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Return Of Banned Thai Politicians Will Create 'Dream Team'


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Return of banned politicians will create 'dream team'

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Veteran politician Suwat Liptapanlop tells The Nation's Somroutai Sapsomboon that a major Cabinet reshuffle is inevitable, but believes that reconciliation can be achieved if all parties talk to each other

Veteran politician Suwat Liptapanlop predicts a seismic shift in Thai politics when the 111 politicians hamstrung by a five-year court ban are finally freed in two months.

"There will be a Cabinet reshuffle and I expect it will be a big shake-up," he said.

The 111 senior politicians, who were banned five years ago following the dissolution of the Thai Rak Thai Party on May 30, 2007, have a wealth of experience in politics and administration. They had the ability to rescue the country from crises many times in the past. The public could be confident of the Cabinet if they get in, he said.

The former prime minister and holder of many ministry portfolios compared the Cabinet to a soccer team.

"There are a lot of substitution players because the real players have been given a red card. So, when the real players can come back into the game, it will be a dream team that will make the team stronger."

However, Suwat said he did not know exactly how many of the 111 would return to politics.

"Some might think that staying home is safer than going outside. They might be hit on the head or have an accident, so they keep out of politics."

Suwat declined to confirm whether he had met former boss Thaksin Shinawatra in Dubai recently and to say clearly whether he would return to the political fray.


He said politics now is completely different from the past as all parties, including small ones, are important because the cabinet has to be formed by many parties.

Politics has been divided into two corners, like a boxing ring - one was red and the other blue.

"The two big party system is good for politics. It makes for a strong government but there is more confrontation in political society."

It was a hard time for small parties, including his former party, Chart Pattana, he said. Small parties have to become something like provincial or local parties if they want to be independent from the two major rivals.

National reconciliation, what many factions are calling for, would come about if there were informal talks among all parties. The discussions should be led by a respected figure.

Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point.

"Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said.

Asked if the charter amendment movement could create a deeper division in the country, Suwat said the amendment should be strictly in keeping with democratic principles.

"If the amendment is done by the representatives of the people and for the country's sake, not for any individual, the amendment will not be a problem.

"The constitution is very fragile. The charter drafters need toughness with care," he said.

After seven moths of experience in office, the country's first woman prime minister, Yingluck Shinawatra, is now tougher and stronger in many respects.

"It's like she goes to a fitness centre every day so she gets stronger. From a greenhorn politician, she now knows more about politics and is more confident in handling things," he said.

"Yingluck's femininity helps to make everything around her look good."


-- The Nation 2012-03-23

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Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point.

Wishful thinking.

Just getting started. At this rate Myanmar might become a functional democracy before Thailand.

Every chance. They cant manage 3 full terms of majority single party govt without a coup here

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"There are a lot of substitution players because the real players have been given a red card. So, when the real players can come back into the game, it will be a dream team that will make the team stronger."

Nonsense. The banned politicians who wanted to continue already are. They have their wives, husbands, children sitting in their seats and are actively involved in the background.

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"There are a lot of substitution players because the real players have been given a red card. So, when the real players can come back into the game, it will be a dream team that will make the team stronger."

Nonsense. The banned politicians who wanted to continue already are. They have their wives, husbands, children sitting in their seats and are actively involved in the background.

I suppose that's why he says "when the real players can come back".

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... Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point...

..."Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said...

How wrong could he be. So sad.

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... Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point...

..."Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said...

How wrong could he be. So sad.

No he is right....they have the army, most of the courts and the police in their pocket. So they have nothing to worry now. If there are big demonstrations the police can squeeze them, or the let the black shirts do it. They have the laws to control the internet and the media. So they won for the moment.

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Many of th present government would fit in with the seniror citizens who are placed in institutions due to loss of mental/physical control. Add to this, a line up from the banned group and the resultant coaliation could easily become known as the wacko brigade.

Just when you think you have seen the worst, the gods, show you just how much further some groups/individuals can sink, in finding an incompatence level.

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... Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point...

..."Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said...

How wrong could he be. So sad.

No he is right....they have the army, most of the courts and the police in their pocket. So they have nothing to worry now. If there are big demonstrations the police can squeeze them, or the let the black shirts do it. They have the laws to control the internet and the media. So they won for the moment.

I don't think they have the army, they only have acquiescence for the moment.

They have some of the courts, but like with PPP, that didn't stop Thaksin getting convicted.

There is the definite air of impending civil war, looking past their gains of the moment.

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... Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point...

..."Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said...

How wrong could he be. So sad.

No he is right....they have the army, most of the courts and the police in their pocket. So they have nothing to worry now. If there are big demonstrations the police can squeeze them, or the let the black shirts do it. They have the laws to control the internet and the media. So they won for the moment.

I don't think they have the army, they only have acquiescence for the moment.

They have some of the courts, but like with PPP, that didn't stop Thaksin getting convicted.

There is the definite air of impending civil war, looking past their gains of the moment.

The military is still essentially loyal to the King, not to whichever political group happens to hold sway.

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The return of the Dream team - and a return to a nightmare for many.

Any sensible investor knows that when he has shown a good profit it is time to cash in the chips. Greed only leads to a major downfall when the bubble bursts. This fool and his ilk should quietly fade away and enjoy their ill gotten fortunes.

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"There are a lot of substitution players because the real players have been given a red card. So, when the real players can come back into the game, it will be a dream team that will make the team stronger."

He used the correct term "players". It is only a game to them. See who can become the richest within the time frame they have. And of course we all know this is at the expense of the tax payers. They have no regard about the well being of the Thai people. They just do what needs to be done to give a good appearance.

Dream team? It's according to who is dreaming.

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Yeah! you want some? C'mon, outside, NOW! biggrin.png

While you two are fighting I'll just nip in and say.........Fairy Liquid is the best.

Oh.......and I believe this gentleman may be sincere in his beliefs however caution is the best part of valour. There could be some serious unintended consequences if a block of these banned politicians make a grab for power.

Steady as it goes........steady as it goes. Nothing wrong with that......

Like the U S dollar go back to 40 baht to the dollar?

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... Although reconciliation has not yet arrived, the country has already passed the crisis point...

..."Before the general election, we were worried that people might not accept the result. We were worried that the government could not be formed. But we have nothing to worry about now," he said...

How wrong could he be. So sad.

No he is right....they have the army, most of the courts and the police in their pocket. So they have nothing to worry now. If there are big demonstrations the police can squeeze them, or the let the black shirts do it. They have the laws to control the internet and the media. So they won for the moment.

And what I have been able to gather over the years the government has no problem with the black shirts.

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The Thai version of the world wide soap opera called politics is no less entertaining than, say, every country in the west. In one week I read "50% of Thai land is foreign owned", "I will take the truth to the grave", and now this wacky and wild exclusive interview, chock full of gems. In the US, the candidates fighting for the presidency are like retarded Sumo wrestlers reading Kant. Other free world countries have "question time" where the rules are such that in most instances, no questions can be asked. In Iran, the leaders are saying "Death to Israel" and the Israelis are, not so quietly, killing Iranian scientists.

Makes me think of a line from TS Eliot: "to be restored, our sickness must grow worse."

The Chinese have a blessing: "May you live in interesting times."

I wish things would get a bit more boring, actually.

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What floors me is that the Olympics generates HUGE amounts of money wherever it is held, and the winners are given "fake" gold medals now? I don't remember a news flash saying "fake" medals will now be given. I hope at least the bronze medals are real bronze, but probably too much expectation there.

The last series of Olympic medals to be made of solid gold were awarded at the 1912 Olympic games in Sweden. Olympic Gold medals are required to be made from at least 92.5% silver, and must be plated with a minimum of 6 grams of gold

I suppose a hundred years ago counts as now.

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So does this mean that in the near future the Thai cabinet will be full of unelected individuals?

That doesn't sound very democratic to me.

Democracy is not the aim of The DL, this a the Red Version of it - as fcuked up as it is.

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Former Deputy PM, not PM as the article states.

His platform is always consistent with whatever party is in power!!

He is effectively a political whore, with no ideology other than an interest in self.

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