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Beer Lowers Blood Pressure


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Last night I recorded a blood pressure reading of 173/103 and decided to experiment, noting over the past few weeks of close monitoring it, often my lowest readings have been after nights out (where I drink draft anything beer).

So last night over 3 hours I had 3 large Changs (in the interest of cod science you understand) and continued doing what I was doing, and testing by bp hourly.

It dropped like a stone, with each hour, ending at 128/69, which is massively low for me.

So my question is, does anyone know what might be in beer which may reduce high blood pressure (and yes, my diet, fitness, and everything else I can possibly do has been done - except the occasional nights out!)

If I can find out what it is in beer, maybe I can also find it elsewhere.

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If you drink 15 or 16 large Changs over a period of 3 hours, you BP will drop to 000/00.

that depends on the person ,a man of epic proportions might be able to handle that :)

ive seen alcoholics that were drinking upwards of 3litres of vodka per day ,of course

your life will be shorter drinking at such a rate but it can be done

didnt george best used to need 350ml of vodka or gin before he could get out of bed in the morning ? :D

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About 40 years ago I read a newspaper report saying that drinking beer regularly can give you bowel cancer. The next day I read: beer drinkers have less heart problems. Enlightenment!

The Americans have been trying, in vain, to prove that coffee is bad for you ever since I can remember, even while it was still being denied that tobacco was harmful. Relax, I think that as long as you do things in moderation, you should get through life ok.

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It's the alcohol that does it. Alcohol is a vasodilator - it makes blood vessels relax to allow more blood to flow, which results in a drop in blood pressure.

Take your pulse next time and you'll see that it shoots up.

Smoke a cigarette and it will go up even when drinking alcohol.

When I was drinking an excessive amount it never changed I smoked three packs of cigarettes a day.

They just counterbalanced each other.

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It's the alcohol that does it. Alcohol is a vasodilator - it makes blood vessels relax to allow more blood to flow, which results in a drop in blood pressure.

Take your pulse next time and you'll see that it shoots up.

Thanks. I did take that as well and wrote it down but don't have it with me right now.

So if I had three large vodkas it would have the same effect? I will try it next time and report back!

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Based on your reading of 173/103 your blood pressure is very high, and you need to get it down to 140/90 or thereabouts, it depends on your age. This is not something you can put off.

Re the Beer Chang, lucky you, I puke for hours after just 2. I am prone to gastritis, nevertheless Chang is terrible stuff. One man's meat.. as they say! I'd guess you are getting a low reading because you are relaxing, so stress/anxiety may be a big part in your very high readings.

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I also have high BP and have done measurements after getting home with a number of beers under the belt.

Always significantly lower!

Yes, seems an easier way to treat the condition than taking the four different tabs a day I currently take.

I'd happily stay permanently pissed if I could be sure there weren't side effects.

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We all have different reactions to alcohol and it is true it seems to sit well with some for decades: I wish it did with me I miss my red wine and cigs too. But, it could well be that it is the long term toxic effects of the beer that has in part caused the high blood pressure in the first place, and the short term effect of consumption is a bit of paradox and no more.

I don't know though as I am not an expert, and of course it depends on your age, exercise habits and any existing medical conditions.

You might want to put this over to someone on the Health and Medicine Forum.

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Taking of blood pressure, health issues. I recently read a report from a health study, entitled; ‘Exercise benefits……….morning or afternoon,’ (I prefer afternoon, every time)

I can’t recall all the facts and figures but it went something like this; exercising in the afternoon is far more beneficial.

To start with, the report says statistically you’re more likely to suffer a stroke or heart attack from when you wake to midday than any other time in a 24 hours period.

On the issue of blood pressure, interestingly the study found that if equal amounts of exercise are carried out, morning or the afternoon, (40 minutes vigorous exercise) exercise in the afternoon will see a marked reduction in blood pressure, (after a few weeks) exercising in the morning hardly shows any reduction in blood pressure.

I not saying exercise in the morning is no good for you, (better than doing nothing) but I think this study has something.

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Beer is a diuretic, makes you pee............... :D

This reduces the volume of fluid in your body, and hence your blood pressure.

Many standard prescribed blood pressure meds contain a diuretic ingredient.

The OP's blood pressure is far to high and he should seek medical advice immediately

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Based on your reading of 173/103 your blood pressure is very high, and you need to get it down to 140/90 or thereabouts, it depends on your age. This is not something you can put off.

Re the Beer Chang, lucky you, I puke for hours after just 2. I am prone to gastritis, nevertheless Chang is terrible stuff. One man's meat.. as they say! I'd guess you are getting a low reading because you are relaxing, so stress/anxiety may be a big part in your very high readings.

Was thinking the same. I think the OP is a bitter isn't he?

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Similar to sleeping i guess. Blood pressure is lower when you are asleep, but it doesnt help at all by sleeping more

this is interesting as a home BP measurement will be high when just out of bed...if you medicate and relax the BP may reduce by 20%...just my experience...

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About 40 years ago I read a newspaper report saying that drinking beer regularly can give you bowel cancer. The next day I read: beer drinkers have less heart problems. Enlightenment!

The Americans have been trying, in vain, to prove that coffee is bad for you ever since I can remember, even while it was still being denied that tobacco was harmful. Relax, I think that as long as you do things in moderation, you should get through life ok.

There is unlimited U.S. based research and many U.S. based international coffee chains to suggest that you don't know what you're talking about.

I do envy the op. I love beer. But, the Thai stuff gives me a headache.

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  • 2 weeks later...

rijb thank you for your positive and informative comment. I just wikipedied 'cofee health' . I get:

Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia

Reduced risk of gallstone disease

Reduced risk of Parkinson's disease

Cognitive performance

Analgesic property


Liver protection



and a few more, There are a few negative effects mentioned but on the whole it looks like a good deal. So of course you will say that this is based on research sponsored by coffee chains?

Sleep gives you cancer, everybody knows that....

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Similar to sleeping i guess. Blood pressure is lower when you are asleep, but it doesnt help at all by sleeping more

Well, if you sleep a lot, let's say 15hours per day, instead of 8 hours. That means your body suffers 7 hours less of high blood pressure when you're awake. An during half of the non sleeping period, you could drink beer, which lowers the BP.

End result, you will only suffer from high BP for 4.5 hours during a 24 hour period. biggrin.png

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