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It was of course John Lennon who wrote “I am you and you are me and we are all together”.

But in the context of a modern and cosmopolitan metropolis such as Bangkok, just how applicable is this methodology (or philosophy, if you prefer)?

Without doubt, the nebulous pantechnicon of life here in Bangkok is noteworthy. But should one examine this phenomenon with simple Socratic logic? Or should one apply a stricter Nietszchean framework?

Of late, I find myself drawn to a more segmented approach. I believe now that only a gradual and systematic process of evaluation can lead to a conclusive whole.

More than anything else, when I watch Bangkokians goings about their daily affairs I see increasing evidence that many really have become the proverbial walrus that John Lennon was so clearly in favour of.


PS. I'd prefer to limit this discussion to Oriel graduates only, but I'm sure most of you wonderfully gifted people hail from Corpus Christi or Keble.


Yes, I'm bored. My girlfriend gets back from Songkhla tomorrow. After that, I'll go away and stop posting crud.


The walrus was Paul.

“ I threw the line in—'the Walrus was Paul'—just to confuse everybody a bit more. It could have been 'The fox terrier is Paul.' I mean, it's just a bit of poetry. I was having a laugh because there'd been so much gobbledygook about Pepper—play it backwards and you stand on your head and all that.[5] â€


I always thought Thai men were promiscuous as a result of high graphical opportunity. Now I realise its a state wide policy.

My eyes have been well and truly sewn shut.



Put your thesaurus away, and go to bed.

Too late, he swallowed his thesaurus for dinner and followed up with a dictionary for sweets.

Violent regurgitation, as we have seen, has followed. ;)

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