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A Traditional, Mens Grill In Chiang Mai?


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(Darn shame to have to start this way, but here it is: Mod -- please close this thread to avoid angry trolls and volunteers from the PC language police.)


Is there anything like a traditional, men’s grill in Chiang Mai?

(Don’t mention it here, but send me a private message instead and we can exchange ideas.)

Use to be, years ago, that nicer hotels in US cities, had a men’s grill restaurant and bar.

In the Commonwealth countries every city had its clubs, for men.

Women just didn’t go in there (unless they were the waitresses, or it was some special occasion, such as annual, family night.).

All of those were places where a few friends could meet for lunch or dinner.

Is there anything even near that in CM?

Reason for asking is the nicer restaurants are starting to over-run with Western females, particularly of the US and British variety.

High pitched, screechy voices.

Loud, cackling laughter.

And all the in-your-face body language of any “protected minority”.

Had dinner this week at Ping-Ping Seafood in Anusaan Market.

Always busy with tourists, but I’ve never before seen so many Western females in there before.

Went past the Bistro1 restaurant in Nim City Daily.

Some of the best Western food I’ve had in Chiang Mai.

But now, Western females, front and center, at the outdoor tables.

Went in to Weeo’s secret Garden restaurant.

Used to be perfect for breakfast or meeting friends for a relaxed lunch.

More Western females there, doing their best to talk and laugh as loud as possible, and totally disrupt the quiet, garden, setting.

The Dukes in the night bazaar is filled with them, too.

The Dukes on the river, less so, but still some, especially lording it over their offspring and husband on a leash.

One reason I moved to Chiang Mai was to get away from that kind of bad behavior from Western females in the “homeland”.

But now, they, and their behavior, are starting to arrive here in Chiang Mai.

So, I’m looking for a refuge.

Maybe other men are, too.

Any suggestions?

Yes, there are the traditional bars that we all know about.

The Red Lion, O’Malley’s, Queen Victoria, The Pub, etc., but those are mainly pubs that happen to serve food.

So much more enjoyable to enjoy a nice dinner, where the meal is the focus, not the drinks, not the TV, and not the football louts at the bar.

Now, its a real shame that contemporary mores force me to include this comment, but that’s the way it is.

Not, repeat, not, looking for a homosexual place.

My goal is simply to find a comfortable, CM version, of a traditional Men’s Grill, for a pleasant dinner, without Western females doing their best to disrupt the atmosphere.

If that’s possible.

So far, I have discovered two excellent restaurants in CM where I’ve never, ever, seen a Western female.

And, given the circumstances of each restaurant, Western females are not likely to appear there.

No, I’m not mentioning the names, because those are my “trading cards” to exchange with other men who know about other places.

I’m looking for a few more.

Better if reply by private message.

We do not want the word to “get out” in public like this.

If Western females learn of any refuge for Western men, they will eagerly discuss it at their Western females lunch groups, and then go on the attack.

(Now, Mod, please close this thread. No need to feed the trolls, especially the female trolls.

-- Oneman

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Reading this post reminded me of the joke they told on the Prairie Home Companion annual joke show a while back:

Tommy went to confession. He Said "Bless me for I have sinned." Father Murphy said "With whom? Was it Megan or Marilyn? Was it Brenda, Fiona, or Cathy?" and Tommy just rattled his beads. The priest gave him four Our Father's and also five good leads.


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^ He said he did not care for the way western women "cackle"

What he really wants is a proper English Gentlemen's Club, with the leather armchairs and daily newspapers I imagine

I would suggest the nearest he is going to get to this is joining Gymknanna Golf Club

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^ He said he did not care for the way western women "cackle"

What he really wants is a proper English Gentlemen's Club, with the leather armchairs and daily newspapers I imagine

I would suggest the nearest he is going to get to this is joining Gymknanna Golf Club

Or moving to St James St, London.

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Is the "Lavender Lanna" still in business? Very strange op, ........

Nope! Lavender Lanna is about as dead as it's owner (sorry, I know that's bad taste, though AFAIK he' still on ice at Suan Dok)

I would recommend the old Free Guy Bar and Grill. They do a great line in sausages of all sizes.giggle.gif

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I don't know if what the OP is asking is all that inappropriate, even though some of his wording might have offended some farang ladies.

Certainly there are many gatherings here in CM that are exclusively for farang women.

Ladies Night Out, women-only lingerie shows at Miguel's, and other female only events are a staple here.

The OP made it clear he is not looking for gay venues, so calm down with the sausage comments and other wisecracks, please.

Closed per the OP's request.

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