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Red Shirt Chairwoman Thida: No Need For Experts In Constitution Drafting Assembly


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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

What for?

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

I reckon the red shirt movement should ban such comparisons.

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Thida yet again shows the true colour of her movement and its take on democracy. Pol Pot would indeed be proud of her and her attitude to , ''experts.''

That reminds me I must start to wear contact lenses as glasses indicate a socially dangerous individual to Pol Pots adherents. i wonder how long before Thida starts to wear contact lenses so as to protect her insidious position ?

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@ GentlemanJim

" If ever sanctions were needed the UN should be slapping them all over this country until Thailand can sort out free and fair elections and rid itself of corruption."

Unfortunately, elections will not help the country as long as the wrong kind of constitution is in place. Otherwise more self-serving people will gain power and do whatever they want with it, just as others have done before them.

Thais need an education more than anything else. They must learn about other countries and learn from them. Countries like the US, Australia, NZ, even the UK, have been stable for a long time. Copy their systems. Copy their constitutions and institutions. In creating the US constitution the debate over freedoms and use of governmental power were debated and many great points raised. Thais have absolutely no idea that others have already come up with solutions to their problems. They just need to copy them and make them their own. Instead, they'll get a constitution full of holes and open to abuse from all sides. ... obvioulsly it's gonna get f**** ed.

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Elections in this country are compromised by many groups who resort to all sorts of trickery to get their favoured one elected. The 1997 constitution was devised by a group of sincere people & if the spirit of that constitution had been adhered to I doubt there would be this great impasse which Thailand is facing today. However, all the loopholes were subverted & twisted to suit the ends of those in power. Here we are now going through a convoluted mechanism on which no one can agree so IMO there is little hope for genuine reconciliation. The corruption of power & greed continue to rule the day as long as the plebs can get their daily crumbs from the sumptuous banquet which is rapidly heading down the Greek road.

Even the experts wrote the 1997 version. The courts are too weak here and swing with the day. There is a crying need for tort reform and a move to precedent law to solidify judgements on a day by day basis. But dont tell me that that is accidental. Those with the most to lose if these changes happened are those at the top and the judges themselves.

We don't want to forget that the US President will nominate new Supreme Court Judges...

Which is a great idea. There is balancing of power between the 3 bodies (executive, legislative and judicial). In Thailand the executive is above politics and the legislative has too much power over the judicial branch. This system is perfect for corruption. Of course Thais will never get their act together and make improvements.

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

(Throws Hitler card down.) And that's Hitler, with 17HP and wielding the 'battleaxe of authority' to take out all experts with less than 20HP.

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

(another Hitler card thrown in)...And don't forget Hitler also started out as a Corporal. (well Lance Corporal technically but the Thai police don't have those ;) )

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

DONE! And I've got a Stalin for good measure.

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London to a brick Thida gets on the CDA.

Afraid I wont be taking that bet, not even if you gave me 10:1. I'd lose my brick! At least now I can keep my brick! Who knows maybe it will be handy for throwing at the people climbing over our wall come the revolution

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?

They don't need to, you just did it for them.

It amazes me the defenders deny the communist inspired/designed underpinnings of the red leadership and thus the movement. When all you need is to hear them speak and it ALL becomes plain.

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Why need experts, the changes have already been decided in Dubai.

Interesting that 'he' is in Dubai.

No where else will have him I guess.....

After pumping so much Thai taxpayer money into the cash-strapped, isolated, pariah state for his platinum mine, I'm sure Zimbabwe's Mugabe has offered him to domicile there.


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Why need experts, the changes have already been decided in Dubai.

Interesting that 'he' is in Dubai.

No where else will have him I guess.....

After pumping so much Thai taxpayer money into the cash-strapped, isolated, pariah state for his platinum mine, I'm sure Zimbabwe's Mugabe has offered him to domicile there.



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Chairwoman said "new constitution that represents the interests of all political groups"

What about intrests of Thai people????

The new constitution isn't being drafted for the benefit of the Thai people.

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While "experts vs people" is most likely a translation error, writing the supposedly highest law to represent interests of political groups is a recipe for unlimited rewrites.

It should be other way around - political groups should conform their interests to what is allowed in the constitution.

If, for example, tomorrow Chalerm forms his own party promising execution of drug suspects on the spot Thida's approach to constitution writing would dictate that his interests are accommodated.

Basically it means that if you are somewhat popular and you really really want something then the constitution is obliged to accommodate you and enshrine your right to have it. It turns "wants" into "rights".

The concept of responsibility and law flies out of the window - everybody is entitled to anything if they want it badly enough, at most they just have to force another change to the constitution. Total freedom with zero responsibility.

Would be better if the opposing sides compiled a list of rules that they agree to follow no matter what and start from there. "No matter what" is a key phrase here, so far you can just change your mind, get elected, change the law, and you are in the clear. That won't work in the long run.

I must say, though, that Thida is still following the Buddhist middle way, or simply Thai way, despite appearing all communist - there are no fixed laws and nothing is forbidden per se, people must apply their own judgment on what is right and what is wrong and the state is some extraneous, unnatural, meddlesome entity that has the power but no authority.

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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?


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Another pearl of Thai political wisdom, "Experts are not more important than people". That was the thinking applied in Mao's Great Leap Forward too, one history's greatest social disasters.

Quite! Not also forgetting that Pol Pot was very fond of getting rid of experts.

Come on, which one of you is going to throw in the hitler card and make a set?


I'd already gathered that phiphidon wasn't the sharpest poster on here but I'm surprised at you, bookman.

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Chairwoman said "new constitution that represents the interests of all political groups"

What about intrests of Thai people????

The new constitution isn't being drafted for the benefit of the Thai people.

Spot on.

The "proposed" constitution changes have nothing for the average Thai person.

The changes are just paving the way to remove party accountabilty for actions (military would term them exploratory probes :o) made by individuals to bring a certain megalomaniac's crettin's man's ambitions to fruition, and in the process make Thailand this century's version of North Korea.

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You don't need to be an expert to use a rubber stamp...

Thida will take care of that, and the rest of the CDA will get a picture of Thaksin they can colour in (as well as Polpot, Mao and Hitler if they are especially good and quiet)

Edited by longway
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