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My pardner plays the black market loto . She also uses a lot of superstition , and a fair bit of revelation to divine the lucky number . . So this morning we were all busy getting ready for our day , when my son found a little beetle on his mum's boots . That one is OK , she says , no need to kill it . So as me and the boy were busy scooping the little creature up with a name card , donated by some exterior director or something , my pardner was counting how many zipper teeth up her boot the insect had climbed for to find the number ........


I have a TGF who is sure she can see numbers on the plant leaves. i think it is an "elephant ears" plant as that is what is called in Oz. The one at the apartment is not lucky so she rings sister in village for numbers from "lucky plant".

Oh and she wins more than outlay almost every month, so my lecture on the evils of gambling is entirely wasted.

Note: I had been away on an extended trip and when I got back lets go for a few drinks. Girls in bar want to know flight number, OK no problem 3 digits. About 20 of them put 100 Baht on this and it came in, me hiding from strange people on motorcycles for a few days, LOL. In Bangkok.



A year ago the local head monk died.

Nice man, seriously, he even offered me tea, I was told this was an exceptional honour - before he died I went to visit him in hospital - but in my opinion he was not a buddhist, I always referred to him as the CEO - he was in charge of a buddhist disney park, with buddha's footprints, a magic rock, souvenir shops, etc.


Soon as he died, magic numbers started to circulate, based on the day / hour he died.

I was shocked by that.

Not realy respectfull to a deceased.

And if i were a buddhist, I would call it blasphemy.

, ,


OK , crap post but here is a musical interlude .

Not crap ... remember, insanity is only the minority of one.

So, if you can get someone else to agree with you ... you're not nuts!

Two very close friends, both university educated do believe in this stuff.

When I was in Thailand earlier this year, there was a news item on TV, some died in a car crash.

After the news item had finished the girl was disappointed that she didn't record the licence plate of car because it could give a clue to the winning lotto numbers.

Same story when Yingluck visited Chiang Mai ... licence plate numbers.

Just a totally different belief system then you and I.

As for the elevator music, weird, but somehow morish.


ah yes...the lucky numbers...my auntie was kicking herself when she didn't buy the lottery tickets when the numbers turned out to be the license plate numbers of my bike. :)

I find the Thai way charming, actually. I mean you could look at it in two ways: the world is boring, and the numbers are meaningless, or you could look at it like there is magic everywhere in the world, from the numbers of a license plate, or the number of zipper teeth a bug got up.

If magic was all around us...the world is a more interesting place. :)


ah yes...the lucky numbers...my auntie was kicking herself when she didn't buy the lottery tickets when the numbers turned out to be the license plate numbers of my bike. smile.png

I find the Thai way charming, actually. I mean you could look at it in two ways: the world is boring, and the numbers are meaningless, or you could look at it like there is magic everywhere in the world, from the numbers of a license plate, or the number of zipper teeth a bug got up.

If magic was all around us...the world is a more interesting place. smile.png

I can guess the world is a very interesting place for my Thai girl friend coffee1.gif

Every week she spends hours drawing countless numbers on sheets of paper...in the hope of winning the lottery of course.

Normally ( she says ) missing the win for 1 or 2 silly numbers... And the drawing goes on..


One notable sign from the lucky number spirit was a two tailed lizard wich gave her the number 17 . I don't know why .


There is a monk in these parts that is very lucky, he gives out numbers to people for the lottery (two digits) for the sake of a small donation, and every time someone wins.

Of course he has easily more than a hundred people subscribing so he starts at 00 and goes to 99, repeating if required, smart monk.


ah yes...the lucky numbers...my auntie was kicking herself when she didn't buy the lottery tickets when the numbers turned out to be the license plate numbers of my bike. smile.png

I find the Thai way charming, actually. I mean you could look at it in two ways: the world is boring, and the numbers are meaningless, or you could look at it like there is magic everywhere in the world, from the numbers of a license plate, or the number of zipper teeth a bug got up.

If magic was all around us...the world is a more interesting place. smile.png

Never thought of it that way.

Nice post :D

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