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How Much Do I Need In The Bank To Satisfy For Holiday Visa?

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Hi all,

I am planning to apply with my GF for a visa for her to come and stay with me for a month in the UK in July. I have a question about what funds i need however.

I have 2 credit cards with money still owed on them, but have about £4000 available credit on both combined.

I also have an agreed overdraft of £1000 which i am constantly in, but am working and getting about £350 being paid in weekly. The reason i have not cleared it is i have been aggressively trying to pay off my credit card debts.

I know that i need to show proof that i have enough to meet her holiday requirements without accessing UK government funds, so will it be enough for me to say that i have available credit on credit cards, and an agreed overdraft with the money in there to cover our holiday?

Even though the proposed holiday would be in July, i thought i would start the process of application in April to get enough time in case we needed to give more information etc.

I intend to cover the full costs of her holiday including flights (which i will pay for on a credit card), as her money from her jobs will only cover her day to day living expenses.

Many Thanks in advance for any information.

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I am not sure if there are hard and fast rules. You need to show that you can afford to pay the costs. In reality you have to show that your finances are stable and that an extra mouth to feed will not be a problem.

Credit card limits are not necessarily going to be helpful. Income less expenses are what they are looking for rather than ability to borrow.

Perhaps filling in a financial budget planner (most banks have them on-line) showing income and expenditure will help convince the ECO that you can afford to finance the trip. You will need to provide bank statements any way.

Not much of an answer I am afraid but you need to provide the figures in as good a light as you can!

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