is a new Revolution in Iran.

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The U.S.A. under the leadership of our massively internationally popular president Barack Obama is also working very hard to communicate with the oppressed Iranian PEOPLE and to help them break the chains of censorship imposed by their regime:

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Obama's speech speaks DIRECTLY to the issues in the O.P. The Iranian regime's blocking of outside internet sources. The west is fighting to help the Iranian people combat this oppression and that is a very good thing to be doing right now.

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